Ubuntu Installation :: Error At First Restart After Install?

Dec 25, 2010

Just reinstalled 10.10 to go down to the 32 bit version and I get this message at the first restart after ubuntu prompts to download necessary drivers Don't remember if I got it last timeThis normal?I/O error, dev sr0, sector 537XXXxxx - as in there were A LOT of them

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Ubuntu :: Successful Lucid Install - I / O Error On Restart

Jul 9, 2010

I just installed lucid, Ubuntu 10.04. The first time I screwed it up by removing the CD to early. Do not remove CD until the tray opens by itself or until the system restarted. The second attempt took only 21 minutes. The only input required from me was the time zone, my name and password. After it restarted I had to right click on the network icon and enter the name of my router (Belkin) and the open "edit connections" and enter the network password. All done.

I did have one questionable moment though. When I clicked on "restart" I got a black screen with this message scrolled all the way down the screen...
"(123.2#####) end request: i/o error, dev sr0, sector 46####".
The pc was froze up, or at least stalled at this point. I hit the reset button and all was well. Is a repair recommended or was that just a technicality that really meant nothing? I intend to continue this thread with updates as I reload all my garbage.

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General :: Install - 'boot Error' And Must Restart And Remove Usb

Feb 22, 2011

i got a new laptop today, i bought it just to use linux. i but the iso on my usb and it works fine on the pc, but when i try it on my new laptop i am getting 'boot error' and must restart and remove usb. iso: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso laptop: [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Error After Update And Restart

Aug 2, 2010

After lots of searching last night I noticed that over the last couple of days there have been quite a few posts of people receiving the error: no such device lots of numbers grub rescue>. I have a dual boot vista/ubuntu setup with ubuntu on my d: drive and windows on my c: drive and it happened to me last night. So after my freaking out when I received the grub rescue> error after updating somethings in my ubuntu install and restarting. Once the computer rebooted bam! error. after much freaking it only fixed itself by reinstalling the windows bootloader via the vista rescue disk I was wondering if there was a way to prevent this from happening again? will ubuntu attempt to "update" itself again?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Restart System Some Times It Shows Grub Error As 17 Or 15

Jul 25, 2011

when i restart my system some times it shows grub error as 17 or 15 and in that situation used the dvd rescue mode and run the commands

e2fcsk -f /dev/sd1
e2fsck -b 9130 /dev/sda1

but no use any one that how to trouble shoot these grub errors tell me commands need to be run there.

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Installation :: Didn't Catch Error Message Until Had Clicked Restart Button

Jun 8, 2010

I have been running Ubuntu with no problems for a while now. Earlier today, I began to download some updates. When I came back to the computer, there was a prompt to restart, but also an error message. I didn't catch the error message until I had clicked the restart button. Now, when I try to access Ubuntu from the dual-boot menu (I run Vista as well), I keep getting the following error message.

[3.190034] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block (8,2).I tried safe mode, and I got the same error message. Vista runs normally.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Automatically Tried To Restart But On The Restart Got The 'terminal' View

Apr 30, 2011

I have just finished the upgrade of the latest version and I'm at the point of my system restating.

My system automatically tried to restart but on the restart I got the 'terminal' view. It stopped when asking for my username (it never normally asks for this before the grub menu) and then password. I didn't get any further than that.

I now have on my screen (still in the terminal view before the grub menu)

"name@name-desktop:...$ "

I'm on my phone now so I don't actually have the symbol for before the dollar sign but your know what it is. The raised S on a 90 degree angle.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restart Seems Frozen After First Install

Jul 26, 2010

Today I installed ubuntu on my second hard drive with the default settings. When it went to do a system restart, it asked me to remove the CD from the drive. I did so and hit enter, and since then it has been stuck on a screen that claims it is restarting:[3766.525721] Restarting System..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Will Not Restart After Install Prompt

Jun 10, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop. When prompted to restart after installation, I select Ubuntu (not recovery mode) at the prompt and Ubuntu will not start. All I get is a big bright purple screen which does nothing. I have read some forums that suggested that setting the partition space was wrong and to try to reinstall it. I have tried to reinstall it but I do not get the option to adjust the partition at all. I did the first time I installed it but never saw it again. It just goes right through the installation process and asks me to restart. I again, select Ubuntu and I get another very brightly colored screen. I am trying to use it as a dual boot. I have Windows 7 right now and it works just fine. I have no idea what to do now. I also do not get any error messages. If there are any, they pass way to fast for me to see them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install On M4N78 Pro Hangs On Restart

Jan 9, 2010

I just upgraded my system's motherboard with an Asus M4N78 Pro and did a clean install of 9.10. The install seems to go fine but when it finishes and does the final restart I seems to get stuck at the place you'd normally see the GRUB menu. Instead all I see is a black screen with a flashing cursor in the left corner. This isn't just a long boot, its stuck. It never progresses past this point.

During the install everything seems fine. Video, network etc. I've tried several reburned CDs and I get the same result each time. For the record I've installed Ubuntu as a single partition an IDE drive. The bios is set to boot from that drive. ow the heck can I figure out what is happening? Is there a way to boot and display any and all messages displayed? Is this thing hanging in GRUB somewhere?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Install On USB Hard Drive - Wouldn't Restart

Apr 26, 2011

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 onto my external hard drive yesterday for use in an dead laptop. Hard drive on the laptop is dead and has no operating system. Downloaded the iso for 10.10, as well as the Universal USB Installer. Everything went well, and Ubuntu started up and loaded onto the laptop. I was so thrilled to have my old laptop working again! (it's much better than the netbook I'm on right now)

Restarted Ubuntu after creating a partition on my external hard drive, and it wouldn't restart. So, I went back to my netbook and reformatted the hard drive to factory specs, and started the process over again. Now, when I try to boot the old laptop from the hard drive I get a message that says, "Multiple Active Partitions" and it won't boot from the external hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Upgrade Hangs On Install Restart At Starting Up

Jun 5, 2010

I've been using ubuntu for a couple of years rather successfully on my dual-boot Vista/Ubuntu. It upgraded to 8.0(4?) LTS, 10.04LTS and I kept it there until this afternoon I followed the instructions on the ubuntu site to open up a terminal and update-manager --somearg to provide me with a nice little "Upgrade" button on the update manager. I clicked said button per the instructions, let it do it's downloading and whatever else it does. The last step of the installation is a system reboot. I let it do that, and then my grub menu comes up as more-or-less this:

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, memtest86+
Other operating systems:
Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)

If I select the top one, I get:
Starting up ...
with a blinking cursor under the S for a LONG time (used the power switch after ~40 mins). I tried the second 2.6.32-32 option for recovery mode. It spit a bunch of gibberish to the screen for a couple seconds and then stopped, presumably doing the same thing, just with 100% more gibberish. I tried booting into Vista, that worked fine. Just to reiterate, I've not yet seen a 10 LTS login screen or desktop, and can't get one yet (just a "Starting up ...") Just to add, I did try searching, but since the only info I had to go on was 8 LTS to 10 LTS upgrade, and "Starting up ...", well those are just hard keywords to get any meaningful info.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Sony Vaio - LiveCD And Install Work But Restart Freezes

Dec 27, 2010

I've happily finished a SWE course that required VS2010, and thus a new computer to run the hog. Now that the course is done, I'm installing Ubuntu. As the post title implies, the live CD works well and the install goes fine. I'm able to boot up in Ubuntu and do an update. After that, though, Ubuntu freezes on boot. It gets as far as the moving dots but freezes right after that.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ssh Restart Gives Error In Auth.log

Oct 29, 2010

When ever I restart ssh


/etc/init.d/ssh restart

I see following line in auth.log


sshd[5678]: error: Bind to port 22 on :: failed: Address already in use.

That is a headless server. What does the above line signify or tell and why am I seeing that? Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit server edition

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 21 Only On Windows Restart

Dec 18, 2010

I've been working with ubuntu now for quite some time. My computer loads grub fine on a cold state boot. It loads fine on my 3 linux based systems when they restart. It gives me a grub 21 error when I choose restart in windows 7. I'm forced to press the power button, and turn it back on- not a huge deal, as its a 100% fix. I'm already booting with rootnoverify, and have checked the command on boot to make sure it was the right grub menu that was installed. I also couldn't find a topic with a problem like this, most were just grub not working at all after install or similar.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Progress Stops In 88% / Message Error / Error Copy Live Image To Disk

Oct 12, 2010

Greetings from Greece. I tried to install opensuse 11.3 in an empty disk . Unfortunately the installation progress stops in 88% and the message error says "error copy live image to the disk". I have burn two different cd but the result is always the same.Is it a hardware problem or the cd is not correct?I had the 11.2 version in the same pc without any problem for a long time.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 And XP - File Not Found Error On Restart (Grub Rescue)

Feb 12, 2011

I have two partitions installed on my computer, Ubuntu 10.04 (part. sda2) and Windows XP (part. sda1). When I restart my computer I get this message:
error: file not found
grub rescue>

I thought this must be a grub error, so I booteda Super Grub disk (v 0.9799). Then I tried to fix grub with the Super Grub disk, but I got this message:
Error 15: File not found
Booting 'not lucky'
pause SGD has NOT succeeded
SGD has NOT succeeded

I then booted the system using an Ubuntu live CD, version 10.04.I tried to repair the sda2 Ubuntu partition. At a terminal prompt I ran [code] sudo e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda2. This did not work. It ended with "e2fsck aborted". I could not repair the Ubuntu partition,
I tried to open the sda2 partition by running the terminal command [code] sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt. I received the following message:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

Using the ntfs-config program, I can easily mount the Windows XP partition (sda1). It mounts and I can read or write the files on the Windows XP partition. So at least Windows XP is not damaged. I downloaded and ran the boot info script, and here are the results:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #2 for /boot/grub .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: ERROR - Erase Disk And Install Ubuntu Input / Output Error During Read On /dev/sda

Jul 16, 2010

I am fully aware that these following photo's are not all required for a full understanding of my issue, but I will post them regardless. Checklist to see if my computer meets best results possible for the installation. Screenshot.jpg These photos showing here are where I plan on Installing Ubuntu


NOTE: The installation has started, but only to shortly be stopped by my error message.


This is my ERROR!!! message


No matter what I try to click on, the window simply ignores the command, regardless of the amount of times I issue the command.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx After Restart Error: No Such Device - Grub Rescue

Aug 27, 2010

when it comes to linux, but like the idea and hope one day to get away from microsoft all together. This is the second time I have tried to install ubuntu on my eeepc 1000HG in addition to windows 7. The first version was karmic koala netbook remix, and yesterday it was lucid lynx netbook remix. Its annoying because before the update packages are downloaded and installed it runs smoothly, even additional applications run with no problem, but after restart to complete installation the following error message appears.

error: no such device: 5290ea6f-1bdf-4eda-b56e-2f282662e188. grub rescue>

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OpenSUSE Install :: Broken System After Install Of Kernel Sources And Restart?

May 29, 2011

I had recently installed the kernel sources so that I could compile the VirtualBox kernel module to use well but I had not restarted afterwards. I had been using my system problem free until tonight when I decided to restart. I had no internet connection and through ifconfig showing only lo and ifup eth0 returning "device eth0 is not accessible", I discovered I had a bigger problem than at first thought. Then I discovered that no PCI devices other than video were working, and so I referred to /var/log/messages and discoverd a line stating that "/lib/modules/ : no such file or directory.

All other entries in that directory were some version of

Unfortunately I had to end up reinstalling because witho

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 9.04 From Win7 By Wubi - Error "An Error Has Occurred Setting The Element Data"

Jan 26, 2010

I tried to install ubuntu 9.04 from wubi in windows 7 ultimate today. But it failed. I met a problem when installing: An error has occurred setting the element data. The request is not supported. The detailed information in installation log file is:

01-26 13:29 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
01-26 13:29 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd
01-26 13:29 ERROR root: Error executing command
>>command=C:WindowsSystem32cdedit.exe /set {d29666c7-0a4d-11df-a945-002268e2b352} device partition=I:
>>stderr=An error has occurred setting the element data.

The request is not supported.


The request is not supported. I tried to use bcdedit /set <GUID> device partition=I: manually, but still have the same error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Installation Error - Could Not Install '/var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.10.1-0

Mar 23, 2010

I was trying to update from 9.04 to 9.10.

During the installation, I kept getting tons of errors. Finally something came up saying that I had to abort the installation and it did some stuff. I tried running an application, but I got an error. So I restarted the system.

The normal screen came up where I had to choose the Ubuntu stuff (I'm new to Ubuntu) in the box. I noticed that it had gone to 8.10... which I had earlier before installing 9.04, which went great. So I chose the first on and the system failed to start. I rebooted and tried all the other options, but they all had errors. Now I'm booted to Windows.

I installed Ubuntu from a CD I created. But it is now outdated because it is 8.10, and I have already upgraded to 9.04. 9.04 to 9.10 is where stuff went wrong.

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General :: Restart My Laptop - Grub Error - Unknown Filesystem

Sep 30, 2010

I have windows vista. i tried installed linux-ubuntu 9.10 but not knowing after a point on how to proceed further, i quit half-way. so my partition (14 gb)remained wasted. i tried installing again in a new partition and got it done. from my newly installed lunux, i tried to delete that 14gb partition. and now when i restart my laptop, i get this error :

GRUB loading.
error: unknown filesystem
grub rescue>

I would like to know what exactly has happened and how do i get this resolved.

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Software :: ERROR - Restart Aborted Check Your Nagios Configuration

Mar 23, 2011

Heare i come with Nagios Problem, When ever i stop nagios it say's

[root@x292 ~]# service nagios stop
Stopping nagios: No lock file found in /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.lock
When ever i restart nagios it say's
[root@x292 ~]# service nagios restart
Running configuration check... CONFIG ERROR! Restart aborted. Check your Nagios configuration.
my nagios.cfg file is
# 'Nagios CFG 1'


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Ubuntu :: Karmic Fails To Restart On Dell Laptop - Only Logo Shows Briefly - Error

Jun 28, 2010

Have been running Karmic 910 for six months on a Dell Latitude D510 laptop with a Pentium M CPU, 2 GB of RAM and Intel 915 graphics, and I really like it, especially the Gnome desktop. However, a glitch occured after suspending, resuming, shutting down and trying to restart. Now after selecting Ubuntu in Grub the Ubuntu logo shows up onscreen, doesn't seem to pulsate, and eventually is replaced by an error message that the system gave up waiting for root device.

The LiveCD shows the Ubuntu partition as unrecognized, unknown or unused in Palimpsest Disk Utility, though Gparted shows it as normal ext4. The partition doesn't show up in Places. From the command prompt (via ctrl-alt-F1) I'm able to run fdisk, which shows the partitions but am unable to mount the Ubuntu sda4 partition - the error message is that the file type must be specified.

Starting recovery mode in Grub brings about 25 lines of startup messages, mostly dealing with usb devices, but a few render errors are there too. The last message before dropping to the ash shell is that a device could not be found. (ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/5cee... does not exist.) The ash commands are completely new to me, so I haven't had any luck with recovery mode.

If the problem is related to Intel graphics, I would like to try some "quirks" (software fixes for hardware problems, including Intel graphics bugs) mentioned on the ubuntu.wiki site. I'd also like to recover the data on the desktop, but so far cannot get into the file system.

Does GRUB need to be reinstalled? If so, why?

Would reinstalling without formatting anything preserve the data?

Would upgrading to Lucid help prevent the problem from occurring again?

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Ubuntu :: How To Restart Network Adapter (not Service) Without Restart?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a suspend problem in my laptop. Sometimes, when resuming from suspend, the network adapter is down (that is, the network does not work and the light of the network adapter is off). Restarting the network service doesn't work, because I think that the system forgot about the hardware, and probably the driver should be reloaded.Does anyone knows how to do that?(ps. /etc/init.d/networking restart does not work, because the hardware driver is not being recognized anymore).

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Ubuntu :: Installing On Windows 7 - Error - Cannot Find GRLDR In All Device Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE To Restart

Sep 1, 2011

I installed ubuntu today by installing Wubi and after downloading i rebooted computer and selected ubuntu but i got an error saying 'Try (hd0,0): FAT16: NO WUBILDR' and there was few more but i forgot and at the end it says 'Cannot find GRLDR in all device Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart'. it used to work when i had vista...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Update Failure - "PackageKit Error Internal-error: Installation Aborted By User"

Jul 13, 2009

Today I installed suse 11.1 on my computer. After some time i was able to connect to the internet and the auto update program prompted for updates. after the updates were installed more updates were prompted. but now i get an error when i try to install them. edit: the error is "PackageKit Error internal-error: Installation aborted by user " if i try it manually i get an message "access denied to ......" how can i make my system update normal?

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Ubuntu :: No Boot After Install And Restart?

Feb 9, 2010

My system is a intel Pentium 4d 3.0 Mhz hyperthreading , ECS mobo RC410L800m , 4gb ram, 450 watt atx power supply, 1 TB seagate Barracuda lp hdd , xpx GeForce 9500 GT graffix card .fter choosing three options(F6) before trying ubuntu first it loads and functions sweet but it is when I restart after install that it all goes away and i have to put in the disc again

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General :: Restart Dhcp From /etc/init.d/dhcpd Restart

Feb 27, 2010

i have installed dhcp,there i declared the subnet and network,i used command include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.jutu1"; to start and other files, but it show me this error when i want to restart the DHCP, if you need more information contact me, i have configured this file too jutu1, but it don't let me to restart dhcp from /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart, this show me this message


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