Ubuntu :: Installing To An Existing Partition?

Apr 26, 2011

I sudo apt-get uninstalled a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have. Now my Ubuntu Partition doesn't boot up correctly, something about the graphic system, video system, etc. all being unconfigured. (I'll get the exact error later.) All I can use is the command line.can I install Ubuntu over my old Ubuntu partition without messing up rebooting/GRUB and all that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing To Pre-existing Partition?

Jun 10, 2010

What I am trying to accomplish, is have 3 partitions on my hard drive. The first one being Windows 35GB. The second being 15GB Ubuntu. The remaining just being backups. I have set up partitions for this, but I have failed thus far in finding a way to install to the Ubuntu partition I have created. Should I have left that space unallocated? How would I make this work?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Existing Partition Not Getting Detected While Installing

Jan 7, 2011

My Laptop is Dell Inspiron 1525 with Dual boot Windows vista as well as Linux mint. I was trying to install Ubuntu over Linux Mint, but it is not detecting the existing partitions asking me to go ahead and edit the partitions manually (which I am not familiar with). Earlier when I was installing Linux Mint or SUSE, it was detecting the existing partitions and could install easily. Currently I am sure how to go about, but I would like to install Ubuntu badly.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Re-installing Windows On Existing Partition

Feb 7, 2011

What just happened was that I was experiencing some serious blue screen errors in Windows all of a sudden, so I loaded up my recovery partition for windows, and ran the "Restore complete system function". At some point, it had to restart, and I got the BIOS error "Unable to detect operating system". Eventually I got openSUSE to work again by reinstalling it using my DVD. However, now, whenever I load my windows partition, I get a windows error that says it cannot configure Windows on my hardware! The furthest it gets is a blue Windows screen that says "Please wait while Windows continues to configure your hardware."

My windows version is Vista, and I use openSUSE 11.3 as my primary partition. My question is this: How can I re-install Windows onto my partition? I have a recovery partition setup still, but I'm afraid that the Restore Complete System function will mess with my linux partitions again!

All I want Windows for is to play WoW! Running WoW through Wine is fail on my laptop for some reason, its far too slow and problematic. Please help me... some Linux forums just trashed me for using Windows at all, but its my only option available for my particular spec of computer to play this game, so that type of advice doesn't help me much. Feasible alternatives to a Windows partition would be nice, but Wine clearly doesn't work for me like I desire.

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Ubuntu :: Combine An Empty Partition With Existing Partition?

Sep 18, 2010

How would I combine a empty partition with my existing partition? A reinstall is just an option and I need more disk space

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Won't Install Getting This Message:"setup Was Unable To Create A New Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"?

Apr 8, 2010

i tried installing windows 7 on a partition on my laptop but i'm getting this message:"setup was unable to create a new partition or locate an existing system partition "i tried googling and found that it has something to do with the number of partitions:my hard disk layout right now:

p1 ext4 21gb /home
p2 ntfs 64gb
p3 ext3 18gb ubuntu installation


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General :: How To Partition An Existing Partition

Mar 25, 2010

I want to partition an existing partion(to get room for another partition) without loosing data (without formatting)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A New Home Partition, Don't Want To Preserve The Existing Home Partition?

Jan 14, 2010

Trying to clean install 11.2 dual boot with Win xp already installed. How do I create a new home partition, don't want to preserve the existing home partition from a previous attempt. DVD installation and automatic config keeps saving the thing.

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Ubuntu :: Copy Existing Partition To 10.10?

May 7, 2011

I am running ubuntu 10.10 on a drive with 3 partitions. 1 windows and 2 ubuntu partitions.

The ubuntu that I am running right now is on a partition that is too small. I need to either expand it to include the other ubuntu partition or reinstall 10.10 and copy my existing partition to it. Can this be down?

I have this version working the way I like it and have tried 11.04 and am holding of for now. Still the fact remains that my working copy is on a partition that is really too small I only have 2 gig free space on a drive that is a 500gig.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Non-existing Partition/drives?

Jul 5, 2011

Yesterday, I deleted/reformatted one of my internal hard drive which had two partitions. Now everytime I log-in, Ubuntu tries to mount the two partitions that no longer exist. The only way I can resolve this is by pressing "S" twice while trying to log in to skip the auto-mounting process. Is this problem in the grub or should I just disable auto-mounting?

Auto-mounting was enabled automatically when I installed ubuntu in May, so I have no idea how to disable it or how to mount drives that are not automatically mounted at log in.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting From An Alternate (pre-existing) Partition?

Mar 27, 2010

I can't boot to Windows XP after recently installing Ubuntu (Ubuntu boots fine). The error that comes up (straight after selecting XP) is that it can't find "system32hall.dll".

Reason for the problem: Ubuntu is looking at the old, corrupted version of XP that I have. The 'real' version is on another partition, for reasons too lengthy to explain. Note: neither of these partitions were touched when installing Ubuntu - I placed Ubuntu in the pre-existing partitions I had setup when installing previous versions of Linux (last was Mandrake 8.)

Now, I can understand why it is looking at the old version, because it is on the first partition of the hard drive, "dev/sda1", the new version is on "dev/sda3" (nomenclature according to Ubuntu, obviously).

Question: How do I point the config file to sda3? I have tried setting root to "hd0,3" and "hd3,1" with no luck. Original code is below:

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
menuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda1)" {
insmod ntfs
set root=(hd0,1)


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Making Switch - Keep Existing OSX On Partition?

Mar 31, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu 9.10 on my Macbook Pro for a couple of weeks now and I want to make the jump to Ubuntu on the iMac. However I have some issues and questions:

1) iPhone support: this is coming in 10 right?

2) Wireless keyboard, does this work?

3) Second monitors, does this work?

4) I presume it is best to keep the existing OSX on it and partition it and use Ubuntu as the default, keep OSX for firmware updates and the like.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.04 And Existing Xp Partition Won't Load?

Apr 14, 2010

I recently upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10. I now have grub 1.98 and my problem is that when i select windows xp from grub it just goes to a black screen with a white flashing line. If i boot ubuntu it does the same thing for about five seconds then ubuntu loads right up. I hit e on windows xp in grub and this is what came up.

insmod ntfs
set root='(hd0,2)'
search --no-floppy --fs--uuid --set 7a841c73841c33db
drivemap -s _hd0) ${root}
chainloader +1

I then hit c on windows xp and entered each line on its own and the only error was this. error unknown argument '--fs-uuid'

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition On Existing Windows 7 Machine

May 20, 2010

I'm having a installation problem. I am trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop that is currently running Windows 7, and win7 is needed for use in projecting songs in our church services. The HD is a 500 gb already partitioned with the max. of 4 partitions. Win7 files are on the sda2 partition and my data files are on sda3. Sda1 and sda4 are smaller partitions, one is 3 gb's the other is 1 gb.

My question is, what is the best set up for me to install Ubuntu? I can't create an extended partition since I already have 4 partitions. I like my current partition set up as far as windows goes, but I would really like to get Ubuntu installed. I'm fairly new with Ubuntu, I like what I've seen so far. I had it installed with wubi in windows XP on a laptop that I just sold, and I've upgraded to the windows 7 laptop now, and I'm stuck!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Over Existing LUKS+LVM Partitions

Sep 2, 2010

I installed on LUKS+LVM, and I want to preserve my /home without moving the data to any external media (I don't have any). My partition layout is as follows:

sda1: /boot
sda2: encrypted volume (sda2_crypt)
sda2_crypt: LVM volume group, with /, swap and /home.

Having many previous (sad) experiences with completely borked experiments and data loss, I've decided to try the trick in VirtualBox first. I've installed Debian (testing, netinst, Dec 2009) with encrypted LVM, and touch'd a file in my $HOME so that I'd know if the contents were preserved. Then proceeded to install Ubuntu 10.04.1 from the alternative CD. After the installer started and loaded some of the basic components (but before it entered the partitioner) I've switched to a shell and read a scroll of identification:


$ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 sda2_crypt
[entered the passphrase]
$ lvm vgscan
$ lvm lvscan

* Another concern; after the installation, I've noticed that the contents of my $HOME were overwritten by Ubuntu's default skeleton (pictures, desktop, music, templates, and other crap). The control file I've touch'd after installing Debian wasn't there.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Add Un-used Space To Existing Partition?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a doubt with how to add un-used space in my RHEL 4.0(linux) server to a existing partition. I will explain the scenario:-I have some 220 GB space on my linux server as shown by the command as below-

[root@JispNewDB ~]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 733.9 GB, 733909245952 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 89226 cylinders


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Ubuntu :: Split The Existing 950GB Partition Into Two (900GB And 50GB)?

Feb 5, 2010

I have Ubuntu (command line only) installed as a part of XBMC Live installation. My disk is 1TB that's currently partitioned like this:

10GB root
2GB swap
950GB media

Is there a way to split the existing 950GB partition into two (900GB and 50GB) without altering or moving the data that's currently on it?

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Debian Installation :: None Of Existing Partition Visible

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to replace an existing ubuntu installation with the current debian testing release. But when it comes to select partitions to install on none of the existing partitions is visible. I only see my SATA hard drive empty. The existing installation of Windows is still bootable and fdisk as well as cfdisk correctly recognize the partition table while parted (which I assume is used by the installation process; all tools run from a live cd) is not:

[root@localhost liveuser]# cfdisk /dev/sda
cfdisk (util-linux-ng 2.18)
Disk Drive: /dev/sda
Size: 160041885696 bytes, 160.0 GB
Heads: 255 Sectors per Track: 63 Cylinders: 19457 .....

[root@localhost liveuser]# parted /dev/sda unit s print
Error: Can't have overlapping partitions.

I am not sure what parted's error message means. I can hardly imagine that it complains about the logical partitions with in the extended one. The reasons for the trouble might come frome the fact that sda4 is marked as primary partition (see cfdisk output). If this is the case, how can I repair this?

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General :: Create A New Partition From The Existing System?

Nov 20, 2009

how to create a new partition from the existing system I am using ubuntu 9.04 as Host system and work on LFS. The command given in LFS book throws i.e

khirod@khirod:/dev$ mke2fs -jv /dev/sda5
mke2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
/dev/sda5 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!

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General :: Partition On An Existing System - Extended Not Being Used

Jul 14, 2011

I have a 120GB HD that I installed my linux-mint distro to and have been using for a while now, maybe a year or so. However, it has been running great so I haven't paid much attention to the actual install. Recently, I have been getting notifications of very low disk space remaining. I ran gparted and discovered that there is a very large extended partition that doesn't appear to be mounted. Can I just boot into a terminal, set a mount point and be on my way or will this hurt my existing installation? What is the safest set of steps to mount this partition since it looks to be the swap space as well?

Here is output of fdisk for the drive:
Disk /dev/sdb: 122.9 GB, 122942324736 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14946 cylinders


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General :: Installing On An Existing Windows RAID0

Dec 19, 2010

I administer a small network of computers connected to a windows 2003 server. The machines Dual boot Windows XP and CentOS 5.

My question is this. The machines are being upgraded to HP Z800 workstations. These workstations come with 2 1TB drives setup on a hardware RAID0. Can I install Linux on these machines, using the RAID0? Can I do an install as if it was just one hard drive? The machines came with Windows7 and I'd like to keep it intact including the RAID0. Can I do the install where it resizes the partition, adding the linux partition to the "drive".

If I can't use the existing windows RAID0 to install CentOS I was thinking of just installing another hard drive in the machines for it. This brings up another question, what would happen if I moved my Linux drive from one of the old workstations and put it in the new workstation, would it boot? I know windows wont boot like this because of the hdd controller drivers and I have a sneaky work around for this anyway but am not wanting to transfer the windows installation.

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CentOS 5 :: Installing On A Existing Windows RAID0?

Dec 20, 2010

I administer a small network of computers connected to a windows 2003 server. The machines Dual boot Windows XP and CentOS 5. My question is this. The machines are being upgraded to HP Z800 workstations. These workstations come with 2 1TB drives setup on a hardware RAID0. Can I install Linux on these machines, using the RAID0? Can I do an install as if it was just one hard drive? The machines came with Windows7 and I'd like to keep it intact including the RAID0. Can I do the install where it resizes the partition, adding the linux partition to the "drive".

If I can't use the existing windows RAID0 to install CentOS I was thinking of just installing another hard drive in the machines for it. This brings up another question, what would happen if I moved my Linux drive from one of the old workstations and put it in the new workstation, would it boot? I know windows wont boot like this because of the hdd controller drivers and I have a sneaky work around for this anyway but am not wanting to transfer the windows installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Win 7 To Replace XP In Existing Dual Boot Setup

May 22, 2010

I have Win XP installed on one hard disk drive (HDD1) and Ubuntu 9.10 installed on another hard disk drive (HDD2). Win XP was installed first then Unbuntu 9.10 which set up a dual boot menu. Win XP will no longer boot because I changed the BIOS setting from IDE to AHCI. The problem this causes is described at [URL]. The problem is that if you installed Windows in IDE mode (ie you didn't use F6 and supply a driver disk), then simply changing the BIOS setting to AHCI mode and rebooting will cause Windows to fail and will require a repair install. Most people have been advising to reinstall Windows if you want AHCI enabled. I have read that Win 7 supports AHCI "out of the box" so instead of re-installing Win XP I want to install Win 7 to replace it. I would like to know in advance what installing Win 7 will do to the dual boot menu?

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Debian Installation :: Enlarge Existing / Home Partition

Mar 19, 2016

I have a 500 GB dual boot debian jessie + windows laptop; I intend to erase windows completely and add the extra space to my existing /home partition. What is the best way of doing it without harming data in my present /home partition?

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Fedora :: How To Resize Existing Partition Without Data Loss

Dec 4, 2009

In the process of preupgrading to FC12. Towards the end of the process I get a warning that my /boot partition isn't big enough (12 recommends minimum of 300Mb).

My disks:
[root@fatbeast boot]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
35G 6.6G 28G 20% /
/dev/sda1 194M 176M 8.4M 96% /boot
29G 25G 3.2G 89% /home
tmpfs 1.9G 676K 1.9G 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb 7.5G 319M w7.2G 5% /media/CDF2-6BE2
[root@fatbeast boot]#

Is there a tool I can use to resize my existing partitions WITHOUT data loss? I've been using gparted up to now for sorting partition stuff, does that maintain data when resizing (assuming I run from a boot CD or USB rather than a running system)?

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General :: Encrypt An Existing Partition While Preserving Its Data?

Nov 30, 2010

If I have a partition like /dev/hd1 that is unencrypted and want it to be encrypted, but want to keep everything currently in that partition, how can I do that?

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Debian :: Assign Unallocated Space To Existing Partition

Sep 15, 2009

I have a problem that Google didn't give me a workable solution so I'm posting my question here, hoping that someone has an idea.On a virtual server (VMWare) running Debian 5 I have a disk of 15Gb.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible? I've been playing around with GParted but unsuccessfully. The other option is to 'move' the whole server to a new (to create) virtual server that uses LVM. Any ideas?

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Fedora :: Install KDE Spin On An Existing XFS Partition Without Formatting It

Aug 29, 2010

I want to install Fedora KDE spin on an existing XFS partition without formatting it. (Since said partition is full of my data that I have nowhere else to put). But the installer doesn't allow me to set the partition as / without formatting. XFS is not one of the filesystems listed as options for formatting. How can I make Fedora do what I want?

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General :: Mirror The Boot Partition On Existing Raid1?

Feb 26, 2011

I have a raid1 setup on a machine. Recently it died and I thought one of the drives had failed as it was shooting errors. So I tried unplugging that drive get it to boot off the mirror but it seems the techs forgot to mirror the boot device so the 2nd drive can't boot on its own. After a while it was realized that the sata cable was in fact bad and replaced so now its working again.

However, this occurrence showed a flaw in the setup where the RAID1 isn't working as its supposed to. I would like to correct this. Can I somehow mirror the boot partition so the 2nd drive will boot independent? I'm not sure how I would go about this. This is a CentOS 5 installation.

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Server :: Create New Partition In Existing Live NAS Storage Box?

May 7, 2010

At present, In web server 97% space has been occupied in /usr/share/squirrelmail partition. Therefore, we need to increase the partition of our existing storage device (NAS Storage box) either by creating new partion or merged the same along with the existing partition. Local Partition Map on Mail Server.File System Name Mount Point Size (1K Blocks) Remarks

/dev/cciss/c0d0p2 / 15119928
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 /boot 98747
/dev/cciss/c0d0p7 /data 40580552


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