Ubuntu :: Cant Access On 2nd Harddrive After Reinstall Of Xp?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two hard drives one running Ubuntu 10.04 and the other XP (only for itunes and gaming) but earlier today i needed to reinstall xp as its windows and got bored of working properly and i am now unable to access the ubuntu harddrive as grub was written to the windows mbr.Now i would of normally just reinstalled Ubuntu and gone from there but as i was trying to be clever i copied my itunes folder over and i dont really wont to lose this.So two questions;1) How can i add the Ubuntu harddrive back to the boot options ?2) Or how can i get the itunes folder off the Ubuntu install using a live disk or from xp?

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Debian :: Can't Access Harddrive (lvm + Dm-crypt) After Reinstall

Feb 22, 2011

Debian 6.0 Squeeze (stable) AMD64.

At first the problem was that the old volume group (containing all logical volumes for both physical volumes) had the same name as the new volume group. I did a reinstall where I changed the name and ran vgreduce --removemissing debian which seems to have removed all logical volumes from the old volume group.

When I try to unlock the drive in Gnomes Disk Utility I get "Incorrect Passphrase. Try again." but I *know* it's the right password, and I don't get any error when changing the password so that seems to be possible.

I found the oldest archive in /etc/lvm/archive/ and manually edited it to remove any stuff about the old LVs and PVs. Then I did vgcfgrestore --file VG_backup.vg groupname. With the help of blkid I edited /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab to mount the disk at startup.

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Ubuntu :: Access A Slave Harddrive Via Ssh?

Mar 12, 2010

I want a new user to be able to access a slave harddrive via ssh, how do I sent up an account for that person it is on a local lan

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OpenSUSE :: Giving Access To Usb Harddrive?

May 29, 2011

I have an USB drive and I made a share with samba and accessed it from windows computer. I've been using openSUSE 11.3 with no problems.

Recently, I've installed openSUSE 11.4. Now I can't write to my USB Disk through samba.

It is formatted as ntfs.

samba log tells a lot of things.... for eg.:

[2011/05/30 11:46:54.148085, 2] smbd/trans2.c:5531(smb_set_file_dosmode)
smb_set_file_dosmode: file_set_dosmode of 1 failed (Permission denied)
[2011/05/30 11:46:54.148163, 3] smbd/error.c:80(error_packet_set)


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Debian :: Unable To Access Harddrive

Jan 26, 2011

I'm unable to access my harddrive, I added the following line to /etc/fstab

/dev/sdb2 /mnt/harddrive ntfs user,defaults 0 0

in terminal I ran fstab -a

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Fedora :: Changed Harddrive Priority To Second Harddrive?

Mar 9, 2011

i've worked with Linux for a while now, but never in a double boot kind of way (except using wubi), and i'm still kind of a newby.i have 2 harddrivesfirst one has only 1 partition; Windows XPsecond one has 1 empty partition, simple storageand another partition where i installed fedora core, and GRUB is also located on this harddrive.I changed harddrive priority to my second harddrive, result:GRUB comes up, no problem, but when I try to boot windows, it tells mentldr is missing ctrl alt del to continueso i changed the harddisk priority back to the way it was, where the first drive containing windows is first priority... but then, no GRUB.i've tried editing the grub conf,i've tried fixboot/fixmbrtl;dr:no ntdlr when linux harddrive is main priorityno grub when windows harddrive is main priority

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Evolution Properly And Access It Again?

Apr 19, 2011

I recently switched to ubuntu from win 7. I have samsung netbook150. I did stupid mistake in setting up evolution. So I uninstalled it first via ubuntu software center and again reinstalled it. I also installed all the evolution components from synaptic package manager. Now I dont see evolution in internet section of Applications on the top panel.I need your help to figure out how I can reinstall evolution properly and access it again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tar.gz And Tar.bz2 Files - Unable To Access The Internet To Reinstall The Packages

Aug 10, 2010

I accidentally removed my network manager (gnome) from my system (via synaptic) and hence have not been able to have access to the internet to reinstall the packages. I have experimented with many commands (with help from others) in terminal with little success.

What I now did was downloaded a 'NetworkManager-' file and a 'NetworkManager-0.8.1.tar.bz2' file (from a different comp) and have placed them onto my desktop. I have read the INSTALL instructions within and it is a tad complex for me as I am new to Linux. I understand I have to extract the files and compile them into a new folder (I think I would choose a file in the /home directory)- how would I go about doing this? Following this, I need to './configure' or 'make' or 'make install' the files

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Drive On Network Since Ubuntu Reinstall

Mar 28, 2011

This was working for me in 10.10 until I was forced to reinstall Ubuntu. I have a Western Digital Live Hub, basically a hard drive that sits under my telly and lets me stream media from the computer or transfer media to it from the computer. I could access it fine a couple of days ago, but then I reinstalled Ubuntu and now I get the error "Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server". Anyone have any idea how I can access it again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall The Games Package Or Reinstall The Update?

May 2, 2010

So I was messing around trying to uninstall Nibbles and reinstall since I have an issue starting that game and something happened and removed the submenu under Games called "Logic", which had another whole list of games.

Is it possible to reinstall the games package or reinstall the update?I'm thinking more of the lines of a system restore or something so back 2 days from today.

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General :: Retrieve/reinstall Grub Without Having To Reinstall Ubuntu?

Feb 4, 2011

how do I retrieve/reinstall Grub without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstall Windows 7 But Its A Pain To Reinstall All Programs?

Apr 29, 2010

I recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my laptop which also had windows vista and windows 7, i created a new partition and the installation went smoothly, after i went to boot back into windows 7 i got a blue screen of death, strangely vista boots perfectly.I could just reinstall windows 7 but its a pain to reinstall all my programs and such

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Ubuntu :: Can't Reinstall Grub After Reinstall Of Win 7

Dec 6, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bit installed and configured and working sweet. I have reinstalled windows 7 and now i can't boot ubuntu i've tried easybcd to add ubuntu to win boot loader which failed and tried to follow the instructions to reinstall grub through a live cd which i am in at the moment. i go to a terminal and type sudo grub and it brings up the grub prompt. i have mounted all discs and entered the command find /boot/grub/stage1 and it keeps spitting this back at me Error 15: File not found

my hd is a 80gb with partions like this
/dev/sda1 105mb ntfs system reserved
/dev/sda2 45gb ntfs win 7 home premium 64 bit
/dev/sda3 34gb ext4 ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
/dev/sda4 1.5gb linux swap

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Ubuntu :: FAT32 USB Harddrive Not Being Seen?

May 2, 2010

I think I have a corrupted file system on my 1TB harddrive as both Windows Vista and Ubuntu are not seeing it. How do I recover the drive. I have never experienced this sort of thing before.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 On A Second Harddrive?

Jul 15, 2010

I am running windows 7. I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a second harddrive. I am new at this and would like to know the correct way to do it.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 & Harddrive Not Found

Jul 5, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and recently installed Linux Mint on an other partition. I am now finding that when I boot up I get a message that Grub is unable to find a hard-dirve that does not exist.

how to tell Grub (or is it something/where else) not to look for a non-existent hard drive?

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Ubuntu :: Erasing Second Harddrive ?

Feb 5, 2011

I have two harddrives installed on my HTPC. I am using the smaller (120gb) to run the OS (kubuntu 10) the larger (1 tb) I want to use to store all of my media.


The second hard drive has THREE linux Distros on it (from me testing and playing and making decisions) and I CANT figure out how to get them off.....

The hard drives are SATA and plugged in in the correct order.

I have tried fdisking and reformating which seemed to work, but when I boot it still asks me which OS i want to boot to.

Right now I am trying to zero out the hard drive by using ths

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb

I typed that in as root about 15 minutes ago and hit enter. it hasn't said anything since. no command prompt or anythng. I am hoping it is working, we will see.

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Ubuntu :: Use The Rest Of Harddrive Without Reinstalling?

Jan 7, 2010

I thought I installed properly, but once again I've made a mistake. I'm trying to make use of the 114 gb I didn't assign as file system space, but I can't seem to access it or write to it. I've officially run out of space in my file system and I've got a lot to do still. Any thoughts on how to make the unused partition accessable?

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Ubuntu :: Gparted Won't Format Harddrive

Mar 17, 2010

I tossed a 500GB hard drive into my machine (Ubuntu 64 8.10) so that I could back some files up. This drive when last used was part of a software RAID (no longer in use.) I deleted the partition that was on it, and tried to reformat using Gparted to ext3...but it won't work. The only error message I get is that it failed. Details do not provide any additional information. I went to the command line and attempted to mount it just to see what would happen, and I got this:

~$ sudo mount /dev/sde1 /media/backup1
mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'

Apparently, it still thinks it's part of the RAID. What can I do to erase and reformat this drive?

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Ubuntu :: How To Automount An Internal Harddrive

Mar 18, 2010

I have a hard drive that doesn't auto mount when the computer boots up.You have to do it manually.How do I get it to start up along with the external usb hard drives?

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Ubuntu :: No Harddrive Detected During Installation / Fix It?

May 5, 2010

During the installation of Ubuntu from a LiveCD my harddrive doesn't seem to be detected. I cannot create partitions. I used Gparted to shrink my Windows partition. There's 23 GiB of unallocated space, but it's not being detected.

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Ubuntu :: Reformatting An External Harddrive?

May 6, 2010

I have a Seagate Expansion external drive.

It won't load as it is NTFS. Am I okay to reformat it using GParted? I'm unable to get the drive up in a window, but GParted can see it.

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Ubuntu :: Linking A Folder To A Harddrive?

May 13, 2010

i would like to link a folder, in my case that is 'Pictures' to a different harddrive with a folder containing pictures.So whenever i save pictures it would save by default onto the harddrive with the linked folder.How can i do that. I tried to do it with ls i think but this makes softlinks which did not let me open automatically open the other folder. omg i hope i don't make it to complicated to understand.So here a visual plan of it.the default folder/home/user/pictureslike to link it to /media/pictures/photoshotsso this is the harddrive (another internal harddrive) which contains a different folder where i store my photos in general.

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Ubuntu :: Filepath To Other Part Of The Harddrive?

Oct 13, 2010

i have 4 different harddriveparts (i hope that is the correct translation), on my PC, one for the OS (ubuntu) and 3 others for programms and documents for example. But now i need to go in a folder on another part in the console.

The other part has the id E61441A014417519, so i would guess that the order you have to enter would be: "cd mediaE61441A014417519folder" and then i would be "in" the folder, but the console said that there is not even a folder named "E61441A014417519".

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Ubuntu :: Installation On Separate Harddrive?

Oct 29, 2010

Thinking of installing 10.10 on a separate hard drive but i would like to have a separate boot file for ubuntu how to do that?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To See Harddrive / Enable This?

Jul 8, 2011

I ran Windows on this computer but it decided it wanted to die on me yesterday, so right now I'm using a Ubuntu Live CD. I wanted to save my files before I install Ubuntu on this harddrive, but when I click on 'Computer', I can't see my harddrive. However, if I go to Disk Utility I am able to see the drive: Unknown (500GB) and Unknown (490GB). I cannot access any of the partitions, so I tried to mount them. When I do that, I get the message code...

The same goes with /sda1/ which kind of sucks. I also tried with /sda/ but it didn't work either. I should probably also mention that when I try to run the Ubuntu installer it shows my harddrive, but no partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Clear Up Some Harddrive Space?

Mar 4, 2010

i signed up for an online storage website because i want to clear up some harddrive space. the way they upload is java based and whenever i get to the upload page i get the message at the top of the screen that says "additional plugins are required to display all the media on this page." when i click on "install missing plugins" it tells me "no suitable plugins were found." obviously i need to manually install something, what should i install? i cant always understand the descriptions in synaptic.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Won't Share Second Harddrive?

Jun 20, 2010

My first post, and I'm an Ubuntu n00b. But I've done a lot of reading and still can't seem to get anywhere with this. First of all. I know that I've set Samba up correctly because I can create a share in /home/documents which is mounted on my primary hard drive /dev/sda1, Windows 7 can access it no problem. But, when I try to set up a Samba share on my second hard drive /dev/sdb1, Windows 7 cannot access it. I've mounted the share in /media/Share The error I get in Window 7 is: " Windows cannot access \HOMESERVERData Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network."

My first thought is I must have the hard drive mounted or formatted incorrectly, but I can't find anything on this forum to tell me otherwise. I feel like I need to restart the process of this Samba set up. Can someone please guide me through: reformatting sdb1, mounting sdb1, setting up my smb.conf, fstab, and any other config files required to use my second hard drive as a Samba share?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 X64 To A Laptop Harddrive Using A USB Drive?

Aug 15, 2010

I cannot find this usb-creator. I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 x64 to a laptop harddrive using a USB drive. I think this is what I need but I am not sure. I tried mounting an ISO of Ubuntu, but did not find usb-creator. I tried some "sudo apt-get install usb-creator" command (cannot remember exact syntax, but the install succeeded) but I cannot find the installed application. If this is indeed the utility that I need, where do I find it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use Stationarys Harddrive And Soundcard ?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a laptop and a desktop computer. The thing is, I would like to see movies on the laptop from the stationarys hard drive to watch movies and also listen to music (Spotify) from speakers that are connected to the desktop but I don't really know how to solve it.

I know it's possible to make a network sound card on the staionary but I can't get it to work. I hav'e followed this guide but then I can't find the network sound card on the laptop. [url]

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