Ubuntu :: Re-installing Ubuntu Without Moving Documents And Changing Settings?

Aug 11, 2010

I want to re-install my 10.04 because Anthy (app to write in Japanese) won't work any more, whatever I try; how do I proceed? I'd like to find a way to keep my files/Firefox settings and bookmarks etc. intact during the re-install, just like I upgraded from Koala to Lynx. Is that possible? If so, how do I do it?

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Ubuntu :: Change File Permission Settings To Force All Documents To Inherit Parent Document Settings?

Aug 21, 2011

i have a computer with 3 users on it, and a folder using samba that everyone on the network has access to. Lets say that, the folder is stored in /etc/sharedfolder. What happens is, when user1 puts a folder in it, then logs off, user 2 attempts to modify it and fails, because permission is set to 755, and they are not in the same group. (even if they were, it should still need to be 775) Anyway, my current solution is, every 5 minutes a crontab changes permission like so: chmod 777 -R /etc/sharedfiles && chown useradmin:superadmin -R /etc/sharedfiles Which works, but seeing as there is getting close to a gig in there, this is a bad solution, as it eats up the computers resources. Solutions that i think might work:

1) create a script that only changes permissions that need be changed.
2) change file permission settings to force all documents to inherit parent document settings

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Settings Always Changing / EMESENE Always Changing

Sep 1, 2011

is everytime i reboot , my keyboard is reset to USA. im in canada & it pisses me off each time i need to change it also.all my options on EMESENE is the same issue always RESET.it's like if nothing keeps the changes once rebooted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck At Importing Documents And Settings?

Jul 18, 2010

I recently had to reinstall Ubuntu on my second Hardrive. (As before I used the Windows installer, and only had 30 GB, when I tried to fix this, I ended up accidentally deleting everything.) Anyway, I started to install, and I selected the option to import documents and settings. Well, now it's stuck at 83% and it says "Importing Documents and settings" It has been like this for about an hour now.

I am importing from WIndows 7 on my first Hard Drive, to my new installation of Ubuntu 10.04 on my second hard drive. Help is much appreciated. I really just want to get back to Ubuntu. Using Windows 7 the past couple of days has been pure hell. I hate my PC freezing every 2 seconds, and hoarding my RAM like candy. Ubuntu for me was pure heaven, and I would like my sanctuary back.

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Ubuntu :: Moving Settings From Another Install?

Mar 18, 2011

I installed a fresh version of Ubuntu on a computer, but I'd like to copy over my settings from my old installation. Where are settings for Gnome (panels and menus) and other applications (chromium, thunderbird, ktorrent, pidgin, skype, code::blocks, amarok) located?

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Ubuntu :: Moving Gnome-panel Gconf Settings From One Computer To Another

Jan 10, 2010

I have a bunch of gconf settings that I change by default when I install Ubuntu on someone's machine and thus I've created a script to make it easier after a fresh installation. Here is a list of changes I make so far:


However, I'm looking to remove the top panel and have only the bottom panel like I have set up on my machine. The gconf settings seem to be pretty complex and I'm not sure which keys I should be changing to remove the top panel and include the settings I have currently for the bottom panel (e.g. Menu Bar | Shortcuts | Window List | Notification Area | Clock)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Distro - Moving My Home Folder ?

Jun 29, 2010

From what I have understood, trying out different Linux distros is one of those things that a Linux user just needs to do now and again.

So what is the "best" way of keeping your home folder intact? Should I just copy the whole home folder to a separate storage space, install a new distro (I'm thinking going from Ubuntu to Suse) and then just past it in the newly installed distro? Or are there some other, more "refined" methods?

I thought one's home folder contains a lot of config and settings files, but they would surely just be applicable to the original distro!?

I know I can try out several distros via live CDs, which I have done, but when you've taken that next step and actually want to install another distro as your main Linux operating system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing A Triple-boot System W/ Shared Documents

Apr 27, 2010

I currently use my PC for work, music [I'm a DJ by profession], and gaming. It's got good specs and I've recently gotten a 500GB hard drive for it. I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 [using the 9.10 CD and running update-manager --devel-release]. However, in my infinite foresight, I installed Ubuntu to take up the whole drive, /home and all. I've only used about 80GB of space in /home so backing it up to start off a triple boot shouldn't be a problem.

Currently, my partitioning is /dev/sda1 at 494GB [ext3, mounted as /], /dev/sda2 is a 6.2GB extended partition, and /dev/sda5 is a 6.2GB swap partition. Basically, I need to do the following things, but don't know the least hacky way around it.

1) Repartition to make the Ubuntu's root filesystem take up ~40GB of space
2) Probably have the swap partition immediately after / (is the other extended partition even necessary?)
3) Install Windows 7 to use for gaming in a 60GB partition
4) Windows XP to use for music production in another 60GB part
5) Have the rest of the space on the hard drive formatted as NTFS & used for documents for Windows 7 (as D:), Windows XP (also as D:), and Ubuntu (used as /home/saxon).

Any pointers? I've searched around but I couldn't find anyone else with my exact problem - most people have Windows installed first and only want a dual boot. I'm fairly comfortable with the shell so I'm not too bothered about using Term either. Sorry if I've worded this awfully or seemed like a bit of an idiot

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change Mic's Without Changing Settings?

Sep 18, 2010

On a Dell 14n, 10.04. Mic problem: To use the mic jack/external mic, I need to have MIC 3 selected at SYSTEM/PREFERENCES/SOUND/INPUT To use the built in mic, I need to have MIC 1 selected

How can I get these mic's to work w/o having to change the settings each time I want to switch mic's.. so that if the mic jack is plugged in, then the external mic works. and if the mic jack is unplugged, then the built in mic works.

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Ubuntu :: Black Background After Changing Vnc Settings

Oct 12, 2010

I was configuring the vnc server or remote desktop using the "gconf-editor" -- "desktop - gnome - remote_access" pane, and first I clicked on "disable background" to see if it was usefull or not to disable it (in terms of speed). It worked fine but sometimes when closing the connection, the background refuses to reenable, mantaining the black background...

That's ok, I decided to disable the feature and share via vnc the background as it is a wired net and I do not really need this feature.

My surprise is that now, whith the feature DISABLE (box unchecked), I cannot set a background, it is always black and I find no way to go back in this...

is this common, or something that can be "easily" fixed?

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Ubuntu :: Commands For Changing Desktop Settings?

Feb 28, 2011

Does anyone know where I could find the commands with which you use to change the desktop settings.

I want to write a script which changes my monitor settings on Kubuntu 10.10 and redraws the taskbar.

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Ubuntu :: Mapping Windows My Documents Folder To My Documents Folders

Dec 18, 2010

I can access my windows my documentsmusic by mounting my windows drive and browsing to it. I can then playwatch my movies and pics in Ubuntu.But what I really want to be able to do is re-map the Ubunbu docs folder like so:

Ubuntu Pics = Windows My Documents pics.
Ubuntu Videos = Windows My Documents Videos.

I'm not very unix savy so I've been using Ubuntu tweak PersonalDefault Folder Locations setting and browsing to my Windows folders. But it doesn't work.I have managed to make a desktop 'short cut' and that works but I'd rather set the system wide default document folders.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install W/o Changing Grub Settings?

May 13, 2010

Is there a way to do an install from the iso image to a new disk (USB or whatever), without changing the grub settings on the systems existing hard drive? Every time I try to do a full install to a USB stick, it hoses grub on my hard disk, even though I specify the partitioning during the install, and leave /dev/sda untouched. This has happened now with both Karmic and Lucid.

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Ubuntu Security :: Prevent Users From Changing Settings

Jun 15, 2011

I am administrating a system with about 40 or 50 users, and we recently jumped ship from windows to ubuntu. Most of my users are getting along fine, but it seems every few days, i have to help someone who accidentally changed something, and now their account (or more rarely, the machine) is unusable, and has to be reset.

I know configuring /etc/sudoers is a huge step toward fixing my problem, but that still will not completely solve it. What I would like to do is prevent users from making ANY changes to the system (aside from their work files and the like), including themes, icons, desktop, background, etc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Changing Screen Resolution To Maximum Settings?

Jan 26, 2010

Just got an HP dv6-2150 laptop. Dual boot with Windows 7 and 9.04 (9.10 will not work but that's a different story). The screen resolution is too low and is set at the highest option available (1024x768 which is a 4:3 aspect ratio). The HP uses the new Intel i3-330m chipset with on-board Intel HD graphics. The system is capable of 1366x768 resolution (16:9) - so how do I get it there? xorg.conf looks real generic - nothing specific to Intel.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Changing Icons - In Menu-system Settings-appearance

Aug 5, 2010

On my Kubuntu 10.04 machine changing the icons is done in the appearance section in menu-system settings-appearance then selecting icons. Can this be done in Ubuntu 10.04 and if so how?

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Ubuntu :: Settings Of Mint 7 Terminal, Changing Colors, Fonts?

Aug 14, 2010

I was playing around with the settings of my Mint 7 terminal, changing colors, fonts etc.After closing, I tried to open it again by clicking on the icon and it shutsdown as soon as it opens. I can't do anything since the preferences require me to have my terminal open in the first place.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Changing Display Configuration In NVIDIA X Server Settings?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a Dell E6500 laptop (1280x800 screen), which I frequently dock.The dock as two Dell 1908FP 20" monitors connected by DVI. I can move between the laptop display and the twins by manually changing display configuration in NVIDIA X Server settings, but this is a pain requiring about 15 clicks each time.

I have tried using the "Save to X Configuration File" option in the Nvidia server settings, but this seems to screw everything up. I need to dynamically change between the setups... anyone have advice on getting that done?Can the xorg.conf file be configured to do it?My xorg.conf looks like this:

Section "Screen"
Identifier"Default Screen"

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Ubuntu :: Changing Orta Settings Removed Text Box For Password Login?

Mar 27, 2011

I was just doing some basic changes really for Orta and now when I try to login to Ubuntu, the text box for entering my password at the login screen.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulse Audio Volume Controller: Stop It From Changing Settings?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm still working on ubuntu 9.10 with an acer aspire 1810tz. To use my microphone I found out that I have to change my microphone settings because it's mono and the default setting is thinking it's stereo: With the Volume Controller I setup one chancel to 5 and the other to 90 and the mic is working fine. Starting Skype and using it I see that the setting is reducing the volume for the mic below 20, so nobody can hear me. I tried closing first Volume Controller and then starting Skype, no matter the volume of the mic is reduced. How do I stop this behavior?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Mountpoint Of Partition / Media / Documents To / Documents

Dec 25, 2009

How can I change the mountpoint of my partition /media/documents to /documents.This is a partition of sdb and a fixed disk.The reason is that /media/ sometimes creates ghostdirectories while /Windows/C never does so, programmes writing/reading from this partition therfore don't work if a ghostdir_ exists.(BTW Suse is on sdb5 and sdb6. on sda is windows and used to be Ubuntu, the Suse-swap is sda5. Windows is out of use.)

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OpenSUSE :: Changing The Settings In The Fonts Menu?

Mar 15, 2011

Not sure if the font by Default in opensuse 11.4 is intended to look "thin" but I want to make it look "standard" I tried setting changing the settings in the fonts menu but its not what I was searching for. How do I make the system font more "round and smooth". If anyone has tried the distro Ubuntu or Fedora, the font is more "plain."

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OpenSUSE Network :: Manually Changing DNS Settings?

Jan 8, 2011

once upon a time i manually entered my ISP's DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf Now i have changed ISP, my old DNS setting are still present even though i have edited my resolv.conf file to my new ISP's DNS servers. Internet still works fine, i just want to use my new ISP's DNS as my old ISP will be closing its doors very soon. Am i doing something wrong, or better put.forgot to edit another file..? I did do this a while ago, so i apologise in advance for my incompetence. I'm stilling running 11.1 / Router has DHCP configured. my resolv.conf file is below

cat /etc/resolv.conf
### /etc/resolv.conf file autogenerated by netconfig!
# Before you change this file manually, consider to define the
# static DNS configuration using the following variables in the
# /etc/sysconfig/network/config file:


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General :: Changing System Currency Settings Using CLI

Sep 28, 2010

I am having a problem with servers that have been set up using the dollar $ symbol as the system currency setting and I need to change this to the South African rand 'R' symbol. I only have remote access to the systems via ssh (putty) and I have this issue on both a RHEL5 and OpenSuSE 11.? machine so I am looking for a generic solution. Is there a configuration file, command or command line tool I can use/ change to change this setting.

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Slackware :: Changing Network Settings In Slack 12.1?

Sep 9, 2010

I got a Slackware 12.1 on a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop which is a multi boot system along with Vista and Ubuntu Hardy. I tried using Slackware after several months. The last time I used Slackware, I was at university where the Network settings were Manual - Static IP, Gateway, DNS all specified according to location (dorm room). I moved out of univ and now have a network connection with DHCP. Basically I connect to a server, login with the info the service provider has given me.

Problem is I can't change the Network settings through Control Center in KDE. It just doesn't register any changes even if I reboot. Through Konsole and as root, I could change the settings using netconfig. But then I need a reboot to register the changes. Why is this so? Anyway to avoid a reboot? In my Ubuntu Hardy, there is no need for a reboot when I change the settings. Thats quite convenient.

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Slackware :: Changing Timezone Settings And CMOS

Feb 12, 2011

I am having a problem getting my Slackware 13.0 to accept a timezone cmos setting change. My cmos was set to local time and my Slackware was displaying the correct time as EST. Cmos was set localtime to be compatible with dual booting Windows I have now removed Windows and replace it with Ubuntu. Now, Ubuntu wants the hardware clock to be UTC, which is the norm for unicis. SO, lets make Slackware treat the hardware clock as UTC.

I go to /etc/hardwareclock make these changes.

I reboot setting cmos to UTC, but now when I come up Slackware displays UTC and calls it EST. I go to the date/time app under the system xfce menu, but all it says it is set to UTC (EST) and change from the list below. The list below only has UTC listed. So, now how do I get it subtract the necessary five hours?

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Debian :: Preventing System From Changing Cpufreq Settings

Apr 10, 2011

I am not sure where to post that so I'll just try here.My main question is: How can I prevent the system from changing my cpufreq settings? I'd like to keep the CPU load as low as possible so these settings are probably the best.However when I run some applications that require a higher CPU load the system changes the governor to performance and the rang to 0.8 - 2.4 GHz.And that's my problem. I neither know what application exactly is responsible for changing my cpufreq settings nor do I know how to turn that off.Or is it supposed to be that way?

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Networking :: Changing System Internet Connection Settings?

Mar 28, 2010

Failed to fetch [URL] Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)----when tor and polipo are not running---

Possible causes:

I just installed tor, privoxy, and polipo and set them up for web browsing anonymity. Other than that I don't recall making any system wide changes.

Other Info:

I can access the internet via a web browser and other programs just fine because i can manually edit each program's internet connection settings. apt-get works when tor and polipo are running. I have used tor and privoxy/polipo in the past and this has never been a problem, so I must have done something different this go around. Obviously I am not sure what that is. Attached are the applicable config files.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Keyboard Settings From Qwerty To Azerty?

Apr 14, 2010

Finally installed my openSUSE system. How do I change the keyboard setting? Is it in the file xorg.conf? Where is it located?

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Hardware :: Dual Screen Boot - Changing Video Card Settings

Mar 17, 2009

I have 2 screens connected to my nVidia 8400GS and would like to change my video card settings so that the system boot shows in the Digital screen and not in the Analog one.

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