Ubuntu :: Win 7 Computer Doesn't Boot At All?

Jul 27, 2011

I know these forums are not about Windows, but I think I'll get better help here than in one of the Windows forums, let me explain, why:A friend of mine has a computer with Windows 7 on it, now it just doesn't boot anymore. I already changed the boot sequence to CD/DVD, but even with the recovery disc, there is nothing happening at all.Now, since I use Ubuntu 11.04 personally, I thought 'why not try Ubuntu Live'. There's this one second where the purple screen came up (this only happened once), then it's black again and then, 3 minutes later, this is what comes up:

udevadm settle - timeout of 180 seconds reached, the event queue contains:
/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0.0000:01:05.0 (933)


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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Boot Time On AMD 30m / USB Hardware Doesn't Work After Computer Boot?

Mar 21, 2011

I've been a long time Windows user, but I've started a small firm and because of lack of funds, I've decided to install Ubuntu on my company's PCs.I have 8 PCs in total - 6 of them with Intel CPUs, and the last two with AMD CPUs. I bought the extra two computers because I've managed to find an extra two people to work at my company, and AMD-based PCs are cheaper so I've decided to buy them instead of Intel.Long-story short, I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 and boot time takes about half-an-hour. After the computers finally boot, USB hardware doesn't work at all. I was forced to buy PS/2 keyboards & mice and they both work fine after the PCs boot.I don't know what's causing this delay.I've enabled Cool 'n Quiet from BIOS.I've tried several instructions like editing the /etc/modules file.I've installed cpufreqd, tried to configure it, but it didn't work.I've check the CPU stats and my CPUs are running at 800MHz. I can't believe nobody managed to fix the 800MHz problem as I've noticed it's quite common among AMD Ubuntu users. I think I've tried almost anything that I've found on this forum.I can't keep asking my employees not to reboot their PCs. Both Chrome/Firefox crash a lot on Ubuntu so they're forced to restart their computers.The computer specs are: AMD Athlon II X2 240 dual-core @ 2.800MHz, 2GB RAM, 500GB HDD, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Sometimes Computer Doesn't Boot Properly

Jan 7, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 64-Bit. sometimes when i boot the computer, right after the grub loads, a black screen is displayed. It just says my computer's name and "tty1".It lets me enter my username and password. The system takes my password but the black screen remains.For some reason the word "ubuntu" with the loading bar does not appear like it is supposed to in this case. The system does not boot into my destop like it should.

This usually happens 1/4 times when i boot so i didnt pay much attention and would just restart the computer. However just 5 minutes ago i had to boot my computer 12 times to get it to boot into the desktop.

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Ubuntu :: When Boot Computer / Grub Doesn't Load At All

Jul 28, 2011

I just added a 3rd hard drive, but now when I boot my computer grub doesn't load at all, it just boots to Windows. I've tried holding down Shift, and I've tried holding down ESC but it didn't work. I believe I have grub2.

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Software :: Upgraded From Ubuntu 9.10 To 10.04 - Computer Doesn't Boot

Jul 10, 2010

One hour ago I had a nice computer running Ubuntu 9.10 and I ran the update manager and clicked on update to 10.04 LTS distrubution. Now the computer wont boot! I get this message:

init: plymouth main process (3083) killed by SEGV signal
init: plymouth-splash main process (477) terminated with status 2

... and after that nothing happens unless I hit Ctrl-alt-delete. the rest of my family is lining up for a chance to punch me. Yes, I have googled around and I see that I'm not alone about this but how the heck can I get the computer working again? I have a rescue partition so I can boot up another installation on the same machine

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: New Sata Drive Is Sda - Computer Doesn't Boot (SuSE 11.2 64)

Dec 17, 2009

I had put a second Sata hard drive in my computer and was pleasantly surprised not to run into any problems. No BIOS changes, just start the partitioner, partition, mount, it worked.And then... my computer didn't boot today.I disconnected the new hard drive and it went a little bit further, allowing me to log in as root and remove some lines in /etc/fstab. After that, it booted without any issues.I then remembered that the new drive was /dev/sda and the old drive /dev/sdb. I assume this is the reason for not booting, there is no GRUB on /dev/sda. How do I fix this? Can I simply plug in the cable for the new drive where the cable for the old drive was?

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Ubuntu :: Computer Doesn't Boot Just Shows Black Screen With White Underscore ("_") Flashing In Corner

Jun 29, 2011

I had switched over from Windows to Ubuntu and got rid of windows completely but still had the recovery partition and deleted it. I then tried to add that space to another partition, "Media." For whatever reason it deleted the "Media" partition so I used TestDisk to restore it. I did something wrong and when I rebooted my computer it would not boot so I used my LiveCD to check whats wrong and it had deleted all of my partitions and Ubuntu was nowhere to be found. So I used TestDisk again to recover them, this time it was successful. when I start my computer it does not boot into Ubuntu it just shows a black screen with the white underscore ("_") flashing in the corner. I'm not sure but I don't think it is booting into the correct partition, I think it would be trying to boot the first partition, /dev/sda1, rather than /dev/sda3. If this is the problem how could I fix it? I got all the boot loader information, here it is:


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Not Booting / LiveCD Doesn't Boot / Grub Recovery Mode Doesn't Boot

Jan 4, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't boot at all. The liveCD only boots once every like 30 attempts, installing from liveCD froze, but the Alternate CD worked and installed ubuntu. Now when I try to boot into it using GRUB, it freezes at the beginning of the boot process.With normal boot it freezes at line: Starting AppArmor profiles Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox.With recovery mode it freezes even before showing me anything

A little kinda like the liveCD, if I try like 30 times, it might manage to boot once in normal mode.That line keeps on repeating, the the xxx.xxx integer changes each time, and this goes on forever.I tried removing my floppy drive, but it didn't help.I tried to boot with fd0=noprobeThe one time it booted, when I restarted, it froze while trying to restart.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't See Windows 7 - Doesn't Appear In Boot Menu

Jun 10, 2010

i wiped my entire hard drive that had xp as its only OS. I freshly installed a Windows 7 ultimate and everything went perfectly. I then decided to install 10.4. I split the partitions correctly (i had experience doing this already with my laptop, which has xp/10.4). Ubuntu 10.4 install went flawlessly, except for one thing. Now when i boot up the pc, it goes straight into 10.4. I have tried holding shift during the start up to force the boot menu, and it just shows the Ubuntu 10.4 OS as choices. Any clue what i could do to make Win7 appear in the boot menu?

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Ubuntu :: IPod Doesn't Seem To Connect To Computer

Apr 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit, and my iPod doesn't seem to connect to the computer, when the iPod is connected and the computer is on before the OS loads, it says its connected, but once it starts booting, no connection. This isn't an iPod Touch or an iPhone, both of which work properly on the machine, ironically.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Doesn't Recognize When I Put In My Headphones / Get That?

May 19, 2010

My computer doesn't recognize when I put in my headphones.

How can I fix this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Doesn't Work On Computer?

Jun 1, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't seem to work on my computer. When I install it (tried both CD, DVD and USB-stick) all I see is "Ubuntu" with a number of dots underneath, and after a while the screen turns black.I also tried the alternative ISO (with non-graphical interface), and that installation worked; I could partition the HD, enter username and password and it copied all files to the HD. But when it said it was finnished, and I rebooted the computer (without the installation media) "Ubuntu" shows on screen with a nuber of dots underneath, and after a while the screen turns black.The computer is new, has an i5-750 CPU, 4GB RAM and a XFX Radeon 5670 1GB graphics adapter and two identical HD:s, one with a working Windows 7 installation (disconnected when I try installing Ubuntu).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Computer Doesn't Shut Down

Dec 28, 2010

I have installed Linux Mint 10 on a HP Pro Book 4720s, see here: [URL]

After the installation I wanted to shut down the PC and used the button in the menu. Then appears the Linux Mint Screen and nothing happens.

I could just shut down the PC by pressing the power button for a few seconds, but that isn't a solution.

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Ubuntu :: Dhcp3-server On Computer Doesn't Respond?

Sep 11, 2010

I need to create a network boot from 1 laptop to another, with a crossover ethernet cable between them, no routers no nothing, my computer is supposed to be the server. I followed half dozen tutorials over the internet but I think my major problem is with the dhcp serverfollowed this tutorial[URL]but when the client boots it makes several dhcp requests but doesn't respondwireshark capture looks something like this until the client times out

1 0.000000000 DHCP DHCP Discover - Transaction ID 0x200d8ad


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Ubuntu / Apple :: When Insert CD Or DVD / It Doesn't Show Up On My Computer

Sep 27, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my G4 mirror tower. I have two DVD burners in my G4. When I go to open the DVD tray by pressing the eject key on my Apple keyboard, the tray opens and closes. It doesn't stay open. When I insert a CD or DVD, it doesn't show up on my computer. i have to restart my computer for it to show up in the Computer window. Also, when i eject a CD or DVD, I still see the contents of it on my computer even though the disk has been ejected. I pressed reload under the view menu and it still displays the contents.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Doesn't Start Computer Keeps Restarting

May 29, 2010

Windows 7 and Kubuntu 10.04 on separate HD partitions. I have three partitions: /boot, /root and swap .

I donno why but after several boots somehow GRUB gets corrupted or something so that when i restart the laptop, it displays "Grub 2 loading..." and restarts again. This seems to go on in an infinite loop, restarting the machine again and again trying to load grub.
When I re-install grub, everything is fine (I am able to see the Grub menu of ubuntu and windows and able to boot into both) .

I am using a Dell vostro 1320 .

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot XP - 10.10 - Boot Screen Shows Up But Then Computer Restarts And Returns To The GRUB Menu

Dec 16, 2010

I followed a tutorial to install XP across my entire HDD. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 "Alongside another OS". Ubuntu loads fine, but when trying to load XP, the boot screen shows up, but then the computer restarts and returns to the GRUB menu.

I saw some threads on this site and tried to type: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

In the terminal. It returned a blank text document so I'm not sure if that information was outdated. I then typed: sudo fdisk -l

And got this:

Not sure what any of this means, but I sure hope someone else does. I would say forget XP, but it's hard to let go of some of the games and software I use. I appreciate any responses, thank you.

I tried to format the table as it appeared, but the forum corrected the extra spaces.

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Ubuntu :: Install - BOOT Into Windows On A Dual Boot Computer - Damn Wireless Router To Recognize?

Jan 6, 2011

it started with rooting my Motorola Droid. I got quite interested in the whole rooting/linux "world". The only problem is, my hands move A LOT faster than my brain does. I'm an "educated novice" at best when it comes to all of this and still learning slowly, but surely. I followed an online tutorial and before I realized quite what i'd done, I had dual installed Ubuntu linux 10.10 on my laptop. ISO'd this, partitioned that and realized....i'm in way over my head. Then I started researching how to just go back in time and get my "safe" windows vista back until I'm ready to make the switch to linux and just ended up getting more confused.

How do I actually BOOT into Windows on a dual boot computer that I apparently just created? How, if need be, do I undo everything I just did in the past few hours and careless tinkering? If I decide to stay with Linux, how do I get my damn wireless router to recognize?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Computer Doesn't Show Up In Windows Network

Sep 1, 2011

I'm on Windows 7 64bit and Ubuntu 11.04 64bit.Windows is on a net book with not so much hard drive space so I want to keep all my music and movies on my hard drive of my Ubuntu desktop. When I try to find my Ubuntu machine I get nothing though..No matter what though, Win7 simply will not see it on the network. Not even when I run "\ipadress"..If anything is there away to delete everything related to Samba and start over?

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Ubuntu :: No Sound - Display On The Front Of The Computer Doesn’t Work

Jan 4, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu on my MSI Mega PC but have no sound, also the display on the front of the computer doens't work. Unsure if there are drivers for this but here goes:


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Fedora :: Doesn't Boot Up Doesn't Reach Desktop

Mar 13, 2011

I use Fedora 13 x86_64. Recently i installed q4 wine and booting froze with message "registering binary handler for windows applications". Then on removing q4 wine boot froze at "unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon".I also removed wine, smolt.


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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Boot From The HDD And Will Only Boot From The USB Drive That The LiveCD Is On?

Feb 26, 2011

i have downgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to Ubuntu 10.04. I've had some bumps along the way and finally was able to install 10.04 successfully. Right now, my computer will not boot from the HDD and will only boot from the USB drive that the LiveCD is on. When I reorganize to set HDD as primary boot, i get:id-laptop login:d-laptop password:and I can put that in but then it just gives me a command line that ends with ~$ i believe. How do I get it to boot from the HDD instead of from the USB without running into this problem?

If I resequence the boot to HDD as number two, it will juts go into the LiveCD mode. Am I supposed to reinstall 10.04 again? I know 10.04 was successfully installed because it said it was and it needed to restart so i hit the restart button. It also had my old desktop picture there and all my files AND i checked the system info before restarting (it confirmed that lucid lynx was running).

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Ubuntu :: Can No Longer Boot To XP On Dual Boot Computer

Mar 1, 2011

I have (had) a dual boot computer;Win XP and Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit.I decided it was necessary to enlarge my Root and Home Partitions. Using the instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p...ome+Partitions I successfully enlarged the partitions and restored 10.10 (I used the copy command suggested by Irony). However when I boot the computer it boots to Ubuntu but no longer gives me the option of going into XP(it is not listed in Grub menu). Is there a fairly straightforward way of getting XP back on the Grub menu so I can boot to XP again?

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Fedora Installation :: Computer Doesn't Recognize CD

Jun 6, 2011

I am having a problem installing Fedora from a CD.When I put the installation CD into the drive and restart the computer, the computer does not recognize the CD and boots automatically into my old version (version 8) of Fedora.I have already made sure that the CD drive comes before the HDD drive in my BIOS settings, and I have already tried using different CDs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: S2disk - Computer Doesn't Switch Off

Dec 21, 2009

When my computer is going down for hibernation (ram2disk) he safes the session corretly to the disk and the statusbar reaches 100%, but the computer and screen leaves on. Maybe some acpi troubles?

It is just that the computer won't switch off so that I have to press the OnButton 3sec. When I start again the session is sucessfully restored.

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General :: Mepis 11 Live Cd Doesn't Seem To Work Right On Computer

Jul 23, 2011

My problem is that it doesn't seem to work right on my computer. It boots up, but when it goes to start the xserver, it seems to get problem, it just remains black with a blinking white mark. If i go ctrl, alt, f2; it takes me to the command line, and that works fine. The disc works fine on my other laptop. i would really like to use mepis, Does anyone know how to fix this issue.

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Ubuntu :: Dual-booted Computer Doesn't Recognize Windows Partition / Solve It?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a gateway laptop that I have attempted to dual boot, but the computer only sees the Ubuntu OS and the Vista Windows Recovery Partition. (Actually, gnome reports 3 separate Ubuntu OSs... part of the problem?)

When I type fdisk -l, I get the following message code...

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Software :: Ubuntu 10.04 - VNC - When Computer Starts Up/reboots It Doesn't - Unlock The System Keyring

Nov 11, 2010

I've got a computer i'm trying to VNC to.

The problem is that when the computer starts up/reboots it doesn't "Unlock the system keyring"(I think that's what it said).

When I try and attempt to connect to the computer it asks for the VNC password(as per normal) but fails to connect after that.

The reason is that the Ubuntu computer prompts for the user's password to unlock the system(locally).

What I want is to be able to turn on the computer without having to worry about entering the password. I've had it running fine on 8.04 yet the newer version seems to be annoying :s

The system is set to automatically login on startup too.

I've tried this: "delete the keyring folder under /home/XXXX/.gnome2" then setup remote desktop again. But that hasn't worked either. I still have to enter the password to a keyring

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OpenSUSE Install :: Computer Won't Boot From Hdd Or Boot Disc

Aug 5, 2010

I have been having a problem with my 11.1 recently, in that it gets stuck at a point in the boot process that tells me "INIT cannot execute /bin/sh" then it says "INIT: id 1 is respawning too fast please wait 5 minutes" and tells me there are no more preocesses in this runlevel and repeats this no matter how long I wait. Since I couldnt find any information on fixing that, I decided to just upgrade to 11.3 with a boot disc. Now my computer wont recognize the disc to boot from it and still gets stuck at the same screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Separate Boot Partition - Doesn't Care About The Boot Flag On The Disk

Feb 14, 2010

Ubuntu 8.04.4

Added an SSD (dev/sdc) and decided to move some less often changed directories there. Started with /usr and /boot, leaving / on a primary in the first drive, for now. All started ok, and my changed fstab mounted the right ones, and the system works.

However, grub is actually using the original /boot on / on sda1. I cannot see any way to change this. (Which makes it sorta hard to update the kernel

From grub:

Okay, since it has two choices, I tried to tell it which one to use. But, grub> root (hd2,5) does nothing.

Disk /dev/sda:

what I seem to recall, grub doesn't care about the boot flag on the disk. Nor does it care about primary vs. logical (except GNU doc says "makeactive" only works on a primary?).

The GNU doc also indicates that it looks for a directory /boot on the partition, so if you're mounting a partition as /boot, it also needs to contain a /boot directory under it. Tried that, but no change.

Is my problem the logical partition? Does that prevent "grub> root" from changing it? I'm afraid to wipe out the old /boot and find that I can't start up.

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