Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot From XP Install CD

Jan 22, 2010

I've got Ubuntu installed on my computer but my brothers want Windows XP back. I have the XP disks but when I reboot the computer and it says Boot from CD press any key. I press any key and it doesn't boot, Ubuntu just loads. I tried to change the Bios by pressing F12 but when I get in the menu it won't let me choose. I press the up and down arrows and nothing works. How can I install using the XP disks?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Boot / Unable To Change The Boot Records On The Drive?

Aug 18, 2010

Dual Booting my laptop and unable to change the Boot Records on the drive. Not because I dont know how, but my primary OS will fail to boot(win7).

I have drive partitioned as follows...
sda1 = Win7 system (default install)
sda2 = Win7 Main (default install)
sda3 = swap
sda4 = Extension (I think thats what its called)
sda5 = / (ext4)

What I need is a boot cd or perferably Grub installed on a 256MB Thumb drive with the options to load the installed system from sda5.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot And Install 11.4 (64-bit) In Desktop

Apr 6, 2011

I've successfully downloaded openSUSE-11.4(64-bit) ISO image from the openSUSE site,and burned the ISO image successfully into 2 DVD's separately using Nero(ver.7) But I am unable to boot up from the DVD. When I pop in the DVD into my DVD-writer,a few seconds go by with the blinking cursor,and eventually boots off to Windows.The BIOS setting of my machine has been enabled to boot from CD/DVD first before HDD. No error messages are shown while I try to boot. The burned ISO image file is O.K. as it gets successfully verified after writing on the DVD. The image file {openSUSE-11.4 (64-bit)}being 4.29GB in size

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Windows After Install?

Nov 14, 2010

I recently installed ubuntu on my netbook (asus eee PC). The problem is, when I restarted the computer and got to the overview on what to boot and chose Windows 2000/xp/vista etc etc sda1, I am not able to boot into windows. There is just a blinking underline _ <- like that in the top left corner. And nothing happens. I cannot risk to lose my files that are on the windows partition. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Nvidia Driver Install?

Mar 4, 2010

This is my first day with Umbuntu and my first post here at the forums. I bought a Dell Pentium 4 with a fresh install of Umbuntu 9.10 on it. Worked well until I decided to do something a newbie shouldn't do and install a graphics card and drivers. The graphics card worked just fine until the drivers were installed and I tried to reboot the system. Now it no longer boots. Some specifics for you.

Since my time with Ubuntu is limited to hours, the nomenclature will probably be wrong. But I will try to get the point across. The card is a EVGA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra. On first start up with this card the computer functioned fine. I went to a place where you could change the screen options. There were three selections and I don't remember the names (idiot that I am). I selected the middle one. The OS stated that in order to utilize all the capabilities of nvidia graphics cards blah, blah, blah, a driver would need to be downloaded and activated. No name, just a driver. OK, do it (sounds kinda windows like). The download seemed to go OK, but now I needed to reboot to activate the driver.

Now: Ubuntu logo comes up. Screen goes to a text screen that says:

Ubuntu 9.10 dave-ubuntu tty1
dave-ubuntu login:

This screen flashes and does not take input from the keyboard or mouse. Next, I removed the graphics card and used the on-board graphics. Same result with faster flashing. What have I done? Apparently Ubuntu and Linux in general don't have a system recovery option? I read something about the GRUB menu, but the system flasher GRUB loading for half a second and then is on to locking up. I can't seem to get to a GRUB menu. What a way to finish the day.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To CD Boot For Non-Wubi Install

Dec 27, 2010

I've been unable to do a non-Wubi install of U 10.10 desktop 32 bit. My setup:

HP p6240f , Intel Core2 Quad Q8300 2.5 GHz, 4 MB L2 Cache, 1333 MHz FSB

Currently, I have a clean install of Windows XP (updated) on my desktop. Previously, I used a clean install of Windows 7, but ran into the same problems below. My U install problems are:

1.) Live CD will not boot upon restarting PC. As per the U documentation web site (URL) , md5sums confirmed that proper .iso copy was downloaded and burned to CD. (However, see log file below for md5 error)

2.) "Installing CD boot helper" does not work. I receive the following error message: "Could not retrieve the required installation files", and it refers to a log file. An excerpt of the log file is below.

12-27 18:06 DEBUG TaskList: #### Finished get_metalink
12-27 18:06 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_file_md5
12-27 18:06 DEBUG TaskList: #### Running get_file_md5...
12-27 18:07 DEBUG TaskList: #### Finished get_file_md5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After 11.03 Server Install

Jul 11, 2011

I completed an install of Ubuntu server 11.04 last night. After the initial reboot I receive a message stating there is no boot disk. Needless to say, this was irritating. I have run Fedora 14 w/Amahi on this computer for several months but, I wanted to try something different. I am running the following:

Intel DG965WH MB
Intel Core 2 6300 @ 1.86Ghz
4gb Ram
3 2T HD's (WDCWD20EARS-00M, ST32000542A5 and, ST2000DL003-9VT1)
Nvidia 9600GT
Creative X-FI
Sony DVD Optical Drive.

I wanted to use server so I can setup an LV during setup, which doesn't appear to be offered with the Desktop version (during setup I mean). So, ANY help would be really awesome. I don't care which version, of the OPSYS, I use as long as it can do the following:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install 10.04 - Unable To Boot One Of OS (Mint)?

May 10, 2010

I admit that I am a noob - knows a little which makes it more dangerous than not knowing at all. in brief, I am unable to boot one of the OS out of 3 I have installed. Everything is fresh install on newly formatted partitions.

Here are the details:Two HDs - one is Sata and second is IDE. Win7 installed on IDE (sdb2) then Ubuntu 9.10 on Sata (sda2) and lastly Linux Mint on Sata (sda3). Everyone was on its place - that is - Ubuntu 9.10 on sda2, Linux-Mint on sda3 and Win7 on sdb2.

Future of the day was bright and promising until I upgraded online to 10.04. After that, I was only able to boot to Win7 (IDE drive - sdb2 - not sure if it changed at that point or not) but no nix OS on Sata sda2 & sda3. I downloaded 10.04 and installed from CD again on sda2. Well, now I am able to boot into Win7 and Ubuntu 10.04 but no Linux-Mint. Another interesting thing is that sda and sdb have interchanged/swapped. So now if I chcek it thru gparted or run boot script, Sata drive shows up as sdb and IDE is now sda. In another post, I read that grub2 does that and make IDE drive as the first drive and Sata drive as second. Well, I buy that but why I am unable to boot to second OS on the same Sata drive? Evidently, I am missing something and I take that it is mostly user error but please


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot WinXP After Fresh Install

Oct 23, 2010

I have some proprietory softwares installed on WinXP so it is very important for my work that it is up and running.

I performed a FULL INSTALL from the Live-CD (10.10) and installed grub on the windows partition.
Now whenever I try to select the Windows option in the Grub menu, the screen goes blank and it gets me back to the Grub menu.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Fresh Install On HARDWARE Raid 1

Aug 31, 2010

I am installing Kubuntu AMD64 10.04 on a 500GB Hardware raid1. After the install completes, the computer will try booting, but grub says "No such disk."

The motherboard specs are Here,

I have tried installing to this raid three times, each returning the results mentioned above. Does anyone know what is going on?

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Boot After Install F10

Jan 17, 2009

Just installed a fresh copy of F10. After install, when I boot It goes through a screen where it shows 3 bars loading. Once the last bar (white) is finished, and fedora 10 becomes white, nothing happens. If i press any key, it will give me a msg saying something along the lines of "reading contents of drive vol000 this make take a while". I rebooted after 2 hours. When i came back, I waited 8 hours.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Unable To Boot Xen Kernel

Nov 9, 2010

I am unable to boot the xen kernel but can boot the desktop kernel. The machine boots and the last message I see is:
(Xen) Created cpupool 0 with Scheduler SMP Credit Scheduler (Credit)

After this the screen just turns into a random mess. It looks like graphics memory is pointing at a area of memory filled with random data. The computer actually boots but the display is unusable and the keyboard fails (num lock doesn't work). I can cleanly halt by pressing the power button and waiting for disk activity to stop. After reading several other threads I've tried various combinations of vga=mode-0x0f00 and nomodeset but the result is always the same. I've set the vga mode to 0x0f00 as I actually get to see up to the "Created cpupool...." in this mode. The system boots without any issues with opensuse 11.2.

I'm using a gigabyte GA-Q35M motherboard and the output from lspci is:
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express DRAM Controller (rev 02)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
00:03.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express MEI Controller (rev 02)
00:03.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express PT IDER Controller (rev 02) .....

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General :: Grub Unable To Install Xp (or Boot Any Cd/dvd)?

Mar 30, 2010

i had installed linux on my 40 IDE hard disk drive now i want to install xp on then linux, but i am not able to boot any cd now, that grub problem is coming again and again.THIS IS WHAT I DID BUT COULD NOT FIND THE SOLUTION1.I formatted entire hard disk by connecting it to second computer fully formatted took me almost 1.20 minutes to format still nothing happend to that grub problemthe only way i could install xp on that 40 gb ide hd was to connect it to 2nd pc and install xp on it,but then when i connected this hd to first one i could install linux on it but xp was giving some popups windows as now the motherboard had changed on this 1st pc

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Slackware :: Unable To Boot After Install Of NetSecL?

Mar 2, 2010

I downloaded NetSecL today to try it out and see what it contains. At first I tried installing it to USB, which after reboot gave me a kernel panic. So I tried installing to my spare laptop, dedicated for testing. Installation went flawless, no errors whatsoever, but when I rebooted the strangest thing happened.

Half of my screen was filled with 07 07 07 and nothing else. No errors on screen, nothing. Not even the LILO boot screen, which I got when booting from USB (just before the kernel panic).

I've used this particular laptop (HP Compaq NX7010) lots of times with a variety of OS and LiveCD, just to try and test, and never have I seen this before.

what this strange behaviour is? I tried installing another OS but got the same behaviour, so I booted from GParted LiveCD, formatted the disk and created a new partition table. After that I was able to install whatever OS I wanted (except the NetSecL).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Fresh Install - Screen Blacks Out?

Mar 12, 2010

I was able to boot up the live CD and install the OS to the hard disk. *Single boot.After I rebooted, the system loads up to the Ubuntu splash screen and will "eventually" move along. The problem is that once it moves past the splash screen, it starts blacking out the screen. It looks like the screen turns on for about 10 seconds and then off for another 10 seconds repeatedly. The screen blinks like this indefinitely.This is my first attempt at installing and or using Linux so I am an uber n00b.

** Also, I am able to ctrl + alt + f1 and get to the terminal so i should be able to run any commands without any trouble.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Packages / Tries To Mess Up Boot Manager

Apr 22, 2010

I cannot get package installer, either Synaptic, Ubuntu Center, sodo aptitude install or plain double clicking on .deb files I have already downloaded on my PC to work.I get this:dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.When I do(even after a clear)sudo dpkg --configure. Ubuntu goes and tries to mess up with my boot configuration. wtf does installing a package have to do with messing up my lilo? I get this regardless of how I try to install the package and it makes no sense(ok, If I do this graphically, I get the same errors from a widget window)

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Play Videos Properly After Dual Boot Install

Sep 29, 2010

i just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my imac. i can play videos from videos no problem but when i try and play avi, mov or any other video format, the movie player quickly opens and closes. when i try with vlc player, i see the player bar but no video. when i try with smplayer, i can watch the video but when i go full screen, the movie doesn't take up the whole area of the screen. it stays at the same small size.

what do i need to do to make this right? i installed the ubuntu restricted extras. did i miss something?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot When No Monitor Is Attached

May 14, 2010

I can''t make the machine booth when a monitor is NOT attached to the machine. The PC seems to get past the P.O.S.T with minimal HDD activity, and then it simply hangs there, doing nothing. I know Linux is not booted because the HDD flashes briefly only 3-4 times and then absolutely nothing. When a monitor is attached, everything works perfectly.

I read somewhere that this happend when GRUB tries to display graphics, so I edited the menu.lst and removed the graphics line within it, which causes GRUB to display a B/W clear-text boot-menu (when a monitor is attached), but the machine still won't boot with no monitor. I also edited inittab to boot to level 3, same outcome.

More Info:
~Welcome to First International Computer, Inc.~
OpenSuse 11.2 - Almost default install
Added SW: VNC and Squid (both active on Init 3 and 5
Boot Loader: GRUB

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot LiveCD From USB On Netbook

May 15, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One Netbook. Everytime I try to "burn" the live 11.2 GNOME CD to an USB drive (1GB) it fails on boot. I've tried unetbootin, the application from pendrivelinux.com as well. When it boots, it usually can't find the image. So I have to type in the name of the image by hand then press enter. I actually type the below in:

boot: openSUSE_Linux_(GNOME)

So it starts loading the image in text mode. I don't mind this, except it stops when it tries probing for the CD/DVD ROM.

rebootException failed to detect CD/DVD or USB drive

It just stops pass there. I've tried to add in the options acpi=off, but do I add it in before or after I enter in the image name? BTW, it doesn't boot in my laptop either.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot Kubuntu From 11. Grub?

Jun 11, 2010

I have installed latest kubuntu (10.04) on sda7, ext4 , and i selected the advanced feature of the installer to install kubuntu bootloader on sda7. 11.1 is on sda5 .First , it destroyed my 11.1 grub bootloader on mbr . I managed to restore it with the 11.1 installation DVD. Now i try to boot kubuntu from the sda7 bootloader, without success . I searched the forums and tried some hints i found but found no similar problems. Here are the different entries i tried on grub (mbr) , content of the /boot/grub/menu.lst :

# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on ven. juin 11 15:41:32 CEST 2010
default 0
timeout 3
gfxmenu (hd0,4)/boot/message
##YaST - activate


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot From A Faulty RAID1?

Jul 14, 2010

opensuse 11.2 64 bits installed in a RAID1 software array. Everything worked smooth during installation, the system boots, the mdx partitions are in their places, did the upgrades, configured the way i wanted, booted several times... all ok. Then i wanted to test the RAID and since its RAID1 i just disconnected 1 drive and started the computer. All what i got is

GRUB loading stage 1.5
GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 21

Connect the drive back and the system works ok.

Disconnect the other drive, then i got
GRUB loading stage 1.5
GRUB loading, pleas wait...
(hd1,0)/message: file not found
and a simple boot menu (in character mode) shows up with the 2 options SUSE LINUX and Failsafe -- SUSE LINUX (no version number)


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot After Updating The Kernel

Oct 4, 2010

Yesterday I updated openSuse 11.3 on my laptop. Kernel update from to was included. Yast performed fine and at the end it stated to reboot for using the new Kernel. So I did, but what a bad surprise!! Normally the Grub menu should have been updated, but not this time. Fortunately I know how to handle this, but not all users will be able to resolve this problem, so here's what to do if this happens to you: You will run into the Text console saying: Press any button to continue... Before doing this write down on a piece of paper the text lines visible on the screen, starting with:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi....... resume=/dev/disk........

or whatever it reads for your system. You will need this info to edit the menu and succeed to boot. Now press any key and you will get the Grub menu. The standard option will be highlighted. press "e" to edit that option. Next you will see the Grub menu lines

First press key "o" to add a new line, select it by arrow down, press "e" to edit the line. (In my case it was not possible to edit the full original line, but only the added options like vag=0x317) Enter the line you wrote down, but change the kernel's version number to the new one Should look similar like:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi.......

(it works if you only use the part before "resume=/dev/disk....") After finishing hit Enter and you will turn bach to the Grub menu lines. Now move with the up/down arrow key to the old line, press "d" to remove the old line. Next move to the line with "initrd /boot/initrd-", press "e" and edit the line so that it reads: initrd /boot/initrd- press Enter to move back to the Grub menu lines. Now press "b" to boot. After booting log in, open your file manager as root, browse to /boot/grub and open the menu.lst file to edit and change the kernel old version numbers to the new one. Save it and next time it your machine will boot normally again.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Sony Vaio Z12 - Unable To Boot

Oct 10, 2010

i bought the new sony notebook the specs are Sony Vaio VPC-Z12Z9E Intel i7-620M, 8192MB, 4x64GB SSD, 13.1" WUXGA (1920x1080), Win7Pro, NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M und Intel GMA HD, GLAN, WLAN (300 Mbps), Bluetooth, Webcam

the notebook have 4 ssd cards in raid 0 - its an intel software raid but suse recognize it and i am able to install it. kde or gnome installation is success but a boot loader cant be installed. i can life with - start install, cancel and start the installed system. but nothing found. also i could enter the dev name for boot but what dev is that.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot / Restore Grub?

Nov 4, 2010

I was messing with some boot loaders which accidently disabled grub and I was remained with windows 7 boot loader only.How can I restore grub?I am using Opensuse 11.3

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot From Live USB On HP Laptop

Jul 26, 2011

A few weeks ago I installed Fedora Linux 64-bit on my HP dv4-1428ca laptop which was running Windows 7. At that time I created a Live USB using the fedora-live usb tool and it booted fine. A couple days ago I decided to try out openSUSE, so I downloaded the 64-bit live-cd image and tried to create a live usb using the SUSEStudio ImageWrite provided in the documentation. The tool kept giving me an error message, so I decided to try unetbootin instead. However, when I tried to boot the live usb on my HP laptop, it presented me with the message.

"SYSLINUX 4.04 EDD 2011-04-18 COPYRIGHT (C) 1994-2011 H. PETER ANVIN ET AL" with a blinking cursor and nothing else. I've tried a variety of alternative programs for creating live USB's (pendrivelinux, linux live usb creator, unebootin), and verified the checksum of the iso file for openSUSE 11.4 64-bit, and still was not able to get past the "SYSLINUX..." message on my HP laptop. However, the live USB does boot on the other computers in my house. Interestingly, if I create a live USB using the tool provided by Fedora, it will boot fine. However the Fedora Live USB tool cannot be used for other distros.

AMD Turion X2 Dual Core
4GB Ram
ATI Radeon 3200 Graphics
320 GB Hard Drive

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General :: Cannot Install Grub,unable To Boot Windows 7?

May 31, 2010

Two days ago i turned on my pc and suddenly there was a message:"Minimal Bash-like line editing is supported.For the first word,TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename.ESC any time exists...

When i googled this message it came out that this has got to do with linux (i have never used linux and i formated my disc once or twice since i bought it so i found it very strange that this problem is related to linux).Anyway,i found out that grub is the problem and that it isnt a big deal to solve it.I downloaded Ubuntu,booted it from the cd and followed the instructions...I typed in grub (in the terminal) and it told me to download it so i typed in "get-apt grub install" or something like that and it all went well,i was now in the grub directory.Then i typed " find /boot/grub/stage1" and it told me that the file was not found.

I have tried everything,i have downloaded the super rescue cd the fix the problem but i have still the same problem.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install F12 X64 From Boot.iso Over PPPoE / Enable It?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to install F12 x64 from boot.iso.

My ISP give Internet connection only by PPPoE. A problem is next.
After partitions creation installation offer me connection from eth0 device - I need ppp0 device.

Is any way to create ppp0 device, configure PPPoE connection during installation from boot.iso?

May be it is anywhere documentatons create your own boot.iso with added PPPoE ?

I don't want download full DVD F12 or LiveCD.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot Into The OS - Error 25 GRUB Stage 1.5 ?

Jul 31, 2009

A few days ago I decided to ditch Windows for good. I read for hours about a Linux distro and settled on OpenSUSE.

I just need to say one thing. Linux is not for the feint of heart, and everywhere I turn (forums), I see computers riddled with error messages, frustrated people, and the list goes on.

I'm willing to work through this though since I feel that the benefits will outweigh anything that Microsoft can offer, so here goes.

Upon installing the new build of OpenSUSE, I encountered an error message that was fixed by hitting retry (I forgot the name, but I remember it being something like Etk3 or something of the sort).

My issue now is not being able to boot into the OS. I'm getting Error 25 from GRUB on stage 1.5

I've installed 11.1 over my Windows XP partition. I want XP no more. Additionally, I read the sticky and followed all the instructions. I also selected the KDE desktop (I still don't know the difference between that and GNOME despite Googling it several times).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Increase The Size Of Boot Partition?

Jul 31, 2010

I have setup my opensuse 11.3 machine w/ LVM support for everything but boot. I have the following disks:

/dev/sda1 - 70.57 MB /boot
/dev/sda2 - 5.81 GB back up for original windows
/dev/sda3 - 292.21 GB LVM group.

When I attempt to resize the 70.57 MB partition, it tells me that 70.57 mb is the max that this partition can be. This was true even during the install

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot After Online Update Option?

Dec 17, 2010

I've installed opensuse 11.3 on my computer (well actually Ive done it twice, once with full DVD image and once with network install). Everything was OK until Ive made update (yast/software/online update <-- BTW kupdate applet isn't working, just update bar appear and stuck on 0%). i haven't installed any additional packages, only the defaults (KDE desktop). after update only fail safe option is working (booting normally and looks like normal desktop, no visual differences between normal and fail safe booting, if there should been any). When I've tried to find solution for this problem, very ofter answers were -> graphic drivers problem (im using ati hd 4670 AGP <-- yea, AGP . well when i start normal boot green screen with lizard logo appear, then screen goes black for a second or two, then the green screen come again, and after another few second screen goes black permanently with working hdd for 30-40 second (hdd led blinking) BTW i have windows7 pro (booting fine) on this machine too, it was installed as first system on hd0,0. opensuse was installed on stand alone PATA disk (secondary EIDE master, ODD on slave). how to gather info which u all need to get this problem more detailed. PS> sorry for my English, its not my native language.

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