Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Drive On Network Since Ubuntu Reinstall

Mar 28, 2011

This was working for me in 10.10 until I was forced to reinstall Ubuntu. I have a Western Digital Live Hub, basically a hard drive that sits under my telly and lets me stream media from the computer or transfer media to it from the computer. I could access it fine a couple of days ago, but then I reinstalled Ubuntu and now I get the error "Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server". Anyone have any idea how I can access it again?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Denied To Network Drive Folder

Mar 31, 2010

I have a network drive setup on windows to a samba share that is on ubuntu 9.1. The folder im connecting to has a couple symbolic links setup and all of them give me an Access denied error when I try to open them. I have dont everything I can think off including chowning all the folders to the user that Im logged in as and doing chmod 777 on all folders and files. I have tried deleting the link and recreating it and nothing works. This was working fine a few days ago and now it doesn't.

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Networking :: Access A Network Drive In Pclinuxos ?

Sep 19, 2009

well the majority of the systems at my school run on windows (duh) and each student has their own network drive nobody has access to each others drive, but all of the systems accesses these drives with the use of novell client and theres a specific name for each drive and password, plus the network tree has a certain name to, how do i access these drives in pclinuxos by including usernames and password to access these drives based on the username and password that is typed in.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Reinstall Network

Nov 14, 2010

How can I reinstall network. I remove dhclient3 because chkrootkit identified it as a possible issue. Well, now I have no internet. I am running from the live cd for ubuntu right now.

I was told to copy files. I tried to copy files but was unsuccessful. I did not see 'dhclient3'.

Is there a way I can reinstall the all of the network part for ubuntu?

I can just reinstall all of ubuntu, but I have some pictures on the drive now that I do not want to lose. Also, unfortunately, I do not have enough storage as I am out of dvds and the usb drive I have is too small to hold all the movies that we recorded with the digitial camera.

I installed SELinux, Chkrootkit, ClamAV, AIDE, and set up UFW firewall. I wrote it all down, so I can do all of that again if needed. I just don't want to lost my videos / pics.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Reinstall Network Manager With No Internet

Jun 10, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 bit. I deleted network manager so that I could install wicd but did not install wicd first so now I have no internet. I have read several post and the answer for me is not there.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Reinstall System-config-network

Mar 28, 2009

I want to reinstall "system-config-network" in Fedora10. I have now system-config-network 1.5.95 and I want to have system-config-network 1.4.3 (it is from fedora8)

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Reinstall Network Driver After Changing Motherboard?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a newly installed CentOS 5.4 on Gigabyte G31M-ES2C, I had to change the motherboard since it has some problems. Unfortunately the new motherboard is a rev 2.x board, which has a different onboard NIC (old one is RTL 8102E, new one is AR8132), so now my ethernet connection doesn't work anymore (no eth0 device), I assume I need to install a new driver for the AR8132? If so, what's the steps to do so?lspci shows Ethernet controller as: Attansic Technology Corp. Atheros AR8132 / L1c Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev c0)

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General :: How To Access A CD / DVD Drive Over Network

Jul 29, 2011

The CD/DVD drive of my notebook is broken. However, the drive from my desktop computer is working perfectly. How can I access the CD/DVD drive from my desktop computer over the network? I want to put a DVD disc there and access it from my notebook.Both computers have Gentoo/Linux. (but the solution ought to work on any Linux distribution)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Network Drive To Mount As A Local Drive?

Aug 2, 2010

I was trying to figure out how to get my network drive to mount as a local drive on my computer. This was back on 9.10. Since I've upgraded to 10.04, my boot process halts and tells me (paraphrasing) /shared is not ready to mount. To continue, pres S to skip or M to manually mount the drive.

Well, I have it mounting now through GVFS and I don't need this in my startup anymore. Frankly, it's just annoying that it won't boot into Ubuntu right away. So, what's the startup file I need to edit to remove the attempt to mount the network drive?

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General :: Network User Cannot Access Usb Drive

Feb 15, 2011

I'm running CentOS and I get an error when I plug in my usb flash drive.

Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied

A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume member Mount error name (unset) destination org.freedesktop.Hal)

How would that work when all of the users are network users(openldap)? So these are not local accounts.

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Software :: Access Windows Hard Drive On Network ?

May 8, 2009

I am trying to access the files on my windows pc. I am trying to access them from my laptop which has mandriva 2009. I have both computers connected through the same internet router, and i am succesfully accessing windows share files and remote control. The problem is, i dont want to move the files i want from their current location, to a share folder, and then onto my laptop. The main problem is that my whole family uses the pc, and while they are logged on i cannot remote control.

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Networking :: Not Able To Access Network Printer Access Denied?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a linux domain (FEDORA CORE 1) and two laptop's which are part of my domain with windows xp pro service pack 2.I have given two ip's to both the laptop's being primary as global and secondary as local.I have configured printer in one laptop and shared.Till last week i was accessing that shared printer from my other laptop and every thing was working fine.Last week i formatted one laptop,(which dose not have shared printer) from then onwards i am not able to access my other laptop. I get the following message when i try to accessmy other Laptop,"you might not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission there are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request"P.S : If i have only local IP i am able to see both the systems and i am able to access my printer, this problem comes only when i add global IP to both the machines.And also i have stopped the firewall and other things.

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Networking :: Cannot Find The Network Storage Drive On MS Network Using Ubuntu?

Dec 26, 2010

i can not find the network storage drive on my MS network using Ubuntu.i can find other computer using xSMBrowser but not the hard drive connected to my router (LAN)i have tried samba and a few others

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General :: Networking - Network Card - Connected To Network - Given Access Point - No Connection?

Apr 3, 2010

I installed the driver for my network card. iwconfig and ifconfig are all responsive to connecting to the network, I'm given an access point address. Then, I try to connect to a website and no dice. ping www.google.com yields no result. What gives?

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Networking :: Wine - Network Drive - Startup Drive ?

May 3, 2011

How it works in Windows.

I have a server designated as F: drive. This server is a linux server. All computers that access this server are windows machines.

In windows, you can make a "Short Cut" that links a Executable program to the F: drive on the server. When you click on this "Short Cut", Windows will "Run" your program in the exact directory the Executable is located.

Thus, if you Make a "Short Cut" called "Customer" on your network F: drive, you can click on that shortcut and "Customer" will run as if you ran it directly off the F: drive, NOT your station drive of C:

Now *MY* scenario what I WANT to do:

I want to copy the above scenario and be able to do the same thing with Linux and WINE.

I have tried to make a "Shortcut" to my Linux laptop, but it fails. I can only "Copy" the program to the laptop. And when I run it on the laptop, it will not run, because it does not recognize the "F:" drive having all the data files, it only recognizes the C: drive of my linux.

When I tried to make a "link", it says something like "LInk not supported by this file".

So, is it possible to make a "shortcut" to a executable file on the network server, so that if you run the shortcut, it will run the program as if it is located on the F: server instead of the linux station? In Windows, it has a field that says "Target", in which the file will be ran in that directory.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Access On 2nd Harddrive After Reinstall Of Xp?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two hard drives one running Ubuntu 10.04 and the other XP (only for itunes and gaming) but earlier today i needed to reinstall xp as its windows and got bored of working properly and i am now unable to access the ubuntu harddrive as grub was written to the windows mbr.Now i would of normally just reinstalled Ubuntu and gone from there but as i was trying to be clever i copied my itunes folder over and i dont really wont to lose this.So two questions;1) How can i add the Ubuntu harddrive back to the boot options ?2) Or how can i get the itunes folder off the Ubuntu install using a live disk or from xp?

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Ubuntu Networking :: New Drive Installed But Cannot Access Share?

Jun 23, 2010

I have just built 2 Ubuntu Desktop machines with a 2TB drive in each.

The machines are to sit on a Windows network one as media storage the other to as backup for the first.

I have shared a folder on each machine and all the shares can be accessed from the other Ubuntu machine and from the windows machines.

I have installed another 2TB hard drive in each machine and formatted as ext4 file system.

I then created a folder on each machines new hard drive and shared as usual. The shared folders can be seen on the network but cannot be accessed by network machines.

The error is "Unable to Mount location" "Failed to mount Windows Share"

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Networking :: Access Pvt. Network From Public Network

Jul 13, 2009

Can any outsider(from Public N/w) access my pvt. network.i.e. my clients of my subnet? If yes how ??and if no why?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Evolution Properly And Access It Again?

Apr 19, 2011

I recently switched to ubuntu from win 7. I have samsung netbook150. I did stupid mistake in setting up evolution. So I uninstalled it first via ubuntu software center and again reinstalled it. I also installed all the evolution components from synaptic package manager. Now I dont see evolution in internet section of Applications on the top panel.I need your help to figure out how I can reinstall evolution properly and access it again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router Hard Drive Access - Don't See Any Files

Oct 23, 2010

I have an Apple Airport Extreme dual band router, with a 2T hard drive plugged into the USB port, formatted with FAT32. Both Mac OSX and Windows 7 automatically see the drive and all the files on it, but unfortunately, I can't get Ubuntu to really see that drive. It sort of shows an icon under network, but if I try to open it, I don't see any files in it.

I have a very unaltered off the shelf installation of Ubuntu 10.10 on a Sony Vaio, some sort of AMD dual core vintage. I never thought that it would be Linux that failed to see the router drive, but unfortunately, that is what has happened.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Window Domain Joined - Map Drive Access?

May 10, 2011

I already join the domain but I have the map drive is based on the user name in windows server 2003. I map the drive on the user by batch file like map_file.bat and its on the group policy as log in scripts. So how can the user when he use PC1 see his own map drives and when he go to PC2 he see the same map drives and when other user sit on his computer will see other map drives. Its already working on Winxp as client but I want it to be the same on ubuntu.

In other word, more description Mike using PC1 can see map drive MAPDrive1 and MAPDrive2 and when Mike want to use PC2 and automatically can see MAPDrive1 and MAPDrive2 or any other PC he use .. he can see the same MAP1 and MAP2 ins same time jack if he use PC1 can see map drive MAPDrive3 and MAPDrive4 and when jack use PC2 he again can see MAPDrive3 and MAPDrive4.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Access Outside Network

Mar 10, 2010

I setup this ubuntu 9.10 server (32bit), at first I did DHCP and it gave me an address, I updated and downloaded most of the packages I needed at that time.

I switched the IP from DHCP to static IP and now I cant access outside my network. with ping or to download packages. I can however login via ssh over my network.

The only changes I made were the hostname and the static IP

This is my /etc/network/interfaces

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Access On 10.04?

Aug 18, 2010

I purchased an Acer Aspire 7745G yesterday and installed Ubuntu as soon as I opened up the computer.

There appears to be a big problem however. Neither the wireless nor the LAN / ethernet are working.

'ifconfig -a' gives two items: lo and pan0. I believe pan0 is the bluetooth.

The wireless icon at the top right says "No network devices available". Network Tools shows the same results.

If I plug in an ethernet cord, nothing happens.

This is a fresh Ubuntu 10.04.1 downloaded this morning from ubuntu.com. I tried installing three times (USB, CD, DVD) including data checks on the disks. Same problem all three times.

I am guessing this is some kind of driver issue, but since I have no Internet access, I cannot do a Ubuntu Update and have Ubuntu find the drivers for me.

EDIT: The wireless and ethernet are working in Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Network Outside LAN?

Jan 8, 2011

I am currently connected in a LAN, where naturally I can see in the network folder the machines connected to the LAN. Yet I need to access the LAN that exists at the WAN side of my router, see the machnes connected at it, etc. Is there a away to do it?

What I need to do is use a shared printer outside my lan, yet I need to see what IP it has in order to add it in my printer list

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Can't Access To Any Shared Folder On Secondary Drive

Sep 27, 2010

I successfully installed Samba, but have problem with access to any shared folder on my secondary drive. If I try access secondary drive with admin user, everything is fine. If with another account try to access via samba to shared folder on partition with Ubuntu, everything is fine again. Every folder has set privileges to read&write to everyone, so shouldn't be problem here.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Network Printer?

Jan 23, 2011

I recently installed Xubuntu 10.04 on a desktop computer. Everything works fine aside from the fact that I can't access my Dell 3010cn network printer. The printeis accessible and work flawlessly with every other computers running XP, Vista and Ubuntu 9.10I installed the drivers and configured the printer with the exact same parameters as on my 9.10 laptop. The thing is that the printer is always "offline" as if my computer could not connect to it. Also, when I try to acces its options via its fixed IP adress ( through Firefox, I cannot reach the printer. However, the printer responds to every other computer in the house.What am I doing wrong? Is there a firewall in 10.04 that keeps me from accessing to the printer?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Network - Can't Access Any Other PC

Apr 23, 2011

I can communicate to Windows perfectly (Internet sharing, file sharing, printer sharing, etc), but Windows controls everything, and I can't access any other Ubuntu PC, or host a printer or Internet connection. I have been fighting Samba for quite a long time, and I finally am able to access Windows shares from Ubuntu, but I want to host the shared folders (and everything else) on Ubuntu instead, because I have a bigger HD on it, and it is just a faster computer.

I tried personal file sharing and shared folders, but it doesn't work. I am also not able to access other Ubuntu PCs in the network, for printing, remote desktop, or file-sharing. All the computer are connected to the same Ethernet router. I'm using XP Home SP3, Ubuntu 10.04 x64, and a laptop running 11.04 beta 2.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Internet Via Ad Hoc Network

Jun 13, 2011

I want to connect to a wireless open ad-hoc network to have internet access. It worked a while ago (1/2 year or something) but some update must have messed something up so it doesn't work any longer. Situation: There is a laptop that is running windows 7 and is connected to the internet via cabel. A open ad-hoc network is configuered with sharing of internet connection, status of the ad-hoc network is "waiting for users to connect". I want to connect with a second laptop that is running ubuntu 11.04. I can find the network and connect to it.

Problem: I cannot get any internet access while being connected to the ad-hoc network. So my questions are: how can i find out if what causes the Problem? I suspect a driver issue, but I'm not sure. required information from Howto post a wireless issue:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Connection But No Internet Access

Feb 5, 2010

I am attempting to connect Ubuntu 9.10 to the Internet.I have a network connection, and Karmic detects it fine. I can ping addresses within our network (e.g. the Windows computer in the next room), and I can ping the router, but if I ping, say www.google.com, it says "Destination Net Unreachable". Previously, in Jaunty, I had a similar problem.I found a workaround: launch Pidgin. Somehow, launching Pidgin temporarily edits my configuration. However, in Karmic, I have no access to Pidgin, however, and Empathy does not do the same thing. Since I have no Internet, I cannot "sudo apt-get install" anything.How can I get the Internet working?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows Can't Access Computer Through Network?

Mar 26, 2010

So, I'm trying to set up a network with my windows netbook so the Ubuntu comp can access the internet through the netbook's wireless. Finally got the network set up, but can't access the internet on the Ubuntu comp. Also, the Ubuntu machine can recognize and access the files on the netbook, but the netbook only sees a computer named Owner-a6012abd6 which asks for a password.

The netbook is running Windows XP SP3, with an Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network adapter(internet) and an Atheros AR8132 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller. The Ubuntu comp is running Ubuntu 9.04.

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