Ubuntu :: Doesn't Stop - Memtest86+ Is On A Loop?

May 27, 2011

I have a box running Ubuntu 11.04 (natty). I have never run memetest before. Then, randomly, when starting up today, it ran memtest. Because memtest86+ is on a loop, it doesn't stop unless you stop it. So I tried restarting the machine - no good. It simply starts memtest again and runs the same testing loop. I cannot find any setting in the BIOS to disable memtest. how I can stop/disable memtest so I can USE my computer??

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Ubuntu :: Stop The Infinite Loop Splash Page In 10.10?

Feb 15, 2011

I upgraded to 10.10, system rebooted but it is stuck at a constant loop.

I can go into safe graphics mode and things look fine except compiz isn't running. I have tried going into login and changing it to log me in automatically but the problem remains.

I've tried using my previous kernal and I have the same issue as this newer one.

I've tried loading gdm from CLI and the problem is still there.

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Programming :: Bash Step Incremental Loop To Stop On Each Increment?

Jul 17, 2011

How do I get this loop to stop on each increment? This script does work but I would like it to stop at each increment, remember what the value of $n is, then continue until it gets to 7. I have worked so hard on this. My brain is hurting now.


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Programming :: While Read Line - Doesn't Work With Ssh In The Loop Body

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to read the names of hosts from a file and do a ssh to see if processes are all running or not.

Here is the outer loop that is causing problem:

hosts.lst is a text file that has the host names in each line.

The problem is that the loop just breaks after the first run. Somehow while read line becomes invalid when the body of the loop does the ssh and returns.

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General :: For Loop Or While Loop To Read The Fields Of A File?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a mytext file with month and year as two separate fields. likemytext fil

08 2010
09 2010
10 2010

I want to read the values of each field i.e., month and year into an awk script.

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Ubuntu :: Memtest86+ Does Not Run?

Jul 25, 2010

I've been trying to run Memtest86+ ,4.0 and 4.1, first from the boot option and then from a bootable CD but it will not run for some reason. I get to the blue screen where my system stats are displayed, but on the top right where the test should be running there's nothing showing. I'm at a loss and need to test my memory as 10.04 has some random crashing on my machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stop Promoting U9.10 It Doesn't Work / Fix It?

Feb 24, 2010

Every time I've tried to install 9.10, it will not run. I get "Grub - " and it just hangs there. I shouldn't have to deal with that. Why can't I just have a happy install like usual? 9.10 / Grub2 is not stable and it needs fixing. Grub2 sucks. It's in beta and no-one tells you that unless you do some looking. I've tried to fix it, can't. Linux really sucks for me right now.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Have Memtest86+ On 10.04

May 16, 2010

I install 10.04 on a Windows laptop using Wubi. It worked! However, I have no memtest86+ option on my menu. I am going to get some more memory soon so I would like to have that feature on my boot menu. Went through this article [URL] Yes, memtest86+ is installed, has the +x flag on the appropriate file, and all the pieces are present. Ran sudo update-grub and it shows it finding everything except memtext86+.

I'm at a loss at what to do now. If this was the old Grub, I suppose I could manually code in the memtest86+ line but since this is Grub 2, that wouldn't be a permanent fix.

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Ubuntu :: How To Run Memtest86+ From Lucid CD

Jul 20, 2010

Anyone know how to run memtest86+ from the Ubuntu 10.04 install CD without having to install Ubuntu? It used to be a menu option at boot, but now you just get the option to install or try Ubuntu. I want to test the RAM on an older system before I install.

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Debian Hardware :: Laptop Fan Doesn't Stop?

Jun 11, 2011

I have just install debian squeeze in my old laptop (HP nx6120). Everything works fine except for the fan. When it boots up, the fan is really silent but after a few of minutes it starts working and doesn't stop at all. The CPU usage is low (1%) with 53MB/512MB of used RAM.This is how I install Debian:_ During the installation, I chose to install the "laptop" and "base system" categories (the last 2 categories of package)._ I use FluxBox as my graphical environment and Slim as login manager.I have Ubuntu installed before and it didn't happen so I think this is a configuration problem

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Ubuntu :: Accessories > Settings > Appearance Process Doesn't Seem To Stop Even After Close It

Jan 30, 2011

i have a habit of frequently changing my desktop themes in gnome desktop. off late i found that whenever i close the appearance settings window, the process diesnt seem to stop and it becomes a runaway process, increasing fan speed in my laptop and ofcourse the temp that shoots beyond 70, every time i change the theme i have to issue top command in terminal, identify the gnome-appearance process id and kill it. the instant i kill it, temp drops down to 32 / 32....

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Debian Programming :: Script Doesn't Stop And Just Hangs

May 16, 2014

The script below doesn't stop sickbeard, and just hangs. I really can't figure out why.

# Provides: SickBeard
# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6

[Code] ...

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Software :: Kdm Works But Startx Doesn't (black Screen Stop)

Jan 10, 2010

I'm running debian (AMD64 dist), and I recently upgraded via aptitude to KDE 4.3.4.After the upgrade I found that I could no longer start X (using startx from my user account).I am, however, able to launch kdm from a root command line and log in as a user to X this way (graphically).I want to run startx as a user and I cannot figure out where the hangup is. I've looked in my Xorg.0.log files comparing .old to current and nothing stands out. After I launch 'startx' the screen goes black and the computer waits. I can hit ctrl-alt-f2 and bring back the text-mode terminal screen; it's at a point where it looks like X is working. From there, I can control-c it and get back to the command prompt.

I'm thinking this is a software configuration thing but I don't know enough about how all the systems tie together to figure out where the problem is.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot Correctly On Machine, Stuck In MemTest86?

May 1, 2010

I upgraded my 9.10 Ubuntu install last night using the Update Manager, everything downloaded fine, and appeared to install correctly. When it finished I got the message advising that my machine needed to reboot for changes to take effect. I checked my mail quickly before rebooting, and then let it do its thing. It shut down fine, then booted up and went into MemTest86. No real worries, so I wandered off expecting it to take 10-20 minutes. After 4 hours, though, I was starting to worry. A message at the bottom of the screen advised something along the lines that the test had been successful, and I could press Escape to exit.

I did, and my machine rebooted, and went back into MemTest86. I just figured I was being too impatient and left the test running all night. My machine has now been running MemTest86 for 16 hours, and while the timer is still running and the tests refreshing, my keyboard is not responding.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Menu Showed The Memtest86+ Option?

May 7, 2011

recently performed an upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10. when I rebooted, my GRUB menu showed only the memtest86+ option, rather than the usual options for Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Arch, and WinXP (which I haven't booted in a very long time, so I am almost 100% sure that it is not WinXP's fault. I was able to boot using a Live CD, and when I checked grub.cfg, all of my boot entries were still there. However, when GRUB itself actually loads, only memtest86+ is in the menu. I also checked that I can still boot by editing the memtest86+ option in grub so that it matched the entry for Ubuntu in grub.cfg, and it still booted correctly. However, I am curious as to why my GRUB is now forcing me to manually enter the boot entry on each boot. Here is my grub.cfg:


# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Hardware :: What Would Be A Failure After Running Memtest86

Mar 6, 2009

I have been having trouble with one of my computers.It is a AMD 1800+ with 512 megs of PC2100 high density ram.I am running chrunchbang linux 8.10.2.The problems I am running into is programs freeze, slow way down, or quit out right.The screen saver looks as if it running in slow motion.I had read somewhere that bad memory could cause some of these problems. So I ran memtest86 from the boot menu.After it had ran for about an hour.It did one pass and it said I had about 300 errors.That is about I could understand from all the information listed.

What would be considered bad ram.What is an acceptable number of errors. I have 384 megs of low density (3x128) sticks that I can put back in the machine. Just don't want to dig the machine and ram out if I don't need to.

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Server :: Safe To Run Memtest86 While Booted Into OS?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to check RAM on a server located in a data center several hundred miles away. So, I can't just walk over and boot to CD to run memtest86. Is it safe to run this while booted into the OS? Does anyone know of a knoppix pxe boot image? I can network boot to something...I just don't know what to network boot to.

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Ubuntu :: Only Memtest86+ Work When Boot - Blue Screen With Testing

Mar 10, 2010

When I start ubuntu, memtest86+ work to testing memery... Nothing else show up.... just blue screen with testing. I can't log in to ubuntu I don't no how to fix that I tried to use live cd to edit grub, but no grub at all. maybe because i do something wrong from this answer: [URL]...


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Fedora :: Xorg.0.log File Doesn't Show Errors - Stop At Black Screen

Oct 22, 2009

I just updated to the new drivers. In my Xorg.0.log file, it doesn't show any errors. It just stop at a black screen. This might be a new bug with the binary drivers.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck In Memtest86 - V2.11 - Loading GRUB - Automaticly Goes Into Memtest

Feb 6, 2010

I'm stuck in Memtest86, everytime i boot it gives me an option to go into BIOS, and then it says "Loading GRUB." After that it automaticly goes into memtest, and I've let it finish numerous times without giving me errors. I've installed Linux Mint 8 via Unetbootin, I have a nearly fresh install of windows 7 on my laptop.

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General :: Kernel - Memtest86+ (or Similar) Background Service?

May 28, 2011

Has Linux some mechanism to test memory online as a background job, flag bad memory as unusable and warn the user if memory is faulty? Much like running Memtest86+ on a little chunk of memory every nth minutte until all memory is tested and then repeat over.

Edit: I did not make it clear that I want such a service running in the kernel. A (peak) performance hit should be avoided by running the test in small steps and only when the system have some CPU cycles to spare

Edit2: I meant this as a Linux kernel service that scans the memory in the background. Not meant to be run in userspace but a routine in the kernel itself, perhaps in the memory manager to make sure memory are sane!

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Hardware :: Run Memtest86 - Error: Unrecognized Command Line Option

Jun 17, 2011

I am having memory problems on my old Compaq PC, and am trying to run memtest86+-4.20 to check it. I downloaded the source file, and tried a compile, but had the following problem:


how to get around this issue?

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Ubuntu :: E: Memtest86+: Subprocess Installed Post-removal Script Returned Error Exit Status 127

Nov 18, 2010

I have had no problems with downloading/installing updates and programs, and everything worked fine. Until memtest came along. It ran by itself (I think my dad made it the first boot option in grub), and now if I try to install any packages or programs, it will either say "Grub installation failed" or that any packages I tried to install failed. If I removed memtest, would that make it possible for me to install stuff again? Or is there a way to work around it?the main error report I get is: "E: memtest86+: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 127"

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Ubuntu :: Memtest86 And Blue Screen Of Death,Can't Open Ubuntu After Installation?

May 22, 2011

I just recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my computer. Everything worked fine at first and then I started to fix all things I wanted to have on my laptop, programs and layout etc. And then I decided to restart the computer to make all the updates and installations work properly on my newly installed Ubuntu computer, but then it seems so that everything just crashed. When I started to computer again a blue screen saying "Memtest86 v4.10" came up. It is some sort of test of the computer's capacity I think. So I thought, ok fine, it is probably really good to do a test like that after a new installation. Like, standard procedure perhaps. It took 1 hour and then it said that no errors could be found on the computer and that I could click ESC to continue.

I did that but then when the computer restarted this blue screen showed up AGAIN and started up a new test (the same one)!!! I can't open up Ubuntu, I've tried several times. What should I do??? Is my computer broken now????

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04 / Status Bar Saying "Preparing Memtest86+"?

May 11, 2010

I have a Wubi installation of Ubuntu 9.10 and am trying to upgrade to 10.04. The download of everything went fine, but it has stuck on the "installing the upgrades" part, about halfway through it keeps saying "Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic". It keep repeating this constantly. The status bar says "Preparing memtest86+" with about 14 minutes remaining.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.10 -> 11.04 Froze At "Setting Up Memtest86+"?

Jun 5, 2011

Upgrade from 10.10 -> 11.04 froze at "Setting up memtest86+".I haven't had any problems with 10.10, but I decided to do a Dist. Upgrade from the Update Manager, and I seem to be stuck at Installing Upgrades section of the update, specifically at this point:

Setting up busybox-static (1:1.17.1-10ubuntu1) ...
Setting up dmidecode (2.9-1.2build1) ...
Setting up ed (1.5-1) ...


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General :: Difference Between Restarting/stopping Apache Using 'service Httpd Restart/stop' And Apachectl Restart/stop

Oct 11, 2010

whats the difference between restarting/stopping apache using 'service httpd restart/stop' and apachectl restart/stop. I know that using 'service httpd restart' is actually a script in /etc/init.d/httpd but what about apachectl?

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Ubuntu :: Get A Program To Loop?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a script that changes my background to a real-time satellite shot of the earth.

Heres the script code...

For some reason, it will not repeat after the set 300 seconds (5 minutes).
How do I get it to loop properly?

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Ubuntu :: GDM Flickers In A Loop?

Aug 9, 2010

I have received the ZaReason Teo netbook I have bought, all specs are here:I have had it for 3 days now and haven't really played around with it very much: I have installed a few apps (skype, synergy, dropbox, texlive) and I've been basically getting acquainted, and I'm generally satisfied. A couple of hours ago I came back from the office, turned on the computer again and.. gnome started to flicker in an impossible loop! In one second, it will go completely white, then I'll see the purple Ubuntu background, then the application bar on the top and then white again. I see for a tenth of a second two suspicious arrows in the top left corner.

I have taken pics and made a sequence of the loop to help you guys understand:this happens immediately after login. when it loads, as in when you get "Ubuntu" and the 5 bullet points below, it doesn't flicker.While the screen loops in the sequence, i can open a terminal (using Gnome DO) and do stuff. I have tried to stop GDM, using "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"What I then get is a command line interface where I can type something, but if I press ENTER nothing happens, it just goes to the next line. To restart the thing I need to press the power button off and on again. Here's the image of where I get. When I restart, it starts to loop again. I don't know what to do. While it loops I can enter commands in a terminal (thanks Gnome DO). I removed synergy but it didn't help either. As per now, it's really difficult and slow to interact with the machine, this really make it useless for anything I'd like to do with it.

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Ubuntu :: Loop On Login - 10.04.1 LTS

Sep 23, 2010

I am using Kubuntu. When I came back from the States -- where I stay for long while -- I had to update the system to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. So I did.

I have now a loop problem for the login process.

On a terminal I can read such a message about BASH :

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