Programming :: Measuring Microseconds With Linux

Oct 27, 2010

I need to measure the time it takes for a program I'm writing to do Its job in microseconds resolution. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10. My Idea is, to write a device driver that directly reads the counter that produces the interrupt of RTC ticks. How do I do this, for a Linux kernel and a PC hardware?

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Programming :: Mobile Phone Programming Using Linux

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to work on mobile phone programming in Linux platform using C language. Can somebody guide with this? I tried to search the web but I didnt get appropriate site.Also guide me about the mobile phones compliant with linux platform for programming using C language.

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Hardware :: Measuring A Case Fan?

Mar 30, 2011

This is probably a simple question but I really don't know!How do you measure a case fan to know it's true deminsions whe one is talking about them or whatever?For an example lets use an 80 mm fan, is it measured from the "Frame" size witch is the total size of the fan or what?

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Ubuntu :: Measuring The Time Of A Code?

Sep 20, 2010

I am a beginner to C and C++ and so far I have learned two ways to measure the time my program takes to run.

Method 1: Just compile your C file and if the executable is say a.out just type time ./a.out

Method 2: Here the general structure of the code is

int main(void)


Question 1 Do Method 1 and Method 2 return the same times?

Question 2 Method 1 gives three times real, usr and sys . Is it true that USR+SYS= TIME GIVEN BY METHOD 2

I have performed some experiments with small codes which return the squares of numbers uptill 36000 and I feel the answer to question 2 is yes

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Ubuntu :: Measuring Power - Watts?

Apr 11, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to see how much power my computer is using while using Ubuntu. I know there are hardware devices, plugs, I can use but I didn't know if there was a computer program that I could use that would do the same thing. I am currently using an IONITX F-E, 2Gb 800mhz RAM, 6 Green WD 2TB drives, and plan on getting a blu-ray drive installed in the last slot. I am also using a PCI-E x4 SATA card, and using software raid 5. I have a 350 watt psu installed and would like to remove it and install a pico-psu but the pico seems to max out at 200 watts.

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Hardware :: Ways Of Measuring FLOPS

Sep 25, 2010

I've found various programs and methods to measure FLOPS, but I don't seem to understand them. What is wrong with the following?
#! /usr/bin/env python
float_increment = 1.03 # random
start = 57.24 # random
floating_point = start

for i in xrange(10 ** 6):floating_point += float_increment

PROMPT$ time ./
As far as I can see, this times a program that performs 1 million FLOPs (namely incrementation).

This outputs about 1.2 seconds on my (reasonably fast) machine, giving 840kFLOPS, which is much too low.This post may be in the wrong section; a C translation increments the result by three orders of magnitude (ie, py sucks), but this is still considerably less (~ 7-fold) than published values.

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Software :: Measuring Boot Time

Mar 19, 2009

I am using a simple plain Debian Lenny base system (No X). I would like to measure how many seconds my system takes to boot - time between hitting enter key on GRUB screen to login console on tty1.One obvious way is to measure it manually by looking at your wrist watch or an external timer but I would to measure it more accurately - something that is built inside the Operating System.

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Software :: Measuring Network Throughput

May 15, 2010

I want to know the actual maximum throughput of my lan at home.Could you suggest some free monitoring tools for me to use

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Software :: Measuring Time Elapsed In A Program Gcc And G++

Jul 7, 2009

I've done a lot of googling for this, but always found code that does not work on my compiler.Could anyone please post a small (working) program through which I can store the starting time of the program (milliseconds) and get the ending time of the program in integer variables?Am working on Fedora 8, and with the gcc compiler.

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Programming :: 12F675 Programming From Linux

Dec 30, 2010

Back at uni I used to love programming in assembly, we used ARM processors and some pre-made boards. Anyway, I'd like to try and get back into it, so I have acquired some basic electronic components, some prototype board, a couple of 12F675 chips and a JDM serial programmer.Now, whilst I could run this from my works laptop on Windows, I'd far prefer to use my Linux desktop! (of course!) I'll be using my favourite editor to write the code so not bothered about an all singing and dancing IDE.I have a couple of questions...

1) What can I use to assembly/compile the source code? Does gcc have any support? If not, can someone recommend a free assembler, ideally command line?

2) Is there any good simulator software out there (I've found a few but not found people who have actually used them)? It would be useful to be able to run the code through a simulator before actually uploading to the chip - saves time and effort uploading something to find I've missed a command out!

3) Any useful links, tutorials, forums?

4) Any other resources? Like I said, I can (or at least used to be able to! ) write code for an ARM chip but the instruction set it different for this. I can easily pick up languages though so not too bothered about learning from scratch. I know people will say use c, but I'd far prefer to go down the ASM route, just for my own benefit and enjoyment!

This isn't for any particular project, it's just a hobby - once I've got a sound grounding then I'll start looking at a few more elaborate things!

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Debian Installation :: Measuring System Of Installer (JEDEC Or Metric)?

May 11, 2015

What measuring system does partitioning step in Debian installer use - metric or JEDEC? I.e. it uses MB, which in JEDEC means 1024^2 bytes, and in metric means 1000^2 bytes.

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General :: Measuring Time That A Program Is Running In Shell Script

Nov 11, 2010

I have a script that executed 100000 C Programs, reads the commands from a file and executes them. There is a requirement to measuer the time that each of this 100K C programs running.If it exceeds 120 sec I want to Kill that Process.Any Idea to embed this in my shell script?

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Programming :: Add Linux Users Online?

Jul 6, 2010

Im looking for a script that could help me create linux users on my server online using a website.Anybody know where i could find one?or how to make it? not the best with coding doh

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Programming :: Perl From USB Pen To Run On Both Linux And Windows

May 23, 2011

Im somewhat new at perl and was wondering if there was a way to run a perl script or tool made from perl, from a USB pen that would work both on Linux and on Windows?

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General :: Kernel Programming For BSD Or Linux?

Jul 20, 2010

I have recently been getting into kernel development and was wondering whether the Linux kernel or BSD kernel would be easiest for newbies (such as myself). Does anyone know? I am really considering BSD because it seems to me to have the best documentation.

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Debian Programming :: Linux Headers For Armhf And Gcc

Jun 24, 2015

I'm running debian testing on my armhf machine. I need to install linux headers after searching with apt-cache. I ran the command

Code: Select allsudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.16.0-4-all-armhf

But it says it will also install gcc-4.8.. I checked my gcc version which is 4.9. and running. sudo apt-get install gcc . says gcc is already the new version.How do i install the headers without installing gcc-4.8

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Programming :: Could Someone Confirm My Understanding Of Linux Drivers?

Jun 20, 2011

2 Questions:

1) Is there a dedicated forum on the net for people writing Linux drivers?

2) I've been reading over how Linux drivers are put together and even made my own dummy driver. However, before I begin writing the "real" driver I set out to write, I would like someone with some driver writing experience to verify that my knowledge is correct.

The driver I intend to write is for a PCI card. The very first thing I need is to know is the vendor ID and device ID of the card. After having that information, I can then use the pci_register_driver command to open a connection to the card. At this point, I need to use the pci_*_config_* commands (an example of a pci_*_config_* command is pci_read_config_byte) to figure out where the device is mapped in memory and what I/O ports I need. Now, the pci_* breed of commands take a parameter integer (which is an address) as there second argument. The address(es) which I will use and what they accomplish is device dependent. At this point, after having otained the I/O ports I need, I can then begin writing to them via the inb, outb, etc commands. Writing to X port will have Y result but this is vendor specific.

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Programming :: How To Compile Mysql For Arm9 Linux

Jan 3, 2011

I want to compile mysql for arm9 linux box, I did not find any good resource.

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Programming :: Read A Txt File With C++ In Linux And Output It?

Mar 15, 2010

i have wrote a long piece of code above with the "main" which is calling openFile( &fout, filename )filename contains the txt name in a form of "data.txt"i wanna read the data from the file and output it into fout for later use.the data in that file is a vector looking interger group.i have the following code:

int openFile( ofstream * fout, const char * filename)
ifstream iFile(filename);


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Debian Programming :: App That Creates Bootable Images For Linux

Nov 29, 2013

I'm looking for an app for Linux that creates bootable images. Back when I used windows, I used Imgburn. Now, I need an app like that for Linux. Wherever I looked online, I saw either one (or both) of these ideas.

1. Run Imgburn under wine
2. Get k3b

I don't like using wine because the programs run very slow. I'm not sure exactly how to get k3b to produce a bootable image. So that's where I'm stuck.

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Debian Programming :: Compiling Linux Kernel Module

Aug 27, 2014

I'm trying to compile a Linux kernel module called hello-2.c using the command "make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=${PWD} modules" (without the quotes) (which I found online), and the following is the (seemingly successful) output.:

Code: Select allmake: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-4-amd64'
  Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 0 modules
make: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-4-amd64'

However, I don't see a hello-2.ko (in the same folder or anywhere else for that matter). I'm Using Debian GNU/Linux 7.6.

Everything I am doing is within a folder/directory called "thefolder" (without the quotes) in the "/tmp" directory (without the quotes).

Why I can't see a hello-2.ko, and what to do to get it?

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Programming :: Perl Script To RDP LAN Of Windows Machine From Linux?

Apr 13, 2010

I am a newbie in perl and I am trying to develop a script that should try to login on all windows machine in a LAN say with a given username and password. I am not sure wether it will use RDP or any other protocol, so I am getting confused how to proceed.

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Programming :: Developing Application Which Invokes Linux Exceutable

May 2, 2011

i am again stuck with the same problem. I need to run an executable which i got from University of Edinburgh.

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Programming :: Perform Floating Point Operations In Linux Kernel?

Apr 7, 2011

how to perform floating point operations in kernel? i answered that its impossible to perform floating point operations in kernel.but he is telling that its possible but with some feature to be added.can any body know about this perfectly??

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General :: Moving From Paid Linux To Unpaid Linux CenOS - Red Hat (KVM Virtualization)

Dec 21, 2009

if anyone of you have shifted using Paid Red Hat Linux with CentOS, and what are your experiences of moving from Paid Linux to Unpaid Linux CenOS. When do you suggest a person use Paid Linux and when to use Unpaid Linux?

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Fedora :: Insert Unlock Code In Linux Using Any Linux Tool?

Apr 16, 2010

I have learnt that the network locked huawei modems may be unlocked to use any sim card bu getting a special unlock code and it should ask for it when a "foreign" SIM card is inserted. This procedure works well in Windows, but in Linux where I use wvdial, I dont get prompted for this unlock code. Does anyone know how to insert the unlock code in Linux using any Linux tool (GAMMU/GNOKII/Minicom etc)?

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General :: Verifying Qlogic FC HBA Adapter In Linux ( SUSE Linux)

May 5, 2010

i would just like to verify that the command

lspci would show the FC adapter installed

is there any other command that i can use to verify the FC adapter is being installed

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General :: Migration Of C++ Application From SuSE Linux To Red Hat Linux

Feb 12, 2010

I want to Migrate my C++ Application from SuSE Linux to Red Hat Linux.What impact analysis i should do?

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Networking :: Unable To Ssh Linux Box From Other Linux Boxes

Mar 12, 2010

I am unable to ssh a Linux box from other Linux boxes; also tried to window putty.Although I am getting the password prompt instantaneously.So far, by comparing logs of other server, I am just able figure out that "debug2: callback start" is not coming in ssh -vvv logs.

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General :: How To Share A Folder From Linux To Linux

Mar 17, 2010

how to share a folder from linux to linux systems and setting password to open that folder

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