Ubuntu :: Power Options Not Working?

Jun 13, 2010

upgraded to 10.04 on pangolin performance laptopset power option to never suspend or hibernate or shut down using AC or batteryhowever...the system suspends after a few minutes of idle time, requiring a password to log back on

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OpenSUSE :: Power Management Options For UPS?

Sep 29, 2010

I've attached a UPS to my server through USB. and sure enough up came a tab in Power Management Preferences for the UPS -- great.

There are power low options as follows:

"When UPS power is low"
"When UPS power is critically low"

The UPS sends a message to the computer when a threshold you set in the UPS is reached, in my case 25% of battery left.

The obvious guess is that this warning from the UPS is the "When UPS power is low" however, I don't know. It's just a guess.

Looking further at the data I can get from the UPS the battery data is as follows:

battery.charge: 100
battery.charge.low: 25
battery.charge.warning: 50
battery.runtime: 760


However, again, that's just a guess from what would make sense.

So my first question is, is there a way to know this information, and is there a place were these critical points are set, or are they all from the UPS. I'm guess there are some settings somewhere because not all UPSs are going to be able to supply this information. Some may only supply a battery level or some just a warning message so there must be some configuration for this somewhere.

My 2nd question is a probably a little harder to know the answer to. After getting this to work I wanted the added functionality of nut so I installed it and got it working and it uses the On UPS Power panel as far as I can tell.

Through all the nut documentation it talks about powering down on once the battery level reaches the critical point (I assume that is "When UPS power is critically low"). I don't see anywhere however where it mentions handling "When UPS power is low" so now the question comes up, will it have any effect at all with nut installed, i.e. what will happen?

Of course I can just "pull the plug" and start finding this stuff out but Linux is all about having the information and "knowing" (assuming all works as it should) I am asking to find out where this information would be -- and become smarter for it

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Debian :: Sync Equivalent Or Other Options When Loss Of Power?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm wondering what my alternatives are when I lose power to the external hard drive where I have Debian installed. I realize that the best answer may be a battery backup UPS for the external hard drive. It seems that I recall that when a similar scenario happened on my SunOS Sparc workstation, I would simply hit [Stop-A] and then type in the "sync" command. I now have a laptop and am running Debian off of an external harddrive that has its own power supply. When I lose power, my laptop obviously continues to keep running but my session is essentially and understandably hosed because the main filesystem is not accessible. Gnome desktop goes away and I am thrown to the main console login. When power resumes, I cannot login to attempt a remount or anything. When I hit [ctrl-alt-del] thinking that that is less forceful than just holding down the main power on the laptop, I get cannot execute "/sbin/shutdown". Is there a [STOP-A] sync equilavent or some way or keyboard sequence to get to GRUB to issue a reboot command?

[108200.233484] EXT3-fs error (device sdb1); ext3_find_entry: reading directory #55500801 offset 0
INIT: cannot execute /sbin/getty"
INIT: ld "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
INIT: cannopt execute "/sbin/shutdown"

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Fedora :: Can't Find Any Proper Power Management Options

Jun 1, 2011

I can't find any proper power management options on Fedora 15, only really basic simple options under the Advanced tab of the Screensaver.Where can I change the Power Management settings in F15?I'd like to set it so that

- screen powers down on closing the lid only, else never powers down / or after a certain time.
- the machine never powers down, either on AC or on battery.
- screen dims on battery after some time, but no on AC.
- hard drive never powers down.

I previously used Fedora 14 and earlier version on my laptops, and could easily set these power management either through the Screensaver, or directly from another menu.Also, I enabled the "Blank Screen Only" mode in the Screensaver, and disabled the "Lock Screen After", but it still asks for a password after some time. How can I stop that?

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Slackware :: Xfce4-power-manager-1.0.1 And No Battery Options

Oct 17, 2010

I noticed that there is a 1.0.1 version of xfce4-power-manager, so I tried it out last night. Note: It requires libxfce4ui >= 4.7. I compiled it using the same SlackBuild script as the one in Slackware 13.1. It compiled and installed just fine. However, when I logged out of XFCE and logged back in, I could only set a few options, and battery options were completely non-existant.

I double-checked, and my user account in in the power group. Has anyone else had a similar problem? In the meantime, I've downgraded back to the 0.8.5 version that Slackware ships with.

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Clickable Options Not Working

Mar 24, 2010

i've recently installed Ubuntu 9.10, and i am trying to get java6 jre working. using "sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre" the package downloads and works fine until i run into this screen: Now this must look like everything is working fine....and i should just click the ' OK ' button...that is where the trouble begins...i can't....and i was hoping someone would know the problem...

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Ubuntu :: No Options Working In Low Graphics Mode

Feb 15, 2011

I recently uninstalled some unnecessary libs thinking that I could work around without them. It turned out I couldn't. So I installed every single one, and it seemed like everything was working fine. But then I tried to boot, and was thrown into a low-graphics. Well I tried to boot in a low-graphics environment temporarily but it turned out X just restarted. Then I tried to reconfigure the settings, but choosing any option it threw me back into the last menu without any action being taken.

So I googled up some lines it was vomiting at me and it indeed might be my xorg not configured properly. but every time I try to reconfigure it and I look into the .conf file it turns out it is completely blank. maybe I should also note I am sporting a 64 bit bubuntu, not an NVidia though, Intel Series 4 express chipset family thing. I think it is a GMA4500MHD but not sure, what shall I do so that I don't have to reinstall my beautiful pimped out system?

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Ubuntu :: Adding Options - Get The Sound Working On Laptop

Feb 21, 2010

i'm just trying to get the sound working on my laptop I found a solution online 'Sound: add options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m6 to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf.

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Server :: Indexes Options Not Working

Feb 24, 2010

In our apache web server, we have a number of virtual hosts running. I wanted to create an alias to a folder only to a specific virtual host. So what I did is, in the virtual host configuration section of that specific site, I added as below:


However, with this configuration,if index.html is not present in the system , I am still able to see directory listing of all files under that folder myfiles. What could be going wrong ? Why "options" directive of is not working once it is placed inside <directory > of <virtualhost>? If I move <directory> in the main httpd.conf (ie , outside virtual host section), then again it works fine. But I don't want this as I don't want other virtual hosts also to be able to access to that directory... In the main httpd.conf, I have something like


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Ubuntu :: Boot Options Whilst Working With Open Firmware

May 4, 2010

I am going to attempt to install Ubuntu Linux onto an 500GB USB external hard drive. I was wondering what my boot options where as i am installing on to a powermac G5 that uses open firmware. From the boot menu, i dont have the option to boot to USB(like i can from firewire, CD or Internal HD) though i have found this page;URl...this enables me to boot from usb and works fine with Mac Os X (as i had to do this to boot from a usb stick i installed the os on when doing a spot of data recovery) but i'm not sure if it would boot into linux cleanly. I'm also unsure as to wether in instalation i'd need to install yaboot or not, and if not wether this is actualy an option o n the install cd.

Any info on whether anybody had installed a similar system, had any experience installing onto open firmware for an external Usb hard drive booting system or just any general knowledge about linux on open firmware.

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Ubuntu :: Power Button Not Working In Lubuntu?

Sep 25, 2010

Recently i've switched from ubuntu 8.04 to Lubuntu 10.04, since that time the powerbutton does not work anymore.I've tried to find out how powermanagement is implemented in ubuntu to be able to debug this problem. But most documentation about this topic seems dated.I've already tried a few thing, most important stuff I did is:

- tested the scripts in /etc/acpi/ and added a line to write something to a textfile when its called. But this file is not called when pressing the powerbutton.

- checked bios settings, seems alright (and these settings worked on 8.04 to).

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General :: Power Management Not Working In Ubuntu 10.04

Aug 3, 2010

I've recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 and found the following problem: power management doesn't appear to be working. If I'm away from my computer for only a few moments, the screen is on dim when I return and I have to log on again. I've set the following states in Power Management: NEVER SWITCH OFF SCREEN and haven't ticked the DIM WHEN IDLE BOX. Can anyone help with this problem - it's infuriating. Meanwhile, I've gone back to Ubuntu 9.10 ...

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Server :: Samba Guest Account Options Seems Not Working?

Apr 13, 2010

I configuring samba under Fedora 12, i just set in samba dialog Server Settings->Security and choose guest account: apache. The account is exist io the Samba Server, now i try to login from Windows to Linux share, server asks me login and password, however when i set apache as login and not set password, server asks me login again as the password is incorrect. As i understand under guest acount can login any windows user without the password.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Working In Failsafe Mode Only

Oct 8, 2010

Whatever settings I use in the power manager, (Ubuntu default Gnome Power Manager) nothing appears to change. Screen brightness does not change when moving the slider, but is reduced after 5 or 10 minutes (haven't timed it. Probably whatever is default) of inactivity, even though the reduce screen brightness checkbox is unchecked. The latter is pretty annoying when watching online TV streams, especially since the video also exits full screen mode when the screen brightness is reduced.

The weird thing is, as the title implies, that when booting in recovery mode with FailsafeX the power settings seems to work. At least the screen brightness varies as the slider is moved I should probably mention that it is possible even in normal mode to adjust the screen brightness by using the buttons for adjusting screen brightness on my laptop (Fn + arrow up/down)

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Networking :: WOL Is Not Working After A Software Power Off?

Apr 15, 2009

When in my Fedora 10 I power off the system, by using the gnome icon or even the command line "poweroff", it shut down the machine and power off it as expected - EVEN THE NIC. I can see its led is off ! This happens when I put the machine in hibernate mode too, but not in suspend mode. When I power on and and power off it just after the POST messages, when grub is waiting a key to select an option, I can see the NIC's led is still blinking at each second or so. When I power on the machine and select windows (dual boot system) and then power it off, it power off as expected, I mean, it leaves the NIC on - the led blinks even with the machine powered off. As result, I can't wake up my machine remotely by using Wakeup-On-Lan since the NIC is powered off by Fedora.

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Fedora Servers :: DHCP Server - Custom Options Not Working

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to get custom options to work.

This is my Dhcpd.conf file

This shows that I have 3 custom option in RED.

Now when I try to pull an Ip from the subnet I do not see the options in the DHCPACK from the server. The client gets an IP but no options are present in the DHCPACK or any other DHCP transaction. I have confirmed this trhough tcpdumps on the server and client.

The server version I am using is:

The version of the DHCP server is :

Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.6-Fedora

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General :: Boot Options Whilst Working With Open Firmware?

May 4, 2010

I am going to attempt to install Linux (probably Ubuntu) onto an 500GB USB external hard drive. I was wondering what my boot options where as i am installing on to a powermac G5 that uses open firmware. From the boot menu, i dont have the option to boot to USB(like i can from firewire, CD or Internal HD) though i have found this page;[URL]... this enables me to boot from usb and works fine with Mac Os X (as i had to do this to boot from a usb stick i installed the os on when doing a spot of data recovery) but im not sure if it would boot into linux cleanly. I'm also unsure as to wether in instalation i'd need to install yaboot or not, and if not wether this is actualy an option o n the install cd.

Any info on whether anybody had installed a similar system, had any experience installing onto open firmware for an external Usb hard drive booting system or just any general knowledge about linux on open firmware would be great.

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Ubuntu :: Before The Login Window - Power Management Has Stopped Working

May 9, 2010

Everytime I restart my PC and the login, Before the login window goes away a window pops up saying "Power Management has stopped working" If I click cancel nothing happens, if I click Logout Anyway then the window goes away and I continue to login. Whats up with that? I am using a Desktop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SMB And AFP Shares Not Working After Power Outages - I/O Error

Jul 31, 2011

i was able to mount my SMB shares, but I didn't actually try to transfer data. I tried to move some data off my linux box to my mac, but i got a finder error 36. which i believe is a input/output error. I got further proof of that when i was going through some directories and got this: ls: reading directory .: Input/output error so i'm gonna guess that whatever input/output errors are happening is what is causing AFP and SMB to not work properly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Options - Can't Select Any Of The Menu Options Except For Boot From First Hard Drive

Mar 19, 2010

So I have the burned ubuntu CD, and I'm attempting to install it on a system that has one HDD with XP/Vista on it, and another that is completely formatted and unpartitioned. However, when I boot to the ubuntu CD, I can use the menus from the bottom, and select the language when initially prompted, but I can't select any of the menu options except for boot from first hard drive.

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Fedora :: Using F12 With LXDE - Power Button Not Working

Nov 19, 2009

I'm using Fedora 12 with LXDE (sudo yum groupinstall LXDE if you want to try it), and while using LXDE rather than GNOME, the power button doesn't do anything. I found a possible solution here: [URL] but I have no /etc/acpi/ folder. Why is that? Package acpid is needed.

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Fedora :: Power Management Preferences Not Working.

Apr 19, 2010

When I change the "Put display to sleep when in active for" it seems to make no difference. The screen goes to sleep when it wants. Some times in the middle of watching a dvd (after about 10 mins when it is set to 1 hour).Could this be done by terminal, perhaps there is a problem between entering in the GUI and actually telling the machine.

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Server :: Some Options In System-config-samba Dialog Are Not Working Properly?

Apr 13, 2010

I am using Fedora 12. I have the following problem, when i working with system-config-samba dialog:I add the new user on the server:as following:

Unix username: vova
Windows username:test

As described in Customisation Guide for Red Hat 9: "If the user has a different username on a Windows machine and will be logging into the Samba serverfrom the Windows machine, specify that Windows username in the Windows Username field."So i logged from the Windows machine not under test(Windows username) but under vova.And i logged in without the problem. However it seems that samba should check windows username=test (as have written in samba-config) and ask an password for different users. And additionally, if samba check the currect user in Windows itself and verify it with Unix user, what for we need write the Windows username in samba config? I don't understand

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Debian Hardware :: How To Get Power Button Working On X1Carbon

Jun 3, 2015

I have a new Thinkpad X1 Carbon (3rd) and i am very pleased with this machine so far.

Linux support is very good and i only have a few issues remaining.

I am running Debian Jessie and tried this with 2 kernels:

linux-4.0.4 (vanilla)

Main Problem at the time is really cannot get the power button to work.

thinkpad_acpi module is loaded.

I am not very familiar what possibilities are available to catch input devices. Some search in the internet brought me to the following commands. I tried evtest with no result

Code: Select allroot@x1carbon:~# evtest /dev/input/event3
Input driver version is 1.0.1
Input device ID: bus 0x19 vendor 0x0 product 0x1 version 0x0
Input device name: "Power Button"
Supported events:
  Event type 0 (EV_SYN)
  Event type 1 (EV_KEY)
    Event code 116 (KEY_POWER)
Testing ... (interrupt to exit)

I tried acpi_listen also with no result

What else could i try? All other keys like lid event and all fn keys work flawlessly.

Just learned that the event needs about 1 second of pressing time to trigger

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Server :: Services Not Working Properly After Power Breakdown

May 20, 2010

Today, I need to talk about some strange problem that faces me in my Linux Server, the power goes down and my server goes off, but when the power returns the server powered on and it works, but some services are not working properly like:


When I try to login remotelt via ssh client like putty it ask me for username but, it hangs after I put my username and not asking me for the password. The second error is related to my web-server which redirect me to Apache default page and when I go for the terminal to make restart for httpd service, here is the output :

> service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [Thu May 20 10:51:15 2010] [error] (EAI 3)Temporary failure in name resolution: Could not resolve host name admin.abakhiet.info -- ignoring!
[Thu May 20 10:53:07 2010] [error] (EAI 3)Temporary failure in name resolution: Could not resolve host name [URL] -- ignoring!
[Thu May 20 10:53:07 2010] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts

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Software :: Power PC PSC UART Kernel Object Just Not Working?

Apr 19, 2010

This has got me stumped to the point where I have spent 5 days with little sleep trying to find what I did wrong. It should be simple yet it doesn't work. All I want to do is create a test /dev/fred device driver that will allow me to test my hardware, all I want to do is transmit some bytes out PSC5. It *should* be a simple matter:

1) Make sure PSC5's PADs are configured for Function 0, DS of 1
2) Make sure SCCR1 has PSC4, 5, and 6 ENABLED
3) Configure the PSC's registers for UART mode, transmit/receive enable, all that happy stuff.
4) Have an open, close, read, write, ioctl function

What happens is that everything hangs together just fine, when I open(/dev/fred) my open_iproc_psc6_uart2() gets called and everything gets configured -- I request memory, remap it, release memory as needed. When write(/dev/fred) is called, my driver's ech_write() is called and when read(/dev/fred) is called, my ech_read() driver function gets called -- great stuff, it should be *easy*.

The problem is, I get nothing out the transmit pin of the PSC. if I missed a configuration register some where? A clock I need to set? I'll have to sleep on this and maybe inpiration will come but this is such a simple thing I'm trying to do, it should work. In fact I compare my code against three examples on the Internet and it looks functionally the same. Code with debugging / un-needed stuff added to try to figure out whyt nothing comes out the serial transmit pin:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a device driver that creates /dev/fred and is used to send
// and receive serial data on PSC6. It's just a test driver, something


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Slackware :: User 'Logout' Not Working - Must Power Off To Recover?

Jul 6, 2011

If, as root, I 'Leave' --> 'Logout', I get the KDE login screen.If, as user rob, I 'Leave' --> 'Logout', I get a black screen from which I must power off to recover, and I use the term very loosely. User rob is a member of the 'power' group.

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Networking :: Ssh Stopped Working After Accidental Power-off During Rdiff-backup?

Aug 9, 2010

i unplugged the wrong machine during an rdiff-backup run, and when i try to ssh to that machine now, i get 'connection refused'. the machine was set up with ssh-copy-id before the accidental unplug.

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Ubuntu :: Isnt Working - Configuration Defaults For GNOME Power Manager Have Not Been Installed Correctly

Jul 16, 2011

My ubuntu isnt working after i write my password and press enter it does nothig but gives a massage ''the configuration defaults for GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly'' the recovery console doesnt work too(same problem) the problem appeared after i installed bittorent client called smth starting with 'd'.

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Debian Configuration :: Gnome-power-manager Prevents Suspend Key From Working

Nov 19, 2010

I decided to upgrade my Asus Eee 900 from Lenny to Squeeze, to fix some issues that I was having. I did a fresh install using the beta1 netinstall cd image, and now my system is mostly working as I'd like it. Overall it seems quite good, and it even boots much faster than it did with Lenny.

I've encountered a problem, though. The suspend key doesn't work. I installed the package 'hibernate', and now the system can suspend via a command (which seems to work properly, although I haven't tested it extensively). I've noticed that the squeeze system doesn't have a command that my other Lenny systems do, 's2ram'. And I've noticed also that a package, uswsusp, which seems to be related to this kind of thing, can't be installed because it's not in the repositories: Package uswsusp is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'uswsusp' has no installation candidate

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