Ubuntu :: Unity - Mouse Gets Stuck Or At Least REALLY Slow

Apr 6, 2011

I installed unity on ubuntu 10.10. when it first starts there is no problem ... but when I hover over any window the mouse gets stuck or at least REALLY slow that I cant control it. (I noticed also the keyboard does the same) some sites I searched suggested to remove unity application package and some other pack .. but it did not help. I use ATI (propriety drivers) on a Toshiba Laptop intel core i3, 3GB ram note that I downloaded gnome3-shell to try it but the exact same thing happened as unity.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Launcher Gets Stuck In An Open Position

May 12, 2011

I'm running ubuntu 11.04. from time to time, the unity launcher gets stuck in an open position, preventing me from clicking anything on the left side of the screen. this is terribly annoying. is there a *simple* way to change the properties of the icons in the launcher? I have there some custom application launchers that were automatically imported to the launcher during upgrade (they were in the top menu).

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Fedora :: Mouse Gets Stuck In A Window?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm running Fedora 11 KDE on a Dell D600 laptop. After using it for awhile, my mouse seems to stop responding to clicks. I can move the cursor and xeyes seems to follow that around, but when I click, it seems like its focus is stuck in one place. For example, if I'm using firefox, I can use the navigation buttons, but I can't get focus on a textbox or click on the panel to switch windows. When I close firefox through the keyboard, the focus goes to the next window and I have a similar problem.

I actually switched to Fedora from Mint because I was having the same problem there and I was unable to find a solution. Restarting the window manager fixes the problem, but it comes back after a little while.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unity Menu Too Slow?

Sep 1, 2011

After I click on the ubuntu icon in Ubuntu 11.04, it takes atleast 6 seconds to come up.Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Slackware :: Mouse Stuck In Middle Of Screen In 12.2

Apr 6, 2010

I've upgraded from Slackware 11 to 12.2 and now my mouse cursor just sits there in the middle of the screen! I've managed (using the keypad to move the mouse cursor) to edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config config file, but all to no avail. I've googled for an answer but I don't understand all the talk about "blacklist". I've got a Pentium 4, 101 keyboard, ps 2 mouse.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Tablet Slow In Gimp With Unity?

May 28, 2011

I've had the problem that my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet seems very slow under gimp while booted into unity desktop. Doesn't seem to be a problem in other painting software like MyPaint and doesn't seem to be a problem when I log into ubuntu classic Gnome desktop rather than Unity.

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Ubuntu :: Install Crash - Cant Move The Mouse Or Anything And It Is Stuck On Installing System

Jun 15, 2011

I downloaded ubuntu 11.04 and did the usual shizz and it was all going well. I went to get a drink and by the time i got back my computer had completely crashed. I cant move the mouse or anything and it is stuck on 'Installing System'.

Ive restarted my computer (unplug), i had to format the harddrive i was installing it on (luckily it was empty already).

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Stuck In Upper Left Corner -screen Dark

May 6, 2010

I recently installed Kubuntu 10.04 on a Toshiba Satellite 5205 laptop (which is prone to overheating, if it helps - it was on a platform in the back for airflow, though), which worked great for about 4 days.

Recently, I picked it up (looking for a USB port) and rotated it around a little bit. However, after this, the screen was darkened (not fully), and I could move the mouse for about half a second, after which it jumps back to the upper left corner of the screen. Rebooting doesn't help.

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General :: Stuck At Log In Screen With Mouse And Keyboard Not Functioning

Mar 26, 2011

I am COMPLETELY new to Linux.I started a computer class recently and I started teaching myself PERL.My teacher had mentioned to me that it's far better for some reasons (he did not elaborate) to write code in a Unix system. So I got Ubuntu 10.10.I installed it along side my windows 7.After I setup my windows (had to reformat the disk) I decided to boot up into Ubuntu to set that up. I installed the necessary drivers that it required, and the updates. I was asked to restart the system so I did so.

It did not even shut down or restart my system.I waited patiently 15 minutes...30 minutes 1 hour... until I finally decided to hit the reset button on my PC. Then when I'd boot back in to Ubuntu afterwards, it would stay at the log in screen and my mouse wouldn't budge and nor is my keyboard recognized by Ubuntu.Im really frustrated and I've been searching for answers for the whooole day and I just can't seem to find something well explained. Im completely new to Ubuntu so I don't know where to enter any code in a cmd line or such.

1)Reformatted my harddrive to install windows 7 on it
2)Set up windows 7 and then booted into Ubuntu.
3) Set up Ubuntu and installed necessary drivers and updates
4) Reset the computer and waited for an hour for the reset to happen but nothing happened.
5) Manually reset my pc and booted into ubuntu
6) Stuck at log in screen with mouse and keyboard not functioning (unable to use ubuntu).

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Unity - Sudo Update-grub So Slow

May 3, 2011

Previously on 10.10 "sudo update-grub" took 2-3 seconds.

I upgraded to 11.04 and it now takes 10 - 15 minutes.

Is unity generally much slower than GNOME?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use Mouse Or Switch Windows In Unity Or Gnome?

Jul 13, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu desktop, since I had been running my server as Ubuntu Server on a guest OS on Windows 7 and never really used the Windows part of the computer. Since then, I've been unable to use the mouse in a graphical environment for longer than a few minutes without it starting to act crazy. The mouse moves around normally, but won't respond to clicks (left, middle, or right) but the keyboard shortcuts still work. I'm not sure if things have changed since I last used Gnome though, but Alt+Tab is not working for me either when this happens. Sometimes, the active window is even behind another window, and isn't pulled to the foreground.

After a bit of frustrated clicking and jamming of buttons on the keyboard, sometimes the mouse kind of starts working because I'll notice a right click menu open. But, I am still unable to move windows or click on them to bring them to the foreground, and my mouse presses only work on the current window. And then, eventually, after about a minute or so, it'll stop respond again too.

I saw in one thread that someone had dead spaces where he couldn't click, so he installed and ran Gnome and that fixed it, but I tried using Ubuntu Classic and it is still giving me the same behavior. I'm actually posting this message now in links, because I can't use Firefox or Chrome well enough when it's hidden behind other windows.

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Debian :: 6 32-bit (i386) And VMWare Unity - Mouse Won't Work?

Feb 23, 2011

Installed Debian 6 (latest stable, downloaded today) i386 under VMWare 7.1. Installed VMWare tools. However, when i activate Unity my mouse won't work at all in guest OS windows, it will only work as if i was pointing to guest desktop. It is all ok in Workstation window.

Unfortunately, there is no xorg.conf, and when i attempt to re-create it using Xorg -configure, the resulting file is unusable, i.e. system freezes when i test it (using X -config /root/xorg.conf.new) and if i just cp into /etc/X11/ GDM fails to load, and manually typing startX in command prompt i get "fatal error no screens detected".

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Slackware :: Mouse Pointer Gets Stuck On The Lower Right Hand Edge Of Desktop

Jul 10, 2011

I've got a very weird behaviour with my brand-new Slackware64 13.37 KDE 4.5.5 system. I've so far just installed some basic software from sbopkg and the fglrx-driver.

Whenever I pass the red line as seen in the attached snapshot from within the marked area, my mouse pointer gets stuck at the line for roughly one second and then moves on.

Approaching from the outside this does not happen and if I'm staying inside the area, it moves normally as it does at the rest of my desktop.

Turning on/off compositing does not change this, as well as removing the widgets from the panel or locking them. I always get stuck there.

I found out that it has to do with the setting of my external screen via D-Sub. If I switch back to my laptop screen as main, the problem disappears.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Leaves Computer With Purple Background And Large X For Mouse Cursor

May 13, 2010

I added the unity ppa and installed unity to check it out thinking I could just switch back with


dpkg-reconfigure gdm

Unity left me with just the purple familiar backdrop and a large black X as the mouse cursor. In running the above statement I'm left with the background and cursor only. how to get unity working and/or how to get back to gnome?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Pop-up Text Balloons From The Unity Below It When Move The Mouse Over To The Left Side Of The Screen

Oct 28, 2010

I am running 10.10 Netbook Edition. I added Terminal Server Client to the Unity Menu and I typically run it in Full Screen mode to manage serveral windows based servers. The problem is that TSC displays perfect in full screen (unity tool bar hidden) but when i move the mouse over to the left side of the screen i get the pop-up text balloons from the unity below it. I cannot click on any items along the left edge of the remote desktop window including the windows start key. I want to confirm if this is a bug? and how to report it if so.

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Ubuntu :: How To Slow Down Mouse

Apr 30, 2010

Even with all the mouse sensitivity and acceleration settings at the lowest my mouse is still very fast.

I tried googling this but I didn't really understand the guides much and the ones I did understand were from years ago.

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Ubuntu :: Unity + Gnome - Shell - Movements With The Curser Was Extremely Slow And Happened With A Delay

Oct 27, 2010

However when i logged into it, i noticed that the movements with the curser was extremely slow and happened with a delay, but this only happens when i have an window open, its fine when its just the desktop Same thing happened with Gnome-Shell i think it must be mutter because its fine with normal Ubuntu Is there any solution to this at all?

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OpenSUSE :: Using Skype - Whole System Stuck With No Response - Mouse Stop Moving - Keyboard Does Not Work

Nov 30, 2010

I use skype, and several times when i have it open, more often when i am using it, the hole system stuck with no response. The mouse stop moving, the keyboard does not work, even control + alt + backspace does not work! The only available choice is to reboot the computer.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Mouse In Games?

May 6, 2010

I just bought the Humble Indie Bundle and the moment Aquaria and Gish are open the mouse becomes really slow.

Running Fullscreen, 1440x900, Lucid Lynx (10.04) on a Dell Dimension C521. (Window or Lower resolutions didn't change anything.)

The mouse settings seem to be like this when I'm playing:

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Ubuntu :: Maverick - Sometimes Very Slow - Mouse Lags - Low Cpu Load ?

Nov 10, 2010

Since I upgraded to Maverick, every now and then (maybe once an hour) my system becomes very slow for about half a minute. The mouse cursor reacts only very slowly and also applications freeze for for some time.

This happens without the CPU being on full load or the hard disk being active.

I made a clean ubuntu installation on a new hard drive a week ago, but the problem persists.

I have a Thinkpad R400 with an Intel GMA 4500 graphics card an an Intel T5670 Core 2 Duo processor. I'm running the most up to date stable version of ubuntu. Kernel 2.6.35-22.

I know the description of the problem is very vague, but it's hard to describe it more accurately. I couldn't find anything helpful on google or the forum. If you have any ideas what might cause the problem or which log files might provide useful information, please let me know. Most importantly, the problem did not occur before I upgraded to Maverick.

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Ubuntu :: Big Slow Down After Update - Took 3 Seconds For The Mouse To Select The Pic

Nov 26, 2010

I have Ubuntu Lucid Lynx since it came out, and until now it worked fine. I am updating regularly. Today too, I installed everything offered to me by updates manager (I looked through the list and didnt see anything I wouldnt want to update, but I dont remember everything that was there), and it asked for restart. Ok, so I restarted. Everything seemed fine. Then I tried to look at a picture, in normal,default viewer, an huh. It took 3 seconds for the mouse to select the pic, then another about 6 to open the viewer (and we are talking about a 40 KB pic). That was slow, but I thought maybe it was an accident. But no, everything I tried since goes slowly, at about a quarter of speed as before the update. I tried to remove unnecessary things with apt-get autoremove, I tried to stop or end all processes that seemed unnecessary, with no result. I restarted thrice. Nothing comes to mind anymore.

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Software :: Mouse Sensitivity Is Very Slow?

Dec 12, 2010

After these last bunch of updates, the mouse sensitivity setting is inversed...

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Ubuntu :: Mouse And Keyboard Responding Very Slow Via Synergy After 11.04 Upgrade / Fix It?

May 2, 2011

Is anyone else having issues with their mouse/keyboard responsiveness via Synergy after upgrading to 11.04?

If I plug mouse and keyboard directly into the desktop the issue goes away. But when I connect via QuickSynergy and share my mouse/keyboard the mouse is very slow and has low sensitivity.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck On Black Screen With (mouse) Cursor After Grub And A Purple Screen?

Jul 21, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 today as the main OS on my laptop.I had deleted my XP partition, and repartitioned it according to a guide I had found. (http:url)......Basically it was setup like this: 500mb ext2 primary partition, has the grub folder, I believe this is either the '/' partition, or the '/boot' partition 2gb swap space logical partition

10gb ext4 logical partition -- this is either the '/' or the '/boot', it contains the 'bin,boot,cdrom,dev' etc folders 243gb (the rest of my hard drive, with the exception of a partition that contains documents and files from my XP OS, formatted to NTFS) ext4, this is the one that has all my desktop/documents/etc folders.After Ubuntu was done installing, I had some message pop up about installing an ATI proprietary driver for my ATI graphics card (an ATI Radeon HD 4330, I believe, I may have messed that number up). I installed it and rebooted, no problem.

Next, I had another update window pop up with 198 items checked and ready to download and install. I went through all of this, and rebooted, again, no problem.Next thing I did was install some apps that were essential for me to have to use for my work (an ide, chat programs, etc). No problem with any of that.Last thing to install was the OSE Virtualbox, and then I installed WindowsXP Pro and Windows Vista Business, then installed the guest addition addon for VB. This all worked without any issues whatsoever.

Time goes on, and I notice my computer is heating up much more than (seemingly) normal. I begin to wonder if its my graphics card. So I shut down the computer and let it cool down. Reboot, and no problem, still working fine.Then I opened a couple of apps and tried a simple game (can't remember the name) I believe it was a simple 3d topdown, as I wanted to test my graphics card. This is where things seemed to start to go wrong. My laptop began hanging, not even allowing me to access the terminal via ctrl+alt+f2. The screen flashed and I saw the blue/green/grey fuzz that I get when the graphics card is starting to heat up too much. Then everything hangs and I can't do anything at all, including move the mouse. I did a hard reboot (I believe this is what you call pulling the plug/pressing the power button, correct me if I'm wrong). I then rebooted, saw a chkdisk, then it booted seemingly normal, but it hung right after the purple screen after the grub screen.

This is pretty much where I'm at right now. I strongly suspect the fault is with the ATI drivers, but have been completely unsuccessful in my attempts to fix it. I've googled just about everything I could think of, along with searching these forums. I've tried just about everything listed in the forums, but to no avail.I've tried the commands that are supposed to purge the ati drivers, but all I get are errors that say they can't remove the 'virtual drivers'.

Right now I'm booting off a live cd, so I know the computer still works fine, just not my actual installed OS. I'd really like to get the issue resolved without having to reinstall, as it took quite awhile just to get it usable in the first place, but this has already taken so much time, I may just resort to that if we can't solve it any other way. Got too much work to catch up on as it is.As a re-instated note, perhaps if you have any tips, but not particularly about fixing the OS, my laptop (I'm strongly guessing my graphics card) is heating up much more than normal, compared to that when XP was installed. Is this more than likely just a driver issue, as is the rest of it? Also, I did have Compiz installed, though I didn't choose for it to be installed, I believe it came pre-installed. I've heard it could cause some issues, though I have no idea as to the validity or relation to this particular issue.

I just remembered while searching for a solution, I found a post somewhere that said something about the information not being sent to the monitor from the graphics card properly, thus no desktop. I'm guessing that'd still fall under the driver issues, but again, I'm unsure. I would think that wouldn't be entirely true anyway, since I can still see my mouse fine, just no desktop, only a black screen.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Stuck On "move / Grab"?

Oct 15, 2010

Really wierd one this, Just installed Sugar Emulator (the laptop per child OS) with intent to start writing stuff for it. It also came with Xesmphy (can't remember how it's spelt) which generates the window.

Since this, everytime I try to click on anything (even after uninstalling both Sugar and Xesmphy) it grabs it and move it, unless I hold down the CTRL key. For some reason, it doesn't have any effect on either of my task bars, only on open windows.

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General :: Synergy Client Mouse Speed (Slow)?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm using synergy+ with Windows XP as a server and a CentOS client. The mouse speed on the client (Linux) seems really slow. Is there a way to have the mouse speed from the server persist to the clients?

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Ubuntu :: Goes Very Slow - When Try To Open A Game Screen Blacks Out Can't Move My Mouse - Crashes

Aug 12, 2011

I have some problems with my Ubuntu 11.04 x64 Maybe it's the video card because moving the windows goes very slow Wine is also doing very strange because when I try to open a game the screen blacks out and can't move my mouse and then it crashes. I have the drivers installed of my ATI Radeon HD5650 ( fglrx)

PC/Ubuntu Info:


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General :: Mouse Button Gets "stuck" Down In VMWare Guest OS?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm using 64-bit Fedora 13 on 64-bit VMWare Workstation 7.1 (on Windows 7 Pro) and I'm having an issue with the mouse button. Everything works just fine unless I click and drag off the guest OS window (which accidentally happens more often than you'd think). When I do this, the "button" gets stuck in the down position and there's no undoing it. Resetting the session does not fix the issue - I have to reboot the VM. I do not have any accessibility features turned on.

Obviously, this is kind of a pain. Does anyone know of a solution?

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Ubuntu :: Significance Of Swap Partition - Cpu Light Keeps Blinking Continuously And The Mouse Movement Is Very Slow

Aug 2, 2010

I need to know the necessity of swap partition in Ubuntu.. I have recently bought a new HD and installed Ubuntu(with NO swap,only Ubuntu on a single partition) on it and am facing frequent,random hanging issues with it.. Earlier,my old HD used an swap partition along with main partition and i never faced hanging issues at that time..

Actually, when in hanging mode,the cpu light keeps blinking continuously and the mouse movement is very slow,the screen also becomes dim.After sometime,it comes out of hanging mode and mouse movement becomes normal.Sometimes,even after waiting for 15-20 minutes,it does not come out of hanging mode and the system has to be restarted.(this is what forced me to look for a possible solution to this)

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Ubuntu :: Appearance - Disable The Unity Dock But Not Unity Feature Where Min / Max / Close Go Into The Command Bar?

Jul 17, 2011

1. I didn't like the icon theme and changed it to Ubuntu Mono Light. But is there a way to get the Min/Max/Close buttons to how they are in Radiance when maximized, or is that dependant on something else?

2. Is there a way to disable the Unity dock, but not the Unity feature where the Min/Max/Close go into the command bar?

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