General :: Ubuntu Froze In VirtualBox?

Aug 12, 2011

I am working on the newest version of Ubuntu Linux on VirtualBox under a 64-bit Windows 7 host. When I was working, VirtualBox froze, and I hadn't saved my work in Ubuntu. What should I do?

(This happened after I installed the extension pack for USB 2.0 and I went ahead and tried to access a USB port. I suspect that this led to my current situation.)

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General :: Command To Log Off User Who Froze Screen

May 6, 2011

I was looking for a command to log off the user who froze the screen. I logged in as a new user but I got some errors now all I see is the color screen, how can I log the new user off (the GUI)? I did the above command but nothing came in return?

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General :: Skype Auto Closing - Froze / Crash?

May 26, 2011

Any time i try to open skype it closes out fully in 5 seconds (not even in the processes anymore). I don't know why or how OR how to make it stop being so mean to me! i'm running ubuntu 10.4 32bit . I tried to boot it in safe mode and umm.. it froze? or crashed? well it was on the black screen with the blinking dot for like 20 mins before i gave up on it (Hiting enter or esc or anything didn't work). There was a key symbol on my panel before skype acted up(It closed and disabled something.. i've never seen it before). Adobe also crashed, and linux did a small update (nothing with skype).

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot - Computer Froze / Fix It?

Jul 11, 2010

My computer froze and I had to do a hard reboot and now when I try to boot into Ubuntu the grub menu comes up and I choose my kernel but then I just get a blinking cursor. I can't even get into recovery mode!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04 Froze?

Apr 21, 2011

I started the upgrade last night, and around 12:03 it locked up the system and became unresponsive. I could move the mouse around the screen, but nothing was able to be interacted with, and the keyboard commands I could think of were not working. The upgrade manager said 10 minutes were left and it was in the process of updating the boinc-client (not a compiled version the one listed in the package manager). I left it until about 4:30 this morning and tried to reboot since I couldn't seem to accomplish anything else. The system came up stating it could mount root and just about everything else. So I burned a CD with 11.04 and booted off the CD and am now using the "Try Ubuntu" mode. I checked the file system and the folders I would expect to be there were.

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox - MP3 Plugin Download Froze

Jul 9, 2010

I tried to download Mp3 plugin but it froze. So i restarted and it was still frozen. Then I uninstalled it and reinstalled Rhythm box, hoping that I could downloading Mp3 plugin. But now the problem is that it doesn't Ubuntu in stores section. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: All Panels Have Disappeared After Computer Froze

Nov 15, 2010

I'm currently running it as a dual-boot together with Windows 7. I hadn't had any problems up till yesterday, when all of a sudden Ubuntu stopped responding (I wasn't doing anything special, running firefox and mathematica) while opening a new tab (.....). I waited for a few minutes, still no response, and then hard booted it. When starting it up again, all my panels had disappeared.. The pictograms on my desktop are also moving up and down about a pixel continuously about once a second. I'm still able to run a terminal using shortcuts, and thus launch any program, but I have no idea how to recover the panels, and am still wondering how to prevent them from disappearing. I can make a screenshot on request, but there is really nothing to see except for a few pictograms. I am also using two monitors and 10.10 if that is of any importance.

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Ubuntu :: No Suspend Or Hibernate - System Froze

Mar 31, 2011

Machine is a Dell Optiplex GX260, Pentium 4 with ATI Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500]. I believe this is an AGP graphics card. I also believe that the graphics card is the root of my problem. In Karmic, I could get the computer to suspend. but it would not resume. The monitor would not initiate and it seemed as though the system froze. Only way out was a hard reboot. Hibernate worked for me without any problems, so it was no deal breaker. Now in Meerkat, Suspend behaves exactly as before. However, I can not get the system to go into hibernation.

The monitor goes down, but the system seems to freeze and never go down. I have tried editing the options in the acpi-support file to no avail. I have tried disabling compiz (which works amazingly well with this card), to no avail. I am using the open-source drivers and I have not tried the closed-source drivers in this system. I tried the closed-source drivers in Karmic and they made no difference. I may try un-installing the ATI card and fall back on the on-board Intel chipset to see if that solves the problem. Only then, I will loose 3d effects, etc.

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Ubuntu :: System Froze And Wont Boot

Apr 17, 2011

My system just froze while I was browsing, never had it happen before so I was quite shocked, anyway just restarted it and now it wont boot. Got all my school work on there so now Im stressing.

This is what comes up:

Gave up waiting for root devices. Common problems:

What can I do to recover this as I was stupid enough not to back up my school work?

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Ubuntu :: While Running The Update Manager System Froze

Mar 27, 2010

I'm re-posting here since I've gotten no response in the Installation & Upgrades Forum.

While running the Update Manager my system froze and all that I knew to do was power down and power up again. I restarted the Update Manager and still have errors.

The original thread is at: [url]

This is not a crisis. I can re-boot and run without apparent errors. I thought about apt-get -f install but I don't understand enough. Is this a broken dependency problem? If this is a dependency problem will this (apt-get -f install) just clean-up the loose ends and then will the Update Manager pick up the pieces the next time I go through "check"? Is there possible harm doing this?

This system is at 9.10 and was up-to-date until I had this problem yesterday.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find Partition - Froze While Idle

Apr 4, 2010

My recent setup was 32-bits Ubuntu 9.10 with / on a 20 gb partition and /home on a different partition on the same physical hard drive. Two days ago the system suddenly froze while idle. I rebooted and got the error message at start up that the system was unable to mount every unit that was listed in fstab. I troubleshooted by using a Live CD but could not find any reason to why i could not find the home partition. It lists in gparted but not in terminal using df.

I've made another install on a different physical hard drive and don't care about the previous installs, but I would like to get the data out of the home partition. If anybody have any idea what to try to access it

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Ubuntu :: Click On Application Anytime Get Screen Froze

May 25, 2010

i can click on place and system and anything else but when i try to open application by just clicking on it i get froze for a minute and i can not open it i got ubuntu 10.4

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Ubuntu :: System Froze When Watching A Flash Video

Jun 21, 2010

My system froze when watching a flash video and I had to do a hard reset. Now when I boot into ubuntu I can't open the software centre or the update manager. Is there a way to check what's wrong or a way to reinstall everything from terminal? Synpatic still opens and works.

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Debian :: VirtualBox Error - 'install Virtualbox-ose-modules Package For Kernel And Execute 'modprobe Vboxdrv'

Apr 27, 2010

my error when trying to run a VB (Virtualbox). Error as copied from error box. install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root. VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).


I get this when trying to launch a VB after making one with wizzard.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Update Manager - Updater Froze Either In The Middle Of Updating Or Right After

Feb 6, 2010

I have been having some major issues with the update manager of ubuntu 9.10. I have had 3 instances so far where the updater froze either in the middle of updating or right after, and every time resulted in a corrupted file system. Two times it has happened to me which resulted in once having to completely reinstall and another was luckily saved by using Gparted on the live CD. But now my friend who i installed Ubuntu for has had the same problem. When it happened to me, I was forced to hold the power button to get the computer to turn off as it completely locked up the system. My friend however, was able to use the shutdown menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Froze Now System Won't Boot (even With Live CD)?

Feb 21, 2011

Yesterday my wife was using our laptop and an upgrade manager dialogue box came up. She clicked yes to install upgrades, but at some point during this process the machine froze. She restarted, and I haven't been able to successfully boot since then. the final screen when trying to boot from the hard drive reads:

mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.


I'm slowly getting the hang of Ubuntu. By now I know enough that a Live CD can fix most problems. So that's where I went after doing several searches about the error messages that were appearing. The menu screen works, but I can't get it to boot into the "Try ubuntu" mode. I tried changing the boot parameters to no avail. As the boot tries to load I can see a line by line report of errors- some are I/O errors and are in white, but many were in red, which seems bad from my mostly ignorant perspective. I saw lots of SQUASHFS errors among other things. I took a snapshot of the screen that was displayed when the boot failed- it's attached to this post (lots and lots of text to be typed otherwise). The reason I know it failed is because I've tried a half dozen times with the same exact result- once I let it sit for an hour+ just to make sure it was really frozen (a bit optimistic).

Relevant info: Ubuntu is running on a Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop. I think it's version 9, but could be 10. The Live CD I'm using is version 10 burned 1/4/2011. I'd be thrilled to hear any suggestions that folks might have.

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Ubuntu :: System Shutdown While Updating Now Froze At Login Screen

Mar 5, 2011

I have a netbook, on which I installed the netbook remix. It had ran fine until one day, I shut it down while it was updating. Now, on bootup, it will take me to the login screen and then basically freezes. The keyboard and mouse do not work and I cannot login to any profile. I tried a clean reinstall, but it only finds the preferences I have and sends me right back to the login screen.

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Fedora :: Went To Move Character In The Game And Just Froze?

Mar 24, 2011

I currently do not have Wine. I have uninstalled it and plan to reinstall. The last time I had it on Fedora was like 2 days ago. I had a problem that was really irking me. I was playing Myth War 2 (which worked flawlessly on Ubuntu 10.10) and right after I started, I went to move my character in the game and I just froze. Wine would not do anything, so I force quit, restart and the same thing keeps happening over and over. I do not know what is going on. I have been told it is my graphics driver, but it is current and up to date.

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Hardware :: RAM Errors - Kubuntu 10.10 Froze Randomly

Dec 18, 2010

Kubuntu 10.10 froze on me randomly. I shrugged it and rebooted. Then less than an hour later, another freeze. This was rare, so I started up Memtest86+ and let it go.

The results... were not encouraging.

Stock voltage on both. Never overclocked.

After pass 0 complete, swapped around various tests and ranges to check.

At pass 38, switched from full-range to test #5 2048M-3327M.

After pass 80, switched to various tests. No tests other than #5 generated errors.

So now my question is multipart...

One, is there anything that can be adjusted within linux itself to avoid triggering these errors (need to keep using this RAM for at least another week before I can afford to RMA it)?

Two, I'm assuming this does indeed point to RAM malfunction/damage, but if I'm wrong, what is going on here?

Three, if there is a way to adjust for these errors, should I still be RMAing it? If I do, I'm going to attempt to get some the same size/speed of ECC RAM. When I ordered originally, I wasn't aware the motherboard I'd picked supported ECC. Now I am.

Seems I'm not able to RMA this RAM at present, working with the company I got it from, but that option's just about out. Now, I read something about a kernel module called badram, but I'm finding little detail on how to go about activating it properly. Seems like if I can disable the one chip these errors are all occurring via, that would solve the issue just fine.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: After Last Update - Computer Froze At The Logo

Sep 1, 2010

After the last update this morning, which involved, among other things, the updated version of the linux kernel, upon rebooting, the computer froze at the fedora logo.

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Fedora :: 13 X64 Froze At Enter Pass Phrase - How To Login

Sep 8, 2010

Some of your private key files are encrypted for security reasons. In order to read them you have to provide us with the pass phrases. Server (RSA)

Enter pass phrase:


Enter pass phrase:

How to login ?

The cursor is blinking but I am unable to enter the pass phrase; the only thing I can do is press the power button to shutdown. Even if I leave the PC running for a hour I can't type anything.

I know how to resolve the problem if I am able to login.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Froze Now User Cannot Login

Jan 30, 2011

I was logged in, but had not used the computer for about 48 hours. When I 'woke' the system, I could see that Thunderbird and Firefox were active, just as I had left them. I moved the mouse, the screen went black and the mouse pointer was visible (and could move). The system stayed like this for about 2 minutes, then wend down completely. I cut power, booted and got the login screen. Each time I put in my password, it looks as if it is loading but then just goes right back to the login screen. I have no problem logging in as root.

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OpenSUSE :: Data Corruption In VirtualBox 4.0.4 From

Mar 7, 2011

Observed on two host systems both with openSUSE 11.3 32 bit using ext4: When a big files, in this case a 1.2 GB and a 1.7 GB is copied from DVD, usb harddrive or shared folder into a Windows 7 32 bit guest system, the copied file is corrupted. The md5sum has changed and until the guest system has been rebooted successive md5sum tests on the same file comes up with various results... After a reboot md5sum tests show consistent results, but a sum different from the original file.

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Debian :: Error When Starting - Completely Froze - Couldn't Do Anything On The Desktop

Sep 10, 2011

Yesterday, I was doing some work (Don't worry, I didn't lose anything), and I restored a terminal I had open, and it completely froze! I couldn't do anything on the desktop, so I tried rebooting. Doing that resulted in an error when booting. It would say "bin/sh : Can't mount" or something like that (Can't quite remember) not too long after trying to start up, and it would leave me stuck with some weird terminal. The only command I know on this new terminal is reboot. What should I do?

Note that I just installed Debian two nights ago and it was working perfectly fine until last night...

The error says "/bin/sh: Can't access tty; job control turned off"

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Debian Multimedia :: Skype - Couldn't Get Into Sound Settings - Froze ?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a Debian Sid x86_64 installation on my laptop. I used to use skype a lot when I was on ArchLinux in chrooted 32bit environment. Nowdays, I tried running skype straight on the 64bit environment, when I finally got it running, I couldn't get into sound settings, it froze right when I clicked the Sound options... So I decided to make the 32 bit environment, so I used debootstrap and schroot and now I have fully functional 32bit chrooted system. It does the same thing all over again! it drives me crazy... I should probably tell you, I use pulseaudio. This makes it a little hard to like the distro for me... I used to be an ArchLinux user for quite few years, but I didn't want to solve so many things every day, so I went with debian

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Hardware :: Mouse Froze - OS Completely Unresponsive - PC's HD Led Was Fully On Without Blinking

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to have a partition with Debian, but after lots of unsolved errors I went to the more compatible Ubuntu. To my demise, he suffered from errors too. Without counting on the numerous errors and bugs experienced with other linuxes and windows. Given my computer's history of failing, I'd like to know what's wrong with him, and I'll take the opportunity to see if I can make Ubuntu work allright, so I'll describe his last error.

Actually more like a first error. Right after the instalation process (Ubuntu 10.10), I ran apt-get upgrade, and went to Firefox to waste time. Soon after, everything but the mouse froze, OS completely unresponsive. One strange thing was that the PC's HD led was fully on, without blinking.

Stranger is that this also happened at Windows XP, but at the time, he wasn't accessing the HD, and it didn't froze, just got excruciatingly slow. And it stayed like that on every boot. At least I was able to do some tasks and install SliTaz on my pendrive so I could use the computer. But suddenly it came back to normal.

As I'm talking about windows, I'll add that he bluescreens seldomly, always refering to some winsomething.dll .

The HD is almost brand new.
The RAM is not too old.
The oldest in my computer is the mobo and the processor.
It's not overheating because the power supply's fan is not working, so the computer always run with a home fan in it.

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Server :: E2fsck Froze At 4.8 Percent On Large LVM2 Volume

Feb 16, 2011

We had to reboot a server in the middle of a production day due to 99% iowait (lots of processes in deep sleep waiting for disk iops). That's never happened to us before. It had been 363 days since the last fsck, so it started automatically on reboot. It hung at 4.8% on a 2TB LVM2 volume for about an hour. I killed the fsck and rebooted the server. The second time, it went past that point and is currently at about 62%. First, what causes e2fsck to hang like that? Second, is there any danger in killing e2fsck, rebooting, and starting it again?

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Ubuntu :: Tried Playing DVD In Movie Player / It Froze Up / Huge Loss In Free Disk Space

Feb 28, 2010

I tried playing a DVD several times and each time, after opening in Movie Player on Ubuntu 9.10, it froze up, I forced quit and then I noticed a huge reduction in free disk space on my root (/) directory. Has this happened to anyone else?I figure I Movie Player probably saved some temp files somewhere on hard disk and wasn't able to clean them up since I had to force quit. Any thoughts about how to clean this up and take back that previously free space?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Mobile Broadband - Froze Completely - Networkmanager Refused To See The Modem

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to switch to mobile broadband, Ubuntu 9.10, Huawei E1750 modem, provider Telia Sweden. So far I tried this:

(previous: tried to get started with an Option Icon 550 modem, but could not do it. Ubuntu froze completely, networkmanager refused to see the modem after this. Read somewhere that it is (next to) impossible with Ubuntu, but Huawei is a better chance. Maybe I changed some settings on the way, went and got a Huawei)

-connected modem, nothing happened

-rebooted to Windows Vista, installed modem

-rebooted to Ubuntu networkmanager sees the modem, when I select it, it gives a message 'GSM network, disconnected'

Also: Ububtu sees the usb stick as a folder

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Software :: Gnome-power-manager Missing After PC-crash - Screen Froze?

Jan 14, 2010

Last week I upgraded my Ubuntu 8.04 to a 8.10. While my ever so loyal machine was performing this business, I started my diner, once in a while having a quick look at how things were going. And they were going fine. The last thing I noticed on the screen was that upgrading was at about 3 minutes from finishing, and when I got back to my PC I was confronted with a black screen. Later on I found out that the reason for the crash was a malfunctioning USB-hub in which my mouse was located.

Anyway, I couldn't get my Ubuntu running, the only thing I got to do was reach the log-in screen, enter my username and password, after which the screen froze. Typing CTRL+ALT+F1 gave me a terminal window, but I had no clue what to go looking for or where/how I could find it.

In the mean time I re-partitioned the HD (75GB), placed the old Ubuntu on a 30GB partition and gave the other 45GB to a new partition on which I re-installed my Ubuntu 8.04. Working from that partition I was able to find out that the old version had indeed upgraded to 8.10 but was missing the <gnome-power-manager> file.

My question now: If I can in any way restore that missing file or point me out some kind of tutorial where I can learn how to do it?

Untill now I have been looking through about a few hundred tutorials, but most of them are written by people who know the terminal inside-out, and frankly are not really easily understandable for newbies.

The fact is: in that old version I have many maps and files which I would like to save (yes, you are completely right: I should have saved them in the first place!) but some of them are for some reason write-protected and I do not know how to get root-priviliges to un-lock them.

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