Software :: Measuring Boot Time

Mar 19, 2009

I am using a simple plain Debian Lenny base system (No X). I would like to measure how many seconds my system takes to boot - time between hitting enter key on GRUB screen to login console on tty1.One obvious way is to measure it manually by looking at your wrist watch or an external timer but I would to measure it more accurately - something that is built inside the Operating System.

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Ubuntu :: Measuring The Time Of A Code?

Sep 20, 2010

I am a beginner to C and C++ and so far I have learned two ways to measure the time my program takes to run.

Method 1: Just compile your C file and if the executable is say a.out just type time ./a.out

Method 2: Here the general structure of the code is

int main(void)


Question 1 Do Method 1 and Method 2 return the same times?

Question 2 Method 1 gives three times real, usr and sys . Is it true that USR+SYS= TIME GIVEN BY METHOD 2

I have performed some experiments with small codes which return the squares of numbers uptill 36000 and I feel the answer to question 2 is yes

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Software :: Measuring Time Elapsed In A Program Gcc And G++

Jul 7, 2009

I've done a lot of googling for this, but always found code that does not work on my compiler.Could anyone please post a small (working) program through which I can store the starting time of the program (milliseconds) and get the ending time of the program in integer variables?Am working on Fedora 8, and with the gcc compiler.

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General :: Measuring Time That A Program Is Running In Shell Script

Nov 11, 2010

I have a script that executed 100000 C Programs, reads the commands from a file and executes them. There is a requirement to measuer the time that each of this 100K C programs running.If it exceeds 120 sec I want to Kill that Process.Any Idea to embed this in my shell script?

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Hardware :: Measuring A Case Fan?

Mar 30, 2011

This is probably a simple question but I really don't know!How do you measure a case fan to know it's true deminsions whe one is talking about them or whatever?For an example lets use an 80 mm fan, is it measured from the "Frame" size witch is the total size of the fan or what?

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Ubuntu :: Measuring Power - Watts?

Apr 11, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to see how much power my computer is using while using Ubuntu. I know there are hardware devices, plugs, I can use but I didn't know if there was a computer program that I could use that would do the same thing. I am currently using an IONITX F-E, 2Gb 800mhz RAM, 6 Green WD 2TB drives, and plan on getting a blu-ray drive installed in the last slot. I am also using a PCI-E x4 SATA card, and using software raid 5. I have a 350 watt psu installed and would like to remove it and install a pico-psu but the pico seems to max out at 200 watts.

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Hardware :: Ways Of Measuring FLOPS

Sep 25, 2010

I've found various programs and methods to measure FLOPS, but I don't seem to understand them. What is wrong with the following?
#! /usr/bin/env python
float_increment = 1.03 # random
start = 57.24 # random
floating_point = start

for i in xrange(10 ** 6):floating_point += float_increment

PROMPT$ time ./
As far as I can see, this times a program that performs 1 million FLOPs (namely incrementation).

This outputs about 1.2 seconds on my (reasonably fast) machine, giving 840kFLOPS, which is much too low.This post may be in the wrong section; a C translation increments the result by three orders of magnitude (ie, py sucks), but this is still considerably less (~ 7-fold) than published values.

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Software :: Measuring Network Throughput

May 15, 2010

I want to know the actual maximum throughput of my lan at home.Could you suggest some free monitoring tools for me to use

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Programming :: Measuring Microseconds With Linux

Oct 27, 2010

I need to measure the time it takes for a program I'm writing to do Its job in microseconds resolution. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. My Idea is, to write a device driver that directly reads the counter that produces the interrupt of RTC ticks. How do I do this, for a Linux kernel and a PC hardware?

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Fedora :: 11 Boot Time / System Hangs For A Very Long Time On Starting Udev?

Sep 25, 2009

When booting Fedora 11, my system hangs for a very long time on starting udev. Sometimes I get an I/O error. However, my hardware is fine. I do eventually get in to the system.

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Slackware :: Stop At Boot Time To Increase Booting Time?

Mar 5, 2010

It looks,slackware is taking too much time to boot. It's starting daemons at boot time.

What are those daemons that i can stop at boot time to increase booting time?

What's the best way to stop starting daemons at boot time?

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Debian Installation :: Measuring System Of Installer (JEDEC Or Metric)?

May 11, 2015

What measuring system does partitioning step in Debian installer use - metric or JEDEC? I.e. it uses MB, which in JEDEC means 1024^2 bytes, and in metric means 1000^2 bytes.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Boot Time On AMD 30m / USB Hardware Doesn't Work After Computer Boot?

Mar 21, 2011

I've been a long time Windows user, but I've started a small firm and because of lack of funds, I've decided to install Ubuntu on my company's PCs.I have 8 PCs in total - 6 of them with Intel CPUs, and the last two with AMD CPUs. I bought the extra two computers because I've managed to find an extra two people to work at my company, and AMD-based PCs are cheaper so I've decided to buy them instead of Intel.Long-story short, I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 and boot time takes about half-an-hour. After the computers finally boot, USB hardware doesn't work at all. I was forced to buy PS/2 keyboards & mice and they both work fine after the PCs boot.I don't know what's causing this delay.I've enabled Cool 'n Quiet from BIOS.I've tried several instructions like editing the /etc/modules file.I've installed cpufreqd, tried to configure it, but it didn't work.I've check the CPU stats and my CPUs are running at 800MHz. I can't believe nobody managed to fix the 800MHz problem as I've noticed it's quite common among AMD Ubuntu users. I think I've tried almost anything that I've found on this forum.I can't keep asking my employees not to reboot their PCs. Both Chrome/Firefox crash a lot on Ubuntu so they're forced to restart their computers.The computer specs are: AMD Athlon II X2 240 dual-core @ 2.800MHz, 2GB RAM, 500GB HDD, etc.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Speed Up Boot Time / Disable Or Change Eth0 At Boot / Searching?

Jan 11, 2010

This on a Vostro 1220 Laptop w/ Intel 5300 wireless:

A.I have long boot up time.I think it's because of the eth0 network search which I don't use.I have an intel wireless 5300 card running.How can I speed up the boot time, i.e. disable or change the eth0 at boot, the searching?

B:When I restart or shutdown, the screen flashes repeatedly and gets some garbled colors along the top before finally rebooting looks like windows ME or something).This vostro has an intel x4500HD vid chipset in it.

C.How do I get into gnome configuration editor to turn on Metacity compositing? Alt-F2 and run gconf-editor doesn't do it. I don't do compiz, but need compositing.

D.I need to install Chromium Browser as it sync my bookmarks.I have RPMforge enabled btw can I do that? I.e. rpm repo for chromium?

This will help me get off to a running start so I can get up to speed on CentOS..

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Fedora :: Increase The Boot Selection Time In Dual Boot System?

Mar 4, 2010

I am having dual boot system(windows 7 and Fedora 12).When i switch on my system.It show the the timer 3 sec in order to get boot selection window(means window which asks that what to start fedora 12 or windows 7).I want to increase this time from 3 to 10 sec.


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Ubuntu :: Reduce Boot Time - Remove The Grub An Directly Boot

Mar 4, 2010

Splashtop caught my imagination of my own tv like computer-"1button and ready to go " have tried puppy xpudWebConverger still unhappy Now lucid aming for 10 sec boot-Keeping ma fingers crossed installed a minimal karmic and am getting a decent 27 sec I Jus Wanted to ask: Is there a way to remove the grub an directly boot into ubuntu -not just hiding it by editing grub.d files and any other ways to reduce boot time.......

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Ubuntu :: Slow Boot Time - Boot To Bios And Then The Screen Goes Black With A Blinking Cursor

Oct 14, 2010

I've got two laptops running Ubuntu. Both have had Lucid installed from the live cd. I have upgraded one of them to Maverick. Both distributions are running great after they boot up, but I haven't experienced any faster boot times with either distibution. Both boot to Bios and then the screen goes black with a blinking cursor in upper left corner of the screen. The black screen remains for 30 to 45 seconds and then I get the Ubuntu splash screen for maybe 5 seconds, and then desktop. Why am I not seeing faster boot times? I realize 45 to 60 seconds is good compared to other os's, but I anticipated much faster boot times. Shut down on the other hand is quite fast at maybe 5 to 10 seconds. Does anyone else get this black screen on boot? Seems like wasted time cause I can't tell what's going on during the time there is a black screen. This is not a real big deal breaker, as I don't reboot very often, but I just wonder why bootup isn't faster.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Newer Kernel Updates AFTER 2.6.32-17 Has A Randomness At Boot Time Whether The System Will Completely Boot Or Not?

Jul 26, 2010

I've been having a problem on my AMD based machine, 4cpu, gigabyte ga-ma78gm-s2h Mobo, 8GB mem, two 2 terabyte Sata HDs.One thing I've found is that any kernel after 2.6.32-17 has a randomness at boot time whether the system will completely boot or not.

For instance just today I downloaded and installed 2.6.32-24

It fails to boot (I've tried cold boot, warm boot).Running its repair also fails to completely boot.My experience is that if I keep trying it "may" eventually boot but I believe there was some change after 2.6.32-17-generic that's causing the problem.Because as with which also fails to complete bootup many times... eventually my guess is that will also boot "sometimes".But why does always boot for me? Something changed and its not my setup.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot From USB Connected External Hard Take Long Time From Loading INITRD Image To Start Boot Process?

Jul 18, 2011

I have installed "open-SUSE 11.4" on a "500GB Free Agent External Hard Drive". I didn't have any problem in booting since last week that I booted it from my laptop. Also I did it before several times from then when I try to boot it e.g. from an "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz" PC the time between loading INITRD and starting boot sequence messages lasts nearly 30 minutes!(i didn't actually measure it but it take a long time in the same order). after starting boot sequence which is showed on monitor everything looks normal. e.g copy of files would be done by speeds between 2MB/s to 30 MB/s depending on the targets.I used to use the external hard derive to boot from different laptops and PC's from start but I didn't have such a problem anytime.

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Fedora Servers :: Mysql At Boot Time In 10 / Get Mysql To Start At Boot?

Jul 28, 2009

I am trying to get mysql to start at boot without any success.

The mysqld scripts works fine when run from the command line, but it does not work when i use the links created by chkconfig. I checked the boot.log and found that mysql starts but then it stops or gets shutdown. This is the log message:

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /data/mysql [ OK ]
Starting cups: [ OK ]
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
starting DenyHosts: /usr/bin/ --daemon --config=/usr/share/denyho
090727 04:35:47 mysqld ended

The same init script works fine in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Speed Up 9.10 Boot Up Time?

Jan 11, 2010

Despite the fact that Ubuntu 9.10 boots up faster than its predecessors (I didn't time the boot up myself, so I can't say for sure), my Ubuntu laptop still takes around 50 seconds to boot up fully. Now I'm not happy with that, and I want it to boot up even faster.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Time In Lucid?

May 2, 2010

lucid takes much less time to boot, but my boot time is considerably higher( almost 50 sec) is there any settings that can be changed to improve that?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - 1 Minute Boot Time?

May 19, 2010

Why is my computer taking around a minute to boot? 10.04 for me is slower at booting than 8.04 is. 10.04 is taking about 10 seconds to get to the login screen, then almost a minute after that before it gets to a fully loaded desktop.

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve Boot Time

Aug 19, 2010

I installed bootchart and had my boot times analysed. Unfortunately, I can't make head or tail of the resulting PNG file. Could someone take a look at and tell me what I should do to decrease boot time?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 ... Speeding Up Boot Time

Dec 18, 2010

I'm using Maverick, and I'd like to know some ways that I can make my laptop boot faster. I put the image for the bootchart on my website, just click on the picture and then zoom into it. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: 1 Min 30'' Boot Time After Upgrading To 11.04?

May 7, 2011

I upgraded to 11.04 on April 29, and since then my boot time has gone from about 30 seconds to 1'30''. I have tried to disable the splash screen to see what happens, but I just don't have so much background in booting processes.

The dmesg shows something "strange":
[ 2.489729] EXT4-fs (sda5): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)


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Ubuntu :: Lm_sensors At Boot Time?

Jun 12, 2011

I managed to get lm-sensors working it has no initialization at bootime:Quote:Do you want to generate /etc/sysconfig/lm_sensors? (yes/NO): yCopy prog/init/lm_sensors.init to /etc/init.d/lm_sensorsfor initialization at boot time.You should now start the lm_sensors service to load the requiredkernel modules.I've already copied 'prog/init/lm_sensors.init' to '/etc/init.d/lm_sensors' but it doesn't work. I still have i manutally have to load 'coretemp' to be able to have a temperature output from the command "sensors"

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Slackware :: Tmp Not Clearing Out At Boot Time

Dec 27, 2010

I've been using cron to clear /tmp at boot time but thought I'd try another method. After doing a little research I added the following line:

( cd /tmp && rm -rf -- * .* 2>/dev/null )
to /etc/rc.d/rc.S immediately after:

# Done checking root filesystem

And /tmp is not clearing out at boot time. This method seems to work for others.

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Slackware :: 13.1 Speeding Up Boot Time?

Jul 19, 2010

Just some things I changed to speed up the boot time.

In '/etc/rc.d/'

echo "Starting ACPI daemon: /usr/sbin/acpid &"
/usr/sbin/acpid &


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Debian :: First Time Installation Hangs On At Boot

Aug 23, 2015

I've got the last Debian stable release, the amd64-DVD-1 file , and copy it to my USB stick, using win32diskimager, as recommended in the installation guide.

It seems to go all fine, but when I rebooted, after entering the passphase it started a fsck "from util-linux 2.25.2", then it says:

"/dev/mapper/Debian-root: clean" and stuck there. i gave it quite a bit of time, tried to reinstall it and also got into the rescue mode of the installer,

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