Ubuntu :: Retrieving Files From Root.disk?

Jun 24, 2010

So I had a problem with my ubuntu 10.04 on wubi. so i saved the root.disk and uninstalled it then reinstalled unbuntu 10.04 as another partition. I did the mount thing with the root.disk and now and trying to move files over. I need permission for that and its asking me for a sudo password and i didnt set one. i tried using sudo bash and its also not working.

igor@igor-laptop:~$ sudo bash
root@igor-laptop:~# mv '/mnt/usr/share/themes' '/usr/share'
mv: inter-device move failed: `/mnt/usr/share/themes' to `/usr/share/themes'; unable to remove target: Is a directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Retrieving Files From A Secondary Reiser Disk

Oct 19, 2010

I've been running various releases of Suse Linux on my home PC for about 6 years (currently running Suse 11.2). The old hard disk in that machine is starting to experience read errors, so I bought a new disk to put into the PC which otherwise works fine.

So I figure now is a good time to give Ubuntu a try. I plan to install the KDE version of ubuntu on the new drive, but once that's finished I will want to mount the old disk and copy as much as I can off of it onto the new disk (JPEGs, old documents, stuff under my home directory.

The old disk uses Reiser. I have read various threads concerning problems with mounting Reiser FS disks under ubuntu, but many of them are old so it's not clear to me what the current status of support for Reiser in ubuntu is.

I am planning to do the following:

1) Remove the old disk from the PC, put the new disk in its place.

2) Install kubuntu on the new disk.

3) Put the old disk back into the machine along with the new one with the old one being the slave/secondary disk so that when I power up the machine, it will be running ubuntu off of the new disk.

At this point I will want to mount the old disk so I can then start copying files off of it.

What do I need to do to mount the old disk, keeping in mind it uses the Reiser file system?

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General :: Retrieving Files From Damaged LVM Disk On CentOS 5.5?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm running CentOS 5.5.

A couple of weeks ago, my 500 GB disk crashed after suffering an accelerating error rate for a couple of days.

Now that I have a new disk in place, I want to mount my old disk, which is (was) an LVM disk, as a second disk and recover files from it if possible.

The question is, how do I go about this?

If I mount the old disk:

# mount /dev/sdb1 /sdb1

the top-level directory shows only two subdirectories:

lost+found, which is empty; restored, which is an image of files recovered from old disk's predecessor.

'df' shows (or appears to show) that the disk is 11% full. Sorry, I don't recall how full the disk was before it crashed.

How do I get the system to recognize the LVM structure on the old disk & mount it?

Or is the directory structure too corrupted? Do I need to send the disk out to a recovery service?

P.S. Have aleady done some poking around with lvmdiskscan, which shows the old disk whether it's mounted or not, and vgchange -ay, which doesn't appear to do anything.

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Files From BusyBox?

May 8, 2011

I've been having a problem with this "BusyBox", and unlike windows, my files are not able to be "stolen" to another operating system. I need to get my files back from /home back.

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Ubuntu :: Resize Entire /root (root.disk) Virtual Disk Space?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm running out of space in wubi. Online wubi help didn't help much since they suggest creating extra virtual disk space(similar to having a diffrent partition i guess) .None of them speak about increasing the size of /root disk space(or root.disk). I store all files in space shared with windows or external disk and use ubuntu only to install and use softwares and browsing. So how do increase the available space for installing more softwares?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Stalls While Retrieving Files?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm installing 10.10 on a Dell laptop it appears the installation has stalled while retrieving file 26 or 64. It's been on this file for about an hour now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Retrieving Files After A Format ?

Jan 12, 2011

A co-worker was asking me if there was a way to recuperate his child's baptism photos from his HD after it had been reformatted following a crash. I heard that this was possible and even downloaded a few trial programs, but have yet to try them.

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Hardware :: Retrival Partial Files From Lto 4 Tape Instead Of Retrieving Complete Tape

Apr 26, 2010

I want to know how to retrival partial files from a lto 4 tape instead of retrieving the complete tape.

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Red Hat :: Increasing Disk Device To / Root Disk Enterprise Server 4?

Mar 25, 2010

I am having problem with the root disk / fill up. So now that i have the disk information provided from SAN team Id 0:3, how would i do to add this device to / to increase space on Redhat Enterprise server 4?

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Programming :: Find All The Files Not Owned By Root:root On The Commandline

Sep 9, 2010

I need a way to find all the files not owned by root:root on the commandline. How can this be done?

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General :: Possible To Delete All The Files Including System Files As Root?

Sep 21, 2010

If I am logged in as root in a linux system and I run command rm -rf on / folder, should it remove all the files? also the kernel?

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General :: Change The Permission Of Root Files Or Looked Files?

Oct 26, 2010

I had used test desk program to restore my files ,the files that recovered was saved in home folderthe problem is that these files are become root permission only ,so i cantcopy , move theme

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Root Disk

Mar 3, 2011

I can't mount my Ubuntu partition. I was using my PC when it suddenly crashed, so I rebooted. When Ubuntu started again, it said that it was mounting, but I rebooted again. So, now when I start it tries to mount the main partition but it can't. Then appears <initramfs> and I don't know what to do.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring From A Root.disk File?

Aug 3, 2011

I was using Ubuntu, installed over Wubi in WindowsXP. Due to some hard disk issues, I was having some problems booting into Windows. But Ubuntu was working fine. So i backed up all my data from Ubuntu and somehow managed to back up the 'root.disk' from Windows.That hard disk turned out to have some bad sectors. Now I am over a new hard disk with all my data and WindowsXP freshly installed. I want to have my old copy of Ubuntu back as I have the 'root.disk' file with me. How shall I proceed?I tried installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu using Wubi and then replace the 'root.disk' file. But it showed some Grub error.

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General :: Can't Copy Files To Root Owned Files?

Feb 1, 2011

When i installed ubuntu. I made a seperate partition so that i could copy an ISO image onto it of an up-to-date version of ubuntu. I wanted to then boot the ISO up so i could install the version that way.I've already tried doing it through the update manager but it'll download, almost be done with installing and it freezes on me. so i figured this would be easier. However i do not know how to gain access to the other partition to copy the ISO image.

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General :: Can Not Move Files To Root Files In Kubuntu 9.04?

Aug 18, 2009

Being relatively new both to Linux and this forum, i am sorry if i make a post that already is, evn though i couldn`t find it.My problem is i can`t move downloaded files over to root filesystem, i have downloaded and unpacked them to files. to change it`s looks and downloaded a skin, i open root, go to usr---> amsn ---> share --> skins, now i am to copy the file of the skin over to the root directory, butI also tried alt+f2, writing sudo conqueror, as an advice i got, but there was noe difference.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Space Is Wrong On Root Partition?

Jan 15, 2010

My root partition seems to be full bur is wrong because I have a partition with 15Gb space and the data is arround 7.5Gb I have:



PHP Code:

sudo df -lha
S.ficheros            Tama�o Usado  Disp Uso% Montado en
/dev/sda5              15G   14G  660M  96% /
proc                     0     0     0   -  /proc
/sys                     0     0     0   -  /sys


When I look for specific info about what is taking the space using du command I get that the space used by the root system is 7.2Gb. I get to the same conclusion when checking the space with Nautilus.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MOTD Root Disk Usage?

Dec 13, 2010

I've just installed ubuntu 10.04 and the message text that shows when you ssh in shows the disk usage of /home.How do I get it to show the disk usage of the entire root / instead? (like it used to on some older version of ubuntu)

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Ubuntu :: Root Disk Check Failed - Cannot Boot 10.10

Apr 25, 2011

I applying changes through update manager in ubuntu 10.04 then my computer froze. So I had to restart it manually.
Now I can't boot ubuntu normal or recovery mode.I get an error message saying 'the disk drive / is not ready yet or blah blah'.I don't have a livecd to fix it this with... but here is my 'cat /etc/fstab' relevant output

/host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk / ext4 loop,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk none swap loop,sw 0 0

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Ubuntu :: Root Disk Does Not Exist Error On Second Boot Up

Feb 12, 2009

I've downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 and I have installed it within ms windows. My first problem was when I went to boot Ubuntu and the graphics weren't right so I rebooted it with a different graphic configuration and it installed successfully. When I went to boot Ubuntu a second time to actually use it I got the following error:
ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to a shell!
BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-1ubuntu6) built-in shell (ash)

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Red Hat :: Second Virtual Disk Mounted Only For Root

Oct 22, 2009

Running RHEL 5 in a VMWare image, needed to add a second virtual disk, which worked fine - added it in VMWare, used fdisk and mkfs to format and mounted it as /SI50 so I could then access it. Did all this as root of course. Now I have created a new user and when I log in not only do I not see the new drive, but if I try and mount the drive I get an error "only root can do that". I absolutely have to see this drive as this new user so mounting it only for root to see is no good at all. I'm sure I'm fundamentally doing something wrong here, because obviously the way drives appear in Linux is completely different to windows.

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Slackware :: How Do I Specify Root Disk In Lilo

Jun 13, 2010

With the continued growth of SATA devices, I have really been having problems with my boot loader. In the old days, it was pretty easy to make sure that the IDE devices stayed put. However, now everything is an sd device. Specifying a root directory of /dev/sda1 in lilo is no longer a sure thing. If you have a USB device plugged in or an ESATA device, your sd devices are no longer guaranteed to stay put.In reading through the lilo documentation, it appears that you can specify root devices by UUID or even by LABEL.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Mirror Root Disk

Apr 27, 2011

I've got a new server built, shaken down and patched (2.6.18-194.el5). Works nicely.

I don't want to rebuild it from scratch if the root drive goes belly up, but I do NOT have a hardware raid controller.

The root disk should be pretty static at this point... any suggestions how I might back it up?

I was thinking I could put in another disk (same size or bigger) and use cron to run something like this nightly: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sda2

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Openpgp Key In Natty?

Jun 18, 2011

im trying to register my openpgp key in launchpad


Importing an OpenPGP key

To import your OpenPGP key into Launchpad, you first need the key's fingerprint.

Note: You must ensure your key is in the Ubuntu keyserver before you try to add it to Launchpad.

Retrieving the key in Ubuntu

The easiest way to generate a new OpenPGP key in Ubuntu is to use the Passwords and Encryption Keys tool. If you are using Ubuntu 10.04 or an earlier version, it is located at Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys. In Ubuntu 10.10 and later versions, it is located at System > Preferences > Passwords and Encryption Keys.

Step 1 Open Passwords and Encryption Keys.

Step 2 Select the My Personal Keys tab, select your key and open the property window by pressing Space Bar or double clicking with your pointer. Select the Details tab of the property window.

Step 3 Select the Fingerprint text (the ten blocks of numbers and letter). Copy the text by pressing the Ctrl+c keys together.

Retrieving the key using the GPG command

Open a terminal and enter:

gpg --fingerprint

GPG will display a message similar to:

pub 1024D/12345678 2007-01-26
Key fingerprint = 0464 39CD 2486 190A 2C5A 0739 0E68 04DC 16E7 CB72
Geoffrey Hayes (My OpenPGP key) <geoffrey@bungle.com>
sub 2048g/ABCDEF12 2007-01-26

Highlight and copy only the numeric fingerprint: 0464 39CD 2486 190A 2C5A 0739 0E68 04DC 16E7 CB72 in the example above.

so i followed these instructions, and there was nothing in my "personal keys", same for the command. so my question is how do i get the fingerprint to be able to register my key in launchpad?

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Windows 7 Product Key?

Jul 16, 2011

I've got a laptop here where the Windows product key has been torn from the bottom. Windows will not boot up on this laptop (it blue screens). When I remove the hard drive from the laptop and install it into my working Windows computer, the partition shows up as "raw". However, the partition mounts under Ubuntu just fine, so I'm wondering if there are any Linux tools that will allow me to retrieve the Windows 7 product key, from within Linux...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Restore A Root.disk After Reinstalling Wubi

Sep 5, 2010

Since the partition of windows7 (C: ) where wubi was installed was too small, I decided to reinstall wubi into another larger partition (E: ), keeping the old root.disk. Sadly when I replaced the root.disk ubuntu cannot boot, the loader says that there is no root.disk file, although it's there... I guess there is some kind of checksum about the virtual disk toward the loader is poiting... So how can I have my old ubuntu installation back?? I still have the old root.disk.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable Too Boot 10.10 From ISCSI Root Disk?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm wanting to run 10.10 server from a root disk located on an iSCSI server. My server is FreeBSD 8 running isc-dhcpd and is sharing out a 20GB iSCSI disk. I've run the server install CD (currently testing in VMWare), and it finds the iSCSI share without a problem. I'm able to install the OS just fine, but the problems start when I try to boot the installation. I'm booting off a gPXE iso until I can get PXE chain-loading figured out. My DHCP config looks as such:

host mm-iscsi
hardware ethernet 00:50:56:3f:3f:bf;


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Ubuntu Installation :: Root Disk Does Not Exist - Dropping To Shell

Oct 13, 2010

Just tried installing Ubuntu 10.10 from a USB device on my Windows 7 machine but something goes wrong. Far into the installation the computer restarts, asks me which operating system I want to start (it had already done this once before) and I choose Ubuntu. Then I get three alternatives:

Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.35-22-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.35-22-generic (recovery mode)
Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sdb1)

I pick the top choice, and get the following message:
ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to a shell.

If I start recovery-mode i get the same message. There's some text above the message that reads "new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address"... Could there be a problem with the usb-drive? If I remove the USB drive I get the message: Gave up waiting for root device.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Error - No Root File System

Feb 19, 2011

I was trying to install Ubuntu desktop and laptop edition on a Sony Vaio netbook from a USB drive, but after I select the entire disk to be used and hit enter I get this message No root file system is defined. correct this from the partitioning menu. If I try to start windows I just get s black screen.

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Hardware :: Root Partition Disk Got Failed?

Nov 14, 2010

Actually im using fedora 13 64 bit.the guy who left the company has configured raid.but when i open the OS its showing the error called /dev/sda3 disk failure is imminent.so i have findout that is our root partition.so could any one telme if i replace the sda3 harddisk with new one.will my raid configuration will be there or i have to do it from beginning. what if one disk get failed so how can i up my running os. currently im using hda,hdb,hdc,hdd,hde,hdf.my hda3 is showing disk failure. i think he has configure raid5.

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