Ubuntu Installation :: Using The Power PC Port To PS3 Of 9.10?

Feb 13, 2010

For various reasons I have decided that it would be helpful to use my PS3 as a backup computer for homework and basic word processing. I looked up some instructions on installing Ubuntu on the PS3 and followed them exactly. I'm using the PS3 port, I put it on a clean disk, I already partitioned and installed the OS (by that I mean, I used the install other OS function on the XMB) When I run the OS it brings me to the live CD with the penguins, but after I hit enter, the screen just goes black. Occasionally it has given me the initramfs screen, but only sometimes.

I also noticed, on the first screen, before I hit enter there is a "ps3av_send_cmd_pkt" error. I have looked all over google for a fix, but have found little help. I am using the Power PC port to PS3 of 9.10.

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Fedora Networking :: Port Redirect, I.e. Whatever Comes Through Whatever Interface On Port AAAA Will Get Redirected To Port BBBB?

Feb 18, 2010

I want to do a simple port redirect, i.e. whatever comes trough whatever interface on port AAAA will get redirected to port BBBBI thought that iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --source 0/0 --destination 0/0 -p tcp --dport AAAA -j REDIRECT --to-ports BBBBhowever it doesn't work, e.g. nc -v -w2 -z localhost AAAA gives:

nc: connect to localhost port AAAA (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc -v -w2 -z localhost BBBB


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Ubuntu Networking :: Alfa AWUS036H Adjust Power - Unknown Transmit Power Information

Jun 21, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit and I purchased a new ALFA AWUS036H wireless card. I would like to know if this "1Watt" wireless card is configured for full power. iwlist wlan0 txpower results:

wlan0 unknown transmit-power information. Current Tx-Power=27 dBm (501 mW). It appears to me that I should be able to increase the power. "iwpriv wlan0 highpower 1" does not work. Do I need to patch the new default driver that comes with Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit with the aircrack one following these directions:[URL]...? Monitor mode and a injection tests seem to work fine with the driver I have installed.

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Server :: Postfix Port - Send Message Via Port 587 Not Port 25

May 2, 2010

I have a mail server i need it to send message via port 587 not port 25, i make some changes to my postfix server which i use and it is already successed making a telnet to 587 port like it :


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Debian Multimedia :: Xfce4-power-manager Doesn't React To Power Button / Fix It?

Jun 4, 2010

I use Squeeze with Xfce. My problem is that recently (after the xfce updates) the xfce power manager doesnt react to the power button - it is set to suspend. I dont have gnome-power manager or anything like it running.
If i reboot the computer, the power button will work but if i suspend and resume, it doesnt work again.
The computer is built on an Asus M3N78-VM mobo (2GB RAM/Athlon3200+ single core).

acpi_listen detects the button press.

Any thoughts?

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Hardware :: Power Monitoring - Power Quality - Voltage Changes And Outages

Apr 4, 2011

I'm looking for any power monitoring devices for Linux to allow monitoring power quality, voltage changes, and outages. This would be for North American three phase power system. I want to have this data fed live to my own program. It should be something much better than just jury-rigging a circuit to fee the power waveform into 2 or 3 audio cards.

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Ubuntu :: Power Profile/power Management App?

May 28, 2010

On the last release, I had this app installed where I could pick my power profile. I could use power conservatively, and performance would suffer a bit, but longer batt life,or I could have it automatically detect, or I could have the apps use all the power they want and then some. I'm looking to reinstall that app. What was the name of it?I can't remember, and so far, can't find.

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Hardware :: PC Wont Power-on - Power-light Blinking?

Oct 30, 2010

I had unplugged my PC last night as sometimes there's storms at night this morning I plugged in PC and the power light is blinking and the PC wont come on at all tried different power cord, same result

PC is a AMD athlon64 3300+ 2.4ghz SiS graphics

probably the power-supply or what?

If it is the power supply, how do I find new one as I've never had to replace anything on it or any other PC?

Also, I really need access to the hard drive but it's a weird hard drive and was wondering if I could put that hard drive in my K7 PC, which already has 2 drives in it can a pc have 3 drives? do I have to add/have another ribbon cable for 3rd drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Power Goes Down After Sometime

Apr 24, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 in my friends pc. However, after about half or nearly one hour, the box goes out of power and the monitor hangs with the same screen just before the power down. And we have to restart by first powering down the UPS. It is a DUAL BOOT system with WINDOWS 7 and it never happens in there. What is annoying me now is that my friend says, "This is the problem of Ubuntu". I then installed Opensuse 11.2 but again the same thing happens with linux and not WIndows 7. Here are the specs of his system:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Power Off During Up Grade

Oct 6, 2010

I forgot that i was in the middle of updating to 10.10 when i shutdown my computer. the computer froze and the screen said that it was in low graffics mode. after a while i shut down the computer by using the power button on my case.

When i try to start my computer i get thru bios and then i get a message that reads.

The computer stays that way until i hit the power button and the it says.

It repeats that about 30 times and then says

Then nothing happens.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get "sudo Iwconfig Eth1 Power Off" To Stick After Plugging/unplugging Power?

Oct 15, 2010

After much research, I have found the solution to my intermittent wireless problem!Whenever the laptop is plugged into power, wireless is perfect, when I'm on battery, wireless is horrible.Here is the fix:

sudo iwconfig eth1 power off
Unfortunately, I have to type this in everytime I unplug the laptop.


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Ubuntu :: Disabling The Low Power Beep On Installation?

Mar 11, 2010

It is extremely load and aggravating. My version 9.10. I am have no other issues with the internal speaker besides the low power beep. I have tried: blacklist pcspkr in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf (actually was already done in 9.10) in gconf-editor gone to apps gnome-power manager, unchecked low power notification

gone to sound preferences muted alert volume. If this was a desktop i would just physically disable the internal speaker, but i don't want to open up my laptop do to possible difficulty of reassembly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: It Shuts Down But PC Doesn't Power Down?

Apr 10, 2010

I've only recently switched to Ubuntu and overall I'm loving it. When i first installed it shut down perfectly from the GUI. After updating from the Update Manager, I've had problems. Now it shuts down but my PC doesn't power down.

I can manually make it shut and power down from the terminal with the command:

sudo shutdown -h -P now


sudo poweroff

The fact that it works from the Terminal but not from the GUI suggests there might be a coding problem with the GUI but discovering and fixing that is way beyond my capabilties.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Power While Upgrading?

May 8, 2010

upgrading my GREAT UBUNTU 9,1 to 10.04 ran for about 4 hours, 1 hour left and lost power, CRASH what are my options.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Instant Power Off Before Booting

Jun 27, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu in a Windows Vista system. The installation seemingly went fine. After installation, system restarted to boot menu (grub?) where I selected Vista. Vista started fine. I restarted the pc from the Vista login screen. Now the problems started. At grub, I chose Ubuntu. It began to start up, made it through the Ubuntu logo with the dots, some splash screen or wallpaper came up and *bam* the computer powered off. Next I Wanted to boot Vista again. Grub came up for a half-second before power-off.

I tried to boot from the CD again to see about repairing grub or just reinstalling. The installer ran for a second before power-off. Next, tried BIOS boot manager to boot from the HDD again. Powered-off at the BIOS boot manager screen before I could choose where to boot from. Twice in a row. Tried to boot into BIOS to check settings for anything odd. Powered-off within 1 second after I got into the BIOS. Finally, I would hit the power button and it would turn on and then power-off instantly.

I unpulgged my Logitech VX Revolution mouse and the charger (it's fully charged and holding fine). I thought maybe the computer was hot (feels normal though), so I waited one minute. After that, I was able to boot from Grub to Windows fine. I restarted the pc from the windows login screen to try Ubuntu again. Got into grub and just repeated the same process from before with the same results. Nothing works. I waited one minute again, and I was able to boot into Vista fine. I am posting this from Vista with everything connected and working fine.

I downloaded the 32bit desktop version from the "enhanced download page." I burned the iso with the Toshiba DiscCreator software that came with the computer. I've used DiscCreator many times before with great success. Ubuntu was burned to a normal 80min/700mb Maxell CD-R. I'm afraid to reboot from Vista now and find that one of these times, I won't be able to get back in. I installed Ubuntu into an empty 9.77gb partition and formatted it as ext3. Used an empty 1.46gb partition as swap.

Here's my setup:
Satellite A215 Detailed Product Specification1
Model Name: A215-S5837
Part Number: PSAEGU-03801J
UPC: 883974072095 .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Power Failure While Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04?

Aug 21, 2010

I was upgrading my ubuntu(9.10)/xp machine to ubuntu(10.4)/xp . but there was a power failure and was running in backup for 15 min. But after that the system shutdown automatically. Now when i boot, grub appears and after selecting the ubuntu partition i get a error saying cannot find device.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Power During 10.10 Upgrade?

Oct 26, 2010

Was upgrading from 10.4 to 10.10 using the Update Manager. All files downloaded and I think it was about 1/3 of the way through the Installation when I lost power. Now when it boots I have a purple screen with no login box.

Is there a way to restart the upgrade?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Failing To Power Off - Reboot

Apr 29, 2010

Well, this new issue when installing the new lucid relase iso seems to be closly related to my previous bug report refering to suspend and hybernate failing to power off, freezing at and of suspend/hybernate preperation. now what happens... installing ubuntu lucid 64bit, all gos perfect. finally i get the window begging me to reboot. i click reboot. window finsihes its work and disapears. that's it. screen is frozen with its purple background. no ctrl+alt+del, nor anything else works. only reset button. so it failed ro reboot like it fails to pwoer off for hybernate or suspend. on same machine this does not happen with karmic. it is a soley ubuntu lucid problem. any suggestion how to track that down? p.s. in my original thread and bug report i provided a pm-suspend.log that went all good till the last statement "powering off".

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Ubuntu :: Lost Power During Lucid Lynx Installation

May 1, 2010

While leaving my laptop to install the upgrades, I hadn't noticed how the power cord had slipped loose. When I came back my computer must have shut off due to battery loss. When I booted up my computer again, I couldn't boot up Ubuntu under any of the kernels, -20,-19, etc. I get cryptic messages such as "unable to enumerate USB device on port 2," device not accepting messages," and "device descriptor read." i definitely intend to recover my data. I had been upgrading from 9.10 to the latest version of lucid lynx.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Power Fail During Upgrade / Resolve This?

May 3, 2010

The other evening I was in the lengthy process of upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10 to version 10.04. It had downloaded all the packages and was in the process of upgrading when a thunderstorm blew in. The power failed momentarily. The system crashed and the installation did not complete.

The system is dual boot to Windows XP. From GRUB when I try to boot Ubuntu the display goes dark, after a few seconds of the white Ubuntu logo. If I hit ENTER I get a flashing Cursor. I can boot to System Restore and get the Recovery Menu. I don't know if there is something I can do from there to repair/finish my upgrade, or even revert to version 9, when I could restart the upgrade.

Can I burn a Live CD for version 10.04 and finish the upgrade? This would salvage the settings, printer drivers, and other programs that I have installed. If I have to make a brand new installation I have to rebuild all of the things I spent many hours getting setup.

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Ubuntu :: GNOME Power Config And Installation Errors

Oct 12, 2010

A couple of days ago on my Fujitsu Laptop which was nearing its end (in about 2 more years, I'll have to send it to the scrap pile) I had a GNOME Power Configuration error. This is the story of my struggles and my thread of cries for help: I was booting after installing an update for Maverick Meerkat, and I got a message during the load screen that said: INSTALLATION PROBLEM: The configuration defaults for Gnome Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please Contact your system administrator.

So I dropped into GRUB During my 5th boot (while trying to boot once more in hopes it was just a boot error) and I selected the latest/updated version of Ubuntu, but I dropped into the recovery mode version so I could attempt some commands to try and fix it. Then, I dropped into the root terminal to attempt more commands to avoid specifying my networking device, and typing sudo before the commands. I got on my alternate computer and searched my problem. I installed a whole bunch of crappy commands that didn't do anything, and ended up purging GNOME completely and doing:


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Ubuntu :: Installation Crashed After Power Supply Failure

Mar 8, 2011

My pc had hardware malfunction; power supply interruption. At this moment it is working stable. My Windows 7 installation is ok but Ubuntu Maverick which I used during crush has malfunction. When I start to boot it looks like this: I had to make a foto so you all can see the problem. all my important files are stored on Ubuntu partition..

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Ubuntu :: IMac Power PC G4 Installation - No Longer Register The Boot CD

Mar 18, 2010

I was originally going to install debian on this old iMac G4 and everything was going well. But then I decided, hey wait one second, I could probably find a version of Ubuntu which works on this old iMac, and so... i stopped the installation and loaded the ubuntu 8.04 disc. The only problem is, it will no longer register the boot CD... because i kind of already did the partitioning and nuked the OS X... So now I just see a gray screen with a file image displayed revolving between a question mark and the file finder image.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Initramfs After Upgrade And Power Outage?

Aug 6, 2010

did an update from ubuntu 8 to 10.04, this has failed. At boot there is initramfs error with prior message saying.

alert /dev/disk/by-uuid/-the_uuid does not exist dropping to shell (initramfs) I boot to livecd and check disk uuid and compared it to the fstab and it is correct, is there anywhere else this uuid but have been corrupted or any issue that may cause this issue. note there was power cut during upgrade but this occurred when upgrade should have finished.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Power While Upgrading To Lucid From Hardy?

Aug 8, 2010

I tried to upgrade my kubuntu 8.04 LTS to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as given here. Actually I wanted to upgrade to kubuntu. The download completed successfully. However,while upgrading the power went off and left the computer in bad state. Now I see multiple two entries for both

kubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, Kernel 2.6.24-28-generic
kubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, Kernel 2.6.24-28-generic (recovery mode)

in grub. Since I am not that familiar with ubuntu(in general linux), I would like
When I tried to boot in first two of these I get the following error message and it remains in command-line mode.

libudev: udev_monitor_new_from_netlink: error getting socket: Invalid argument
[ 20.839013] wait-for-root[946]: segfault at 00000030 eip b774bf2b esp bfb33340 error 4
Segmentation fault


However, the mount points are not having anything. It is like nothing got mounted. I would suspect there should be some way where I should be able to locate the downloaded upgrade stuff and apply it afresh again from start. Is this something possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Power Failure During Kernel Update - How To Recover

Sep 12, 2010

I was updating the kernel and left the computer to let it do its business. There was power failure and I don't know if the update completed or if it was in the middle of it. Now if I start the computer, it freezes up at the login screen. I tried to recover from grub, by selecting "Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-21-generic (recovery mode)". There were no prompts for input after this. The recovery screen is not updating anything after:

[2.348886] EXT4-fs (sda1): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem
[2.349015] EXT4-fs (sda1): write access will be enabled during recovery
[2.577641] EXT4-fs (sda1): recovery complete
[2.578072] EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ...
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...

When I come out of that screen (ctrl-alt-del), the problem repeats.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Shutdown/Power Icon On Far Right Top Panel Disappeared?

Apr 3, 2011

After a recent upgrade, the red power icon in the far right of the upper panel disappeared. In its place is a half obscured copy of my user name, which appears right next to my user name (along with the chat icon). The chat icon/user name is functional, as it is supposed to be, but the half obscured user name that replaced my shutdown/restart power icon is just a bug, and has no function. Not only is it unsightly, but I miss the power icon. Yes, I can right-click on the panel and add one, but it doesn't allow me to drag it all the way to the far upper-right corner, where it is supposed to be located... I found this post in another thread: sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-session, but it did nothing to solve my problem.. I'm running 64-bit 10.10, btw, if that makes any difference.

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Hardware :: No Power To Power Button?

Jun 18, 2010

My problem arises two days ago. Power button of my keyboard has stopped working,why?It works well when I use windows.

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Debian Installation :: Power Off While Installing Squeeze?

Apr 5, 2010

When installing squeeze from either a dvd or cd (i've burned loads to see if it was the problem) my computer goes through the installation, until the dreaded step of "selecting and installing software" where the installation stops, and my computer turns itself off because of a kill signal sent to everything. I've tried booting with fb=false, and for some reason acpi=off, and neither of them solved the problem (acpi=off caused my laptop to turn off unexpectedly earlier) (HP 6735s, AMD64 using Turion X2, 4GB Ram)

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Fedora Installation :: Power Failure During Preugrade?

Jun 3, 2010

I had a power failure during the portion of the upgrade after the reboot where it was upgrading the packages.I tried restarting the machine with the upgrade line in the bootloader but it says it cant find the bootloader. So I rebooted into the working install and ran preupgrade again, and after it reboots, it gives an error the it cant find "root" of the previous installation.even thought the machine boots and works, I cant tell what state I am in. the boot option lines, shows a fc12 kernel designation and the "about this computer" says "release 13"Also the add remove software doesn't show anything.

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