Ubuntu :: Starcraft Screen Tear And Mouse Lag?

Dec 22, 2010

I have wine installed. And i also have Starcraft. however it is the No Install type. It opens fine with wine. However the mouse is really laggy in the menu and in gameplay. The screen tears during gameplay as well. Does anyone know how to fix these issues. I have wine installed on a different computer, running linux mint distro. And the starcraft works fine on there. So i dont understand why it would work find on mint and not on ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA 'tear Free' Playback Plus Visual Effects ON!

Feb 13, 2011

Your Refresh Rate and Outputs HAS TO be the same freq as your monitor.This overwrites whatever you have set in NVIDIA X Server Settings.I use this on my laptop with an NVidia 8400GS card and on a Revo 3700 (with NVIDIA ION) through SMPlayer and XBMC.You can have choppy free and 'tear free' playback AND visual effects on!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Frame Tear On Intel HD GMA And NVidia GeForce 310M?

Jul 25, 2011

I bought an asus U33JC and except for one major issue (frame tear) it works fine out of the box using 11.04 64bit, with some minor issues easily solved (suspend, upside down cam on skype, flash and java). The U33JC has optimus, but also a bios option to disable the Intel GMA. So I could use the on chip Intel GMA or disable it and use the discrete GF310M.

The major issue I have now is poor video playback. Frame tear occurs in every single configuration I tried: Either using the internal Intel GMA, or disabling the Intel via bios option and using the NVidia proprietary drivers or even using bumblebee. This frame tear occurs also on the desktop, but the real problem is that it's very noticeable on video, specially when connecting my HD TV via HDMI. I tested 720p h264 mkv videos and even low res xvid avis in totem and mplayer/Smplayer all equally poor. Using mplayer I tried several vo options, such as xv (intel? xv) and x11, and playback is poor on all of them. Oh, and I don't use compiz (don't care for it). Refresh rate is 60Hz, and should be the right one. It works fine with vlc on the soon to be transformed into free space windows7, but that's not an option for me. I used Ubuntu before on a laptop, but I usually use Gentoo, so I'm not familiar with the ubuntu distro.

The purpose of this laptop was to be my "tv media center" when at home and my work laptop for travelling (13 inch ! ). But it failed miserably on the first count. I'm still using my old celeron based Gentoo laptop with RGB out to my tv for that, still with much better results (it can decode only up to 720p, which is fine). But it is dying! I really don't understand why playback is so poor. Could messing with xconf be the answer?

EDIT: Here's my xorg log. NO VSYNC? Is this right? Please help.

[ 20.743]
X.Org X Server 1.10.1
Release Date: 2011-04-15
[ 20.743] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0

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Fedora Installation :: When You Reboot The Mouse Works Ok Until The Welcome Screen Apears Then The Mouse Stops Working?

Jun 17, 2009

I have install fedora11 live and the mouse work well when installing.When you reboot the mouse works ok until the welcome screen apears then the mouse stops working and I cannot continue with the postinstall. I have a 1TB usb externalHD that I am installing fedora11 and have partitioned it so that I have 500Gb free for fedora, system is doucore 2.4,4gb RAm, I tryed doing this with three differend mice and connectting the mouse to different usb ports

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Ubuntu :: How To Bind Quamachi IP To StarCraft

Jul 3, 2010

I just switched over to Ubuntu from vista because it was giving me to many problems and I'm setting things up. My question is how can I bind Quamachi's ip to Starcraft like in windows but since forcebindip wont work I am wondering if any of you know what I can do to get it so I can play lan udp games over quamachi? I have quamachi installed and ready to go... I can see the networks, so once I can get starcraft set up I should be ready to go. I just need to bind the ip somehow.

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Ubuntu :: Starcraft 2 Crashes As Soon As Opened?

Oct 2, 2010

i have Starcraft 2 with wine, now when i first tried to play it, i upped the graphics, then it crashed. Now when i try to open it, it just crashes instantly - any words of advice on how i can get my starcraft 2 running?

I got a phenom II x4 3.2ghz
gigabyte gtx 460 1gb
and 2 gigs of ddr3 ram

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use Winetools To Play Starcraft 2?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm trying to slowly wean away from windows (too many BSODs) and convert to Linux. only one problem. I'm a hardcore gamer. i went on google and looked up how to run windows games in ubuntu. all i could really find was "use winetools". i know that winetools emulates windows, but it's really complicated to figure out how to use it. can someone tell me how to use winetools to play starcraft 2? or what packages i may need to download? (Sorry if this is kind of a vague post, but i really don't know how to use winetools at all.)

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Ubuntu :: Starcraft 2 Installed / Patched / Now Will Not Open?

Sep 30, 2010

I just installed starcraft 2 using playonlinux and wine. I was able to launch it once it finished the updates. I proceeded to amp up the graphics to ultra on everything. I did that then it crashed. i now can not seem to open it. Not through wine or on the desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen And Mouse Arrow After Long Screen Saver Shutdown?

Jun 25, 2011

I have recently installed 11.04 natty on Intel Core i3-2100 3.1 GHZ using its own graphic accelerator. When the screen is idle for a long time, more than 1 hour, I get a black screen with the mouse arrow but nothing else. the mouse moves the cursor and Ctl+Alt+F1 does work. How to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Stuck On Black Screen With (mouse) Cursor After Grub And A Purple Screen?

Jul 21, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 today as the main OS on my laptop.I had deleted my XP partition, and repartitioned it according to a guide I had found. (http:url)......Basically it was setup like this: 500mb ext2 primary partition, has the grub folder, I believe this is either the '/' partition, or the '/boot' partition 2gb swap space logical partition

10gb ext4 logical partition -- this is either the '/' or the '/boot', it contains the 'bin,boot,cdrom,dev' etc folders 243gb (the rest of my hard drive, with the exception of a partition that contains documents and files from my XP OS, formatted to NTFS) ext4, this is the one that has all my desktop/documents/etc folders.After Ubuntu was done installing, I had some message pop up about installing an ATI proprietary driver for my ATI graphics card (an ATI Radeon HD 4330, I believe, I may have messed that number up). I installed it and rebooted, no problem.

Next, I had another update window pop up with 198 items checked and ready to download and install. I went through all of this, and rebooted, again, no problem.Next thing I did was install some apps that were essential for me to have to use for my work (an ide, chat programs, etc). No problem with any of that.Last thing to install was the OSE Virtualbox, and then I installed WindowsXP Pro and Windows Vista Business, then installed the guest addition addon for VB. This all worked without any issues whatsoever.

Time goes on, and I notice my computer is heating up much more than (seemingly) normal. I begin to wonder if its my graphics card. So I shut down the computer and let it cool down. Reboot, and no problem, still working fine.Then I opened a couple of apps and tried a simple game (can't remember the name) I believe it was a simple 3d topdown, as I wanted to test my graphics card. This is where things seemed to start to go wrong. My laptop began hanging, not even allowing me to access the terminal via ctrl+alt+f2. The screen flashed and I saw the blue/green/grey fuzz that I get when the graphics card is starting to heat up too much. Then everything hangs and I can't do anything at all, including move the mouse. I did a hard reboot (I believe this is what you call pulling the plug/pressing the power button, correct me if I'm wrong). I then rebooted, saw a chkdisk, then it booted seemingly normal, but it hung right after the purple screen after the grub screen.

This is pretty much where I'm at right now. I strongly suspect the fault is with the ATI drivers, but have been completely unsuccessful in my attempts to fix it. I've googled just about everything I could think of, along with searching these forums. I've tried just about everything listed in the forums, but to no avail.I've tried the commands that are supposed to purge the ati drivers, but all I get are errors that say they can't remove the 'virtual drivers'.

Right now I'm booting off a live cd, so I know the computer still works fine, just not my actual installed OS. I'd really like to get the issue resolved without having to reinstall, as it took quite awhile just to get it usable in the first place, but this has already taken so much time, I may just resort to that if we can't solve it any other way. Got too much work to catch up on as it is.As a re-instated note, perhaps if you have any tips, but not particularly about fixing the OS, my laptop (I'm strongly guessing my graphics card) is heating up much more than normal, compared to that when XP was installed. Is this more than likely just a driver issue, as is the rest of it? Also, I did have Compiz installed, though I didn't choose for it to be installed, I believe it came pre-installed. I've heard it could cause some issues, though I have no idea as to the validity or relation to this particular issue.

I just remembered while searching for a solution, I found a post somewhere that said something about the information not being sent to the monitor from the graphics card properly, thus no desktop. I'm guessing that'd still fall under the driver issues, but again, I'm unsure. I would think that wouldn't be entirely true anyway, since I can still see my mouse fine, just no desktop, only a black screen.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Dual Monitors ATI 5770 Network With No DHCP 4 Hard Drives To Mount Starcraft 2

May 23, 2011

setup amd64bit created a live DVD of the 11.4 64 bit burn pope inside went to install put selected the second option because putting it on a 60G vertex ocz super fast drive. used the entire drive for ubuntu. have mirror dual monitor installed the proprietary drivers from amd.go to Ubuntu software center type additional drives install and install the proprietary drivers from ati you should be able to figure that out then lauch the ati catalyst control and setup your 1 and 2 monitors so that they are correct.

ok now install Wine ubuntu software thingy tip wine don't do the beta right now im stuck on installing starcraft and mounting the other hard drives will get back to you and make a better guide on this.oh by the way if your Internet isn't connecting automatically you might need to set your IPV4 setting manually this is because you have set your router with DHCP disabled. Code needed for install:

nautilus $HOME

PLAY ON LINUX is working for SC2 Sois crashes though and during install sont font was missing neede to guesse correct button to install.

More useful code

To mount the drive ro (read only):Make a mount point.mount First open a terminal.Then type these commands (assuming the partition is /dev/hdb1):


sudo mkdir /mnt/music
sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/music -t ntfs

Note: if the partition is not /dev/hdb1 you will need to adjuxt accordingly.To make the mount automatic at boot you need to edit fstab:


sudo gedit /etc/fstab

Add this line:


/dev/hdb1 /mnt/music ntfs auto,users,ro 0 0

Again, adjust your partition accordingly if needed. Copy and paste the contents of /etc/fstab (in your next post) and type in a terminal "sudo fdisk -l" (w/o quotes) and copy and paste the output.


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Ubuntu :: Run Starcraft 2 From The Installation Folder - Error "doesn't Have Permission To Run As An Executable"

Jul 23, 2011

I'm trying to run Starcraft 2 from the installation folder I kept from my previous windows install, and when I double-click the .exe I get an error that says it doesn't have permission to run as an executable. So I checked out the properties page, permissions tab, and for some ungodly reason none of the changes I make stick. The second I click the check box for "Run as an exectuable" it unchecks. I have no idea what to do and I've scoured the net looking for an answer. I'd prefer to avoid redownloading it (didn't buy the retail version) but it's looking like my only option at this point.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Jumps To Corner Of Screen?

Oct 10, 2010

For about a month now, my mouse has been jumping to one of the corners of my screen every few minutes (normally the top-left). I also had a problem where the right mouse button would double-click 90% of the time.

I just replaced my mouse a few minutes ago, and now the right button works fine, but the cursor keeps jumping to the corner of the screen.

I'm fairly certain this is not a hardware problem, since switching mice did not fix the problem.

Both were PS2 corded laser mice.

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Ubuntu :: The Center Of The Screen Is Not Responsive To The Mouse

May 20, 2011

I have recently did a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04, before that i had 10.04. In the new installation i have a problem with the mouse that did not exist before: some of the radio buttons and some links in web pages are not responsive. further more, while writing this post, the mouse does not change its icon to text icon when i hoover over the post's text. it happens also in web pages when it does not change to hyper-link icon over some links. it seems that there is a certain area in the canter of the screen where it happens.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Black-screen And Mouse Pointer

May 29, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 on my Dell Inspiron 1525. I haven't have been having consistent internet connection, hence haven't updated for much of the time. Yesterday I tried to update the Firefox browser from 3.6 to 4 and ran


sudo apt-get install firefox

It told a amount of around 57 packages would be updated in the process. After the installation I shutdown and went to sleep.The system now boots to purple screen ubuntu dot loading and then to black screen with the mouse pointer in the centre. Then nothing happens. I searched in the forums and tried to go to recovery mode and ran dkpg, then failsafeX, but failsafeX cannot detect my input devices, Hence I can't do anything.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And Mouse Will Not Work Once Get To The Login Screen

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Logitech Wave keyboard and mouse for my computer. I am not sure which version of Ubuntu I am running on but I think it is 6.10. When I boot up my computer I can go into the BIOS and earlier today it would even let me press escape to seee which operating systems I could boot. Now it no longer lets me see the operating system I have (which is why I cant say which version of Ubuntu I have). It takes me to the log in page and asks for the username and password but I cant type and I cant move the mouse. Earlier I could also use Alt+F1-F12, but this is no longer working either so it just sits at the login page and nothing works at all. The computer that is having this problem is very old it is a Proteva and when I opened up the actual computer the processor says:

At startup the computer says that the processor is a: AMD K-6

I know that the BIO's are to old for Ubuntu to run properly because at startup it also says that: "ACPI :
BIOS age (1998 ) fails cutoff (2000), acpi=force is required to enable ACPI" it also says that: "ACPI : unable to load the System Description Tables."

I have'nt used this computer for about a year or two, but the last time I used it it worked perfectly fine. I have been seeing questions on the forums similar to mine, but their problems are on other versions of Ubuntu and their mouse's are said to work fine. I cant try any of the solutions for the problems I have read about because I cant open the prompt that you get when you are at the log in screen and press F2. I have no idea what to do.

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Ubuntu :: Prevent Mouse From Deactivating Locked Screen?

Mar 17, 2010

I recently installed Karmic Koala (desktop edition) on an old PC. Most of the time, the PC is expected to be running in locked screen (i.e. blank screensaver),unless I need to fiddle with something.However, I keep hitting the mouse accidentally.Therefore, I would like to prevent the mouse from deactivating the locked screen and presenting the unlocking dialog. I.e. only direct keyboard press should invoke this action

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Ubuntu :: Screen Wake Up But Mouse Cursor Disappears

May 16, 2010

When I close the lid on my laptop, it blanks the screen but does not sleep or hibernate. When I open the lid, the screen wakes and everything runs, but my mouse cursor has disappeared. I can restart the desktop ctrl-alt-backspace and get my mouse back.

My hardware:
- Lenovo Thinkpad X61 Tablet
- Intel GM965 video
- Ubuntu Jaunty (v9.04)

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Ubuntu :: Control 2 Computers With One Screen, Keyboard And Mouse?

May 29, 2010

I have 2 computers running Ubuntu 10.04, One of them have a screen, keyboard and mouse connected (all wired)I want to control the other computer in some way, like a virtual PC in a window, via my network or a cable.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And Mouse Doesn't Work In Log In Screen

Dec 16, 2010

When I start ubuntu I can't use my mouse and keyboard. It works in a second when the log in screen appears but then it freeze. It works in bios, grub and safe mode. I use mx518 and ace kl 400.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And USB Mouse Not Working At Login Screen?

Jun 6, 2009

I'm on a LG E500-VAP36P, with 3gb RAM, 250 Gb SATA HDD (Kubuntu Hardy kernel 2.6.27-9-generic), and my keyboard and my usb mouse don't work at the login screen. My touchpad works and my keyboard works in command-line session. This is my xorg.conf. I also attach a relevant part of my syslog.


Section "InputDevice"
Identifier"Generic Keyboard"


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Debian :: TTY Screen Keeps Showing Some Msg About The USB Mouse?

Jan 27, 2011

When working in the TTY console, it keeps printing some message about my USB mouse. Those message are added to whatever I am doing. If I am writing a command line, it messes the line, but the command still gets interpreted correctly. Same thing if I am editing a file in vi: the display shows the message, but the file is not corrupted. Can I fix it? Should I file a bug report? Against which package? What info should I provide?

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Fedora :: Black Screen With Mouse Only

Mar 15, 2011

I have done three times clean install for this and still i can't find what causes it.
When i do my clean install and configure my installation, after reboot i can login.
I see the login splash and then, i see a black screen and the only thing i can do is open applications with ALT+F2 command and change TTYS to login as root and i can move my mouse pointer. When i startx with root everything works awesome... Probably i changed something i musn't... Can the option "start everytime with new session" cause it, if yes how can i fix it and if not what can i do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mouse And Keyboard Working But Screen Does Not Refresh

Feb 14, 2010

First I tried VNC. Easy install through Ubuntu GUI, but I could only see a still picture of the Ubuntu-desktop that wouldn't update. I could see on the Ubuntu monitor that the cursor was moving and the keyboard did work, but on my Windows computer, the screen didn't refresh. Then I read a bit on the forums and people seemed content with nomachine NX or freenx. After a bit of hazzle I finally managed to get a connection between my Windows and Ubuntu-machine. But the same thing happened here. I get to see a still picture of the Ubuntu desktop, mouse and keyboard working, but the screen doesn't refresh..!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Screen Freeze - Mouse Still Moves But Can't Do Anything

Mar 23, 2010

Little background info: I have a computer where the hdd crashed. Bought a new hdd tonight and installed it. As the computer had no operating system at this point I put in a copy of the live cd and begin to install Ubuntu 9.10(32 bit)...everything went smooth with the install (at least I think). My problem is that when I get to the login screen, I click on my user name to type in my password but as soon as I click on either my user name or guest it basically freezes...Mouse still moves but can't do anything with login or the options on the bottom right of the screen...

Right when it freezes the pixels under the login box mess up, looks like some type of graphics problem?? I'm not sure, but I can't be the first person with this problem Also after it "freezes" I can't utilize the ctl+alt+f1 command either

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Ubuntu :: Random Mouse/keyboard Freeze In The Login Screen?

May 1, 2010

I downloaded and burnt the Kubuntu 10.04 release to a CD. I tried to install it. First time, couldn't find the disks and eventually it froze. Ok, second try, when it's contacting the "time server" (or whatever) another freeze, but this time I notice everything is running fine and then get a nice little image with the current time (increasing seconds and all). Third attemp, clicked the "update this installer" and it went fine. "Yay!" I thought. Well, a few minutes in my beautiful 10.04 system and again, another freeze. Hit the power button and to my surprise a "Shutdown" dialog shows up with a countdown. After 30 seconds it logs out and mouse is working again. I log back in and come here to write this long post, and as I was writing the title "Random mouse/ke..." guess what? Yeah, it froze again. And the little bar that goes after the writing continued happily blinking. Hit the power button but this time mouse and keyboard were still frozen in the login screen.

Short version: mouse and keyboard randomly freeze while the rest of the system apparently work fine.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Pointer Vanishing When Changing Screen Resolution

Jun 28, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 on an old PC with an Intel 845 series motherboard, using an onboard graphics solution. By default, it boots with an 800x600 screen resolution. When I change the resolution to 1024x768, the resolution switches perfectly, but the mouse pointer disappears. The mouse can still be USED, but I have to 'guess' where the pointer is. The only way I have found to rectify the situation is to reboot, upon which the resolution returns to 800x600 again as well. Kubuntu 10.04 suffers from the same problem, only in Kubuntu the mouse pointer reappears when the resolution switches back to 800x600, so I don't need to reboot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen And Mouse Don't Line Up After Fresh Install From CD

Aug 1, 2010

I just did an install of 10.04 from a CD. Now the mouse pointer has to be slightly above a button to click on the button. Also, the bottom bar of the screen is just a thin line and you can't see any of the controls on it and the top bar is too thick, with empty space about the menu items. It is like the whole screen is pushed down slightly.

There is nothing wrong with the monitor or the mouse because it all worked fine with 7.10 ubuntu, which was on the computer before I did the fresh install from the CD.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And Mouse Not Working On Kubuntu Logon Screen?

Oct 8, 2010

I have Laptop sony VPCEA22EN. I have installed ubuntu 10.04. it was working fine. Then i installed kubuntu-desktop. it was working fine. i tried to some of bugs using kubuntu update manager. i restarted the laptop.

after that im not able to logon on kubuntu. on kubuntu logon screen i'm unable to enter username n password. Keyboard and mouse is not detected but, usb mouse works.

i tried ctrl+alt+esc, this combination doesnt work while booting. i can't use this combination on log-on screen because keyboard is not detected.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open Folder Properties Screen Using Right Mouse Button

Nov 10, 2010

I incorrectly changed the command under Folder Properties to open all folders with the wrong program rather than the Ubuntu default program. I now can't open the folder properties screen using the right mouse button. How do I get back to the properties screen so I can change this back to the default open folder command?

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