Ubuntu :: Maverick - Sometimes Very Slow - Mouse Lags - Low Cpu Load ?

Nov 10, 2010

Since I upgraded to Maverick, every now and then (maybe once an hour) my system becomes very slow for about half a minute. The mouse cursor reacts only very slowly and also applications freeze for for some time.

This happens without the CPU being on full load or the hard disk being active.

I made a clean ubuntu installation on a new hard drive a week ago, but the problem persists.

I have a Thinkpad R400 with an Intel GMA 4500 graphics card an an Intel T5670 Core 2 Duo processor. I'm running the most up to date stable version of ubuntu. Kernel 2.6.35-22.

I know the description of the problem is very vague, but it's hard to describe it more accurately. I couldn't find anything helpful on google or the forum. If you have any ideas what might cause the problem or which log files might provide useful information, please let me know. Most importantly, the problem did not occur before I upgraded to Maverick.

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Debian :: Console Is Slow With Lags And Videos (movies) Are Not Watchable Due To Freezes And Lags

Jun 19, 2011

I would like to kindly ask you for some advice. Allmost a month I am experiencing strange behaviour of the system. I use Debian Wheezy 64bit on Intel Core i3 processor, SSD hadr drive, 4GB ram. Problem is, that sometimes the system becomes very slow when booting kernel, the kernel booting stops for 5-8 seconds on something (timimng, Processor initialization or something related, but not always the same thing) and then the system is booting noticeable slower than usual and when in the graphic environment (I use gnome) everything seems to be slower than usual, the typing in console is slow with lags and videos (movies) are not watchable due to freezes and lags.

I was trying to figure out what is causing it, the only thing I came up with is, that when I wait 10-15 sec in grub menu before selecting the kernel and after some time I manualy hit enter, it usualy boots fast and with no additional issues in the system. Sometimes it boots up normally even without this longer waiting time, but sometimes not. It is strange.

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Ubuntu :: (Maverick) Severe Lags In Various Applications

Nov 14, 2010

Sometimes (not always, mind you), several applications, lag. A lot. For instance, Blender 3D is entirely unusable and don't get me started on Fallout 3. Other examples include Minecraft (Not the Windows .exe but the .jar) and XMoto. So I assume it has something to do with the graphics driver or the likes. For some reason, Compiz still works fine. The only way I can fix those lags is to reset X, which is not exactly a good way, especially because this happens to shut down uShare and thus cancels my movie stream. So..

For support reasons, here's my setup:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 (2*2,2GHz)
Graphics: Nvidia Geforge 8600GT, 512 MB
500 GB HDD (The Maverick partition is 159 GB, 2 GB Swap)
Some hama WiFi-Stick
ForteMedia something something audio card

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Slackware :: Slow - Every 30 Seconds The Internet Lags

Oct 20, 2010

It seems every 30 seconds the internet lags, after that it is fine for 30 seconds. And this happens continuously. Also it seems when I am on Firefox if I am connected to a website, I can navigate the website with not further trouble. But if I navigate away and try to go back, it takes a while. I didn't update, or upgrade or anything. I am running 13.1 and have been since it came out. This just started with the internet 2 days ago. Also I have a dual boot with Win7 and the internet is fine on Win7.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Startup, Plymouth Not Showing, Slow Desktop Load?

May 3, 2010

I'm an Ubuntu user since Jaunty, and I've always upgraded my system (NOT fresh install). Everything went fine, but yesterday I upgraded to Lucid. My only concern -for now- deals with startup time. I'm a desktop user (Core2@3GHz) so I think I should boot in less than 10 seconds. Anyway, boot time is 30 seconds - not too much, but there is definetly something wrong with tools I don't know (ureadahead, plymouth, etc.). Attached is my bootchart: can anyone explain me what's wrong?

Also, I don't even see a plymouth Ubuntu themed bootsplash: I only see a blank (black) screen standing for seconds, then I see the bootsplash for less then half a second, then GDM appears :S Not crucial -I know- but how can I fix it? (I don't know if it's related, but I can see the animation at shutdown)Finally, GNOME desktop takes too long to load. I don't know why, but there are 15/30 seconds in between login sound and a usable desktop (with panels and icons, I mean).Please help me, I don't want to do a fresh install. Boot speed is not a dial with desktops - I know - but it can be a symptom that my system is a bit a messy (and I don't like it, since I installed Jaunty less then 1 year ago). (!Forgot! I also installed grub2 by hand

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Ubuntu :: (Maverick, 64-bit) Won't Load At All

Apr 5, 2011

So I upgraded to Natty, didn't like it and decided to go back to Maverick. Got out my trusty Live CD and reinstalled, no problem. Unfortunately now it just takes me to the screen with the list of possible OSes to start, and when I press enter it says:

error: symbol not found: 'grub_os_area_addr'.

I don't appear to be able to do anything from there. I've had so much trouble with this blinking computer lately that I'm even considering going back to Windows.

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Ubuntu :: VDPAU Slow And Jump In Maverick?

Oct 23, 2010

I recently upgraded to Maverick. I did a clean install on my system. I am running NVIDIA drivers from the X-Swat repo. Whenever I try to play a mkv file using Gnome Mplayer it is very jumpy and laggy. VLC, using it's new hardware acceleration, won't even display video, though it does output the audio. I experienced none of these problems with my 10.04 setup. I am unsure if it is a player bug, a driver bug or something with the VDPAU library itself.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Maverick Slow Boot?

May 26, 2011

I swapped out the hard drive on my laptop for a bigger one and put Kubuntu 10.10 on it back in March. The one big complaint I have is that it has a ridiculously slow boot time in comparison to Ubuntu 10.04. I have since installed most of the Gnome Ubuntu desktop through the repos and switched from kdm to gdm but I still have this relatively long period of blank screen with cursor until it goes straight to the gdm. The plymouth boot screen won't show at all. Is there a relatively simple fix for this?

I should add that I am not interested in updating to Natty. I have a limited bandwith I can use and a lot of accumulated software through the repos that would require several gigabytes of reinstall.

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Ubuntu :: Uinput Module Won't Load In 10.10 Maverick?

Nov 9, 2010

I just upgraded my lenovo T61p to ubuntu 10.10 maverick. I use the thinkfinger package to use my fingerprint reader for sudo/login/screen unlocking. This has worked perfectly in previous ubuntu releases, but I can only get it to work for login, not sudo or locked screen.I think the problem has to do with uinput not loading. I have it in /etc/modules, but it still doesn't show up (I also manually load it with modprobe and it won't work):

kevin@milner:~$ cat /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Slow Boot Since Maverick Upgrade?

Jan 22, 2011

Since upgrading my mythbuntu box from lucid to maverick my boot times have been much slower. Looking at dmesg I can see delays. Can anyone who knows more than me point me in the right direction to fix these?

[ 2.123939] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[ 2.396712] EXT4-fs (sda1): orphan cleanup on readonly fs


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Ubuntu :: Persistence In Maverick Flash Install VERY Slow

Jan 15, 2011

I've been butting heads with a problem for about a week now. For a while I've been running a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) off a 4 GB Kingston DataTraveller Flash Drive. Using partimage, I've managed to install this Maverick Ubuntu and load it with Audio Stuff from UbuntuStudio....plus wineasio and some Windohs audio software, then save the images of the partition usb stick (win32 livecd partition and casper-rw persistence partition).I've also done the same thing with a linuxaudio distro called pure:dyne. I restore and use either according to my needs. Obviously 4GB isn't a lot of space....so over the holidays I went out and bought the 8GB version of the DataTraveller. Two weeks later I'm still trying to get things to work right.

The problem is that when I create the casper-rw partition and boot into Ubuntu things slow to a snail's pace. Ubuntu takes over 5 minutes to boot up. Installing anything with Synaptic or whatever takes 5x as long as with the 4GB version of the flash drive. Everything works rather well....although multitasking is laborious, if possible at all. At first I thought it was the usb-key itself. After returning it (twice) I realised this just wasn't the case. 3 different flash drives had performed exactly the same way. Googling around over the last few days I found I'm not the only one to come across this problem...but still no solution.

What makes things weirder is that today I installed pure:dyne on that same stick and it works perfectly...running as smoothly (almost) as from a normal harddrive. Weirder still is the fact that pure:dyne is built from ubuntu itself...the only difference (as far as the whole usb-creation business goes) is that the persistence file/partition is named "live-rw" instead of "casper-rw".

I'd settle for pure:dyne...except it's built on "lucid" not "maverick"....two of my 3 computers have graphics driver issues with pure:dyne and the soundcard support is spotty (which is strange for a distro specialising in audio production) and wine (and therefore vst/i support) is not nearly as good. If anyone has any clue what goes on here I'd be very interested. In the meantime I'll run pure:dyne on the one computer that likes it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Maverick: MacBook 5,1 (and Mac General): Mouse?

Nov 1, 2010

I've seen many (unanswered) threads about this, so I'm asking again, specifically relating to Maverick on a MacBook 5,1 (and probably others) regarding the following:

Touchpad sensitivity Horizontal tracking across multiple displays is 2-3x faster than vertical tracking. Note that vertical tracking stays the same regardless of multi-monitor orientation; horizontal tracking seems to be the only thing affected by multi-monitor placement. This problem does not exist in single-monitor mode--x and y tracking is 1:1. There are no GUIs, xinput or other parameters I can find to adjust the x tracking resolution in multi-monitor mode, unless I'm just missing something. At this point I've tweaked every available parameter in xinput to see what they did, and none of them affected only the x resolution the way I would like.

Magic Mouse scrolling I have found several unanswered threads about this problem. Magic Mouse scrolling is terrible, and can't be adjusted using any of the GUIs available, nor by xinput. The ONLY existing solution is exclusive to Firefox. As above, I tried every xinput parameter for the driver available and could not get the scroll tracking to adjust at all. It's still static, at roughly 3-5 "lines" per tick, and the tick resolution is too great (my finger slides nearly the entire length of the mouse for only three or four ticks).

I am willing to look at source and compile new drivers if someone can point me in the right direction. Google is useless here, as the top 100 or so results all refer to the same handful of threads here on this forum, all of which remain unanswered to this day. If anybody out there has any new information regarding these problems, I'd love to hear about it, even if it's tucked away in some obscure blog nobody reads (which is why it wouldn't show up in the first dozen pages of Google results).

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Magic Mouse On 10.10 Maverick Meerkat ?

Nov 3, 2010

This HOWTO was based on a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 on Lenovo T61.

The Bluetooh GUI detected the mouse but nothing happened so I Removed the Mouse from Bluetooth Preference.

Open up Terminal:


Copy your mouse address and enter the following:

The following tweak is optional to make the mouse scroll a little better on firefox, enter about:config in the url, search for the following:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Mouse And Keyboard Not Working 10.10 Maverick

Nov 5, 2010

I upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04 few weeks ago. Everything was working fine until today when I did a partial upgrade and it removed some of the lib files. Now my usb mouse and keyboard is not working. I can move the mouse around but can't click ( left or right ). I have nvidia graphics card. I tried running it under safe graphics mode and when I do that everything works fine except for the compiz obviously. I have tried reinstalling nvidia driver to see if that would make a difference but that didn't work either. I am not sure which lib files did ubuntu removed. I have searched everywhere to find a solution on the web and the only thing I think it might b iz my xconf file iz messed up. I really don't want to reinstall the whole OS and loose all my apps.

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Freezing With High Load Average

Oct 15, 2010

It's the fourth time now since Maverick that I had to cold reboot my system because it was totally unresponsive. The system monitor in my taskbar shows 100% on the background blue graph (I guess that's just one core then) and almost nothing on the other core. On the last freeze I managed to open 'sudo top' before it went totally unresponsive and saw that there was no high CPU usage at all, but a load average spiking above 24. Also the swap seemed to be full although my machine usually never uses swap. I was watching a movie with VLC this time, but I'm not sure if VLC ran the other times my OS froze. I made a snapshot with my cell phone: [URL]. How I can prevent a process from causing so much load?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Maverick Mysteries - USB Keyboard / Mouse And Display

Nov 8, 2010

I have several machines which have been dual booting Ubuntu and Win for a couple years. Not much problem with setting them up, and Ubuntu has been trouble free. With this Maverick release, however, I've had quite a bit of trouble. Having trouble characterizing the flakiness, but it persists on this machine as follows ...

I did a clean install of the 10/10/10 distribution, dual booting with Win 7. Seemed to install OK and boot up once, although there might have been small problems during install, causing me to start over clean. Machine is relatively new AMD X4 940, with ATI HD 4800 video. The first flaky thing is that Sometimes (>50% of the time) the USB keyboard and/or mouse don't work (locked up). Sometimes one does, but not the other, sometimes neither work. I can't characterize why, but rebooting sometimes fixes it. The Win 7 environment is fine.

The second flaky thing is that after the initial boot to the graphical desktop, more often I boot to the black login screen. By reading this forum, I've found that "sudo service gdm start" usually starts the graphical desktop (although mostly with the mouse and or kbd frozen). This is a clean install, with the proprietary ATI driver added. I am dismayed, because this is so different from my earlier experience with Ubuntu. Don't know if these problems are somehow linked, or quite how to proceeds. Just looking for more stability.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Maverick Wireless RT2800PCI - Keep Getting Disconnected And Loading Websites Is Really Slow

Nov 4, 2010

I just installed 10.10 for netbooks, and apparently it's using the RT2800PCI driver for my wireless NIC in my EeePC 901. That driver is causing havoc with my school network, I keep getting disconnected, and loading websites is really slow.

Now I know that 10.04 uses a different driver RT2860 which seems to work far better on this network.

How to change to the driver from lucid. Or does anyone know of an even better solution? I've heard rumors about something called ndiswrapper...

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Fails To Load Grahical Display After NV Driver Deactivated / Solve It?

Nov 11, 2010

I am able to login to the system. code...

Are there any logs that you would like me to post?

I have tried reinstalling the NV display driver via "additional drivers" in the live CD, but they do not appear to be being retained on the HD version of Ubuntu. When I go back into the live cd the driver is not installed.

How can I switch the proprietary driver back on in the hard disk when I am running the live disk.

Is there a repair system program?

If not is there a way of forcing an upgrade on an upgraded system so that missing files are reinstalled?

If that does not work what should I do next to get the GDM to load?

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Ubuntu :: How To Slow Down Mouse

Apr 30, 2010

Even with all the mouse sensitivity and acceleration settings at the lowest my mouse is still very fast.

I tried googling this but I didn't really understand the guides much and the ones I did understand were from years ago.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Mouse In Games?

May 6, 2010

I just bought the Humble Indie Bundle and the moment Aquaria and Gish are open the mouse becomes really slow.

Running Fullscreen, 1440x900, Lucid Lynx (10.04) on a Dell Dimension C521. (Window or Lower resolutions didn't change anything.)

The mouse settings seem to be like this when I'm playing:

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Ubuntu :: Unity - Mouse Gets Stuck Or At Least REALLY Slow

Apr 6, 2011

I installed unity on ubuntu 10.10. when it first starts there is no problem ... but when I hover over any window the mouse gets stuck or at least REALLY slow that I cant control it. (I noticed also the keyboard does the same) some sites I searched suggested to remove unity application package and some other pack .. but it did not help. I use ATI (propriety drivers) on a Toshiba Laptop intel core i3, 3GB ram note that I downloaded gnome3-shell to try it but the exact same thing happened as unity.

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Ubuntu :: Slow To Load In Nautilus - Speeding Up?

Mar 7, 2011

Folders with large collections of photos are incredibly slow to load in Nautilus. Sometimes Nautilus goes grey and never recovers. I've tried increasing the size of the thumbs cache but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Ubuntu's Nautilus is also several times slower than Fedora on the same computer and same folders (Multiple OS). I've gotten so that I mainly use Thunar, which loads the same folders in a fraction of a second, though Thunar comes with its own limitations. Is there a way, yet, to make Nautilus behave like Thunar.

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Ubuntu :: Big Slow Down After Update - Took 3 Seconds For The Mouse To Select The Pic

Nov 26, 2010

I have Ubuntu Lucid Lynx since it came out, and until now it worked fine. I am updating regularly. Today too, I installed everything offered to me by updates manager (I looked through the list and didnt see anything I wouldnt want to update, but I dont remember everything that was there), and it asked for restart. Ok, so I restarted. Everything seemed fine. Then I tried to look at a picture, in normal,default viewer, an huh. It took 3 seconds for the mouse to select the pic, then another about 6 to open the viewer (and we are talking about a 40 KB pic). That was slow, but I thought maybe it was an accident. But no, everything I tried since goes slowly, at about a quarter of speed as before the update. I tried to remove unnecessary things with apt-get autoremove, I tried to stop or end all processes that seemed unnecessary, with no result. I restarted thrice. Nothing comes to mind anymore.

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Software :: Mouse Sensitivity Is Very Slow?

Dec 12, 2010

After these last bunch of updates, the mouse sensitivity setting is inversed...

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Does Take Relatively Long Time To Load On 'slow' PC

Jan 29, 2010

I have been using Karmic as a tool to extract important data from Windows Operating Systems where say viruses have necessitated a complete reinstall. I run the Karmic install disk and use the 'try before installing'option. It works well and I am able to 'rescue' anything I want by saving to a USB drive.Problem is that Karmic does take a relatively long time to load on a 'slow' PC.Does anyone have any suggestions on a 'slimmed down' Ubuntu that could be used in the same way which will load up quickly ?In most circumstances all I want to do is mount the C Drive of the stuffed PC and copy files to an external USB drive.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse And Keyboard Responding Very Slow Via Synergy After 11.04 Upgrade / Fix It?

May 2, 2011

Is anyone else having issues with their mouse/keyboard responsiveness via Synergy after upgrading to 11.04?

If I plug mouse and keyboard directly into the desktop the issue goes away. But when I connect via QuickSynergy and share my mouse/keyboard the mouse is very slow and has low sensitivity.

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Debian :: When Run An Application Is Slow To Load?

Sep 1, 2010

I have debian lenny, when I run an application is slow to load (example: iceweacel open and it takes, I can hold him iceweacel work normally), I tried to change from gnome to another and the same thing, went down some services (samba, squid) and nothing. I open a terminal and it takes, I want to duplicate it and do it fast. From a terminal without X (tty1) with root run mc and moves quickly, also run as root "sudo mc" and takes to boot.Any action done with sudo it takes to run.Can not be what it takes to make starting the applications, not the PC because it is new, and from one moment to another I began to pass this

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox Very Very Slow To Load/open Websites?

May 13, 2010

I have freshed installed lucid.Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/LinuxThe problem is firefox is very very slow to open web sites.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Network Forward - USB Stick Seems Very Slow To Load

Mar 29, 2011

I tried Ubuntu Network version on a USB stick on my Netbook Samsung NF210 with 2GB RAM but this does not seem to be a viable way forward to me. Ubuntu on USB stick seems very slow to load. When resuming seemed to throw up errors. Resuming from Windows takes 3 seconds. I am reluctant to dual boot my netbook with Ubuntu after my experiences with my spare laptop. Is there a safe way to install Ubuntu on a netbook to dual boot with Windows Starter? how I get Ubuntu to work with a 'Three' Mobile dongle?

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General :: Synergy Client Mouse Speed (Slow)?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm using synergy+ with Windows XP as a server and a CentOS client. The mouse speed on the client (Linux) seems really slow. Is there a way to have the mouse speed from the server persist to the clients?

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