Ubuntu :: Get The Pop-up Text Balloons From The Unity Below It When Move The Mouse Over To The Left Side Of The Screen
Oct 28, 2010
I am running 10.10 Netbook Edition. I added Terminal Server Client to the Unity Menu and I typically run it in Full Screen mode to manage serveral windows based servers. The problem is that TSC displays perfect in full screen (unity tool bar hidden) but when i move the mouse over to the left side of the screen i get the pop-up text balloons from the unity below it. I cannot click on any items along the left edge of the remote desktop window including the windows start key. I want to confirm if this is a bug? and how to report it if so.
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May 3, 2011
I'm not sure what to call the semi-transparent sidebar with a random collection of unconfigurable icons, but I don't think it's working properly.
1. When I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen, it doesn't always appear. Sometimes I have to move my mouse back and forth, back and forth, several times.
2. What it's doing right now is even worse... it appears, but as soon as I move the mouse a *little* bit to the right to actually click an icon, it disappears.
What is causing this? Surely it's a bug? How do I make the sidebar the absolute top priority for the screen edge so that it always catches it and appears? how do I configure it? I can't right-click on the sidebar itself. I can right-click and remove some icons. Other icons, like the grayed-out (but still active) "recent files" thing cannot be removed.
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Feb 27, 2011
I usually used ubuntu tweak to move the buttons to another side, but when i customized one theme, i could not change the button positions by using ubuntu tweak. So is there any other way i could change the button positions?
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Apr 30, 2011
1) How do I align my desktop icons to a grid?
2) Is it possible to move the close, maximize, and minimize buttons to the left side of the window? I prefer that to the since I'm used to GNOME Unity.
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Sep 14, 2010
When I position icons on the desktop in specific places, then I choose to move a file or folder into another folder, all the icons arrange back to the left side. This happened in an earlier version of KDE 4.x, disappeared the next version, and reappeared. how to keep this from happening. It makes using the desktop a pain in the you know what.
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Aug 18, 2011
So I was fooling around with compiz settings manager and was trying to get the cube to rotate around, and by doing so I disabled some plugins (because I was prompted to do so) and now Unity is gone and everything opens in the upper left hand corner so much so that I can't move the window. It was pretty rash for me just to disable plugins,how to get everything back to normal.
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Jul 1, 2011
I have installed following this guide [URL]... x_and_Mac_OS/X but I have an hp g71 349wm with intel chipsets, on ubuntu 10.10 I can't use nvidia, my system hates me if I try to install those drivers, that guide says I need either nvidia or ati drivers, I have not tried to get ati drivers going as when I tried to get nvidia going, my system totally crashed and ended up being totally unrecoverable for some reason, anyway my problem is that after installing pylotro and lotro and patching, I start it up and all I get is a big black square on the top left side of my screen.. no idea what to do to make this work. the only way to get rid of the square is to reboot.
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Apr 13, 2011
I normally use gentoo, but have been persuaded to put Ubuntu 10.10 with Unity on my wife's laptop (HP Pavilion dv5). It's a rather steep learning curve. How do I add a new printer? CUPS asks for root's password, which is unknown/undefined. I tried sudo, but I'm not in the sudoers file. Catch 22? How do I add an application to the launcher on the left side of the screen? Drag & Drop does not appear to be available. How do I get back to the standard Gnome desktop?
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Mar 28, 2010
i have at least one site that don't look well in firefox in this site all the site is glued to the left side of the screen not the middle as it should be what can i do about it?
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May 20, 2010
I have ubuntu 10.04 on the home screen page in the left have colum you have a list of menu items when you install ubuntu, I happen to deselect one of teh menu items. I now cannot reinstate the menus I have included a screen-shot of the home screen so you can see the menu items I have available on the left hand side
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Mar 17, 2011
he is used to the regular netbook edition before the unity-style. The small netbookscreen is just not good for this new appbar on the left side (it's one of the old eee-pc's). None of us like that solution, and I wonder if its possible to move the bar on the bottom side of the screen so it will be a bit more Windows 7-ish?
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Jul 7, 2011
I have recently downloaded and installed Ubuntu 11.04 inside my copy of Windows. When I boot my laptop, I have the option to either boot in Windows or Ubuntu. When I boot in Ubuntu, I get the login screen all OK. But when the screen loads up, it is missing the top and left hand side navigation bars. It then appears to be trying to refresh itself (unsuccessfully) as after about 30 seconds the screen goes black and then the wallpaper image will come back, still without the navigation bars. This keeps on happening until I reboot the machine. The only way I can get the screen to reboot OK is to run the repair option on boot up.
I have notices that after the above has taken place and I have finally got the system to boot all OK by running the repair option, the system will not connect to my mobile broadband via the USB dongle. Not sure if they are related, but at this point they seem to be.
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Dec 18, 2010
If a file gets created in the user's Desktop folder, or if a drive is added to the machine and a Desktop icon is correspondingly created, they will by default appear on the left side of the desktop (unless, in the case of the latter, the specific drive has been created before and dragged to the right side, in which case GNOME will remember to put it in the same place).
Because I have a terminal window embedded onto my Desktop in the top left corner and occupying most of the screen), I keep my icons on the right side of the Desktop instead of the left (Mac style) - Any time I add a new drive or a file is sent to the Desktop, however, I have to kill the terminal window to be able to click on the icon, then drag it back to the right side, then restart the terminal.
Is there any way to tweak GNOME so that these icons are added from the top right corner and down instead of from the top left, automatically?
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Feb 19, 2010
I have two computers running Ubuntu Gnome with Firefox. Upgrades yesterday (18 February 2010) at about 1430 MDT hours (UTC 2130 hours) broke Firefox on both machines. Firefox is present in the menu, and in /usr/bin/firefox, but it will not launch, not even from the command line. I have tried "sudo apt-get remove firefox" followed by "sudo apt-get install firefox" but the problem persists. When attempting to launch firefox, it does give me a tiny brown spot at the upper-left side of the screen. This can be expanded by dragging so that it is a full screen, labeled "Firefox" but there is no content in the screen...only blank space.
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May 6, 2011
I have to say that I don't mind Unity all that much! Certainly not as much as I had expected to, given what I had been reading before the upgrade from Maverick. I'd like to go on playing around with it. However, I would also like to continue to be able to use Gnome 2 sometimes, with Compiz and Emerald, as I have done in the past.
The trouble is that whenever I log into the "Ubuntu classic" desktop, it loads compiz, complete with the Unity plugin. Then I have to disable the Unity plugin manually every time, and do the same (with no panel) whenever I log into Unity.
Is there a way I can configure it to only load the Unity plugin in the Unity desktop, but not in the Gnome 2 desktop?
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Jul 27, 2011
Although it would resemble the Unity desktop that some of us here may have run away from, is it possible to set the left-hand-side dock to remain on screen, possibly only sliding off when a program window needs it to?
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May 6, 2010
I recently installed Kubuntu 10.04 on a Toshiba Satellite 5205 laptop (which is prone to overheating, if it helps - it was on a platform in the back for airflow, though), which worked great for about 4 days.
Recently, I picked it up (looking for a USB port) and rotated it around a little bit. However, after this, the screen was darkened (not fully), and I could move the mouse for about half a second, after which it jumps back to the upper left corner of the screen. Rebooting doesn't help.
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Jun 3, 2011
I have been trying hard to configure wizardpen for my ubuntu laptop.wed abletSetupWizardpen link for the info. Still it doesn't work. When I put stylus pen on the tablet, mouse pointer goes to the top left corner of the screen and stay there. Not sure what is going wrong.
root@salil-Laptop:~# cat /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-wizardpen.conf
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "wizardpen"
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Jun 15, 2011
I'm not sure if I should post this question in "hardware & laptops", or "Desktop Environments", because this is a hardware problem on a desktop computer.
Description of Problem:There is another thread that discussed this same problem that I'm having: However that thread is so old that the suggestions in it no longer work in Ubuntu 10.04 and for whatever reason I can not make a reply to that thread.As in the above thread, I've tried other input devices and rebooting the computer and using other USB ports, and my mouse still intermittently double left clicks randomly at times when I've only clicked the left mouse button once and at times and places when it should only produce a single click such as when selecting a drop down menu.
Has any one else had this problem, and does any one have any idea how to fix it or to trouble shoot this a bit more? Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to further clarify or troubleshoot this issue.
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Aug 12, 2011
I have some problems with my Ubuntu 11.04 x64 Maybe it's the video card because moving the windows goes very slow Wine is also doing very strange because when I try to open a game the screen blacks out and can't move my mouse and then it crashes. I have the drivers installed of my ATI Radeon HD5650 ( fglrx)
PC/Ubuntu Info:
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Sep 24, 2010
install suse 11.3 and it starts up fine. When i get to the page that has the license and it has the buttons on the bottom. I cannot get the screen to move over to the left far enough to see the button "next" I have a little exprience with installation of different distros
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a Dell Vostro 1220, with Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family graphics card. I work on OpenSuse 11.3 (64bit), on the latest kde.I work on an extended 1680x1050 screen on the left of my laptop screen (1280x800). I set this with Kxrandr and it worked great,a while... Now, it shows a black band on the right side of my laptop screen. I can live with that. But the mouse does not recalculate for this difference, so that I need to click 1 inch to the right of where I want to click.
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Jan 4, 2010
slackware and am infact running Vector Linux which is slackware based. I used to use fedora on my old laptop got a new on and tried vector. The mouse on the new one doesn't seem to want to work properly, it jumps alot and usually ends up at the end of the screen unable to move, however does manage to click almost every icon on the screen and change desktops.A USB mouse works fine its just the touchpad.It's a Zoostorm Freedom and I can't even find the windows drivers for it let alone what i need for this. I tried editing the xorg.conf to stop the tab button, which doesn't do anything, installed the latest synaptics and still nothing, tried using what someone else uses and still nothing, I cant even find out what kind of mouse it is!?
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Jun 11, 2009
I downloaded the Fedora 11 KDE livecd, installed it, and after the reboot when I get to that "firstboot" screen, I can't move the mouse, the keyboard doesn't work, I have to hold down the power button to turn off the computer.
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May 2, 2010
Is there any possible way to fix this problem? And I honestly think this is one of the dumbest changes ubuntu have ever done.
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Jan 13, 2011
I noticed it after booting a Linux Mint-10- live usb, and had to do a hard reboot. My grub resolution has always been 640x480. after booting to the live usb & hard reboot(rseiub didn't work), the menu is shifted to the left and I can't see the left side of it anymore. About 1" of the words are not showing.I've changed the resolution to 800x600 and I can see it now, but wonder why it happened and how to get it back the way it was. Not sure what else may have been affected.
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May 13, 2010
On Windows, the widget set for windows is on the right and the widget order is minimise, fullscreen, close. Linux in general (And Ubuntu's themes specifically) *generally* mirrored this.On OSX, the widgets are on the left and the order is close, minimise, fullscreen.On Ubuntu 10.4 the widget set has been moved to the left hand side, but is just a move of the standard windows order. Is it possible (in a way that won't break future themes or edits, so by using the GUI preferrably but I can't find any option) to change the widget ordering?
I like the Dust Sand theme fondow borders etc, which doesn't actually show icon differences for the 3, just 3 dots. As a user of Windows and OSX as well as Ubuntu I keep finding myself clicking the wrong one as my brain just expects them to be in the OSX order when on the left (it just makes sense in my head for close to be on the outside edge, whichever side that may be, and for minimiseo come beformaximise/fullscreen when reading left-right). I realise other people may (and probably will) disagree with me on this, especially non-mac users, so it'd be preferable to be able to customise the order rather than force one or the other on people.
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Jul 23, 2010
Just upgraded Ubuntu.....now I find that the minimise and maximise icons are on the left hand side. Is there a way to get them to the right hand side?
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Jan 27, 2010
I installed some time ago a Mac OS theme and now I decided to use another theme but the problem im having is that everytime I open a window the Maximize, Minimize and Close bottons are all on the left side of the window...How do I change them back to their original positions?
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May 12, 2010
Bluefish seems to crash whenever I drag the side window all the way to the left. I'm using it on windows 7 mostly just curious to see if this also happens on Linux and maybe what could be causing it. That's the error message I get This application has caused Runtime to quit in an unusual way
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