Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.10 -> 11.04 Froze At "Setting Up Memtest86+"?

Jun 5, 2011

Upgrade from 10.10 -> 11.04 froze at "Setting up memtest86+".I haven't had any problems with 10.10, but I decided to do a Dist. Upgrade from the Update Manager, and I seem to be stuck at Installing Upgrades section of the update, specifically at this point:

Setting up busybox-static (1:1.17.1-10ubuntu1) ...
Setting up dmidecode (2.9-1.2build1) ...
Setting up ed (1.5-1) ...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04 Froze?

Apr 21, 2011

I started the upgrade last night, and around 12:03 it locked up the system and became unresponsive. I could move the mouse around the screen, but nothing was able to be interacted with, and the keyboard commands I could think of were not working. The upgrade manager said 10 minutes were left and it was in the process of updating the boinc-client (not a compiled version the one listed in the package manager). I left it until about 4:30 this morning and tried to reboot since I couldn't seem to accomplish anything else. The system came up stating it could mount root and just about everything else. So I burned a CD with 11.04 and booted off the CD and am now using the "Try Ubuntu" mode. I checked the file system and the folders I would expect to be there were.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Disaster - Warning "installation / Upgrade Should Not Be Interupted" - Computer Froze Up

Jun 1, 2010

While upgrading to a newer version of Ubuntu I noticed a warning saying that the installation/upgrade should not be interupted. Unfortunately though, during this process my computer froze up and I had to shut it down. Ubuntu no longer starts on my computer. I still have Windows though, which is what I'm using now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Froze Now System Won't Boot (even With Live CD)?

Feb 21, 2011

Yesterday my wife was using our laptop and an upgrade manager dialogue box came up. She clicked yes to install upgrades, but at some point during this process the machine froze. She restarted, and I haven't been able to successfully boot since then. the final screen when trying to boot from the hard drive reads:

mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.


I'm slowly getting the hang of Ubuntu. By now I know enough that a Live CD can fix most problems. So that's where I went after doing several searches about the error messages that were appearing. The menu screen works, but I can't get it to boot into the "Try ubuntu" mode. I tried changing the boot parameters to no avail. As the boot tries to load I can see a line by line report of errors- some are I/O errors and are in white, but many were in red, which seems bad from my mostly ignorant perspective. I saw lots of SQUASHFS errors among other things. I took a snapshot of the screen that was displayed when the boot failed- it's attached to this post (lots and lots of text to be typed otherwise). The reason I know it failed is because I've tried a half dozen times with the same exact result- once I let it sit for an hour+ just to make sure it was really frozen (a bit optimistic).

Relevant info: Ubuntu is running on a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop. I think it's version 9, but could be 10. The Live CD I'm using is version 10 burned 1/4/2011. I'd be thrilled to hear any suggestions that folks might have.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04 / Status Bar Saying "Preparing Memtest86+"?

May 11, 2010

I have a Wubi installation of Ubuntu 9.10 and am trying to upgrade to 10.04. The download of everything went fine, but it has stuck on the "installing the upgrades" part, about halfway through it keeps saying "Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic". It keep repeating this constantly. The status bar says "Preparing memtest86+" with about 14 minutes remaining.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck In Memtest86 - V2.11 - Loading GRUB - Automaticly Goes Into Memtest

Feb 6, 2010

I'm stuck in Memtest86, everytime i boot it gives me an option to go into BIOS, and then it says "Loading GRUB." After that it automaticly goes into memtest, and I've let it finish numerous times without giving me errors. I've installed Linux Mint 8 via Unetbootin, I have a nearly fresh install of windows 7 on my laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Sound/Can't Open Sys Setting After 10.10 RC Upgrade?

Oct 2, 2010

Last night I upgraded to 10.10 RC, and everything went smooth. A lot of problems were resolved in the upgrade, but unfortunately I got two new problems.1. No Sounds at all. My speakers hum, and I can control the level of the hum/mute with Kmix, but no sounds makes it through. So Kmix is controlling the hardware, but somewhere the sounds isn't making it there.2. No system settings. The system settings panel appears in the app tray when I run it, but after a minute of thinking (and not opening) it disappears.

:~$ sudo aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****


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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Installation Froze During A Routine Update / Fix It?

Mar 17, 2010

When doing a routine update to GRUB, it asked me what drive/partition I want it installed on. When I clicked enter to pass the OK message, the update manager froze momentarily and then it passed the selection page, saying "Warning: Installing GRUB to a partition other than the MBR is not recommended"
How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Memtest86 And Blue Screen Of Death,Can't Open Ubuntu After Installation?

May 22, 2011

I just recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my computer. Everything worked fine at first and then I started to fix all things I wanted to have on my laptop, programs and layout etc. And then I decided to restart the computer to make all the updates and installations work properly on my newly installed Ubuntu computer, but then it seems so that everything just crashed. When I started to computer again a blue screen saying "Memtest86 v4.10" came up. It is some sort of test of the computer's capacity I think. So I thought, ok fine, it is probably really good to do a test like that after a new installation. Like, standard procedure perhaps. It took 1 hour and then it said that no errors could be found on the computer and that I could click ESC to continue.

I did that but then when the computer restarted this blue screen showed up AGAIN and started up a new test (the same one)!!! I can't open up Ubuntu, I've tried several times. What should I do??? Is my computer broken now????

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Fedora Installation :: Locks Up At Different Points - Loaded 1087 Of 1147 Packages Before It Froze

Dec 30, 2009

I've tried installing Fedora 12 4 times now, and each time it has stopped at a different spot. This time it loaded 1087 of 1147 packages before it froze. The first time it only loaded 58 packages. The other two times it got a little further. This last time I thought it was going to work because I selected the basic video driver. I thought that was the prolem. This is a very old pc, I think it has an AMD 2200 cpu. Any ideas as to watch I should do to proceed? I've had other versions of Fedora on it, thought I'd go with the latest.

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Ubuntu :: Memtest86+ Does Not Run?

Jul 25, 2010

I've been trying to run Memtest86+ ,4.0 and 4.1, first from the boot option and then from a bootable CD but it will not run for some reason. I get to the blue screen where my system stats are displayed, but on the top right where the test should be running there's nothing showing. I'm at a loss and need to test my memory as 10.04 has some random crashing on my machine.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Have Memtest86+ On 10.04

May 16, 2010

I install 10.04 on a Windows laptop using Wubi. It worked! However, I have no memtest86+ option on my menu. I am going to get some more memory soon so I would like to have that feature on my boot menu. Went through this article [URL] Yes, memtest86+ is installed, has the +x flag on the appropriate file, and all the pieces are present. Ran sudo update-grub and it shows it finding everything except memtext86+.

I'm at a loss at what to do now. If this was the old Grub, I suppose I could manually code in the memtest86+ line but since this is Grub 2, that wouldn't be a permanent fix.

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Ubuntu :: How To Run Memtest86+ From Lucid CD

Jul 20, 2010

Anyone know how to run memtest86+ from the Ubuntu 10.04 install CD without having to install Ubuntu? It used to be a menu option at boot, but now you just get the option to install or try Ubuntu. I want to test the RAM on an older system before I install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting - Screen Froze After The Splash Screen

Jul 21, 2010

I received the Ubuntu CD by mail the other day and tried to install a dual boot with it. I first tried it out by running from the CD and the first problem I had was the screen froze after the splash screen. So I lurked around for a bit and found out that I can press any key on the screen with the keyboard and person to get to a different screen. At this screen I entered "F6" and then entered "nomodeset", this allowed me to pass the splash screen.

Next, I got into Unbuntu but I found out that the keyboard and mouse weren't working, so I lurked again and found out that I have to enter "noacpi" (sorry if I got that wrong, I forgot the name ). I ran by CD once more and everything worked, so I decided to finally install it next to my Vista. However, after installing it goes straight to the splash screen, and the freezing happens again. The screen where the keyboard and the person are not showing up so I have no idea how add the "nomodeset" and "noacpi". So my question is, how do I get to the screen where I can add both those things? Also, is there a way to add it permanently so I don't have to keep pressing F6?

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Ubuntu :: Doesn't Stop - Memtest86+ Is On A Loop?

May 27, 2011

I have a box running Ubuntu 11.04 (natty). I have never run memetest before. Then, randomly, when starting up today, it ran memtest. Because memtest86+ is on a loop, it doesn't stop unless you stop it. So I tried restarting the machine - no good. It simply starts memtest again and runs the same testing loop. I cannot find any setting in the BIOS to disable memtest. how I can stop/disable memtest so I can USE my computer??

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OpenSUSE Install :: 128 Gb Boot Error / Installation Froze At 92% And After The Laptop Wouldn't Boot?

Nov 23, 2010

I tried to install 11.3 on my acer aspire 7530 notebook to have dual boot with xp.

I made 4 partitions: one for xp, and the three for linux were made automatically.Before installation I got the warning that the partition wasn't entirely below 128 gb, I installed anyway to give it a try.

The installation froze at 92% and after the laptop wouldn't boot.

Now I've formatted the hard disk and installed windows on a partition leaving a free un formatted partition of 100 gb.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Correctly On Machine, Stuck In MemTest86?

May 1, 2010

I upgraded my 9.10 Ubuntu install last night using the Update Manager, everything downloaded fine, and appeared to install correctly. When it finished I got the message advising that my machine needed to reboot for changes to take effect. I checked my mail quickly before rebooting, and then let it do its thing. It shut down fine, then booted up and went into MemTest86. No real worries, so I wandered off expecting it to take 10-20 minutes. After 4 hours, though, I was starting to worry. A message at the bottom of the screen advised something along the lines that the test had been successful, and I could press Escape to exit.

I did, and my machine rebooted, and went back into MemTest86. I just figured I was being too impatient and left the test running all night. My machine has now been running MemTest86 for 16 hours, and while the timer is still running and the tests refreshing, my keyboard is not responding.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Menu Showed The Memtest86+ Option?

May 7, 2011

recently performed an upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10. when I rebooted, my GRUB menu showed only the memtest86+ option, rather than the usual options for Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Arch, and WinXP (which I haven't booted in a very long time, so I am almost 100% sure that it is not WinXP's fault. I was able to boot using a Live CD, and when I checked grub.cfg, all of my boot entries were still there. However, when GRUB itself actually loads, only memtest86+ is in the menu. I also checked that I can still boot by editing the memtest86+ option in grub so that it matched the entry for Ubuntu in grub.cfg, and it still booted correctly. However, I am curious as to why my GRUB is now forcing me to manually enter the boot entry on each boot. Here is my grub.cfg:


# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Hardware :: What Would Be A Failure After Running Memtest86

Mar 6, 2009

I have been having trouble with one of my computers.It is a AMD 1800+ with 512 megs of PC2100 high density ram.I am running chrunchbang linux 8.10.2.The problems I am running into is programs freeze, slow way down, or quit out right.The screen saver looks as if it running in slow motion.I had read somewhere that bad memory could cause some of these problems. So I ran memtest86 from the boot menu.After it had ran for about an hour.It did one pass and it said I had about 300 errors.That is about I could understand from all the information listed.

What would be considered bad ram.What is an acceptable number of errors. I have 384 megs of low density (3x128) sticks that I can put back in the machine. Just don't want to dig the machine and ram out if I don't need to.

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Server :: Safe To Run Memtest86 While Booted Into OS?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to check RAM on a server located in a data center several hundred miles away. So, I can't just walk over and boot to CD to run memtest86. Is it safe to run this while booted into the OS? Does anyone know of a knoppix pxe boot image? I can network boot to something...I just don't know what to network boot to.

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Ubuntu :: Only Memtest86+ Work When Boot - Blue Screen With Testing

Mar 10, 2010

When I start ubuntu, memtest86+ work to testing memery... Nothing else show up.... just blue screen with testing. I can't log in to ubuntu I don't no how to fix that I tried to use live cd to edit grub, but no grub at all. maybe because i do something wrong from this answer: [URL]...


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General :: Kernel - Memtest86+ (or Similar) Background Service?

May 28, 2011

Has Linux some mechanism to test memory online as a background job, flag bad memory as unusable and warn the user if memory is faulty? Much like running Memtest86+ on a little chunk of memory every nth minutte until all memory is tested and then repeat over.

Edit: I did not make it clear that I want such a service running in the kernel. A (peak) performance hit should be avoided by running the test in small steps and only when the system have some CPU cycles to spare

Edit2: I meant this as a Linux kernel service that scans the memory in the background. Not meant to be run in userspace but a routine in the kernel itself, perhaps in the memory manager to make sure memory are sane!

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Hardware :: Run Memtest86 - Error: Unrecognized Command Line Option

Jun 17, 2011

I am having memory problems on my old Compaq PC, and am trying to run memtest86+-4.20 to check it. I downloaded the source file, and tried a compile, but had the following problem:


how to get around this issue?

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Ubuntu :: Monitor After Upgrade To Natty - Wrong Setting?

May 9, 2011

After upgrading to 11.04, I've been experiencing this weird issue with my monitor. Every time I reboot or turn the monitor on, the colors in Ubuntu are all wrong -- really green. If I go into my monitor's control panel and go to the "Input Color Format" setting and switch it from YPbPr to RGB things go back to normal.The problem is that I can't seem to save this setting. Every time the monitor is turned off it goes back to the wrong setting. I never had this issue before so it makes me think it may have something to do with the upgrade to Natty. The monitor is a Dell SP2208WFP and it's connected to my computer through an HDMI port. I use the Intel video driver.

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Ubuntu :: E: Memtest86+: Subprocess Installed Post-removal Script Returned Error Exit Status 127

Nov 18, 2010

I have had no problems with downloading/installing updates and programs, and everything worked fine. Until memtest came along. It ran by itself (I think my dad made it the first boot option in grub), and now if I try to install any packages or programs, it will either say "Grub installation failed" or that any packages I tried to install failed. If I removed memtest, would that make it possible for me to install stuff again? Or is there a way to work around it?the main error report I get is: "E: memtest86+: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 127"

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General :: Ubuntu Froze In VirtualBox?

Aug 12, 2011

I am working on the newest version of Ubuntu Linux on VirtualBox under a 64-bit Windows 7 host. When I was working, VirtualBox froze, and I hadn't saved my work in Ubuntu. What should I do?

(This happened after I installed the extension pack for USB 2.0 and I went ahead and tried to access a USB port. I suspect that this led to my current situation.)

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot - Computer Froze / Fix It?

Jul 11, 2010

My computer froze and I had to do a hard reboot and now when I try to boot into Ubuntu the grub menu comes up and I choose my kernel but then I just get a blinking cursor. I can't even get into recovery mode!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Error "Could Not Calculate The Upgrade An Unresolvable Problem Occurred While Calculating The Upgrade"

Feb 12, 2011

I keep getting the following msg as I try to upgrade from 10.04 -> 10.10 ... "Could not calculate the upgrade An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. This can be caused by:

* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report." I don't think any of the issues above apply - can anyone offer advice on how to get around or "force " the upgrade

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox - MP3 Plugin Download Froze

Jul 9, 2010

I tried to download Mp3 plugin but it froze. So i restarted and it was still frozen. Then I uninstalled it and reinstalled Rhythm box, hoping that I could downloading Mp3 plugin. But now the problem is that it doesn't Ubuntu in stores section. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: All Panels Have Disappeared After Computer Froze

Nov 15, 2010

I'm currently running it as a dual-boot together with Windows 7. I hadn't had any problems up till yesterday, when all of a sudden Ubuntu stopped responding (I wasn't doing anything special, running firefox and mathematica) while opening a new tab (.....). I waited for a few minutes, still no response, and then hard booted it. When starting it up again, all my panels had disappeared.. The pictograms on my desktop are also moving up and down about a pixel continuously about once a second. I'm still able to run a terminal using shortcuts, and thus launch any program, but I have no idea how to recover the panels, and am still wondering how to prevent them from disappearing. I can make a screenshot on request, but there is really nothing to see except for a few pictograms. I am also using two monitors and 10.10 if that is of any importance.

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