Hardware :: Measuring A Case Fan?

Mar 30, 2011

This is probably a simple question but I really don't know!How do you measure a case fan to know it's true deminsions whe one is talking about them or whatever?For an example lets use an 80 mm fan, is it measured from the "Frame" size witch is the total size of the fan or what?

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Slackware :: Mkisofs -iso-level 1 Converts To Lower Case Instead Of Upper Case?

Oct 28, 2010

Kernel 2.6, Slackware 12.0
mkisofs 2.01

I do 'mkisofs -iso-level 1 -o image John Smith.txt'. Only an example. When I mount image, ls outputs john_smi.txt. So it has shorten to 8.3 and translated ' ' into '_'. This is in accordance with the manual, although it doesn't say the conversion will be done.


-iso-level level
With all iso9660 levels from 1..3, all filenames are restricted to upper case letters, numbers and the underscore (_).

However, as it did not reject the file name, it should have converted it to all upper case, it seems to me. And -iso-level 2|3 does the same thing.


root@darkstar:~# mkisofs -iso-level 1 -o image John Smith.txt
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0
Total directory bytes: 0


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Ubuntu :: Error - Set A Valid User Name Consisting Of A Lower Case Letter Followed By Lower Case Letters And Numbers

Mar 12, 2010

I tried to add my wife , and when I put in a password for her, this error comes up."Please set a valid user name consisting of a lower case letter followed by lower case letters and numbers." I did all that and I still can't set a password for her.

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Programming :: Perl Switch Statement Throwing Error Like Bad Case Statement (invalid Case Value)?

Oct 6, 2010

I've written a simple perl code to learn switches in perl.My code is pasted below,

$opt = 1;
switch($opt) {


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Ubuntu :: Measuring The Time Of A Code?

Sep 20, 2010

I am a beginner to C and C++ and so far I have learned two ways to measure the time my program takes to run.

Method 1: Just compile your C file and if the executable is say a.out just type time ./a.out

Method 2: Here the general structure of the code is

int main(void)


Question 1 Do Method 1 and Method 2 return the same times?

Question 2 Method 1 gives three times real, usr and sys . Is it true that USR+SYS= TIME GIVEN BY METHOD 2

I have performed some experiments with small codes which return the squares of numbers uptill 36000 and I feel the answer to question 2 is yes

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Ubuntu :: Measuring Power - Watts?

Apr 11, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to see how much power my computer is using while using Ubuntu. I know there are hardware devices, plugs, I can use but I didn't know if there was a computer program that I could use that would do the same thing. I am currently using an IONITX F-E, 2Gb 800mhz RAM, 6 Green WD 2TB drives, and plan on getting a blu-ray drive installed in the last slot. I am also using a PCI-E x4 SATA card, and using software raid 5. I have a 350 watt psu installed and would like to remove it and install a pico-psu but the pico seems to max out at 200 watts.

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Hardware :: Ways Of Measuring FLOPS

Sep 25, 2010

I've found various programs and methods to measure FLOPS, but I don't seem to understand them. What is wrong with the following?

#! /usr/bin/env python
float_increment = 1.03 # random
start = 57.24 # random
floating_point = start

for i in xrange(10 ** 6):floating_point += float_increment

PROMPT$ time ./test-flops.py
As far as I can see, this times a program that performs 1 million FLOPs (namely incrementation).

This outputs about 1.2 seconds on my (reasonably fast) machine, giving 840kFLOPS, which is much too low.This post may be in the wrong section; a C translation increments the result by three orders of magnitude (ie, py sucks), but this is still considerably less (~ 7-fold) than published values.

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Software :: Measuring Boot Time

Mar 19, 2009

I am using a simple plain Debian Lenny base system (No X). I would like to measure how many seconds my system takes to boot - time between hitting enter key on GRUB screen to login console on tty1.One obvious way is to measure it manually by looking at your wrist watch or an external timer but I would to measure it more accurately - something that is built inside the Operating System.

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Software :: Measuring Network Throughput

May 15, 2010

I want to know the actual maximum throughput of my lan at home.Could you suggest some free monitoring tools for me to use

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Programming :: Measuring Microseconds With Linux

Oct 27, 2010

I need to measure the time it takes for a program I'm writing to do Its job in microseconds resolution. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. My Idea is, to write a device driver that directly reads the counter that produces the interrupt of RTC ticks. How do I do this, for a Linux kernel and a PC hardware?

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Software :: Measuring Time Elapsed In A Program Gcc And G++

Jul 7, 2009

I've done a lot of googling for this, but always found code that does not work on my compiler.Could anyone please post a small (working) program through which I can store the starting time of the program (milliseconds) and get the ending time of the program in integer variables?Am working on Fedora 8, and with the gcc compiler.

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Debian Installation :: Measuring System Of Installer (JEDEC Or Metric)?

May 11, 2015

What measuring system does partitioning step in Debian installer use - metric or JEDEC? I.e. it uses MB, which in JEDEC means 1024^2 bytes, and in metric means 1000^2 bytes.

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General :: Measuring Time That A Program Is Running In Shell Script

Nov 11, 2010

I have a script that executed 100000 C Programs, reads the commands from a file and executes them. There is a requirement to measuer the time that each of this 100K C programs running.If it exceeds 120 sec I want to Kill that Process.Any Idea to embed this in my shell script?

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Ubuntu :: Use Case For EC2 In Server 9.10?

Jan 22, 2010

I do have one question about the latest Ubuntu server edition 9.10. Currently I am using 8.04 on a server at home and have nothing but great things to say about it.

With that being said, what would be the use case for an average joe like me to harness the new capabilities in 9.10, more specifically in regards to the new EC2 features?

I am a web designer and video geek...I was wondering if this would take some of the workload off my Macs. For example video rendering, etc. Should I uprgrade and try this out?

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General :: One Drive Bay PC Case?

Sep 17, 2010

I know this is a rather odd question, but like in the old days you can get one drive bay desktop cases.

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Programming :: Generic Case In C ?

May 14, 2010

As you know that GNU-C provides qsort() function in <cstdlib> in this prototype


You may know about Selection Sort Algorithm already, I want to write a function to perform Selection Sort but it can apply generally for many type: int, long, float, double... like qsort() above.

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General :: GNU Sort By Case-sensitive?

Aug 20, 2010

The sort utility in Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) always sort by case-insensitive, just like if you specify --ignore-case to it. The two sort just give the same result:


But sometimes I want to sort by case-sensitive, so the upper-case letters come first, then lower-case letter.

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Ubuntu :: Case Of Missing Icons

Feb 16, 2010

I have a My book usb drive that in the provious install would show up with a My book icon as a "drive" on my desk top, in PLaces it shows as a blank icon.. for some reason the icon does not appear on my desktop, like normal, examples plug in ipod, ipod icon shows up, usb mini drive, that shows up?Also this could be related .. but my Pidgen icon on the tack bar does not show anymore... it used to be that I opened it and a little green icon sat by the clock?

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Hardware :: Internal HDD Through USB Case Not Detected?

Nov 15, 2010

I recently upgraded my HDD to 160 GB ..I actually wanted to exchange the old HDD (40GB) and adjust with the price of the new one..The comp service guy said that the internal HDD could be used as a USB disk if I purchase a CASE for this..I bought a case thro which I attached the old IDE HDD... The LED is on when I connect (The USB cable had 2 leads which I had to connect it in 2 USB slots- Direct in my cabinet (not thru Hub),,, Ubuntu 10.04 is recognizing the disk in "System Info" as "USB - Generic HDD"...But that's it, I am not able to run Gparted or anything...Even in win7 , it said "Installing software for devices" and later on nothing happens...This is not shown in File Manager I would like to know how to format and make it usable..

Also , since HDDs involve some amount of power , is it wise to connect it to another computer, I mean there wont be an overload or spike or something like that?? We have 220 Volt electricity in my country... Aso logically speaking there has to be a limit I mean, you cant keep "chain loading" multiple HDD through USB Hubs ,right!!

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General :: Case Sensitive Directory

Dec 14, 2010

i am trying to set up a couple of pages in some special directories URL...but i need it that if they type URL... for them also to go to the site and not to a 404

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Programming :: Setting No Case Sensitivity In As?

Jul 9, 2011

GNU assembler 2.17 (invoked as 'as').

Is there a way of setting no case sensitivity in as?

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Debian :: Copying Files To USB Stick Changes Case

Nov 30, 2010

I've observed that if I copy a directory containing some files to an USB stick, files whose names are all upper-case are copied with all lowercase names. Is this expected behavior? The USB stick is shared with a Windows box.

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Fedora :: Sort Is No Longer Case Sensitive?

Dec 16, 2009

I recently upgraded to Fedora release 12 (Constantine) and noticed that sort is no longer case insensitive.

echo -e "ba
A" | sort

I think it should be:


The -f flag does not change anything. I have sort (GNU coreutils) 7.6.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Power Off 11.1 From Case Button?

Jul 8, 2010

how to configure openSuSE 11.1 to automatically power off when I push the power button on the case? I have no monitor, so I need the system to power off normally when I push that button.

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General :: Turn Off Terminal Case Sensitivity?

Sep 19, 2010

As above can I turn Case Sensitivity off for terminal in linux?

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Ubuntu :: Move A File Matching *.ext Regardless Of Case

Jan 26, 2010

how I can use the mv command to move a file that matches *.ext regardless of the case?

I would like to be able to move:


....and so on with a single command. I do not want to have to type out all combinations of this single file extension in my script because my file system is case sensitive.

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Ubuntu :: Case Insensitive (Regex) CD For Script?

Oct 9, 2010

I know it's against the unix way and all that but I need a regex cd for a script to automatically move up an NTFS tree.

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Ubuntu :: When Ever Hit The D Key Only Lower Case All Windows Minimize?

Oct 25, 2010

Its really annoying I don't have a monitor I just use VNC and putty to control my computer and when ever I vnc in and hit d all the windows minimize I tried deleting everything under .gnome2,.nautilus,.gconf and nothing. I love Ubuntu but this upgrade has been nothing but problems. I did a complete reformat and its a huge pita. its problem after problem never had this with 10.04

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Hardware :: Bad To Plug Case Fans Into Motherboard?

Jul 8, 2010

I am going to upgrading the cooling in my computer, so I bought 3 case fans (the amount my case has room for). They have 4 pin connectors, so I was just going to plug 2 of them into the 2 available fan headers, and then plug the last one into a molex connector considering that they all come with molex adaptors. However, according to this site, your not supposed to because its too much strain on the motherboard? I am not (never have never will) overclocking so is that just for overclockers? My motherboard manual says it will work with 12 volt fans which are what these are.

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General :: Browser Should Try Again In Case Of 'can't Find Server'

Apr 27, 2011

When my internet is slow & i try to open a web page then I get message in my firefox 3.6.3 that 'can't find server at www.website.com'. It isn't that URL is wrong but maybe connection to DNS server is slow or something similiar. I remember that wget tries 20 times by default to get the file (browsing is downloading+ decoding+ displaying).Does any web browser or addon tries repeatedly till it is successful in contacting website server? It can tell me 'trying nth attempt at www.website.com'

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