Ubuntu :: Reinstall Evolution Properly And Access It Again?

Apr 19, 2011

I recently switched to ubuntu from win 7. I have samsung netbook150. I did stupid mistake in setting up evolution. So I uninstalled it first via ubuntu software center and again reinstalled it. I also installed all the evolution components from synaptic package manager. Now I dont see evolution in internet section of Applications on the top panel.I need your help to figure out how I can reinstall evolution properly and access it again.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution And Empathy Not Working Properly?

Jun 7, 2010

I recently upgraded to Lucid Lynx. I hadn't used Evolution before so I don't know what exactly is supposed to happen but its not showing any of my mails. I entered in my hotmail account but its just now showing any mails and when I click on Send/Receivet asks me for my password but when I type it in, it still doesn't work.Empathy is also not working properly. I could sync my facebook chat account with it but in the broadcast accounts option my facebook page just doesn't get updated.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Open Mails / Calendar In Evolution After 11.2 Reinstall

May 1, 2010

I reinstalled 11.2 yesterday (wiped / and kept /home). Now when I launch Evolution, it asks me to either create a new account, or to load an archive (which I don't think I have).Why can't it find my mails and calendar? It looks to me like everything is present in the .evolution folder in my home.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Wont Boot \ Reinstall Windows On The First One - But Things Didn't Work Out Properly?

Nov 27, 2010

ive got a windows partition and a ubuntu-10.10 partition. i just tried to reinstall windows on the first one - but things didn't work out properly. after the first restart the pc just hung in the first boot screen - it wouldn't boot from the windows cd or the harddrive. every time i restart the computer it just hangs in that screen. i can't even choose to boot from cd/usb to use a livecd and rescue my files on the ubuntu partition. its like the keyboard doesn't work anymore. ive tried both a usb keyboard and one of the old kind with the prongs. so i cant get into ubuntu.

here's the screen, it pops up a second after i restart. usually the pc just boots up a couple seconds later and i can choose beteen win/unbuntu; or i can just press 'esc' and choose to boot from usb. but now nothing is happening, the keyboard doesn't seem to work, and it wont go passed this screen.*edit* actually the keyboard is working, because ctrl-alt-del restarts the computer, but thats about it..

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Ubuntu :: Cant Access On 2nd Harddrive After Reinstall Of Xp?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two hard drives one running Ubuntu 10.04 and the other XP (only for itunes and gaming) but earlier today i needed to reinstall xp as its windows and got bored of working properly and i am now unable to access the ubuntu harddrive as grub was written to the windows mbr.Now i would of normally just reinstalled Ubuntu and gone from there but as i was trying to be clever i copied my itunes folder over and i dont really wont to lose this.So two questions;1) How can i add the Ubuntu harddrive back to the boot options ?2) Or how can i get the itunes folder off the Ubuntu install using a live disk or from xp?

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Debian :: Can't Access Harddrive (lvm + Dm-crypt) After Reinstall

Feb 22, 2011

Debian 6.0 Squeeze (stable) AMD64.

At first the problem was that the old volume group (containing all logical volumes for both physical volumes) had the same name as the new volume group. I did a reinstall where I changed the name and ran vgreduce --removemissing debian which seems to have removed all logical volumes from the old volume group.

When I try to unlock the drive in Gnomes Disk Utility I get "Incorrect Passphrase. Try again." but I *know* it's the right password, and I don't get any error when changing the password so that seems to be possible.

I found the oldest archive in /etc/lvm/archive/ and manually edited it to remove any stuff about the old LVs and PVs. Then I did vgcfgrestore --file VG_backup.vg groupname. With the help of blkid I edited /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab to mount the disk at startup.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Access Evolution E-mails?

May 31, 2010

Installed ubuntu stupidly on the same partition as win7
couldn't boot anymore ubuntu
is it possible to access my evolution e-mails or even better to make my laptop boot ubuntu again
tried already various rescue cd-s etc

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tar.gz And Tar.bz2 Files - Unable To Access The Internet To Reinstall The Packages

Aug 10, 2010

I accidentally removed my network manager (gnome) from my system (via synaptic) and hence have not been able to have access to the internet to reinstall the packages. I have experimented with many commands (with help from others) in terminal with little success.

What I now did was downloaded a 'NetworkManager-' file and a 'NetworkManager-0.8.1.tar.bz2' file (from a different comp) and have placed them onto my desktop. I have read the INSTALL instructions within and it is a tad complex for me as I am new to Linux. I understand I have to extract the files and compile them into a new folder (I think I would choose a file in the /home directory)- how would I go about doing this? Following this, I need to './configure' or 'make' or 'make install' the files

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Ubuntu :: Access Evolution Or Send A New Email?

Jan 3, 2010

Evolution asks me for the default keyring everytime I try to access evolution or send a new email now it will not let me type anything into the password field!

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Ubuntu :: How Do I Set Up Evolution To Access Hotmail Account

Jan 3, 2011

im really impressed with the OS so far, exactly what i've been looking for. the install was a little rough, it hung up on "getting the time from the server" for almost 15 minutes even though i was connected to the internet. then for the first few bootups, the ubuntu boot screen was a box that only took up 1/4 of the screen. but that went away. anyway - im in now and its all looking good, but theres a few things i would like to be able to know how to do.

#1 - how do i set up evolution to access my hotmail account?

#2 - just noticed this while uploading an avatar to this site, the box that pops up that lets you browse your files - theres no view change? i have to click each individual picture to see what it is; can this be changed?

#3 - what is currently the best way to get an expose-like feature going in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Drive On Network Since Ubuntu Reinstall

Mar 28, 2011

This was working for me in 10.10 until I was forced to reinstall Ubuntu. I have a Western Digital Live Hub, basically a hard drive that sits under my telly and lets me stream media from the computer or transfer media to it from the computer. I could access it fine a couple of days ago, but then I reinstalled Ubuntu and now I get the error "Unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server". Anyone have any idea how I can access it again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall The Games Package Or Reinstall The Update?

May 2, 2010

So I was messing around trying to uninstall Nibbles and reinstall since I have an issue starting that game and something happened and removed the submenu under Games called "Logic", which had another whole list of games.

Is it possible to reinstall the games package or reinstall the update?I'm thinking more of the lines of a system restore or something so back 2 days from today.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Access Properly From A Public Address To A Monitoring Server That Works Fine Locally?

Apr 19, 2011

I've spent days trying to setup access properly from a public address to a monitoring server that works fine locally. Everything works from public access until I try to link to a CVS repository. The rancid CVS repository is set up as a separate server (virtualhost). It appears the referring link causes a DNS error (105: Server Not Found) when the CVS repository server is accessed from the public address. Things work fine when accessing via localhost.

Localhost link:


Public link: (this results in 105 error caused by redirection (bold portion of link))



Virtualhost config:
LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so
JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log


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General :: Retrieve/reinstall Grub Without Having To Reinstall Ubuntu?

Feb 4, 2011

how do I retrieve/reinstall Grub without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstall Windows 7 But Its A Pain To Reinstall All Programs?

Apr 29, 2010

I recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my laptop which also had windows vista and windows 7, i created a new partition and the installation went smoothly, after i went to boot back into windows 7 i got a blue screen of death, strangely vista boots perfectly.I could just reinstall windows 7 but its a pain to reinstall all my programs and such

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Ubuntu :: Can't Reinstall Grub After Reinstall Of Win 7

Dec 6, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bit installed and configured and working sweet. I have reinstalled windows 7 and now i can't boot ubuntu i've tried easybcd to add ubuntu to win boot loader which failed and tried to follow the instructions to reinstall grub through a live cd which i am in at the moment. i go to a terminal and type sudo grub and it brings up the grub prompt. i have mounted all discs and entered the command find /boot/grub/stage1 and it keeps spitting this back at me Error 15: File not found

my hd is a 80gb with partions like this
/dev/sda1 105mb ntfs system reserved
/dev/sda2 45gb ntfs win 7 home premium 64 bit
/dev/sda3 34gb ext4 ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
/dev/sda4 1.5gb linux swap

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Software :: Where Does Pine Put The Mail And Configure Evolution To Re-access Mail

Oct 19, 2010

After running Pine remotely to view some mail on the server, I can no longer access those emails remotely with Evolution or Outlook Express. I know the mail is still there on the server someplace, because it still appears in Pine's "INBOX" folder. But that is clearly not the same as the "Inbox" folder for that account which appears in Evolution and Outlook Express, which is now empty. How can I configure Evolution to re-access those emails?

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OpenSUSE :: Version Of Evolution - Running The Evolution Mail System Under Fedora - 15 / KDE

Jul 26, 2011

I've been running the Evolution mail system under Fedora-15/KDE for about a month now, and it has some very serious problems. I just noticed that it is available for SUSE, and figured that since KDE is the principal desktop supported by KDE the SUSE version may be fixed. Before I go through the very tedious process of getting the SUSE version to compile on Fedora, I'd like to know whether anyone has seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution:It ignores font control from the KDE Settings->Applications Appearance window, both KDE font control and GTK+ font control, also its own internal font control window.

It has trouble sending messages to an SMTP server, sometimes taking a l-o-n-g time, sometimes timing out. This can be temporarily cured by restarting it It crashes when a filter attempts to refile an outgoing message. It often asks if I want to recover messages that have never been lost. It often locks up receiving mail from a remote POP3 server. I can live with these, except for items 1 and 2, since I have workarounds. If you are fairly sure that you have not seen these problems with the SUSE version of Evolution

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Fedora :: Error While Fetching Email. Evolution Version: Evolution 2.28.0

Apr 5, 2010

I had configured the evolution to send/recive email. After it had been configured, it could receive emails. Suddendly it can't fetch email anymore. In the inbox of evolution, there were about 200 emails. There are maybe 5K emails in the server, I guessed. I'm not sure whether it's the problem that there's one email in the server too big, so the evolution can not fetch it. The error of evolution is: error while fetching email. Evolution version: Evolution 2.28.0. OS version: Linux xxx2.6.32.9-70.fc12.i686.PAE #1 SMP Wed Mar 3 04:57:21 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux I'm sure my network is fine, I use pop3 to receive email.

nslookup result:
$ nslookup pop3.163.com
Non-authoritative answer:
pop3.163.comcanonical name = pop.163.com.
pop.163.comcanonical name = pop3.163.idns.yeah.net.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Evolution 2.30 (after Removing Evolution 2.32.2)

Apr 1, 2011

i tried to update my evolution from 2.30.? to 2.32.1 usning


Because the exchange plugin didn't work i uninstalled evolution and removed the ppa. Now when i try to install evolution from the software centre i get this: Package dependencies cannot be resolved This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.
it asks me if I want to repair the catalog, i say yes.

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Fedora :: Set Up Multipath Properly To Two Devices Properly?

Mar 29, 2011

How can I set up multipath to two devices properly? I'm sure that I need to do something more then just: /etc/init.d/multipathd start

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OpenSUSE :: Restoring Evolution Settings Into Evolution 2.30

Feb 20, 2011

I have been using Fedora 14, which has Evolution 2.32.1 but have recently also installed openSUSE 11.3, which has Evolution I would like to make openSUSE my primary distribution, and so I would like to restore my Evolution settings from Fedora, but Evolution complains that the backup file is invalid. I have tried copying the folders in the backup to their appropriate locations in openSUSE with no luck. I have also tried manually copying with instructions for older versions of openSUSE, but with no luck.

An obvious guess at what might be the problem seems to be that I am trying to restore settings from a newer version to an older version? An obvious thing to try would be to upgrade to Evolution 2.32, but Evolution has a long list of dependencies so before jumping into that fun I thought I would ask if anyone else has had similar problems and found a straight-forward solution. I still have access to my emails in Fedora so this is not hugely pressing, and if upgrading to 11.4 will do the trick then I can just wait for that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Evolution Mail / Setting Up Evolution E Mail Account / Enter Password?

Jul 22, 2010

I have wiped Windows and am running 10.04 exclusively. 32 bit, when setting up evolution e mail account i dont see where to enter password....where is it? anyone have link with screenshots? i know i can use regular hotmail but want to know how to use default ubuntu programs.

I still can't find a spot for password. options are, login, set preferences and a remember password checkbox but nowhere to enter a password

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Software :: Evolution Won't Use 'evolution' Directory

Nov 29, 2010

I moved all my files in my home directory to a new computer. This old machine is Ubuntu 9.10 and the new one is Ubuntu 10.10. These files included my original ".evolution" directory. But on the new computer, when I run Evolution, it seems to ignore or not understand this directory, and wants me to set up all new accounts. There is a lot of email saved locally in that ".evolution" directory I need to keep. How can I get this newer version of Evolution to use those old files?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution - Getting "Invalid Evolution Backup File"

Aug 10, 2011

I have an issue with evolution I use it on two computers. A Eee-Pc 1000h with '11.04' during the week (agenda / mail), and on the weekends a do a back up on a Toshiba Qosmio G20 '10.10' I press import or is it restore and everything is good. Except for today I am getting 'Invalid Evolution backup file' each time. I have tryed purging evolution. Even uninstalling it but to no avail.

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OpenSUSE :: Evolution Crashing - Memory Error - "openSUSE 11.3 / Evolution"

Mar 27, 2011

evolution crashing - memory error - openSUSE 11.3 / Evolution

openSUSE 11.3 / kernel / Gnome 2.30.0 / Evolution
Evolution keeps crashing, began quite recently but I can't pin down exactly when...
Running from a terminal, crash messages are:
** (evolution:5624): CRITICAL **: file gkr-operation.c: line 350 (gkr_operation_request): should not be reached
** (evolution:5624): CRITICAL **: file gkr-operation.c: line 350 (gkr_operation_request): should not be reached
***MEMORY-ERROR***: evolution[5624]: GSlice: assertion failed: sinfo->n_allocated > 0

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Ubuntu :: Can Reinstall 8.04.1 ?

Jan 9, 2010

I have this on my computer butit will not boot up. Is it possible to re install this?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall 10.10 Over 11.04?

Jun 2, 2011

Installed 10.10 onto a brand new HD. Using the computer to introduct myself to both Ubuntu and file server concepts. I also installed Samba and was communicating wirelessly with 2 Win 7 machines. THEN I upgraded to 11.04, could not get wirless internal card (B43) to work. Everthing is a mess my 11.04 computer is a doorstop. I tried to reinstall 10.10 from the orignal distribution disk I had created. I would like to take off 11.04 and go back to 10.10 with Samba and a functioning wireless card. I have backed up files, I would just like 11.04 off and 10.10 back. I do not wish to deal with the wireless B43 driver and 11.04 for now.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reinstall MBR

Jul 1, 2011

For some reason after I accidentally put ubuntu (meerkat) into hibernation it won't load OS upon turning back on, shutting the computer down does the same thing. I get this error message: No Boot Device Available, Press Enter to Retry.For some reason my OS loads no problem if I am just restarting my system. This just started happening out of the blue.I've already reinstalled a couple of times off the live CD and also deleted and reinstalled GRUB2 with no luck. Now I'm thinking about trying to delete and reinstall my MBR, but I don't know the safest/best way to do this. Can I do this with gparted? Is this something that can only be done in terminal? I've seen commands like install - mbr ... should I use this route?

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Ubuntu :: No More Windows At All - Reinstall?

Mar 1, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for a couple of months as a wubi install. I've been able to do everything in Ubuntu and have not had to resort to Windows at all. I do have another Windows computer that is networked to this Ubuntu machine. It must remain Windows so I do have a Windows machine for a pinch. The question is I'm thinking of reinstalling Ubuntu on this machine by itself . No more Windows at all. What will I gain & what will I loose.

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