Slackware :: Mouse Pointer Gets Stuck On The Lower Right Hand Edge Of Desktop
Jul 10, 2011
I've got a very weird behaviour with my brand-new Slackware64 13.37 KDE 4.5.5 system. I've so far just installed some basic software from sbopkg and the fglrx-driver.
Whenever I pass the red line as seen in the attached snapshot from within the marked area, my mouse pointer gets stuck at the line for roughly one second and then moves on.
Approaching from the outside this does not happen and if I'm staying inside the area, it moves normally as it does at the rest of my desktop.
Turning on/off compositing does not change this, as well as removing the widgets from the panel or locking them. I always get stuck there.
I found out that it has to do with the setting of my external screen via D-Sub. If I switch back to my laptop screen as main, the problem disappears.
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Mar 29, 2011
In KDE I'm using KWin as windows manager and somewhere in the configuration I defined that KDE should rotate the desktop cube to the left or the right each time I move my mouse pointer to the far left or right of the screen.If I keep it there for about a second it rotates the desktop cube to the next desktop.I once activated this but find this very frustrating when I'm trying to reach buttons on the same side. So I want to disable this feature but I can't find it anywhere. I can't remember where that option was that activated this feature.
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Mar 10, 2010
My mouse pointer goes from regular white pointer when on the desktop / app bar, to the black oxygen theme cursor when on a web browser or nautilus when hovering over the |-|+|x| boxes.
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Feb 16, 2010
after successfully installing Slackware 13, I immediately installed other packages mainly to solve display/freezing issues(see below), I noticed that every time I try to change the display resolution - both from the 'system -> system settings' and from the "plasmoid" -
my mouse cursor would disappear.
now I know it's on the pointer, and not the mouse - I can move the mouse and see "mouse-over" activity, and based on seeing this, even clicking(both left and right) still has effect. In fact, if I were patient enough, I could navigate through my desktop.
I have a Intel 82865g integrated graphics controller, had issues after installing, so I upgraded to the kernel and installed:
libdrm ? 17 ?
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Feb 19, 2011
Not Fedora-specific, but I couldn't think of any other place to ask. So.
Is there a way to make the desktop "continuous" so that my mouse pointer would reappear on the other side of the desktop if I move it over the edge? I sometimes find it a little frustrating to have to go from one edge to the other on a multi-monitor setup, and there are a few other reasons why I would rather have it like that.
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Oct 10, 2010
I just recently installed Slackware onto a virtual machine(I'm planning on buying a new disc drive and 1 TB HDD with-in the next couple of months and plan on Slackware being my primary OS[right now Mac OS X 10.6 is]), and everything went great.
I then went onto edit the /etc/inittab file in emacs and changed the run-level to 4. I don't know why it's decided that I'd want to boot into KDE when XFCE is installed and in the configuration I selected XFCE but it's not really relevant(I have a WM guide thing open in another tab and will probably be able to change it).
The problem is, as the vague title may suggest, is that it basically freezes when I'm at the log-in screen. The input field for the username is highlighted and blinking, and the cursor it self is visible in the centre of the screen, but it simply doesn't pick up on any input from my keyboard or mouse.
I tried booting up the install CD and logging in as root, mounting sda4(which is the root partition) and editing said file but sudo isn't installed(to my knowledge) on the install disc and when I do the command,
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Jan 23, 2011
There are pretty good graphical features on gnome. But I could not find a nice feature, allowing mouse pointer to turn-around the desktop area. I want the mouse pointer goes to left side of screen when it reaches right side of desktop and vice versa. Or goes to bottom of the desktop area when it reaches top of screen. It makes using mouse and moving around the desktop area using a touchpad easier.
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Apr 6, 2010
I've upgraded from Slackware 11 to 12.2 and now my mouse cursor just sits there in the middle of the screen! I've managed (using the keypad to move the mouse cursor) to edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config config file, but all to no avail. I've googled for an answer but I don't understand all the talk about "blacklist". I've got a Pentium 4, 101 keyboard, ps 2 mouse.
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Oct 5, 2010
I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP Pavilion a320n computer with a ps2 mouse and the mouse pointer points with the bottom of the mouse and not the upper tip of the point. It does the same thing with Ubuntu 10.04.1. In Windows 7 and XP the mouse is normal. I don't know how I could adjust it or is this just a bug in the OS?
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Jul 9, 2010
I'm running FC12 and GNOME.If I move the physical mouse about one inch, the mouse pointer moves across the entire screen.That's way too fast and way to sensitive.I prefer the mouse pointer to move far less distance on the screen when the physical mouse is moved.
From System->Preferences->Mouse, I set the various mouse Pointer Speed acceleration and Sensitivity to Slow, Fast, Low, High, and and I couldn't get it any better. At the least sensitive settings. if I move the physical mouse one inch, the mouse pointer moves across the entire screen.How can make the mouse pointer less sensitive to mouse movements?
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Mar 9, 2010
After the update on 7/03/10 edge+mouse button combo's don't work anymore, keyboard short cuts for the same function are still working. Example "Scale", keyboard short-cut ctrl-s working, edge+mouse button Right Edge - Right Mouse Button no action. Worked before...
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Apr 1, 2010
I have two monitors set up on my Asus N61J laptop, but have a weird problem:When I move the mouse to right-hand edge of the Left (Primary) screen, it disappears. To get it back, I have to either keep moving it to the next screen, or move it over something that will cause it to change shape.It also happens if I move it to the left-hand edge the Right (Secondary) screen. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this? It's a little annoying, as it makes it hard to select the Logout/Shutdown/Status menu
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May 3, 2011
I'm not sure what to call the semi-transparent sidebar with a random collection of unconfigurable icons, but I don't think it's working properly.
1. When I move my mouse to the left edge of the screen, it doesn't always appear. Sometimes I have to move my mouse back and forth, back and forth, several times.
2. What it's doing right now is even worse... it appears, but as soon as I move the mouse a *little* bit to the right to actually click an icon, it disappears.
What is causing this? Surely it's a bug? How do I make the sidebar the absolute top priority for the screen edge so that it always catches it and appears? how do I configure it? I can't right-click on the sidebar itself. I can right-click and remove some icons. Other icons, like the grayed-out (but still active) "recent files" thing cannot be removed.
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Apr 2, 2010
How can I move the mouse pointer on Linux without actually moving the mouse?
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Mar 27, 2010
i have many mouse pointers in the .ico also .ani and .cur format from my old windows days SEE image attached would also like to make new ones and really want to turn them into a format which works on ubuntu since the choice of pointers is only 6 i found a way to install X11 cursors from download then save to .icons in the hidden part (control H) of my home folder then go system/preference/appearance/customize/pointers
but even then you have to install a whole lot of files to change one pointer and i see no way of making/installing my own is there a more straightforward way? ubuntu/linux are about freedom and here i am at the moment very restricted
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Jul 2, 2010
I'm trying to make my mouse invisible permanently ,i tried to make a custom mouse cursor with lot of tutorials ,but it did not worked for me ,i tried to delete completely but i can not find how , to disable completely Mouse Cursor on X11 that would be great (not using unclutter)
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Feb 18, 2011
I have ubuntu 10.04
i want to change the size of mouse pointer i use right click on the desktop then change desktop background then choose Themes --> customize then i draw from small to large and the pointer get large only in windows like firefox but when i get the pointer on desktop.
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Jun 23, 2011
I used UBUNTU 9.10 with no problem on 3 of my computers. I tried to use UBUNTU 11.04 and with one of my old laptops I face a problem with the mouse pointer. I can not see the mouse pointer. The mouse seems to work, but since I can not see the mouse pointer, its impossible to upgrade to UBUNTU 11.04 the same problem with UBUNTU 10,04 but no problem with UBUNTU 9.10.(My laptop is Fujitsu Siemens Amilo)
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Nov 17, 2010
I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 and when i log into the system my mouse pointer/cursor disappears and I have to leave the system idle for 5 minutes after that the system gets locked and when I unlock the system I get the mouse pointer/cursor back. How to resolve this I want to see the mouse pointer/cursor when I login to the system. Can anyone help me to fix this.
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Aug 19, 2010
I've snort_inline2.4.5 and didn't found snort rules-snapshot-2.4.5.tar.gz at snort home what i do
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Oct 28, 2010
I put together a little computer recently to hook to a TV.The problem I'm having is that when I start the computer up and get to the desktop... the desktop is off the edges of the screen. I checked the resolution and it's 1920x1080.I can't see the panels my applications menu, as they're both off the edge of the screen. Is there anything that can be done to correct this? Also, the TV has no settings to correct this problem.
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Jul 15, 2010
I'm running 12, not 11. I don't know why I had 11 in my head. Can this be moved BACK from EOL? If not, I'll start a new thread. Sorry. My wife and I have matching HP EliteBook 8730w "mobile workstations" (laptops that need a donkey to move them). We also have matching LG second screens. Unfortunately, we have matching mouse pointer issues too, as you might expect.
99% of the time we work away without issue. 1% of the time, Fedora suddenly stops showing the mouse pointer in the separate LG screen. The pointer is there, you can use it (if you can guess where the hell it is!) but you can't see it. Only a reboot seems to solve the problem.
It's worth noting xorg.conf is not being used. It's an nVidia card in these laptops and I tried the latest drivers from them - they totally wiped out the display, I mean total FAIL, unusable. Had to boot up in without GNOME, run level 3, to fix it. After much messing around, I think I used the FirstAidKit plugin for xserver to repair things. Since then there is no xorg.conf:
If I restore *any* xorg.conf file it all goes wrong again, so I'm guessing there are either some defaults at play or there's another system currently managing my display. Either way, restoring/editing xorg.conf won't help me with the current set-up.
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Jan 4, 2011
I just reinstalled openSUSE 11.3 KDE 4.5, and my mouse pointer keeps auto-clicking. It's weird because it is not even happening 100% of the time, just _most_ of the time. I am using a touchpad, and I have disabled tapping.
I had this exact same issue with Kubuntu 10.10 yesterday before I removed it. I am currently on Windows 7 and all seems well, so it is probably is a Linux software issue.
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Feb 19, 2010
No matter what kernel I select to boot into, eventually I lose the mouse pointer visibility. If I move the mouse around, stuff does get highlighted, I just can't see the pointer as it moves. CTRL/ALT/BKSP does bring up a logout menu (doesn't kill X, tho), and I can tab thru it...time wasting, although it does come back from a restart with all the windows as before.
I'm running Gnome. Cpu is AMD Athelon 64 3800+ OS is 32 bit. I didn't normally have this problem before. Do I need to return to 11.0 ? Is this a Gnome problem or an X problem. I seem to remember that KDE4 had a utility that would grab the pointer from the ether and stick it back on the screen
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Nov 28, 2010
I'm using 11.2 > Gnome When I (re)login to the desktop there is no mouse pointer, however the mouse is working. Hover shows emphasis and I can click once hovered. I have to go into Configure Display Settings on the Display icon in the panel and hit Apply. That restores the pointer itself. No changes, just Apply. The login screen has a mouse. Mouse Properties > (all tabs) are all default values. The mouse works perfectly other than that.
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Nov 23, 2010
Is it possible to steer mouse pointer by keyboard.
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Jan 28, 2010
I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my wife's old notebook, a Sony Vaio PCG-FX705, by wiping the HDD (i.e. no more Windows ). The problem is that there's some weird display error that reminds of a TFT with pixel errors, although that's no the cause. I got a screenshot of it here (made with a digicam), and here is a close-up of it.
One thing I've noticed is that this error starts at the mouse pointer's tip and goes right when the computer is booted. Also, when using Blank Screen as screensaver, the error disappears once the screen went blank until I press a key or move the mouse, at which point the error will re-appear at the mouse pointer's current location. The only way I found so far to temporarily fix this problem is to change display resolution. It doesn't matter which resolution I use, all that matters is that I change it.
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Apr 30, 2010
Running 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10, just went through update manager (today, April 30, 2010) and downloaded and installed a bunch of stuff. Then after rebooting, no mouse pointer at all.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I'm using the control key to locate my mouse pointer and that is very slow and annoying.
Was it something I downloaded?
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May 6, 2010
I just installed Kubuntu on my machine, but on returning to gde I still have the oxy-white pointer from kde. I went to preferences>appearance>themes>customize>pointer, and changed it back to DMZ White, yet the pointer still looks like oxy-white. I tried it with all of the different pointer options, but none of them will override oxy-white.
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May 10, 2010
At links the mouse pointer disappears within Internet Explorer 6.0. I just updated to the latest version of ubuntu which run like a charm. This problem however is annoying.I can press Ctrl to see the pointer but the fact is it should never disappear.
I do have problems with the graphics (Intel 4500) which sometimes at reproducable cases stops responding. (When trying to update graphically and having to answer a question in a child window to the main window). Is this problem a wine setting or something with x11 or compiz or ?
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