Ubuntu :: Get Files From Disk Without Booting Into It?

Aug 21, 2011

Is there any way of being able to access data/files from a disk with Ubuntu operating system on it with another disk running Ubuntu? Don't worry, I'll give an example of what I mean, haha. For example, I used to use hard disk 1 as my main drive with the Ubuntu operating system on it. I removed that drive a long time ago and am now using hard disk 2 with Ubuntu on it. Is there any way that I can just retrieve files from hard disk 1 without having to boot into it, ie, treat hard disk 1 like a data drive and be able to copy and paste files from there onto my now main drive, hard disk 2?

If possible, would the process be more complicated if hard disk 1 used a password to log in?

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Disk Seen When Booting The Disk In Another System?

Jan 2, 2010

My dual proc, dual core Opteron MSI Master2FAR motherboard failed, and I try to boot a disk, used on this board as boot disk, on an Intel based Gigabyte GA-965-DS3. Both systems are x86_64 architecture.

The OS is on both systems is openSUSE 11.1.

On booting the disk on the Gigabyte, the disk is seen correctly by the BIOS, but not by the OS, and there is no /dev/sdX; no /dev/disk/... either. I am taken to a login shell from the ramdisk.

When I just mount this disk on the Gigabyte (booted with the Gigabyte's original boot disk) everything seems fine. No suprise to me, since the disk was fine, and was unmounted gracefully and physically taken off the MSI before the board failed.

I think that the cause lies in the fact that the harddisk controller on the Gigabyte is different from the MSI, and the driver for that controller is not available at boot time.

I have two questions:

- is my assumption correct, or is something else going on?

- if I am right, is there a way to get this disk booting on the Gigabyte (or on another system, for that matter)?

You might want to ask why I want to boot this disk on the Gigabyte in the first place, since I can mount it and see all data on it. I have a reason for that, but telling that story would make this topic too long, and it's too off-topic. Most certainly I will get to that in another topic.

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Ubuntu :: Booting From Disk On Windows XP?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm trying to boot Ubuntu from a CD on a Windows XP Home laptop. The CD was burned correctly; i saw all the files on the disk. I restarted the laptop with the disk installed and all I'm getting is a screen that says Ubuntu with five flashing dots in sequence. Nothing else. It has been running for more than 10 minutes now like this.

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Ubuntu :: Booting From USB Disk Installation

Apr 9, 2011

I'm having trouble using Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) to create an installation on a USB (read-write) drive. I've had to use PLOP to boot the system, since I want the usb drive on a high-speed controller, and my machine is such that the on-mainboard USB is slow. So, I put the empty USB (16 GB) on the fast controller, boot from the Ubuntu installation DVD, and install the OS.

Then I switch to booting PLOP, the boot manager, and use it to boot from USB. Everthing works fine, and I can use ubuntu -- but only the first time. Once I shut down, and try to boot again, PLOP doesn't start the boot from the USB drive. It apparently crashes (the star field simulator doesn't continue). It does try to (at least) load the USB drivers, but stalls without finding the USB boot medium (my flash drive).

Anyone have any idea what's happening? Also let me know if there might be a more trusted way to boot from the high-speed USB drive (like, it would be great if the installation disk had an option to install the USB drivers and then do a secondary boot). Plop is nice because it can be on read-only storage (a DVD or CD) and
so can't be corrupted after the fact.

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Ubuntu :: Booting To XP And Reformatting The Disk, And Install It Using The HP?

May 11, 2010

I have a working dell deminsions, no problems 2gb of ram, all that good stuff running xp.I have an older HP Pavilion with about 1Gb of ram, running windows 98. There were some issues with the partitions and registries and i want to install Linux over it to fix all issues and make it a working computer again.I burnt the ISO as an image on a cd using, Nero. no problems with the cd. I could not get the Hp to recognize the cd, and it wont boot. So i took the HDD out of the HP and put it into my dell. I can get to the Install part of the setup and that's where it goes to just a black screen with a flashing cursor.I am considering, booting to XP and reformatting the disk, and trying to install it using the HP again.

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Ubuntu :: Hard Disk Checking At Every Booting

Jul 19, 2010

I have newly installed Ubuntu 10.04 lts. Everytime when I am boot my system, Ubuntu try to check my harddisk. I am stopping that by pressing "c" key.Why it is so? anything problem with my hard disk or I need to disable anything for avoiding it for everytime?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting From USB Disk

Mar 13, 2011

I want to install a minimal version of linux (probably oS 11.4) onto a partitioned 1TB USB drive to serve as a standalone, bootable restore mechanism for a couple of machines.

First off, is this feasible?

Second, how do I go about it? I was able to install the system to the drive but how do I make that drive bootable? So far, I can't even get it to boot from the grub menu on the first internal hard drive as the system complains loudly about not being able to read disk descriptors and such. I tried the various boot spec (chainloader, menulist, etc) with no luck. Do I need to disconnect all the internal drives then install as if it were the only hard drive in the machine with the DVD reader?

I am assuming that I need some sort of bootstrap code in the MBR of the USB drive to get started but I'm a bit lost here and would appreciate any input, especially from some one who has tried this, before I spend anymore time on it.

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General :: Booting Fedora From A Disk

Jan 25, 2010

I'm trying to get it on my own computer at home to work on. I have an iMac, and I also have a disc with Fedora on it (along with sabayon and slax and a few others). I tried booting my computer from the disc, but when I got to the localhost login bit, I couldn't get any further. I have searched for this query already, but seemingly all the answers assume that it was installed beforehand. I haven't installed anything, just put in the disc and changed the settings to 'boot from disc' before restarting the computer. Am I missing something? Also as a separate query, how do I partition the hard drive so I can run Fedora alongside Leopard? And what is the story with virtual machines?

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Server :: Booting From USB Flash Disk?

Jan 6, 2011

For various reasons, when I installed our server, I configured it so that it would boot off a USB flash disk. The flash disk mounts as /boot and / mounts on our RAID array.

It all works very well, but I would like to have backup so that if/when the flash disk goes, I can pop in another one.

I have tried to make copies of the flash disk (using both cp and dd), but it doesn't work. When the server starts its bootup sequence, instead of Linux loading, a cursor starts blinking endlessly.

If I put the original flash in, it works fine. If I put the copy in, it doesn't work.

I can't see any difference between the copy and the original. They seem to have the same content. If I do blkid both have the same label and UUID. The label is /boot, and /etc/fstab refers to this

We are running Scientific Linux 5.4.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer's Hardware May Not Support Booting To Disk

Nov 12, 2010

I am a ubuntu user and I tried to install ubuntu on my sister's netbook too. The problem is that the netbook has a broadcom wi-fi n that is not supported by linux for now because I searched for drivers and other stuff an I found that it is not supported. After that I tried to format the disk and reinstall windows 7 but the problem is that the installation procedure gives me this error: "windows cannot be installed on this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enable in the computer's bios menu."

I tried to do all the things that are described here: [URL] but it's still not working.

Obviously when I format the drive with ubuntu and I put it in the netbook it's not working, it stops at the logo and the only thing I can do is entering BIOS.

I formated the drive with a windows os and then the pc makes the boot from usb but the problem persit...I still can't install because of that error :"windows cannot be installed on this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enable in the computer's bios menu."

Before installing ubuntu the sistem had kaspersky antivirus and detected 1 Trojan, it could be that a virus destroyed the bootsect...I don't think so.

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Fedora :: Booting With Full Hard Disk?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a little/big problem. This morning, I dont know why, but suddently my hard disk was full. I thougt that the temporary space grew too mucho and I thought if I restart my machine, everything would be nice but no. Now in the logging screen comes messages that some components cant be load and so I can't go in my Fedora

I tried to access to my partition with Knoppix-livecd and free some space, but it seems that Knoppix can't access to that partition. I have installed fedora 12.

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Fedora :: Booting From Windows Install Disk?

Jan 19, 2011

I have been using Fedora 13 for about 3 and a half months now maybe more and i have made the decision to switch back to windows. It is not that i have any complaints about Fedora but trying to get vent to work has been an uphill battle and i like to try many diffrent games and Fedora is just not compatible with all the games i would like to play, anyway my problem is that i cannot boot from the windows install disk i have it just loads Fedora no matter what i do.

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Installation :: Booting From Internal Hard Disk?

May 24, 2009

i had installed fedora and windows on my internal Harddisk earlier,then tried to install fedora on external USB hard disk,now my computer failed to boot from internal hard disk,when i unplugged the hard disk.

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General :: Dual Booting From 2nd Hard Disk

Apr 28, 2010

I have 2 IDE drives, Windows XP is on the Master drive & Fedora 12 is on a partition the other drive. I purposely installed the Linux boot loader on the same drive as Fedora because want to use NTLDR as the primary boot loader. According to a guide I found [URL], I should be able to copy the Linux boot sector to a file & put that copy on the Windows drive & then modify boot.ini, so I am prompted to with an OS choice a startup.

The problem is the command the guide gives to copy the Linux boot sector (dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=bootsect.lnx size=512 count=1) has outdated syntax and does not work. What syntax would make this command work in Fedora 12? Another guide I found ([URL]-vista-already) suggested using: Grub4Dos & modifying boot.ini. This method almost worked until grub gave an error that there was no kernel loaded. What would I type into the grub prompt to load the kernel? How would I automate the loading of the kernel, so I don't have to specify the kernel each time?

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Server :: Booting Debian Via PXE And TFTP Into RAM Disk

Apr 23, 2010

I want a debian server running dhcp/tftp/pxe containing a tarball of a 'client' debian installation.I want a client that pxe boots, talks to the server, creates a ramdisk, untars the 'client' tarball to the ramdisk and boots into it. Once that's working, I want an NFS map back to the server for the users home directory.Can't find any really helpful howto's... wondering if anyone on here has done this?

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General :: How To Get Live CD To Start After Booting From Floppy Disk

Nov 18, 2010

I'm an experienced Linux developer who has run into a little problem. I'm using a National Instruments 8170 chassis, among the normal ports, it has a FDD and USB port but this model does not allow booting from a USB CDROM ( I tried a BIOS update, that didn't help either ). I made this cool customized 550MB FC8 LiveCD wtih X, GCC, various apps, etc. and a kernel 2.6.30 & 2.6.18 boot floppy disk with all the needed drivers. The floppy boots to a shell with all the busybox utils, etc. and detects the USB CDROM media and all its files.

My Question is: How do I get the kernel and initrd on the Live CD to start or boot after booting from the Floppy disk ?, I mean, I want to load linux again but this time from the CD after booting linux from floppy, if that makes sense. I'm just using the floppy to boot and recognize the USB CDROM. This can be done with MSDOS and loadlin but loadlin has an issue(it hangs) with the newer kernels (2.6.18 and greater). I searched for the loadlin source code to port it to linux but was unable to find it on the net.

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General :: Moved To Ssd - Booting - Won't Make The Root Directory On The Right Disk

May 8, 2011

I have successfully migrated my linux install to a new /, /home, /boot partition on my ssd. Everything works fine, except that it won't make the root directory on the right disk. When I change the root=uuid=<drive id> to my new drive everything is fine, but I can't automate that... in other words I have manually typed the uuid of my root-partition for about 100 times now and I am fed up with that how I can save the uuid of my new drive in the startup parameters?

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Software :: Livecd-tools Created Usb Flash Disk Not Booting

Nov 4, 2010

My DVD drive has gone bad and with new Fedora 14 just launched I decided to install the same through the usb flash disk.

First I used dd: dd if=/home/prabhat/Download/Fedora-14-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb

It went on nicely and copied the iso nicely. But I could not boot with it.

Second time I tried livecd-tools: livecd-iso-to-disk /home/prabhat/Download/Fedora-14-i386.iso /dev/sdb1

It went on nicely, and finally declared something like - usb disk is not live .... But here again when I tried to boot it says MISSING OS. I checked the contents of the flash disk. It contained raw DVD iso image, one images directory, one syslinux directory. I checked the contents of the images directory, and I found it had the install.img. And yes, the /dev/sdb1 is bootable.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting SUSE After Changing Disk Order In BIOS

Feb 24, 2011

I had to change disk order in bios and now I am unable to boot SUSE. My sda is now sdc(disk ID is still the same in fstab). Should I reinstall GRUB to MBR of hd0 or I will need to do something more.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Deleting SDA Partition On Multi OS Disk And Grub Booting?

Mar 17, 2011

That is my disk

fdisk -l
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 3724 29912998+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 29256 30401 9205245 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda3 3725 4271 4393777+ 5 Extended
/dev/sda4 * 4272 12104 62918572+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda5 3725 4271 4393746 82 Linux swap / Solaris

I want ot install a new opensuse 11.4 as yest another OS. Due to the fact that I already have 4 sda partitions, I have to make some changes. What I am thinking about is to copy the sda2 (windows recovery) data to some folder etc (nevermind), then delete the sda2. Then I want to create a new primary partition for the new suse 11.4 and install it. What is worying me is the grub boot menu. I was planning to edit the new one (the opensuse 11.4), with old data.

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux###
title Desktop -- openSUSE 11.2 -
root (hd0,3)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HTS542525K9SA00_080105BB0F00WDHE41DC-part4 resume=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HTS542525K9SA00_080105$
initrd /boot/initrd- .....

Now my question is will the settings of (hda0,n), change due to the fact that I have deleted the sda2? I have a lot of unused space at the end of my disk and want to create a new "sda2" there.

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General :: Error Cannot Find Disk At [hash-code - Looks Like 0ace5f When Booting OpenSUSE 11.2 GNOME-LIVE (64bit)?

Jan 29, 2010

I am in the process of re-DL-ing the ISO as the checksums didn't match.

Mind you, that was with a shell extension in Win-Lose. Who knows.


I have the ISO (that I had previously) on a USB courtesy of UNetBootIn. All appears well until, quite quickly, I receive an error after the loading process which goes something like:

Error: cannot find disk at [hash-code - looks like 0ace5f etc etc, is about 12 char's in length.]Something very similar (but not same error I think) happened when I tried to do the same with my OpenSolaris or Fedora install. I.e., gets as far as the very beginning of the loader and then: bork.

At least one of them said "will reboot in 120 secs". Saves me the trouble!

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Ubuntu :: Booting - Error "hd0,5 Out Of Disk <grub> (or Something To That Effect)"

Aug 14, 2010

It is a Sony E series, and it probably has to do with the fact that I'm a bonehead (or just better than the general populace) and installed Ubuntu along side Windows on the comp. Anyway, I now cannot boot into Windows at all. If I try to turn on the computer without my Windows recovery CD in the tray, it displays an error message: "Error: hd0,5 out of disk <grub> (or something to that effect)"

Well, it says something about grub. Now I'm desperate. I'm fairly computer literate, but I'm not some Linux superuser. All I have done on the Linux side of my computer is install update. What can I do about this? Preferably, I just want to get rid of Ubuntu as even though it is really nice and I do like it, I'd prefer my computer to just simply boot into Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Understand Hard Disk Diagnosis Result / "read Error " While Booting?

Apr 3, 2011

I face "read error " while booting. sometimes it start normally. someone told me to check hard disk for errors. i used gsmartcontrol for this. but from its result i am unable to decide is this hard disk failure or just minor errors. can somebody tell me do i require to change my hd or it just something else to cause such error.

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Ubuntu :: Booting Up After Trying 10.10 Netbook Version - Save Files To An External HD

Jan 29, 2011

I'm not exactly a computer pro. I had copied Ubuntu netbook on to a USB with the program given at Ubuntu.com. I plugged it in and booted it via F12 on my Alienware M17x and I chose to try it. When I selected to try it, it wouldn't work at all and I sat there for about an hour. I turned the laptop off, and now it says I'm "Missing" the OS. Which means my Windows 7 is gone.

My friend had told me to do something with Gparted, but it didn't help. He did say that my files could possibly still be there (which would be AMAZINGLY awesome. I just wish I could get things back to the way they were yesterday. I need to know what is wrong with the partitions though, since I think that the errors are related to the partitions. It is a Solid state drive. My priorities are:

1. Save my files (if they are there still) to an external HD
2. Re-install Windows 7 (if needed)
3. Install Linux alongside Win7

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Ubuntu :: Storing User Files On A Seperate Partation For Dual Booting?

May 26, 2011

I set up my laptop to dual boot windows and ubuntu 11.4, and it appears to work fine, I can boot into both etc. Now what I'm trying to do is set up a separate partition to store all of my documents, pictures etc so that I can have access to them in both ubunut and windows. So I have this separate partition on my harddrive, formatter as fat32 so both OSs can read and write it, problem is that I'm having lots of trouble auto mounting, accessing and using the files on this partition on ubuntu. I got it to auto mount, but only root has access to modify files, I can open and read but not delete or modify. Also I can't make links to the files on this partition, I was hoping to just link the documents and other folders in my ubuntu home directory to the folders in the new partition, but I can't make links to them. Is there a better way to go at this problem of sharing data between two OSs or any I doing something wrong? If you need any additional info just ask and i'll do my best to get it to you.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting Windows Share Files On The Hard Drive?

Jul 23, 2011

I am buying a new laptop and am curious about dual booting it. I currently run Ubuntu full time, but will need windows for a few applications. (there are no cross over applications to do this)

When you put both windows and ubuntu on a computer do you share the hard drive? Meaning would I be able to access all my music in windows and then restart my computer-run ubuntu, would I have access to all the files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Booting - Restore Grub2 Preferably Without Having To Lose Any Files?

Sep 1, 2011

so i've just installed Burg loader in a PC which dual-booted Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 with no problem using grub2 in the past. But after i installed burg it just boots up straight into the Windows OS and Ubuntu is nowhere to be found. Is there a way to restore grub2 preferably without having to lose any files?

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Debian :: RT Kernel Not Booting - "/dev/disk/by-uuid/..." Does Not Exist

Dec 30, 2010

After installing the RT kernel, and updating my boot loader, I get this message. Code: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/... does not exist. Dropping to a shell! It doesn't make a difference whether I pass the 'root=/dev/', or 'root=UUID=', options to the kernel. I've also noticed a message while the system was attempting to boot up. Code: host side 80-wire cable detection failed, limiting max speed to UDMA33 This is all strange to me as I was running the Debian 2.6.32-5-686 kernel, without any problems.

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Ubuntu :: Opening .disk Files From Windows

Feb 20, 2010

I have another thread going about my issue but i have go no responses so i have been trying to fix it myself so on my journeys i thought it would be helpful if i could open my .disk files so i can access the logs so i can see what errors im getting. other thread is [url]

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Ubuntu :: Retrieving Files From Root.disk?

Jun 24, 2010

So I had a problem with my ubuntu 10.04 on wubi. so i saved the root.disk and uninstalled it then reinstalled unbuntu 10.04 as another partition. I did the mount thing with the root.disk and now and trying to move files over. I need permission for that and its asking me for a sudo password and i didnt set one. i tried using sudo bash and its also not working.

igor@igor-laptop:~$ sudo bash
root@igor-laptop:~# mv '/mnt/usr/share/themes' '/usr/share'
mv: inter-device move failed: `/mnt/usr/share/themes' to `/usr/share/themes'; unable to remove target: Is a directory

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