Ubuntu Installation :: The Code To Restart Bootp?

Dec 30, 2010

[URL] the servers

The code to restart bootp?

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Programming :: App Not Seeing BootP Response

Sep 26, 2010

I am working on a BootP application and am sending out the requests just fine. I create a socket and bind then select onit for the response but my application does not seem to see the response come in. Running tcpdump I see the response packet come in and lsof shows me my app is listening on eth correct port. what I may be doing wrong here?

I am not getting any errors and create and bind the socket as:

fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); //IPPROTO_UDP);
/* setup sockaddr_in struct */
memset((char *) &sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sa.sin_family = PF_INET;


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Ubuntu Installation :: System Automatically Tried To Restart But On The Restart Got The 'terminal' View

Apr 30, 2011

I have just finished the upgrade of the latest version and I'm at the point of my system restating.

My system automatically tried to restart but on the restart I got the 'terminal' view. It stopped when asking for my username (it never normally asks for this before the grub menu) and then password. I didn't get any further than that.

I now have on my screen (still in the terminal view before the grub menu)

"name@name-desktop:...$ "

I'm on my phone now so I don't actually have the symbol for before the dollar sign but your know what it is. The raised S on a 90 degree angle.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restart Network Adapter (not Service) Without Restart?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a suspend problem in my laptop. Sometimes, when resuming from suspend, the network adapter is down (that is, the network does not work and the light of the network adapter is off). Restarting the network service doesn't work, because I think that the system forgot about the hardware, and probably the driver should be reloaded.Does anyone knows how to do that?(ps. /etc/init.d/networking restart does not work, because the hardware driver is not being recognized anymore).

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General :: Restart Dhcp From /etc/init.d/dhcpd Restart

Feb 27, 2010

i have installed dhcp,there i declared the subnet and network,i used command include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.jutu1"; to start and other files, but it show me this error when i want to restart the DHCP, if you need more information contact me, i have configured this file too jutu1, but it don't let me to restart dhcp from /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart, this show me this message


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Programming :: Selenium Java Code Into Equivalent Php Code?

Mar 30, 2011

I need to rewrite the selenium java code into its equivalent php code.

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Fedora Installation :: Cant Find Source Code After Installation

Jun 8, 2010

I followed the steps from [url] to download and install the kernel source code.

"Following Generic Textbooks

Many of the tutorials, examples, and textbooks about Linux kernel development assume the kernel sources are installed under the /usr/src/linux/ directory. If you make a symbolic link, as shown below, you should be able to use those learning materials with the Fedora packages. Install the appropriate kernel sources, as shown earlier, and then run the following command:

Where is my kernel source located which i can modify. I cant find anything in usr/src/kernels? Why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot After Restart?

May 4, 2010

I successfully installed 1.4 last night. ran perfectly. Asked me to install the NVidia graphics driver. Not problem, still worked fine. Had to reboot, no problem worked just fine. Shut the machine down and two hours later the machine starts, goes through Bios, says booting OS, then restarts. just stays in this loop.I also installed virtualbox, which opened fine when tested. I did not add a new OS.I re-inserted the usb drive i did the original install from and it the install program loaded fine.Is there a way to role back to the last known good configuration?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Restart All Configuration

Oct 4, 2010

I need to restart all the configuration of my ubuntu, that's because I ruine something in the configuration of Audio/Video, that's nobody can help me: URL...Then seems that I need to restart all the configuration, but I don't want to reinstall Ubuntu, because that I don't have a ISO of Lucid Lynx, only the ISO of Karmic Koala.

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Debian Multimedia :: GDM Goes To Tty On Restart / Doesn't Restart

Apr 5, 2010

Whenever I choose "Restart" from the GDM screen, GDM appears to shutdown, and the first TTY is displayed with a login prompt at the bottom (assuming I haven't used that TTY). I am by no estimation a patient individual, but I waited a solid minute or two for something to happen, but nothing ever did. I end up logging in as root on that TTY and running "shutdown -r now" to get the job done. This is a shared computer, and ideally any user should be able to perform shutdown options graphically from GDM.The only mentioned workaround doesn't apply to me as I am using the nvidia driver, not intel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Restart?

May 12, 2010

So I tried to install ubuntu 10.04 on my 5 year old gateway laptop but the screen kept going blank when ubuntu was booting up. I was able to get to the menu screen and add "i915.modeset=1" after "quiet splash", which allowed ubuntu to load. I installed it on the hard drive successfully, but when I restarted the computer, it won't load again. I don't know how to fix this so I can run it from the hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restart Seems Frozen After First Install

Jul 26, 2010

Today I installed ubuntu on my second hard drive with the default settings. When it went to do a system restart, it asked me to remove the CD from the drive. I did so and hit enter, and since then it has been stuck on a screen that claims it is restarting:[3766.525721] Restarting System..

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Do Not Restart After Update

Sep 4, 2010

After Ubuntu update, the system won't restart. Now, after BIOS start, I get the following message:" udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured."Then, after several seconds appear the following message:"Gave up waiting for root device.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Anyway To Force Upgrade Or Restart It?

Sep 16, 2010

I was upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 and by mistake i closed the terminal window from where I run the: sudo update-manager -d.is there anyway to force the upgrade or restart it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Launch Bar Visible After Restart

Sep 22, 2010

This is my second Ubuntu installation so I am not a pro. I downloaded and installed latest Ubuntu Desktop version (10.04.1 I think). Installation went fine without any problems until rebooting after completion. During shutdown the installation CD was ejected and some error occurred. I had to do a hard shut down in order to restart. Start and login no problem. The problem I have is that there is no Program/status bar visible (where Application, Places and System menues are). I tried to move the mouse around in order to see if menues are outside of screen but it's not.

The only thing I can do is:
- right-click to bring up "Create folder, launcher etc" menu
- press F1 to bring up Help screen
- press power button (on pc) to bring up shut down dialog

I search for some answers here and the only one I found wass SHIFT+F2 to bring som launch bar but that didn't work. Is there something wrong with the installation or am I missing some secret keycombinations to bring up program bar?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Unable To Login On Restart

Nov 6, 2010

I am using windows since I first get my pc but itz day-2-day demands and vulnerabilities make to turn to linux but for some other things I do need window yet last time kubuntu was on my machine along with window 7 (through wubi) but then I uninstall that kubuntu, coz I want to use ubunto. I've got my ubuntu 10.10 cd, so I just sat infront of my pc, inserted the disc and it was a happy installation as it usually does with wubi but when I restart my pc and go for ubuntu OS , there show up a kubuntu screen, which has a title like ubuntu login and there in username field, that's not my username dat I've choose for my ubuntu but it is my pc-name from win7. Well I try to log-in with the user I'd made during installation but it didnot let me logged-in I try again n again even through console but no hope. Then I go back to win and uninstall wubi and get install again ubuntu but nothing different was there to meet me. I have a core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40 Ghz intel processor with 64-bit win 7 ultimate. I am installing 32 bit ver of ubuntu 10.10...!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Auto Restart Every 12 Hours

Dec 6, 2010

I am a new user of linux platforms ( i have ubuntu 10.04) and i am totally satisfied from this platform .You can do everything you want without needing previous linux or programming experience.I have the following question.Is there any bash script that makes an auto restart to the computer every 12 hours without needing my credentials to enter to the OS?

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Ubuntu :: Only Logo After Finished Installation's Restart?

Dec 13, 2010

i managed to install 10.10 with nomodeset parameter but now i am facing a new issue. After the installation finished i was forceded to restart my system in order the installation to get done. I did it but i ended up with a black screen and ubuntu logo in the middle of it. Do ihave to go through recovery mode and enter something?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error At First Restart After Install?

Dec 25, 2010

Just reinstalled 10.10 to go down to the 32 bit version and I get this message at the first restart after ubuntu prompts to download necessary drivers Don't remember if I got it last timeThis normal?I/O error, dev sr0, sector 537XXXxxx - as in there were A LOT of them

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restart After Upgrade To 11.04 Failed

Mar 26, 2011

i am an ubuntu nooby, out of curiosity i installed ubuntu 11.04 alpha3 last night. Yes, i will definitely never install an alpha version unless i wish to test it! Frankly said, i first installed 386 version on a notebook which runs just fine. So I thought why not install the 64 bit version on my pc.

Unfortunately, the system did not finish the first reboot in order to complete the installation. First it always stopped at "checking battery state". There, I read that this bug is already fixed: [URL]... I came across this thread: [URL]... So I pressed Alt +F2 in order to log in and performed sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade. Everytime there was a new update I hoped, that this will fix the issue. But when I shutdown the system with sudo shutdown now -h and restart again there is no progress.The only thing that changed is that the system no stops at "Stopping userspace bootsplash", whatever that means?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restart Lap But It Doesn't Show Anything

Apr 18, 2011

i kept ubuntu cd into my laptop and then i restart my lap but it doesnt show anything ,again it shows my windows xp,i need to install ubuntu and i dont want delete xp,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphical Bug After Hibernation / Restart

May 22, 2011

since my update to version 11.04, I am experiencing a bug when using hibernation and restarting afterwards. When starting up the hibernated system, everything is normal until the end of the boot manager. Afterwards, (once there is something on the screen again, as it does switch to black afterwards), I am able to see only about 1/5th of my screen clearly. The left 4/5th of my screen are displayed as pure black with scrambled colored pixels at the upper 2 centimeters of the black area. The only thing that is displayed as it should in that area is my mouse pointer.

It is possible with some luck to log in from this screen (the luck is needed to find the correct place to click on to change from user selection to the PW field, where I can use the mouse pointer to find the PW field as it changes for text editing about the field, as it is expected to.)The funny thing is that you can catch small glimpses of what the screen actually looks like if there are bigger screen changes (during log on, when moving the mouse around and hovering buttons by chance, when using <Super> + 'e' to change the currently viewed desktop or when switching windows via alt + tab, ...), as then the screen flickers and shows for a fraction of a second what would normally be shown all the time.Any ideas how to solve this without having to downgrade? Any additional details I could give you to help finding the source of the problem?

I'm using an asus eee pc 1005ha, BTW. It was originally shipped with windows. And I am using the normal release of ubuntu instead of the netbook release as I did't like the look and feel of that version, when I first saw its default look on the netbook of a friend of mine. Also I am logging on to the classic view as I didn't like the changes of v11.04 either as there was no possibility to configure them properly to fit my needs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Will Not Restart After Install Prompt

Jun 10, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop. When prompted to restart after installation, I select Ubuntu (not recovery mode) at the prompt and Ubuntu will not start. All I get is a big bright purple screen which does nothing. I have read some forums that suggested that setting the partition space was wrong and to try to reinstall it. I have tried to reinstall it but I do not get the option to adjust the partition at all. I did the first time I installed it but never saw it again. It just goes right through the installation process and asks me to restart. I again, select Ubuntu and I get another very brightly colored screen. I am trying to use it as a dual boot. I have Windows 7 right now and it works just fine. I have no idea what to do now. I also do not get any error messages. If there are any, they pass way to fast for me to see them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Restart And Now Screen Went Blank

Aug 2, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu on my PC. The installation went fine without any errors but ubuntu won't start up. The first weird thing I noticed after installing was it asked me to restart my computer. So I did so by clicking the "restart now" button but my computer never shut off. The monitor did but the pc itself did not. I manually restarted the computer myself and when it got the point of starting up Ubuntu all it showed was some white boxes and some text I couldn't really see and the screen just went blank. I waited for a while and nothing happened. The only way I'm able to write this is because I'm on the trial of Ubuntu. I installed the latest version of Ubuntu by the way...

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Debian Installation :: Zim Installation From Source Code

May 15, 2011

I installed Zim via Synaptic. Initially everything was fine. However, for some reason, it no longer works.

I've tried reinstalling it via Synaptic, but it still doesn't work.

The next thing I'd try is to compile it from source on my system. Trouble is, I don't know how to go about it!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Code: Blocks Not Compiling

Jan 25, 2010

so I just installed code blocks after clear installing ubuntu 64 everything went fine but when I try to compile and run my .cpp files code::blocks wont do anything I dont get any messages on the build log so I dont understand whats happening I tried looking on the forums and checking other pages such as the one bellow but no luck at all. [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Source Code Box Has A Line Through It?

Apr 23, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10. When I started up synaptic manager/settings/repositories, I noticed that the source code box had a line through it. Is this normal?

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Is The Install Code For One Another Browser

Aug 16, 2011

What is the install code for one another browser? either ie (for linux), opeara, or netscape? I want to run this. [URL]It requires the add-in Grease Monkey, which is not compatible with the new FireFox.And why can't I unzip in Linux. Every time i try to open a zip or tarbal, it just errors out. Do I have to run code? What am i missing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Stuck At "checking For Packages To Remove..." Safe To Restart?

Jun 3, 2010

i was trying to install ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS on my dell latitude c800 and the install is hanging at "checking for packages to remove..." and i was wondering what steps followed this, and if any of the steps that follow this one are critical to the laptop functioning... so, is it safe to restart my laptop when the install is only at 96% ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install On M4N78 Pro Hangs On Restart

Jan 9, 2010

I just upgraded my system's motherboard with an Asus M4N78 Pro and did a clean install of 9.10. The install seems to go fine but when it finishes and does the final restart I seems to get stuck at the place you'd normally see the GRUB menu. Instead all I see is a black screen with a flashing cursor in the left corner. This isn't just a long boot, its stuck. It never progresses past this point.

During the install everything seems fine. Video, network etc. I've tried several reburned CDs and I get the same result each time. For the record I've installed Ubuntu as a single partition an IDE drive. The bios is set to boot from that drive. ow the heck can I figure out what is happening? Is there a way to boot and display any and all messages displayed? Is this thing hanging in GRUB somewhere?

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