Ubuntu :: When Boot Computer / Grub Doesn't Load At All

Jul 28, 2011

I just added a 3rd hard drive, but now when I boot my computer grub doesn't load at all, it just boots to Windows. I've tried holding down Shift, and I've tried holding down ESC but it didn't work. I believe I have grub2.

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Load - Make Load Again Upon Booting?

Feb 9, 2009

I had Fedora 7 and Windows Vista dual booting on my computer. I just installed Fedora 10. When the live CD asked me where to install it, I chose "Remove all Linux Partitions and create default layout" The installation went perfectly, but now when reboot my computer, it boots directly into Fedora; GRUB does not load to ask me which OS I want to load. I know I did not overwrite Vista because I can still view my Vista files through Fedora. Here is my grub.conf file:


What do I need to do to make GRUB load again upon booting?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Doesn't Load The Menu From Grub.cfg

Aug 19, 2010

When I start the computer the boot menu doesn't prompt, when I try to load it manually it doesn't prompt neither, it just reset the command line.The grub.cfg was generated by update-grub.It's really annoying to load the kernel manually each time the computer starts.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Not Booting / LiveCD Doesn't Boot / Grub Recovery Mode Doesn't Boot

Jan 4, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't boot at all. The liveCD only boots once every like 30 attempts, installing from liveCD froze, but the Alternate CD worked and installed ubuntu. Now when I try to boot into it using GRUB, it freezes at the beginning of the boot process.With normal boot it freezes at line: Starting AppArmor profiles Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox.With recovery mode it freezes even before showing me anything

A little kinda like the liveCD, if I try like 30 times, it might manage to boot once in normal mode.That line keeps on repeating, the the xxx.xxx integer changes each time, and this goes on forever.I tried removing my floppy drive, but it didn't help.I tried to boot with fd0=noprobeThe one time it booted, when I restarted, it froze while trying to restart.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed 10.4 GRUB Doesn't Load

Jun 25, 2010

i have Vista 64Bits Ultimate installed on an 1TB hard disk whit 3 partitons I have a 2nd 160GB HD in my system which i installed Ubuntu 10.4 on. All went ok, except after the installation finished and the system rebooted it booted straight into windows, whitout ever displaying GRUB. Now i found a way to boot either system, by using the bios and setting the applicable HD to 1st device. (or something similar)

Any way on how to solve this? keeping to have to enter the BIOS to select the HD and Thus OS i want to boot aint very practical. (im currently using ubuntu BTW)


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.


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Software :: GRUB Boot Loader Doesnt Load / Fix The GRUB?

May 18, 2010

PC: Dell Precision T7400.O/S: Windows XP SP3 64-bit & Scientific Linux 5.3 64-bit

The above PC has 2 HDDs installed one has XP and the other Scientific Linux.

Problem: XP needed to be re-installed, i've done this now but now the GRUB Boot loader doesnt load - So just boots straight into XP.

Qustion: Is there anywhere to fix the GRUB? Without wiping the 2nd HDD and re-installing Linux!

Let me know if you need any more info

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Ubuntu :: Grub Displays But Doesn't Load Menu Options

Dec 3, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.10, manually installed, on a Dell Studio 15 laptop, dual booting with Windows 7.While a few kids were playing nearby where I was working, one of the pillows they were playing with hit my laptop's screen and moved the screen's hinge backwards, applying pressure past where the hinge ends. This didn't seem to cause any physical harm to the computer, but I moved away from where they were playing, and in the process, shut the laptop, putting it into sleep mode. I opened the laptop and entered my password to unlock it. About half a second after entering my password and displaying the desktop and open windows, it brought up the password prompt again, as if I'd just opened my laptop up and removed it from standby, although I had not in fact touched it since I had entered my password a mere half second before. I thought that that was strange, and then attempted to continue my work. However, although the mouse worked fine, when I attempted to apply a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+2, which runs a 2-finger scroll script and has to be run every time I take the computer out of standby), Ubuntu didn't register it (I didn't touch the keyboard otherwise, although I should have checked whether it worked all =).

I tried it again, and it still did not apply the script. Then I thought, "Oh, the pillow must have knocked something out of whack. I'll restart." When I restarted, grub loaded as usual, but the timeout ("loading the primary in Xs." sort of thing) that it usually displays did not display this time. I didn't notice it at the time; I selected Ubuntu, and it appeared to be loading it, removing the grub menu, but then hung. I waited 5 minutes for the computer to display the login screen, but it did not, so I restarted again, thinking that it might just be something stupid. It didn't work again, hanging again. I tried this with both the most recent linux kernel and the second most recent kernel, neither of which worked. But what was interesting is that Windows 7, which is also on the grub menu, loaded and displayed perfectly, as did GRUB Invaders, a game that can be loaded directly from grub.After this little escapade, I thought something was just wrong in grub.cfg, and it somehow wasn't mapping the Ubuntu menu entries to the appropriate OS and kernel. So I loaded up a live CD, and attempted to look at the linux entries. These are the menu entries 10_linux, 00_header, and 20_linux_xen.



#! /bin/sh
set -e
# grub-mkconfig helper script.
# Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Load OS On Boot?

Oct 9, 2010

My computer was built by a small, local business. This past spring, I wiped the computer and reinstalled Windows 7 Pro from a 64 disk. It has worked well. I wanted to play with Ubuntu, so I set up a dual-boot. When I first installed Ubuntu last week, I had issues with Java. After countless failures from Google, I installed a new Ubuntu partition without deleting the old one. The other day, I got curious and wanted to try Mint. This went on yet another partition. Yesterday I wanted to organize this out better, so I formatted the Mint partition and it's swap. The computer functioned just fine until I tried to reboot. It starts out with normal BIOS(?) stuff, "Loading Operating System..." for a bit... and then breaks. It says something about not being able to find device, shows a UUID, then goes into grub rescue.

I spent around an hour or so Googling about this and have come up with nothing. Internet tells me to do this, I do, nothing happens. Internet tells me to do that, the file does not exist, nothing happens. I was Googling via my mom's laptop, and I am currently posting this from Firefox on the LiveCD (demo). I still have my Windows 7 install disk, although finding it is a different story.

How do I fix my booting issue, preferably without losing any data from my second Ubuntu install (I do not care about the first one - on sdb5?) or Windows 7.

sudo fdisk -l

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Fedora :: Grub Doesn't Load After Adding HDD / Resolve This?

Aug 18, 2009

I have installed FC 11 on single SATA HDD. When I add IDE HDD grub doesn't load. I see string GRUB at top-left corner only.code...

I tried replace hd0 -> hd1 in grub.conf. But this doesn't solve problem. What I must do?

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Doesn't Start Computer Keeps Restarting

May 29, 2010

Windows 7 and Kubuntu 10.04 on separate HD partitions. I have three partitions: /boot, /root and swap .

I donno why but after several boots somehow GRUB gets corrupted or something so that when i restart the laptop, it displays "Grub 2 loading..." and restarts again. This seems to go on in an infinite loop, restarting the machine again and again trying to load grub.
When I re-install grub, everything is fine (I am able to see the Grub menu of ubuntu and windows and able to boot into both) .

I am using a Dell vostro 1320 .

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General :: Grub Doesn't Load - Getting White Line Blinking

Jan 6, 2011

Firstly i was getting error 'grub resque: unknown filesystem', so i reinstalled grub. now grub doesn't load, it shows just white blinking line

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Menu Shows Windows Partition But Doesn't Load

May 4, 2010

I recently upgraded to 10.04. The grub menu shows my windows partition but does not load it when I select that OS.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Boot Time On AMD 30m / USB Hardware Doesn't Work After Computer Boot?

Mar 21, 2011

I've been a long time Windows user, but I've started a small firm and because of lack of funds, I've decided to install Ubuntu on my company's PCs.I have 8 PCs in total - 6 of them with Intel CPUs, and the last two with AMD CPUs. I bought the extra two computers because I've managed to find an extra two people to work at my company, and AMD-based PCs are cheaper so I've decided to buy them instead of Intel.Long-story short, I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 and boot time takes about half-an-hour. After the computers finally boot, USB hardware doesn't work at all. I was forced to buy PS/2 keyboards & mice and they both work fine after the PCs boot.I don't know what's causing this delay.I've enabled Cool 'n Quiet from BIOS.I've tried several instructions like editing the /etc/modules file.I've installed cpufreqd, tried to configure it, but it didn't work.I've check the CPU stats and my CPUs are running at 800MHz. I can't believe nobody managed to fix the 800MHz problem as I've noticed it's quite common among AMD Ubuntu users. I think I've tried almost anything that I've found on this forum.I can't keep asking my employees not to reboot their PCs. Both Chrome/Firefox crash a lot on Ubuntu so they're forced to restart their computers.The computer specs are: AMD Athlon II X2 240 dual-core @ 2.800MHz, 2GB RAM, 500GB HDD, etc.

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General :: Won't Load OS - Can I Boot System Onto My Computer

Apr 28, 2011

My computer(win xp) crashed. When I turn it on I get the flickering line. If I press F2 while the BIOS is loading I can access the BIOS setup, but no operating system will load. I am not very familiar with BIOS. I put a cd in the cd drive that contained the latest download of Ubuntu and told it to reboot. Nothing happened. Setup says my CD-drive is set to a secondary drive. I looked in the CD files and I saw the windows installer (wubi). Is there a way I can boot linux?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot XP - 10.10 - Boot Screen Shows Up But Then Computer Restarts And Returns To The GRUB Menu

Dec 16, 2010

I followed a tutorial to install XP across my entire HDD. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 "Alongside another OS". Ubuntu loads fine, but when trying to load XP, the boot screen shows up, but then the computer restarts and returns to the GRUB menu.

I saw some threads on this site and tried to type: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

In the terminal. It returned a blank text document so I'm not sure if that information was outdated. I then typed: sudo fdisk -l

And got this:

Not sure what any of this means, but I sure hope someone else does. I would say forget XP, but it's hard to let go of some of the games and software I use. I appreciate any responses, thank you.

I tried to format the table as it appeared, but the forum corrected the extra spaces.

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CentOS 5 :: Grub Doesn't Automatically Boot OS After Install, Hangs At Grub Prompt?

Mar 21, 2011

I have used CentOS for a while and have never run into this issue. I searched all over and didn't see a similar issue anywhere, I did an install of CentOS as a server (no GUI) with only the base. Partition is /boot ext3, size of 100MB. The rest of the drive is partitioned as / with ext3. This is being done on a CompactFlash card of 32GB in size. The BIOS sees it as an IDE drive.

When the install completes and the system reboots, the grub stops at the grub> prompt. There is no menu for OS options. If I do the following commands:
grub>root (hd0,0)
grub>kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=LABEL=/
grub>initrd /initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Load Onto Computer As Dual Boot Or Inside Windows?

Apr 24, 2010

I am unable to load Ubuntu onto computer as dual boot or inside windows. Thus scanned the CD and found it has 23 errors.Are these files suppose to be on the CD?casper, .disk, install, install, isolinux, pics, pool, pressed, autorun, md5sum.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Won't Load After Grub-install?

Aug 19, 2010

I messed it up with the grub in Ubuntu Netbook and the grub loader just prompt the "grub console" during the system boot.

However, I can boot manually by selecting manually the kernel:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic

But, of course, that is not really practical for an everyday use.

I tried with the update-grub command, but nothing happens, the grub.cfg is there, with all the kernels list, but the grub loader won't load it! It is just ignoring it!

If I load the config file manually it prompts the grub command line again (with the "welcome" message), so, it IS loading the grub.cfg, but it's not working!!!

This is the content of my grub.cfg file:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 Cannot Load XP - Dual Boot

Feb 10, 2011

On reboot the GRUB2 installer shows me the options for OS - I select Windows XP and then I get a blank screen with a flashing cursor - and nothing.. I CTRL ALT DEL and it reboots back to GRUB2 and I select UBUNTU and I log in. This is the first time I have tried to reboot Windows XP after fresh install of UBUNTU


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Ubuntu :: Sysctl.conf Doesn't Load On Boot?

Jun 6, 2010

I made some change to my sysctl.conf file and it they doesn't seem to load at boot? Each time I boot I need to send a sudo sysctl -p command to load the new parameter!

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 On PS3 No Boot - Install CD Doesn't Load

Oct 14, 2010

has anybody tried 10.10 on their PS3 (FW 3.15)? I first ran an update from 10.04 (which was working fine, including ext4 FS), and upon rebooting after the update, all I had was a black screen after PetitBoot. I then tried to do a clean install with the 10.10 PPC+PS3 Alternate CD, but same black screen after selecting any type of install from CD in PetitBoot. I then installed the OtherOS that's on the 10.10 CD (KBoot); same black screen. Went back to PetitBoot and tried the PS3 desktop 10.10 CD; same problem. I was almost ready to give up and reinstall 10.04 when I thought of using the "linux-old" option in PetitBoot. This loaded the newly upgraded Ubuntu 10.10 on my HD, with the difference that it's using kernel 2.6.32 instead of 2.6.35. This works fine. So here's my question (at last ): was the PS3 port of 10.10 tested by anyone before being pushed as a release on cdimage.ubuntu.com, or is there an incompatibility with kernel 2.6.35 that was never noticed, except for here where it didn't seem to go anywhere: [URL]? If I'm the only one left on earth with firmware 3.15 and interested in Ubuntu on PS3 at this point.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Fusion Set To Load On Boot It Doesn't?

Mar 27, 2011

Compiz Fusion set to load on boot; it doesn't. Settings checked as start on boot, it just doesn't and has to be loaded manually from desktop 2.) Desktop Drapes (wallpaper changer) also set to load on boot; also doesn't do so, even though checked to do so, and also must be loaded manually from desktop. 3.) Something is hogging CPU cycles something awful; if I have more than a few tabs in Firefox open, it takes forever to scroll or reload, and the entire system just bogs almost to the point of unusability. This same behavior exists offline when using any graphic capability (Shotwell or even just Nautilus file manager, if viewing graphics as thumbnails.

I realize this is kind of all over the place and all-inclusive, but although my experience USING Ubuntu goes on several years, it's been generally so trouble-free that I've not had to dig around under the hood much, and I'm kind of at a loss as to where to begin troubleshooting this mess. Would it be easier to just back-up and nuke/reinstall the OS?

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Ubuntu :: Win 7 Computer Doesn't Boot At All?

Jul 27, 2011

I know these forums are not about Windows, but I think I'll get better help here than in one of the Windows forums, let me explain, why:A friend of mine has a computer with Windows 7 on it, now it just doesn't boot anymore. I already changed the boot sequence to CD/DVD, but even with the recovery disc, there is nothing happening at all.Now, since I use Ubuntu 11.04 personally, I thought 'why not try Ubuntu Live'. There's this one second where the purple screen came up (this only happened once), then it's black again and then, 3 minutes later, this is what comes up:

udevadm settle - timeout of 180 seconds reached, the event queue contains:
/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0.0000:01:05.0 (933)


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Ubuntu :: New Dual-boot But Cannot Load Windows7(grub)?

Apr 12, 2011

Finally made the switch over to ubuntu, but I needed to keep my windows7 for several reasons. Let just start by saying I have two hard drives, a 200gig(which holds my windows7 partition) and a 500gig(has a 100gig partition which has ubuntu on it). After finally getting 10.04 to install on the 100gig partition and everything running right, I tried to load up windows7 and got an error.

Something along to lines of "the partition does not exist". I believe I messed up on the last step on the install, as I might of just been careless. I remember reading somewhere that if using multiple hard drives grub may get messed up in one way or another. IS there a way to fix this and make grub realize that window7 is on another partition, or am I out of luck?edit: Id like to add that grub is recognizing windows7, it just will not load off the other partition(I think)

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Ubuntu :: Sometimes Computer Doesn't Boot Properly

Jan 7, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 64-Bit. sometimes when i boot the computer, right after the grub loads, a black screen is displayed. It just says my computer's name and "tty1".It lets me enter my username and password. The system takes my password but the black screen remains.For some reason the word "ubuntu" with the loading bar does not appear like it is supposed to in this case. The system does not boot into my destop like it should.

This usually happens 1/4 times when i boot so i didnt pay much attention and would just restart the computer. However just 5 minutes ago i had to boot my computer 12 times to get it to boot into the desktop.

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Debian :: Grub If Only Booting / Only To Boot/load More Than One OS?

Nov 9, 2010

I am using Debian Squeeze, having installed it after Windows 7, each on a separate HD.

What happened was that Win7 became unbootable and, after failing to recover it, decided to live without it.

After a (happy) week of Windows-free life, I'm wondering if I can safely remove GRUB ("Grub-pc" and "Grub-common" are installed) since, as far as I know, GRUB is there only to boot/load more than one OS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Load With Windows Xp Boot Loader?

Jun 8, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a separate partition, with Grub being in it own partition. When I start the PC only windows Xp is available. So how do I get grub or Ubuntu load with windows xp boot loader? I tried with Live cd, the sudo grub but then it says command not found. I think its because Ubuntu 11.04 uses grub 2.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Boot Looping Before Grub.

Mar 10, 2010

I have 9.10 installed, grub has loaded and worked, now all of a sudden nothing will boot.The HP screen comes up and then the computer reboot, constant reboot cycle. Can't even get into the BIOS. It will just sit there if I hit escape. Won't boot the live cd either. What can I do??? It has worked fine for the past month now.

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Software :: Upgraded From Ubuntu 9.10 To 10.04 - Computer Doesn't Boot

Jul 10, 2010

One hour ago I had a nice computer running Ubuntu 9.10 and I ran the update manager and clicked on update to 10.04 LTS distrubution. Now the computer wont boot! I get this message:

init: plymouth main process (3083) killed by SEGV signal
init: plymouth-splash main process (477) terminated with status 2

... and after that nothing happens unless I hit Ctrl-alt-delete. the rest of my family is lining up for a chance to punch me. Yes, I have googled around and I see that I'm not alone about this but how the heck can I get the computer working again? I have a rescue partition so I can boot up another installation on the same machine

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General :: Grub 0.97 CLI To Load Kernel - And Boot On OpenSuse10

Aug 29, 2010

I unfortunately remove "some" softwares on my OpenSuse10 (preinstalled on my laptop, without cd driver) cause I was running out of space on hd. Icons starts to dissappear ...

Then I have only the Grub 0.97 shell that appears and to use to solve the problem... tried to boot kernel, but said that it "must be loaded before boot".

In the Grub 0.97 black window I have two lines :

I press "b", to boot with the First line : kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz ... but the window turns blue and said "all data would be lost", so it shut down the system automatically to avoid this.

I press "e" to edit the command in the boot sequence for the same line, but don't really know what to tell Grub to do.

I must get my important datas back on my hd before "Restore to factory settings" (the last option). Any solution ?

Maybe it is a step on a solution ?

From [url] I downloaded linux kernel on a usb memory stick. Could it be useful ? how to ?

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