Ubuntu :: Remove All Borders And Tab Bars From Yakuake?
May 31, 2011
machine: kubuntu 11.04x64 w/ kde4 the top terminal is of Yakuake w/ "No Border" option already enabled the bottom is of Konsole w/ "No Border" option also enabled how do I remove all borders from Yakuake to make it resemble Konsole at the bottom so as only the transparent terminal portion is visible?
if not possible what is a better replacement to Yakuake that has true no border settings, as well allows drag/drop of texts into the terminal? Already tried Tilda but it doesn't allow you to drag and drop texts into the terminal; tried Guake but can't get it to work in Kubuntu.
I'm new here as I'm new to openSUSE. Having used Mandriva 2006 for years, I've gotten used to KDE3, and I'm still using it. I've got a few problems right now, but one of the most annoying is this: I changed my Yakuake skin (I can't remember the name of the skin), and Yakuake became really slow. It can take even ten seconds for it to scroll down, which to me is a bit too much. The thing is, I can't change the skin back. Here's what I tried to do:
1. Look for the right file and set the skin from there. (Didn't work) 2. Delete the skin file. (Nope.) 3. Reinstall yakuake. (Nope, same skin.)
Now okay kde4-yakuake is an option. However I feel like this is something I should be able to solve. My attempts this far have been a bit foolish, but usually something works.
I am a complete noob in the Linux community, having JUST installed my first Linux distro on my PC (that being Slackware 13.37).That having been said, please be patient with my TOTAL confusion is this regard : How do I determine which version of a package I need to download (in this example, I will use Yakuake, a program I AM trying to find at the moment!). I have done searches on the internet of the type"Yakuake for Slackware", etc., and I have always found results that I believed were a link to the correct version. However, when I finally have the package downloaded (I have downloaded BOTH source packages as well as the build app.), they are always for a DIFFERENT VERSION!
This is most frustrating...; is there a "listing" of different packages that are compatible with a specific distro / version? I realize that, in many cases, I may require a newer version of a library, etc., but again, how do I determine this ahead of time, before I bother downloading the actual app. I wish to install? I can use another example - I attempted to install OpenOffice; I began by searching for OpenOffice for Slackware / KDE (as some sources indicated that Gnome was the required gui for this package...).I found a site with an install cd .iso that was supposed to be multi-platform KDE compatible, but NONE of the versions would install on Slackware 13.37... - you get my point?
Sometimes when I boot up and log in, I have no window borders. The entire area with min/max/close is just gone. If I log out and back in, most times it comes back. What gives?
I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and it's been flawless until tonight where, after an update, the normal window borders stopped working and were replaced by these ugly never-seen-before borders. I can get the borders back, but it'll kill compiz, but if I have compiz, then I have the ugly weird boarders
I installed ubuntu 10.04 and after installing the drivers for my graphic card ATI Mobility Radeon HD4570, windows borders do not appear anymore. When I type "metacity --replace" borders come back, but I can't use compiz, also when I try to disable "Window Decoration" from the compizConfig Settings it doesn't work, it keeps always enabled. I tried this hack here [URL] but it didn't work for me (or I didn't apply it correctly, I'm new to the system).
i don't know if it's a bug or not but when i use the Elementary or Equinox theme, i have little borders at left and right of nautilus (see the screenshot)... i don't have this with the official theme ! Did you have the same problem with these themes, or other, on Lucid
When i first started with ubuntu i added a blue border that appears on all my windows and my panel and have been trying to remove it for ages but have no idea how i added it, i assumed it was in the appearance tab, but changing window borders in theme->customise has no effect.
Randomly my windows borders are either there are not, whats up with this? Its makin things a bit difficult minimizing windows switching windows etc, it doesnt happen all the time, just every other time i boot up, but its happened twice in a row now. And when it doesnt do it sometimes the borders close, minimize and expand boxes just disspear along with the title at the top i.e Firefox [URL]
I have an issue with my ATI 5800 card. Installation was flawless (dual boot with Windows 7 64 bit with all updates installed. Upon reboot, I have a black border around the entire Desktop. My screen resolution is set to maximum.Being new to all this, I am somewhat perplexed how the ATI Catalyst Control Center works.In Windows 7, this is the Scaling Option in the Catalyst Control Center which can easily rectify the situation. I have verified that the Catalyst Control Center is installed but I have no idea how to proceed to fix this.I have been searching Google for two days with no luck - lots of suggestions, but no fix. Can someone point me in the right direction as I would like to learn and understand how to use this OS.
I searched for an answer to this problem for two days now, and only after I asked in #ubuntu (which I almost never do because it's so busy that my question is instantly upscrolled) did I find out the simple and undocumented solution. So I'm posting this for posterity and anyone who might make the same dumb mistake I did.
The problem I experienced was a disappearance of gnome borders from rdesktop through tsclient which had severe consequences on my ability to access remote computers.
Example image: [url]
As you can see there are no gnome borders to that paint window (via rdp) and the problem persists even in different resolutions. When in full screen mode, it is impossible to ctrl+alt+enter (or alt+tab, alt+esc, etc., I tried everything) out of the rdp session, it just blinks and stays in the window. I had to start>logout>disconnect just to get back to ubuntu. The only solution that ubuntu-pros offer is to turn off compiz, which I do not have nor have had on my machine. The sticky in this subforum explains:
Where did my window borders go? - cc7gir
This is a common mistake caused by disabling some plugins in CompizConfig Settings Manager. To fix, open the manager (System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager) and find the "Window Decorations" plugin. Check the box and you're all set.
Fortunately, the mention of window decoration reminded me of some recent setting I came across. A few minutes of serious brain-scouring led me to the tsclient performance tab with a big fat check on "Hide window manager's decorations." I checked it two days ago thinking it would remove weird glowy-ness or whatever from the remote OS, allowing for faster communication and less lag; unknowingly, it just removes gnome's border from the window and ruins your whole remote access experience. I just unchecked it and connected, boom problem fixed.
I've just had enough of Enlightenment e16, so I uninstalled it. Now my window borders have disappeared and I can only input to one window - the first one I opened. If I want to input to another, I have to close the first one. I thought maybe gdm wasn't running (I'm using GNOME), but this is the output of ps -A | grep dm:
I have recently upgraded to 11.04 and everything works except for compiz and emerald, every time I enable compiz to be the window manager the borders either do not work or they do not appear. I switched the window manager to metacity and now the borders work but I can not get any effects at all. Also emerald never replaced the window borders either.
I just install Ubuntu OS 11.04 recently to my HP Mini 110 netbook. When I try to display on my external 20inch samsung monitor. I get the black borders as shown on the pic. Resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher will cause the problem whereas lower resolution will not have that black border.
I am using 11.04. The Unity and Ubuntu Classic (no effects) are working as designed. The Ubuntu Classic DE has no window borders. I have searched and tried several solutions for similar issues but those have not worked. More info can be provided as requested.This problem began after installing Lubuntu as an alternative DE and I have since removed it but the problem remains. I could have, in the time that I have been searching, re-installed Ubuntu but wanted to resolve this problem. The OS is on my laptop and I do not have any data that would be lost. The system has been setup with a separate /home partition so necessary/needed data will not be lost.
There has to be an easy way to change window border width (pixels). Not sure how mine got so wide but I have looked in Appearance, Compiz, Emerald Themes, etc and I can't figure it out! I am using Ubuntu Jaunty and have searched high and low. I think it's gnome but I'm confused about windowing environments. Found some ideas (tried them all - all seemed reasonable (such as holding ALT while mousing, etc). So far no luck.
I upgraded to 10.04 but problems started very quickly: I can see my desktop but when I start an application, there are no window borders or buttons to close/minimize that application! They just vanished. Also, opened windows don't appear on the taskbar, so I can't switch between windows, not even with ALT + TAB. The mouse isn't an arrow anymore, but a dark cross :s
Some specifications: Dell vostro 1000, ATI Radeon IGP Xpress 1150 (128mb shared), AMD64 Turion Here is what I did during the upgrade: everything default, except for once, when it asked me what to do with menu.lst (keep the old one or replace it with the newer version) I chose "replace" (default was to keep the old one). Can that be the reason?
I'm posting this for a new member who needs help, his registration hasn't gone through yet. His computer (10.04) a fresh install not 3 weeks old, has now had all his windows loose their outer borders and the 3 close, minimize, and maximize buttons. Clicking on one underneath another does not allow any other ones to focus- only the top window, Firefox, remains in focus. None of the windows are movable. I've used force quit to close windows. New windows open the same way- with no outer border, now locked to the upper left corner, and still unmovable.
Things that were open and close with force quit are still in the panel bars, and the panel bars are showing up like they are focused on. I've never seen this problem before in 10.04 or even 8.04. Has anyone else run into this, know how to fix it?
We've all probably had this issue at one time or another.Window borders disappearing when Compiz is enabled. I'm on 10.04 with Intel GMA 4500M graphics. I would say about 30% of the time when I boot up the computer, I have no window borders. I use the Compiz Fusion icon just for this purpose, to reload the window manager and get back the window borders.Of course, the other 70% of the time the computer boots up with normal window borders. Is there a more permanent solution someone can provide than manually reloading the window manager on an as-needed basis?
It says Fix committed and has been that way since June? Yet the bug is still present in 10.10?Does Fix Committed not mean Fixed yet or Released and that they are still looking to merge the changes into final code?
I have searched around but did not find anything similar, so I make a new post. I have installed Mac4Lin icons, theme and font, and I am using Emerald (with "emerald --replace" command in the window manager of compiz) and everythin is fine.
Some few times (every 4~5 days), when I start the system, it opens up as the title, like Emerald is not starting or something. If I logoff and then logon again, it is fine. Not that is a serious problem... just annoying in case you want to demonstrate the "power of the system" in an important meeting and it shows up like that.
I run Natty 64x (new install) and have setup to use two seperate x servers and no xinerama. When I start my computer everything seems fine on both monitors but once desktop is loaded and I start an app in the second monitor, I can't type anything and the window borders are missing. If I type "DISPLAY:=0.1 metacity" the problem gets fixed but I get an error that a window manager is running already.
How do I change the size of the window borders in Openbox. I find great difficulty in getting my pointer to 'catch' the window border to resize the window.
Last night everything was fine and running normally.When I booted up today all my windows have no borders and the maximize/minimize/close buttons are all gone! WTF? Did somebody eat them?I have read many threads with several fixes but none has worked for me I have uninstalled emerald as I thought that may be the cause, but it's still the same.Screen effects are still present (wobbly windows).
When I maximize a window the title border is still there as it should be but the side borders disappear. I do not think that this is an error or abnormal at all I just want to know if there is a way to show the side borders instead of hide them. If there is an option that I missed somewhere or something. The reason I ask is that when I use window previews or super+tab window switcher (do not remember exact name) the windows that are not maximized look great and the ones that are pretty ugly looking.