OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Keyboard Settings From Qwerty To Azerty?

Apr 14, 2010

Finally installed my openSUSE system. How do I change the keyboard setting? Is it in the file xorg.conf? Where is it located?

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Debian :: KeePassX AutoType As Qwerty Instead Of Azerty

Oct 1, 2015

I'm switching from Xfce4 DM to Openbox WM. In Xfce4 KeePassX's autotypeing works fine. In Openbox for ex. UserName 'azerty-qwerty' autotypes to 'qwerty6azerty' - whatever the browser.

Select all# dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration is correct: Logitech Ultra-X Keyboard / French.

Code: Select allXKBMODEL="logiultrax"

'Copy UserName to Clipboard (Ctrl+B)' from KeePassX, then paste (Ctrl+V) in the form field/a text editor displays correctly.

What might be the cause of this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Compose The Character On A US QWERTY Keyboard?

Feb 18, 2011

How do I compose the character on a US QWERTY keyboard?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Settings Always Changing / EMESENE Always Changing

Sep 1, 2011

is everytime i reboot , my keyboard is reset to USA. im in canada & it pisses me off each time i need to change it also.all my options on EMESENE is the same issue always's like if nothing keeps the changes once rebooted.

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Fedora :: Keyboard (Qwerty) Layouts And Dvorak

Jul 11, 2009

I have a keyboard with a hardcoded dvorak layout. It makes things easy (I don't have to set a keyboard layout), but I'm considering switching to programmer dvorak because of the amount of programming which I do. My question is this: If I set the keyboard layout in the OS to programmer dvorak, will it cause problems with my native dvorak keyboard? In other words, do the keyboard layouts in the OS assume that the original keyboard layout is qwerty and then shift keys around accordingly?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Default Keyboard Mapping On Grub?

Nov 30, 2009

I have installed 11.2 with English as default language. During the installation, I tried to change the default keyboard mapping to Spanish, but right now, when the system boots it uses an English mapping. I've seen there is an option to change that on the grub menu and I would like it to default to Spanish. Is it possible? I haven't found much info on the web, but my guess is that changing the DEFAULT_APPEND in /etc/sysconfig/bootloader with an unknown-keyboard-related option will solve it.

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OpenSUSE :: Changing The Settings In The Fonts Menu?

Mar 15, 2011

Not sure if the font by Default in opensuse 11.4 is intended to look "thin" but I want to make it look "standard" I tried setting changing the settings in the fonts menu but its not what I was searching for. How do I make the system font more "round and smooth". If anyone has tried the distro Ubuntu or Fedora, the font is more "plain."

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OpenSUSE Network :: Manually Changing DNS Settings?

Jan 8, 2011

once upon a time i manually entered my ISP's DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf Now i have changed ISP, my old DNS setting are still present even though i have edited my resolv.conf file to my new ISP's DNS servers. Internet still works fine, i just want to use my new ISP's DNS as my old ISP will be closing its doors very soon. Am i doing something wrong, or better put.forgot to edit another file..? I did do this a while ago, so i apologise in advance for my incompetence. I'm stilling running 11.1 / Router has DHCP configured. my resolv.conf file is below

cat /etc/resolv.conf
### /etc/resolv.conf file autogenerated by netconfig!
# Before you change this file manually, consider to define the
# static DNS configuration using the following variables in the
# /etc/sysconfig/network/config file:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Install W/o Changing Grub Settings?

May 13, 2010

Is there a way to do an install from the iso image to a new disk (USB or whatever), without changing the grub settings on the systems existing hard drive? Every time I try to do a full install to a USB stick, it hoses grub on my hard disk, even though I specify the partitioning during the install, and leave /dev/sda untouched. This has happened now with both Karmic and Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Keyboard Type Post Install?

Mar 18, 2011

My current keyboard settings are not handling accents and umlauts properlye.g. I get "�e�a�o" instead of "� � �"How can I change the keyboard type from what was chosen during the installation?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.4 And Thinkpad T61 Keyboard Layout - Settings Interfering?

Feb 16, 2010

I recently switched my openSUSE 11.1 install from KDE 3 to KDE 4.4 via the one-click-install from [URL]... I was trying to add a German keyboard layout to the default US layout. But as soon as I enable keyboard layouts (via Configure Desktop-> Language & Regional -> Keyboard Layout -> Enable keyboard layouts), the default layout gets messed up (arrow, pos1, end keys etc. no longer work). I'm running openSUSE 11.1 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T61. Several keyboard layouts worked fine with KDE 3. Could it be that some KDE 3 settings are interfering with the KDE 4 settings?

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OpenSUSE :: Personal Settings - Global Keyboard Shortcuts

Jan 28, 2011

I'm new to Linux. I'm running openSUSE 11.3 with both the Gnome and KDE desktops installed, but so far I'm only using Gnome. I was looking for a way to assign sound volume increase/decrease to some keyboard keys instead of having to click on the speaker icon at the bottom of the screen. I found what I included in the Title of this message. Under the Global Keyboard Shortcuts was an item for each increase and decrease sound volume. These were set to (I believe) meta+ and meta-, respectively.

I changed them to F12 and F11, respectively (to match my Apple keyboard). After the changes, I started a game which takes over the entire screen (which is why I wanted to assign the volume to keys in the first place) to see if the changes worked. They did not! So, I tried to go back and change them to something else and now I can't even access Global Keyboard Shortcuts at all. I keep getting the following error:

Sorry - System Settings
Failed to contact the KDE global shortcuts daemon
Message: Could not get owner of name 'org.kde.kglobalaccel': no such name
Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner

What's up and how do I recover from this (if I even care)? Also, how do I assign volume increase/decrease to keys?

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OpenSUSE :: Keyboard Layout Changing Randomly - GNOME In Slovak Language

Jan 30, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 with default GNOME desktop and i'm facing issues with keyboard layouts, which are changing randomly. Problem is that i have GNOME in Slovak language and therefore has openSUSE set durring installation my keyboard layout to 'Slovak' but i always change it to 'Slovak QWERTY' which suits me better.
Problem is that randomly system adds back to my layouts which are 'Slovak QWERTY' and 'USA' also original 'Slovak' layout which was previously removed.

I must always manually remove this third layout and it's very frustrating. Many times on fresh system boot it's anyway back and so on and on... Where may lie the problem? Why is GNOME not respecting my settings? In Ubuntu i never have these basic issues. Are there on system boot some specific SUSE triggers which are overwriting my configuration?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Saving System Settings (yast Settings)

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way I can save system settings and have yast revert to a config file in case I ever need to reinstall the system again? I hate having to configure the firewall, runlevels, samba shares, samba workgroup, apparmor, and all the other junk after every install. It's not like I install often, but should suse 11.5 or 12 roll out, I'd like it to be a snappy upgrade.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing From 11.3 32 Bit To 11.4 64 Bit?

Feb 27, 2011

I have 11.3 32 bit running on a machine capable of 64 bit function.With 11.4 coming up, I would like to install the 64 bit version but keep my settings, documents, installed programmes etc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change Mic's Without Changing Settings?

Sep 18, 2010

On a Dell 14n, 10.04. Mic problem: To use the mic jack/external mic, I need to have MIC 3 selected at SYSTEM/PREFERENCES/SOUND/INPUT To use the built in mic, I need to have MIC 1 selected

How can I get these mic's to work w/o having to change the settings each time I want to switch mic's.. so that if the mic jack is plugged in, then the external mic works. and if the mic jack is unplugged, then the built in mic works.

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Ubuntu :: Black Background After Changing Vnc Settings

Oct 12, 2010

I was configuring the vnc server or remote desktop using the "gconf-editor" -- "desktop - gnome - remote_access" pane, and first I clicked on "disable background" to see if it was usefull or not to disable it (in terms of speed). It worked fine but sometimes when closing the connection, the background refuses to reenable, mantaining the black background...

That's ok, I decided to disable the feature and share via vnc the background as it is a wired net and I do not really need this feature.

My surprise is that now, whith the feature DISABLE (box unchecked), I cannot set a background, it is always black and I find no way to go back in this...

is this common, or something that can be "easily" fixed?

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Ubuntu :: Commands For Changing Desktop Settings?

Feb 28, 2011

Does anyone know where I could find the commands with which you use to change the desktop settings.

I want to write a script which changes my monitor settings on Kubuntu 10.10 and redraws the taskbar.

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General :: Changing System Currency Settings Using CLI

Sep 28, 2010

I am having a problem with servers that have been set up using the dollar $ symbol as the system currency setting and I need to change this to the South African rand 'R' symbol. I only have remote access to the systems via ssh (putty) and I have this issue on both a RHEL5 and OpenSuSE 11.? machine so I am looking for a generic solution. Is there a configuration file, command or command line tool I can use/ change to change this setting.

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Slackware :: Changing Network Settings In Slack 12.1?

Sep 9, 2010

I got a Slackware 12.1 on a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop which is a multi boot system along with Vista and Ubuntu Hardy. I tried using Slackware after several months. The last time I used Slackware, I was at university where the Network settings were Manual - Static IP, Gateway, DNS all specified according to location (dorm room). I moved out of univ and now have a network connection with DHCP. Basically I connect to a server, login with the info the service provider has given me.

Problem is I can't change the Network settings through Control Center in KDE. It just doesn't register any changes even if I reboot. Through Konsole and as root, I could change the settings using netconfig. But then I need a reboot to register the changes. Why is this so? Anyway to avoid a reboot? In my Ubuntu Hardy, there is no need for a reboot when I change the settings. Thats quite convenient.

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Slackware :: Changing Timezone Settings And CMOS

Feb 12, 2011

I am having a problem getting my Slackware 13.0 to accept a timezone cmos setting change. My cmos was set to local time and my Slackware was displaying the correct time as EST. Cmos was set localtime to be compatible with dual booting Windows I have now removed Windows and replace it with Ubuntu. Now, Ubuntu wants the hardware clock to be UTC, which is the norm for unicis. SO, lets make Slackware treat the hardware clock as UTC.

I go to /etc/hardwareclock make these changes.

I reboot setting cmos to UTC, but now when I come up Slackware displays UTC and calls it EST. I go to the date/time app under the system xfce menu, but all it says it is set to UTC (EST) and change from the list below. The list below only has UTC listed. So, now how do I get it subtract the necessary five hours?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing The Boot To LVM?

Mar 30, 2010

I have following problem. I have HDD with SUSE with boot partition. I want to add another HDD with LVM move system there switch boot and format the first disk and add it to LVM. I tried to figure out how to configure GRUB (with yast2 bootloader) to boot from MBR and read kernel from LVM, but without any luck. It still boots from firts disk's boot partition.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Two OpenSUSE Systems With The Same Settings?

Apr 3, 2010

Is it possible to make two computers have the same users, home directories, and users? As in if I login to one computer and add things to the home directory can you apply it to the other computer and if I add a user on computer 1 the user will be on computer 2.

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Settings During 11.3 Install Not Honoured?

Nov 26, 2010

I recently installed 11.3 from the network install CD and I wanted to configure GRUB to have a boot password. I went into the necessary options and enabled the password and saved. I went back in to confirm it stuck, and the password option was unchecked and the password was blanked.I re-entered the information and just carried on. The installation summary didn't mention any password being applied to GRUB, but I just kept on going. Sure enough, there is no password on boot with GRUB now.I tried this over multiple installs in the past couple days, as well as with the 11.2 network install CD, and on no install was the password option honoured

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Debian :: Preventing System From Changing Cpufreq Settings

Apr 10, 2011

I am not sure where to post that so I'll just try here.My main question is: How can I prevent the system from changing my cpufreq settings? I'd like to keep the CPU load as low as possible so these settings are probably the best.However when I run some applications that require a higher CPU load the system changes the governor to performance and the rang to 0.8 - 2.4 GHz.And that's my problem. I neither know what application exactly is responsible for changing my cpufreq settings nor do I know how to turn that off.Or is it supposed to be that way?

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Ubuntu Security :: Prevent Users From Changing Settings

Jun 15, 2011

I am administrating a system with about 40 or 50 users, and we recently jumped ship from windows to ubuntu. Most of my users are getting along fine, but it seems every few days, i have to help someone who accidentally changed something, and now their account (or more rarely, the machine) is unusable, and has to be reset.

I know configuring /etc/sudoers is a huge step toward fixing my problem, but that still will not completely solve it. What I would like to do is prevent users from making ANY changes to the system (aside from their work files and the like), including themes, icons, desktop, background, etc.

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Networking :: Changing System Internet Connection Settings?

Mar 28, 2010

Failed to fetch [URL] Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)----when tor and polipo are not running---

Possible causes:

I just installed tor, privoxy, and polipo and set them up for web browsing anonymity. Other than that I don't recall making any system wide changes.

Other Info:

I can access the internet via a web browser and other programs just fine because i can manually edit each program's internet connection settings. apt-get works when tor and polipo are running. I have used tor and privoxy/polipo in the past and this has never been a problem, so I must have done something different this go around. Obviously I am not sure what that is. Attached are the applicable config files.

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Ubuntu :: Layout Support For Non-QWERTY Keyboards?

May 18, 2010

I physically have a Dvorak keyboard (i.e. not using the layout switch). I also occasionally type in Russian, using the software layout switch available in Ubuntu (I'm using Hardy Heron).

I am unable to switch layouts (correctly) unless I am using a QWERTY keyboard. Is there an easy way to tell Ubuntu that I am using a standard Dvorak keyboard and to adjust the layout maps appropriately? If this is unavailable, how can I make my own Russian keyboard layout to correct for this?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Layout Keep Changing?

May 9, 2010

my keyboard layout keep changing from windows to windows. When I am using my French keyboard, I set the keyboard to English and it doesn't make the change for all the open windows, despite having selected the "separate layout for each windows" unselected.Plus if I am in firefox with a French layout go to another windows and come back to the firefox windows, the layout is back to GBR.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Keyboard Layout In CLI ?

Sep 3, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server running on a VM. I'm accessing this system mainly remotely, and usually with a console connection. I export the output of some applications (like Skype, Google Chrome etc.) to my Windows desktop, where I run Xming as my X server. Everything works pretty neat, but... I can't change the keyboard layout, because the applications are running on the remote machine. So is there a way to change the keyboard layout in CLI?

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