Ubuntu :: Measuring Power - Watts?

Apr 11, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to see how much power my computer is using while using Ubuntu. I know there are hardware devices, plugs, I can use but I didn't know if there was a computer program that I could use that would do the same thing. I am currently using an IONITX F-E, 2Gb 800mhz RAM, 6 Green WD 2TB drives, and plan on getting a blu-ray drive installed in the last slot. I am also using a PCI-E x4 SATA card, and using software raid 5. I have a 350 watt psu installed and would like to remove it and install a pico-psu but the pico seems to max out at 200 watts.

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Hardware :: Cost Efficiency Of A Computer PSU Based On Watts Rating

Jul 20, 2010

Can someone tell me if there a difference between running a 1000 watt computer PSU and a 1000 watt light bulb? For instance, Im sure if you burn a 1000 watt light bulb you'd burn the maximum amount of energy all the time (1000 watts). Using the full 1000 watts might be substantially more costly at the end of the month if you didn't need all the light produced all the time, but of course as long as the light was turned on it would burn the 1000 watts.

Now my question about a computer, while 1000 watt is probably an overkill, I'm thinking I should get a bigger wattage PSU than my current 400 watt power supply. If I got a higher wattage PSU, is there a chance that the wattage rating would burn the power based on the immediate computer load (components installed and intensity of the immediate applications) rather than a constant use based on the 1000 watt rating? During off peak times when I might not have many USB devices plugged in and not be running graphic intensive applications, would it be possible that the 1000 watt PSU would be less bucks (or equal to) the cost of the 400 watt PSU? Or would the 1000 watt PSU cost the same amount for the 24 hour operation of the computer as running a 1000 watt light bulb for the month.By the way, I'm looking at purchasing an 800 watt PSU and I'll be upgrading my 88000gts graphics card soon. I just replaced the case with an AXP 600 that has lots of room and cooling facility. I probably don't need the 800 watts at present, but with time I will be replacing the CPU and motherboard.Is there a chance (or scenario) where a higher wattage PSU might actually be more cost efficient at the end of the month and possible burn less electrical dollars because of less strain to keep up?

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Ubuntu :: Measuring The Time Of A Code?

Sep 20, 2010

I am a beginner to C and C++ and so far I have learned two ways to measure the time my program takes to run.

Method 1: Just compile your C file and if the executable is say a.out just type time ./a.out

Method 2: Here the general structure of the code is

int main(void)


Question 1 Do Method 1 and Method 2 return the same times?

Question 2 Method 1 gives three times real, usr and sys . Is it true that USR+SYS= TIME GIVEN BY METHOD 2

I have performed some experiments with small codes which return the squares of numbers uptill 36000 and I feel the answer to question 2 is yes

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Hardware :: Measuring A Case Fan?

Mar 30, 2011

This is probably a simple question but I really don't know!How do you measure a case fan to know it's true deminsions whe one is talking about them or whatever?For an example lets use an 80 mm fan, is it measured from the "Frame" size witch is the total size of the fan or what?

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Hardware :: Ways Of Measuring FLOPS

Sep 25, 2010

I've found various programs and methods to measure FLOPS, but I don't seem to understand them. What is wrong with the following?

#! /usr/bin/env python
float_increment = 1.03 # random
start = 57.24 # random
floating_point = start

for i in xrange(10 ** 6):floating_point += float_increment

PROMPT$ time ./test-flops.py
As far as I can see, this times a program that performs 1 million FLOPs (namely incrementation).

This outputs about 1.2 seconds on my (reasonably fast) machine, giving 840kFLOPS, which is much too low.This post may be in the wrong section; a C translation increments the result by three orders of magnitude (ie, py sucks), but this is still considerably less (~ 7-fold) than published values.

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Software :: Measuring Boot Time

Mar 19, 2009

I am using a simple plain Debian Lenny base system (No X). I would like to measure how many seconds my system takes to boot - time between hitting enter key on GRUB screen to login console on tty1.One obvious way is to measure it manually by looking at your wrist watch or an external timer but I would to measure it more accurately - something that is built inside the Operating System.

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Software :: Measuring Network Throughput

May 15, 2010

I want to know the actual maximum throughput of my lan at home.Could you suggest some free monitoring tools for me to use

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Programming :: Measuring Microseconds With Linux

Oct 27, 2010

I need to measure the time it takes for a program I'm writing to do Its job in microseconds resolution. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. My Idea is, to write a device driver that directly reads the counter that produces the interrupt of RTC ticks. How do I do this, for a Linux kernel and a PC hardware?

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Software :: Measuring Time Elapsed In A Program Gcc And G++

Jul 7, 2009

I've done a lot of googling for this, but always found code that does not work on my compiler.Could anyone please post a small (working) program through which I can store the starting time of the program (milliseconds) and get the ending time of the program in integer variables?Am working on Fedora 8, and with the gcc compiler.

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Debian Installation :: Measuring System Of Installer (JEDEC Or Metric)?

May 11, 2015

What measuring system does partitioning step in Debian installer use - metric or JEDEC? I.e. it uses MB, which in JEDEC means 1024^2 bytes, and in metric means 1000^2 bytes.

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General :: Measuring Time That A Program Is Running In Shell Script

Nov 11, 2010

I have a script that executed 100000 C Programs, reads the commands from a file and executes them. There is a requirement to measuer the time that each of this 100K C programs running.If it exceeds 120 sec I want to Kill that Process.Any Idea to embed this in my shell script?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Alfa AWUS036H Adjust Power - Unknown Transmit Power Information

Jun 21, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit and I purchased a new ALFA AWUS036H wireless card. I would like to know if this "1Watt" wireless card is configured for full power. iwlist wlan0 txpower results:

wlan0 unknown transmit-power information. Current Tx-Power=27 dBm (501 mW). It appears to me that I should be able to increase the power. "iwpriv wlan0 highpower 1" does not work. Do I need to patch the new default driver that comes with Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit with the aircrack one following these directions:[URL]...? Monitor mode and a injection tests seem to work fine with the driver I have installed.

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Debian Multimedia :: Xfce4-power-manager Doesn't React To Power Button / Fix It?

Jun 4, 2010

I use Squeeze with Xfce. My problem is that recently (after the xfce updates) the xfce power manager doesnt react to the power button - it is set to suspend. I dont have gnome-power manager or anything like it running.
If i reboot the computer, the power button will work but if i suspend and resume, it doesnt work again.
The computer is built on an Asus M3N78-VM mobo (2GB RAM/Athlon3200+ single core).

acpi_listen detects the button press.

Any thoughts?

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Hardware :: Power Monitoring - Power Quality - Voltage Changes And Outages

Apr 4, 2011

I'm looking for any power monitoring devices for Linux to allow monitoring power quality, voltage changes, and outages. This would be for North American three phase power system. I want to have this data fed live to my own program. It should be something much better than just jury-rigging a circuit to fee the power waveform into 2 or 3 audio cards.

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Ubuntu :: Power Profile/power Management App?

May 28, 2010

On the last release, I had this app installed where I could pick my power profile. I could use power conservatively, and performance would suffer a bit, but longer batt life,or I could have it automatically detect, or I could have the apps use all the power they want and then some. I'm looking to reinstall that app. What was the name of it?I can't remember, and so far, can't find.

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Hardware :: PC Wont Power-on - Power-light Blinking?

Oct 30, 2010

I had unplugged my PC last night as sometimes there's storms at night this morning I plugged in PC and the power light is blinking and the PC wont come on at all tried different power cord, same result

PC is a AMD athlon64 3300+ 2.4ghz SiS graphics

probably the power-supply or what?

If it is the power supply, how do I find new one as I've never had to replace anything on it or any other PC?

Also, I really need access to the hard drive but it's a weird hard drive and was wondering if I could put that hard drive in my K7 PC, which already has 2 drives in it can a pc have 3 drives? do I have to add/have another ribbon cable for 3rd drive?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get "sudo Iwconfig Eth1 Power Off" To Stick After Plugging/unplugging Power?

Oct 15, 2010

After much research, I have found the solution to my intermittent wireless problem!Whenever the laptop is plugged into power, wireless is perfect, when I'm on battery, wireless is horrible.Here is the fix:

sudo iwconfig eth1 power off
Unfortunately, I have to type this in everytime I unplug the laptop.


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Hardware :: No Power To Power Button?

Jun 18, 2010

My problem arises two days ago. Power button of my keyboard has stopped working,why?It works well when I use windows.

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Ubuntu :: Power Settings Not Used

Mar 30, 2010

I turned off laptop dimming and a few other settings in the power management app, but these are not used so as soon as I watch a film on batteries or otherwise it dims the screen! I tried to search the forums but it won't let me search for terms like ignored or unused

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Ubuntu Installation :: Power Goes Down After Sometime

Apr 24, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 in my friends pc. However, after about half or nearly one hour, the box goes out of power and the monitor hangs with the same screen just before the power down. And we have to restart by first powering down the UPS. It is a DUAL BOOT system with WINDOWS 7 and it never happens in there. What is annoying me now is that my friend says, "This is the problem of Ubuntu". I then installed Opensuse 11.2 but again the same thing happens with linux and not WIndows 7. Here are the specs of his system:


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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot After Power-down

Jan 2, 2011

Whenever I power-down my CPU (not reboot, full power-down) my Ubuntu system will not boot up. No other OS is on the computer, just Ubuntu. Usually reinstalling grub will fix the boot problem. But I don't understand why simply turning off the computer would mess up grub. I have to keep my computer running 24/7 or I have to go through the process of rescuing the system.

I'm guessing it's something to do with the hardware and not the OS.

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Ubuntu :: Power Consumption By USB Hub

Apr 20, 2011

I was going through the article given here :- [URL]. Now my question is how to do this in linux ?

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Ubuntu :: Random Shutdown/Power Off?

Jan 24, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu on and off since 8.04, but only last week decided to make a real switch across to it.After installing 9.10 64bit though, my laptop while running Ubuntu just turns itself off at completely random times - it doesn't seem to go through any shut down procedure or anything, it's more like the power's just suddenly cut. It sometimes happens 5 minutes after being turned on, or sometimes 4 or 5 hours, it really is random.I really have no idea where to even begin trying to stop this. I think it must be a software thing because this has never happened with windows or earlier versions of Ubuntu, but other than that I don't know what to do to stop this.I'm dual booting Windows 7 32bit and Ubuntu 9.10 64bit, and this is on a Toshiba L350-D 11-D laptop, which has a 64bit AMD processor.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management In Karmic?

Jan 27, 2010

Alright this is not a huge issue but a rather annoying one. I hook my laptop up to my lcd to watch movies all of the time. The problem is though I have selected and reselected many times for the screen to not power off after so many minutes of inactivity. But for some reason it doesnt work. If i set it to an 1 it still like every 5 minutes turns off my screen. Im running 9.10 on a toshiba satellite with an intel graphics card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using The Power PC Port To PS3 Of 9.10?

Feb 13, 2010

For various reasons I have decided that it would be helpful to use my PS3 as a backup computer for homework and basic word processing. I looked up some instructions on installing Ubuntu on the PS3 and followed them exactly. I'm using the PS3 port, I put it on a clean disk, I already partitioned and installed the OS (by that I mean, I used the install other OS function on the XMB) When I run the OS it brings me to the live CD with the penguins, but after I hit enter, the screen just goes black. Occasionally it has given me the initramfs screen, but only sometimes.

I also noticed, on the first screen, before I hit enter there is a "ps3av_send_cmd_pkt" error. I have looked all over google for a fix, but have found little help. I am using the Power PC port to PS3 of 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Has No Effect?

May 15, 2010

I have a laptop with 10.04 installed. When it is plugged in with AC Power, the screen fades black after a few minutes and locks up after about 10 minutes (shows a dialog for passwd when back).This gets really annoying when listening a movie or just reading text.System->Preferences->Power Management is set to "never" for everything.gconf-editor->apps->gnome-power-management is set to "0" for everything finishing with *_ac.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Power Icon?

May 22, 2010

I'm trying to change the power icon. how do you do this?

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Ubuntu :: No Boot-up After Power Loss?

May 31, 2010

Ubuntu 10.4 on desktop system. Everything was working satisfactorily until...Trying to boot up after a power loss I got "ERROR: You need to load the kernel first."I tried to boot into recovery mode and got "ERROR: HD0, 1 out of disk ERROR: Couldn't read file Loading initial ramdisk ERROR: You need to load the kernel first."Next I booted with the live Ubuntu disk to see if I could mount the drive from there and got thisError mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,missing codepage or helper program, or other errorIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

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Ubuntu :: Power Options Not Working?

Jun 13, 2010

upgraded to 10.04 on pangolin performance laptopset power option to never suspend or hibernate or shut down using AC or batteryhowever...the system suspends after a few minutes of idle time, requiring a password to log back on

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Ubuntu :: Power Button Does Not Shut Down?

Jun 25, 2010

We are planning the migration fro Karmic to Lucid for our systems, these systems are custom Ubuntu installations, we create them using debootstrap and then running a script that installs desired packages, mainly X server and (optionally) fluxbox.

I've set up a hard drive with our current scripts (the only modifications were the change of lucid instead of karmic for update servers and removing usplash from our scripts), but I've found that pushing the power button would not shut down the system (we have no GDM or similar), the system does not respond to this event as used to do under Karmic.

Do you know where I can check/enable the system to shutdown when pushing the power button?

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