Hardware :: Cost Efficiency Of A Computer PSU Based On Watts Rating

Jul 20, 2010

Can someone tell me if there a difference between running a 1000 watt computer PSU and a 1000 watt light bulb? For instance, Im sure if you burn a 1000 watt light bulb you'd burn the maximum amount of energy all the time (1000 watts). Using the full 1000 watts might be substantially more costly at the end of the month if you didn't need all the light produced all the time, but of course as long as the light was turned on it would burn the 1000 watts.

Now my question about a computer, while 1000 watt is probably an overkill, I'm thinking I should get a bigger wattage PSU than my current 400 watt power supply. If I got a higher wattage PSU, is there a chance that the wattage rating would burn the power based on the immediate computer load (components installed and intensity of the immediate applications) rather than a constant use based on the 1000 watt rating? During off peak times when I might not have many USB devices plugged in and not be running graphic intensive applications, would it be possible that the 1000 watt PSU would be less bucks (or equal to) the cost of the 400 watt PSU? Or would the 1000 watt PSU cost the same amount for the 24 hour operation of the computer as running a 1000 watt light bulb for the month.By the way, I'm looking at purchasing an 800 watt PSU and I'll be upgrading my 88000gts graphics card soon. I just replaced the case with an AXP 600 that has lots of room and cooling facility. I probably don't need the 800 watts at present, but with time I will be replacing the CPU and motherboard.Is there a chance (or scenario) where a higher wattage PSU might actually be more cost efficient at the end of the month and possible burn less electrical dollars because of less strain to keep up?

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Ubuntu :: Measuring Power - Watts?

Apr 11, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to see how much power my computer is using while using Ubuntu. I know there are hardware devices, plugs, I can use but I didn't know if there was a computer program that I could use that would do the same thing. I am currently using an IONITX F-E, 2Gb 800mhz RAM, 6 Green WD 2TB drives, and plan on getting a blu-ray drive installed in the last slot. I am also using a PCI-E x4 SATA card, and using software raid 5. I have a 350 watt psu installed and would like to remove it and install a pico-psu but the pico seems to max out at 200 watts.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change Filename With It From TAGs To Keep Rating Intact?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a bunch of OGG files with TAGs I changed. Now I want to have the same changes done to the filename.I know I can do this easily with ie. EasyTAG but that makes all my songs get reindexed in Rhythmbox. This wouldn't be a problem hadn't I rated much of them already.s there a way to change the filename from within Rhythmbox, or with an external method, where the ratings are left intact. I need it to be done automatically, manually changing Rhythmbox' database file takes too much time with +2500 songs.

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Ubuntu :: Low Cost Laser Printer That Works Out Of The Box?

May 16, 2010

I'm looking for a low cost mono laser printer that just works under Ubuntu. I know that a general 'rule of thumb' is go with HP, but that doesn't seem to be the case with their low-end mono printers, as they use the XQX Stream Protocol instead of Postscript. The more expensive HP printers appear to work because they use Postscript.

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General :: Printf Calls - Cost Of I / O Redirection

Dec 16, 2010

Some context: I'm calling some functions from within a C program and want to measure how long they take to execute. I've done this successfully, calling printf to print the results to the screen. This is reasonably fast. Ideally I'd like these to be dumped to a file, but fprintf presumably has some overhead since it writes to disk? Unless the data is buffered by the kernel and flushed later? What kind of delay can I expect before fprintf returns?

If I redirect the stdout to a file when I instantiate the binary as a process, will calls to printf also experience any overhead from redirection to a file? My aim here is to capture all data in a file, with the minimal amount of coding and effort, but with minimal impact in terms of time overheads for printf calls.

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Programming :: Reduce Memory Cost Of Threads?

Jul 21, 2011

Fedora15 32bit. I write a test program, it creates new thread continually, the thread does nothing but sleep. I find virtual memory increases up almost 10Mb when a new thread is created. and when there's more than 200 threads, the virtual memory used by the program is 3Gb, and now cann't create new thread. but on windows, it costs little memory. What can I do to config the operation system to take less memory on threads?

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CentOS 5 :: Detect Efficiency Of Mirrored Array?

Aug 3, 2010

I have mounted a mirrored array on my linux machine. I used the Nvidia raid controller in my bios and mounted the resulting raid drive.

under /dev
the 2 drives sdb (2tb) and sdc (2tb) are symbolic links to

I then created a file system on nvidia_dcabdggcp1 and mounted it to /share

the output of my df -h is

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
897G 8.0G 843G 1% /
/dev/sda1 99M 19M 75M 21% /boot


Is there a way to check to make sure that my mirror array is actually working correctly without unmounting/remounting the sdc drive somewhere to see if it's a mirror of sdb.

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Software :: Computer Based Church Bell Sound System

Apr 22, 2011

I am trying to set up a computer based church bell sound system for my church. Basically it will be playing a sound at prescribed times during the day through an amplifier and speaker system. With the option of special sounds done manually on demand. I am using Linux Mint.

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Software :: GUI (GTK) Based / Open Source Computer Algebra System

Sep 10, 2010

Are there any Computer Algebra Systems in the Ubuntu repositories that are GUI (and preferably GTK+) based and open source, as well as capable of graphing (and in 3D)? That being: A complete FOSS competitor to Microsoft Student.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading To 9.04 Cost Me All My Emails, Addresses, Etc?

May 19, 2010

This may sound dumb but if I upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 will I lose all of my emails addresses, bookmarks, etc?

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General :: Testing Efficiency Of Memory System Part

May 7, 2010

I have applied a patch in linux kernel version-2.6.31(fedora core 12)source code.Now I want to check whether the performance of the memory management part has been enhanced. So how to test the efficiency of this new modified code?

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Programming :: Database - Efficiency - Organising Data For Speed

Apr 13, 2011

I have a need of a database, and the information to go into it. I know how I want to organise my data for optimal cross referencing, but what I know is merely what I know and I do not know if what I know is what is known...

Madness to say... looking at my database I see this is the best way to organise the data, but what I do not know is how the computer will respond to my methodical madness.

Is it quicker to have one table with many fields or many tables with few fields?

We've got information for 10 users with 17 idiosyncrasies.

So, would one table with 17 columns and 10 rows... or... a group of 50 tables with one column and 3 rows and one table with 4 columns and 5 rows...

Be more efficient concerning:


The queries and modifications will be daily, and constant. These numbers are really much larger but the math is easier for me to articulate on a smaller scale. I use Perl, php, and C with SQL for management.

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General :: Text Manipulation Find / Replace Variable Efficiency?

Aug 27, 2010

What I have works, but wondering what is the 'right' way to replace the digits with the letters given in this loop? somehow use a case or multiple sed? i thought of a multiple sed or a case but couldn't get it to work


# ...
bcv=$(echo $line | awk -F" " '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/1/q/g;s/2/w/g;s/3/e/g') # and so on


while read line
bcv=$(echo $line | awk -F" " '{ print $1 }')
if [ $bcv == "" ]


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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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General :: Debian Based - Arch Based - What Is The Practical Difference?

Jun 7, 2010

I notice that on DistroWatch, the descriptions include "debian based", "arch based", etc. For the newbie, is there any practical difference between the different bases, or is it a Coke vs Pepsi type question?

Is a distro based on Debian say, easier for a newbie to learn or work with than say one that is FreeBSD based?

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Software :: Benefit To Rewrite OSS-based Code To ALSA-based?

Aug 12, 2010

I've got some source code that loads and plays WAV files through the OSS drivers (and USB audio). The code works even under 2.6.34. Is there any benefit to rewriting the code using the ALSA system?

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Ubuntu :: Kill Window Based On Based On Title Instead Of PID?

Apr 24, 2010

I am working on a set up, and I like to be able to toggle compiz on and off, or toggle dualscreen on and off. The thing is, I also have conky on my desktop as well as a terminal window embedded in my desktop (that requires compiz). So, when I turn comiz off, or resize my desktop, I want to be able to reposition conky/embedded-terminal and the terminals position is relative to my conky position and the size of my virtual desktop.

I can do this all fine, except that to reposition the terminal I need to kill it then reopen it. But if I kill gnome-terminal it kills ALL gnome-terminals instead of just my embedded one. How can I specifically close my embedded one and leave any others untouched? Lets say that the title of my embedded terminal is "trans777"Also, the trans777 titled gnome-terminal will be killed when compiz is not running.

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General :: Frame Based Vs Dialog Based

Apr 5, 2010

When you use an IDE and it asks you if you want frame based or dialog based, what is the difference?

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General :: Distro Should Use, Rpm Based Or Debian Based?

Feb 2, 2011

what distro should i use, rpm based or debian based?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Text Based Splash Screen - Show Text Based Startup On Booting OS?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a question regarding to the Graphical Splash Screen. Is their a way to show the text based startup on booting your OS? So. I don't the OpenSuse Background with the loading line. But i want the half transparent black background if possible or just the black background with all the loading texts. The black and white screen.

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Software :: Access Computer A's Shares As Well As The Third Computer, The Aforementioned Computers Cannot Access Computer B

May 28, 2011

I have three computers in my network, but two will be mentioned. Computer A is a Linux Mint 9/Windows 7 dual-boot, and I have just installed Mandriva Free 2010.2, which I will call Computer B.

Now my main problem is that Computer B, while it can see and access Computer A's shares as well as the third computer, the aforementioned computers cannot access Computer B. The message was: "Unable to mount location/Failed to mount Windows share." Now, the SMB protocol was used because of the third computer and Computer A have Windows OSs installed in them.

What I originally wanted was that I can share Computer B's NTFS partition, namely Documents and Downloads, to the other computers. And I can't do that, because of the error message.

What I can do, however, is use Computer B to view shares from the other two computers (Computer A, as an example). By my experiences in Linux Mint, I understand that I'd have to mount my Windows partitions in order to share them. I don't even know if my NTFS drive in Computer B is mounted, though that is what was described.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Whats Better Partition Based Install Or LVM Based Install?

Apr 10, 2011

Whats better partition based install or LVM based install?Does one perform better than the other?I have a 640 gig drive.I have win 7 installed on a 360 gig partition.The remaining space is free.

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Ubuntu :: Grub4Dos Error / Tried To Switch Back To Computer Control And Computer Went Black?

Jan 9, 2010

Here's the situation:

I have Ubuntu 9.1 with wubi and Vista on my laptop. I was playing my laptop through the TV, then I tried to switch it back to computer control and the computer went black. I had to hold to power button to restart, and suddenly grub4dos starts up when I try to launch ubuntu. I can still launch Vista. Is there anything I can do to save my system? At the very least, I would like to be able to copy data from my ubuntu system to my vista system. How can I do that? I can't find C:/ubuntu/disks. It doesn't seem to exist.

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Xp On Computer In Virtual Machine - Watch Netflix On Computer

Jun 30, 2010

so here's my problem. I am trying to install windows xp on my computer in virtual machine so i can watch netflix on my computer. The disk will not start up, if I restart and try to boot from load i just sits there and says boot from cd. The disk drive plays music cd's fine, so i dont really know what the issue is.

I dont know that much aboutut ubuntu. a tech friend put it on hard drive he gave me after mine crashed. also i should ad that i took the disk to someone else's house that haswidnows installed and the disk worked just fine, so its not a disk problem

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Ubuntu Networking :: Assigned Computer A's Static Ip To Computer C Without Changing Dhcp Setting?

Aug 18, 2010

I set up a dhcp server in the lan and assigned static ips to two computers, computer A and B, according to their mac address. Everything was running fine. But when I turned off computer A, connected computer C to the network, and assigned computer A's static ip to computer C without changing dhcp setting. Computer C was able to access the internet. When I turned on computer A, dhcp couldn't assign an ip address to it, and computer C showed an error message of ip conflict and failed to use internet. I wonder if dhcp server is able to prevent other computer from using the same static ip that is already assigned to a computer according to its mac address.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find A Way To Watch Videos From Main Desktop Computer On Another Computer?

Jul 9, 2011

I've been trying to find a way to watch videos from my main desktop computer on another computer I've plugged into an HDTV. I'm such a Linux newbie that I decided to give Mythbuntu a try. It was way to complicated for what I needed, and I'm sure that some more experienced people reading my first two sentences laughed to themselves at my naivety.

What I am trying to find is simple: browsing one computer's home folder from another computer, and playing the videos therein. If there's anything like Mythvideo that requires less than half of the skill requirements, I will telepathically send love to the person that informs me of it.

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General :: Lost Computer Login Password For Computer Model D250-1958

Jan 5, 2010

for christmas my parents got both my younger sister and i acer mini computers, model d250-1958. my sister was trying to change her password that lets herself as a particular user log in. somehpw she messed up the password and its not what she thought it was and now she doesn't have any way of accessing anything. i thought that there might be an ovveride system or a reseting trick. i've looked in the manual but cant find anything of the sort for either of the two options.

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General :: Scp Command - Copy File Into Local Computer By Still Sitting In 1st Computer

Jun 17, 2011

I am using fedora 10 in two computers. Just for my own practice I sent a file to my second computer.

1st computer IP is
2nd computer IP is


The file has been successfully copied to the second computer but I again want to copy that file into my local computer by still sitting in my 1st computer.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stream Music From Computer (9.10) To Windows Computer Using Vlc

Jan 30, 2010

1. How can I stream music from my ubuntu computer (9.10) to my windows computer using vlc?

2. What nvidia driver should I use? The one found in "hardware drivers" is 185 but nvidia's site has 190! which one should I use?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Remotely Disconnect OTHER Computer's Pidgin / While Using Current Computer?

Aug 29, 2010

i have 2 computers.both have pidgin messenger with the same accounts (yahoo, msn, aim, facebook...). both can connect at the same time. both connect at startup.both work well.some of the chat protocols disconnect upon sensing multiple connections (as in, when one account signs in from two places).good.others don't.bad.

is there a way to remotely disconnect the OTHER computer's pidgin while using the current computer? while both instances of pidgin are running, the OTHER computer will see all incoming messages on pidgin. anyone at that computer will see a one-sided conversation.simple solution would be to stop them from connecting at startup. that still doesn't solves the problem of "what if i forgot to turn one off" or "what if someone runs pidgin on the other computer."

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