Ubuntu :: Storing User Files On A Seperate Partation For Dual Booting?

May 26, 2011

I set up my laptop to dual boot windows and ubuntu 11.4, and it appears to work fine, I can boot into both etc. Now what I'm trying to do is set up a separate partition to store all of my documents, pictures etc so that I can have access to them in both ubunut and windows. So I have this separate partition on my harddrive, formatter as fat32 so both OSs can read and write it, problem is that I'm having lots of trouble auto mounting, accessing and using the files on this partition on ubuntu. I got it to auto mount, but only root has access to modify files, I can open and read but not delete or modify. Also I can't make links to the files on this partition, I was hoping to just link the documents and other folders in my ubuntu home directory to the folders in the new partition, but I can't make links to them. Is there a better way to go at this problem of sharing data between two OSs or any I doing something wrong? If you need any additional info just ask and i'll do my best to get it to you.

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Slackware :: Dual Booting Slack64 With Slack13 On Seperate Disks With LILO?

Feb 27, 2010

I am installing slackware 13 on a machine that already has slackware 64- current. I'm doing this to try LFS which needs a 32 bit host (I know about CFLS, but I'm trying to keep it simple). My current installation is on sda with / being on sda1. My new 32 bit installation is on sdb with / being on sdb2.

I didn't install LILO as I figured it would be easy enough to just edit the current lilo.conf and run lilo after rebooting from the installation and then rebooting again into the new 32 bit install. What keeps happening is that the system boots seemingly fine, but after some wierdness I realized that it is booting a kernel from the 64 bit install on sda1. I'm assuming this is a simple screw up in my lilo.conf but I'm not sure exactly how to fix it.

# LILO configuration file
# generated by 'liloconfig'
# Start LILO global section
# Append any additional kernel parameters:
append=" vt.default_utf8=0 quiet"


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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitor Seperate X11 Sessions

Jun 12, 2010

I've got two monitors setup and it seems the only way to get separate gamma and brightness settings working on separate screens is through separate X sessions.

The problem though is after setting up and configuring Compiz the second monitor only displays the wallpaper and lets me move my mouse onto it i don't get any gnome panels nor do i get a menu if i right click on the desktop which suggests that gnome doesn't load on the other monitor at all or is out of bounds of the resolution.

It seemed to go like this during the configuring of Compiz as the right monitor windows and such seemed to crash then since then its just been the symptoms I described.

I'm including my Xorg.conf incase its of any use.

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@yellow) Fri Apr 9 11:51:21 UTC 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Vista On 2 Seperate HDDs?

Aug 25, 2010

I have Vista installed a 500 gb and recently added a 320 gb hard drive. How do I install ubuntu on to the 320 gb HDD and be able to dual boot the 2 operating systems? Also how do I keep myself from getting the symbol 'grub_puts' not found error when updating to 10.4?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot 10.10 And Windows 7 On Seperate Drives?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 on my hard drive. I want to install both the OS on seperate drives. can anyone tell how to do it? I know that there are screenshots on ubunutu site itself but i am new to ubuntu and I am unable to follow instructions.

I first installed ubuntu 10.10 in dec 2010 using my ubuntu dvd. Now I am reinstalling it again but the setup screens have changed? hows that possible? i mean its the same disk. does anyone know why? or am i drunk.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting Windows Share Files On The Hard Drive?

Jul 23, 2011

I am buying a new laptop and am curious about dual booting it. I currently run Ubuntu full time, but will need windows for a few applications. (there are no cross over applications to do this)

When you put both windows and ubuntu on a computer do you share the hard drive? Meaning would I be able to access all my music in windows and then restart my computer-run ubuntu, would I have access to all the files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 And Windows 7 Dual Boot With Seperate Hard Drives?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm a n00b at dual booting and I plan on installing Ubuntu 10.04 on a separate hard drive than my Windows 7 64 bit one in a dual boot situation. I have read that you can do this by unplugging the Windows hard drive, install Ubuntu on the other one, and than plug the Windows hard drive back in and everything will be fine and dandy. Is this correct? If it is, will I have to manually set the Primary and Secondary drive (in the BIOS I think?), or will it automatically do that.

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Hardware :: Dual Boot With Dos Absolute Two Seperate Hard Drives?

Jun 25, 2010

Ok so first off my hardware Asrock 775dual-vsta Master and Slave hard drives on primary IDE Absolute Linux ; Dos 7.1 (yes Dos 7.1 by itself no windows whatsoever) Absolute Linux=sda1 ; Dos=sdb1

Ok so I can't boot into dos from lilo boot menu. It boots fine however if I tell the bios to boot from the second HDD first (DOS). But it's inconvenient to tell the bios every time on power-up to choose the second hard drive as the first boot device. Here is my lilo.conf boot section

# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /boot/bzImage
initrd = /boot/initrd.gz
root = /dev/sda1


Either way when I boot from the first hard drive (linux hard drive) and lilo pops up, I select dos and hit enter then nothing... It just sits there and ctrl-alt-delete can't reboot my comp as it's frozen.

I don't wanna have to tell the bios to select my dos hard drive as my primary boot device everytime I wanna boot dos. I wan't my linux hard drive to be my primary boot device and have my dos hard drive selectable from the lilo boot menu. Why can't I do that? What am I doing wrong? I thought this was easier than dual booting from a single hard drive?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Storing Files On A Bootable Usb?

Apr 8, 2011

Using imagewriter, I was wondering if it's possible to store backup files on it. I have a 8GB usb drive but the imagewriter uses less 2GB to write the iso to it.

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CentOS 5 :: Tape Files Are Not Storing With Phone Numbers?

Mar 5, 2010

I installed oreka and can make succesfully call recordings. The problem i'm facing is when i record a call and check the details in database, localparty, remote party fields are storing with source and destination ip address not with there phone numbers.

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Ubuntu :: Booting After Installation (Dual Booting With Vista) - Error: No Such Devide Found

Jun 24, 2010

i decided to install ubuntu in my PC,i downloaded the .ISO image and i installed it in my USB. After trying it and all that i observed that i really liked it and i decided to formally install it to my computer in the hard drive. When i reached the partition thing,i selected to dual boot with Vista and select between each them in every startup,when i clicked FORWARD it gave me an error which i did not read(because,again im a noob) so i clicked cancel.

Today i wanted to go through the process again and now really install it,so again i went to the time zone part and i clicked forward but then,instead of taking me straight to the partition phase,it appeard a window saying "The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions: /dev/sda ...." I clicked yes,to unmount this partitions so it took me to the partition thing,once there i selected the option to install Ubuntu with Vista and select between them i neach startup,then i clicked forward and went to the username/computer name process,once i finished i continued to the next part,the installation,but i selected to import all of my WIndows VIsta default user data,after that i clicked forward and went to the installation process,i went down stairs to eat soemthing while it finishes,i came back and it was finished,it asked me to reboot so i clicked in Restart Now.

When it tried to boot,appeared an error saying: Error: no such devide found: #################### Grub load(or something like that) grub rescue: and it was a command line,since there i havent been able to boot into vista or Ubuntu,im really scared because is the first thing related to OS installing ive done,so i booted my USB and ran the trial and right now im trying to find out what to do from that trial version.
I just went to the INSTALL UBUNTU 10.04 LTS application under the System>Administration Menu and found out that in the partition phase the Install and allow to select between both systems in eahc startup option,i dont know what to do,i foudn out that my HD has still all its data(MUsic/Videos/Folders/Programs/ect.)its just that i cannot boot from it. Also in GParted it appears as /dev/sda1/ and a warning icon besides it,also when i go into information, thers this warning there [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot 2 *seperate* Drives \ Several 1.5TB+ Drives, And One Of Them Is Not Being Used?

May 1, 2011

I've used it once before but got fed up with the boot asking me everytime I turned my laptop on because I wasn't using it enough. I have Windows 7 on drive C . I want to keep it on drive C. I have several 1.5TB+ drives, and one of them is not being used. I want to dedicate it to Ubuntu, and be able to do a dual boot with my Windows 7 install. Is this possible? If it is, what about when this drive is not connected to my laptop? Will that mess up the boot process?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Home Server For Backing Up And Storing The Files On Multiple (Windows) Computers?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm looking to setup a home server for the purpose of backing up and storing the files on our multiple (Windows) computers. What kind of server should I set up? Samba? Lamp?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Play Mp4 Files With Dual Audio And Dual Subtitles ?

Jul 20, 2011

I cant play mp4 files with dual audio and dual subtitles. I am using a laptop with intel graphics. I've already tried mplayer, vlc, and smplayer. But still the files wont play properly. I been jumping all over the forums reading and trying anything i come up to. What do I need to do? oh btw I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting 64 With XP 32?

Dec 8, 2010

I currently have a dual boot system with XP and Ubuntu 10.04 32bit.I need to do a complete reinstall of the XP and am thinking that this would be a good time to transfer Ubuntu to a bigger drive and maybe install the 64bit version. My computer is a few years old but the Core Duo should be able to handle 64bit.

I am wondering though that since I have an old printer, scanner, web cam, etc. whether I would have problems with my system running 64bit. I am also concerned as to whether the software in the library would work properly (if they are not 64bit).There is no pressing reason for me to run 64bit except curiosity so if it will cause problems I can wait.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To 64 Bit, Or Dual Booting 64 Bit W7?

Mar 6, 2010

Right now I have my hard drive partitioned, 1 with ubuntu 9.10 32 bit, and 1 blank. I was wondering if I could but a 64 bit windows 7 OS on the 2nd partition while the ubuntu partition was 32.

Better yet, is there a way to make my current ubuntu 64 bit?

I have an amd phenom ii x4 955 which is compatible with 64 bit OS but I accidentally used my old ubuntu disk with 32 bit on it.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting With XP On Netbook

Dec 28, 2010

For example, what's the minimum size required for RAM and HD.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting With Windows 7?

Jan 23, 2011

I've just got a Toshiba NB 250 netbook pre-loaded with Windows 7.

I'm hoping to dual boot this (Windows 7) with Ubuntu. There are three partitions (sda1, sda2, and sda3) already created on the disk. I'm thinking of reformatting the sda3 drive to EXT4 and loading Ubuntu onto this drive. I'm not sure what's on sda1, but sda2 appears to have the windows 7 on it (though I'm not sure about that).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting Xp And 10.10

Mar 20, 2011

I am trying to dual boot xp and ubuntu 10.10 desktop. Everything in 32 bit. I have xp installed now and created a bootable usb with ubuntu and am trying it out now. i press install and then select my language. I then select install updates and third party software. I then get to a screen with 2 option erase disk and use that or specify partitions manually. I want the option that says install side by side, but it is not there.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting With Fedora 15?

May 27, 2011

Just today, I installed fedora15 on a unused partition on my comp.

Now, it doesn't give an option to boot into ubuntu at all... it boots straight into fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting Default ?

Jul 25, 2011

OK im new to linux and Ubuntu, I have windows 7 and Ubuntu dual bootin but ubuntu is the default. I would prefer windows 7 to be the default.

Dont get me wrong i love ubuntu now. great for what i need (a software for linux not windows)

I have followed these instructions


You won't be able to change it from Windows. To change it from inside Ubuntu, edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst.

There will be a line that says


Simply change '0' to the number of your Windows install.

For example, if your grub has three entries and Windows is the third, change default to 2 (0 is the first entry, not 1).

But in the file it opens there is no text whats so ever so i dont know what to change.

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Ubuntu :: Dual-booting Win7 ?

Nov 20, 2009

I have windows7 installed on a single partition 500 gb hd. i want to install ubuntu as dual boot. (i have done this before but not with win7.) can i go into disk management and reduce the win 7 volume by say 50 gb. format it fat32 and install ubuntu. and still have dual-boot? thanks in advance. i plan on using either ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting Ubuntu And 11.2?

May 6, 2010

Just sucessfully installed a sual boot with 11.2/ubuntu 10.4. 11.2 was installed first, than ubuntu. ubuntu recognizes and displays 11.2 on its bootloader, 1..2 does ot show ubuntu on its boot menu. so this mean I have to edit menu.lst and physically add the menu entry (root, load the kenel, and load initrd)....correct?

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Ubuntu :: Enable Dual Booting With Vista?

Feb 9, 2010

i installed ubuntu 9.10.. i remember splitting my HD into 125gb/125gb and i installed ubuntu 9.10 on one of them.. worked awesome. now i wanted to play some games so i wanted a dual boot system.. i have a windows vista ultimate CD and i installed it on the other 125gb. installation went fine now when i boot it always goes into vista. how can i enable dual booting with vista?

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Ubuntu :: Restore Dual Booting After Installing Xp?

Mar 20, 2010

i want to restore grub after installing xp my ubuntu version is 9.10 i had used this find /boot/grub/stage1 . with the previous versions but it didn't work with 9.10 what can i do ??

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting With Netbook Remix?

Mar 22, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for a few months on my HP Mini. Windows has been destroyed, but now I want to use some of the programs from windows. Is there anyway to get a virtual windows or dual boot without a disc drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting 9.10 And Win7?

Apr 18, 2010

Until very recently I was running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) installed on a 20 GB hard disk and Windows XP (SP3) installed on RAID 1 array of 2 x 250 GB disks, very happily along side each other and using GRUB as the bootloader installed on the smaller 20 GB drive.

I have decided to upgrade to Windows 7, and was struggling with the installation failing with the seemingly quite common "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate and existing partition" error. Google seaching suggested unplugging my Ubuntu drive and then installing Win 7. This worked fine with the Ubuntu drive unplugged, however with the 20 GB plugged back in I can boot to GRUB, but it still has XP in the menu, and no option for Win 7.

I think I could get around the issue by re-installing Ubuntu, which would place GRUB on the MBR which is now on the 250 GB RAID 1 array, but I would rather have the system as it was before with GRUB and Ubuntu on the 20 GB drive.

I know I need to edit GRUB to remove the XP entry from the menu, but I have no idea how I would get Win 7 into GRUB, and what to do about the MBR which Win 7 put onto the RAID 1 array.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting Using Easy BCD With Windows 7?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using the latest version of EasyBCD (as of now) to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 7. I added an entry "Ubuntu 10.04" to the boot menu, selecting Grub as the type.However when I choose Ubuntu upon startup I get this.Upon hitting any key I get this.Wanted to mess around with Grub and mbr, but I'm afraid I'll screw my hard drives up

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Get Dual Booting To Work

Jun 27, 2010

I can get ubuntu to work fine on its own (except for sound, a problem for another day), but I can't get dual booting to work.I'm using this page as a guide:URl...I started out with a clean OSX snow leopard install. I ran bootcamp and shrank my 320G hfs+ file system to 160G. I installed rEFIt, and rebooted twice (you don't see the menu after rebooting once). Then I booted from my 10.04 CD, and deleted the partition created by bootcamp using gparted.When I run the installer and tell it to use the largest continuous space, it makes the / file system in partition #5, and the swap partition in partition #5.

I figured that might cause problems with a MBR partition table, so I partitioned manually, and set up / in sda3 and swap in sda4.When I tried to configure the installation of the bootloader, I had a menu of possible places to install it. I picked /dev/sda3, but then the OK button was grayed out.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting With OpenSUSE Through Grub2?

Aug 23, 2010

Is it possible to dual boot openSUSE & Ubuntu through GRUB 2? Apparently SUSE uses standard GRUB. I installed SUSE but only have Ubuntu options displayed on boot.

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