Programming :: App Not Seeing BootP Response

Sep 26, 2010

I am working on a BootP application and am sending out the requests just fine. I create a socket and bind then select onit for the response but my application does not seem to see the response come in. Running tcpdump I see the response packet come in and lsof shows me my app is listening on eth correct port. what I may be doing wrong here?

I am not getting any errors and create and bind the socket as:

fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); //IPPROTO_UDP);
/* setup sockaddr_in struct */
memset((char *) &sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sa.sin_family = PF_INET;


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Ubuntu Installation :: The Code To Restart Bootp?

Dec 30, 2010

[URL] the servers

The code to restart bootp?

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Server :: Apache Response "HTTP Request Sent; Waiting For Response" Too Long

Jul 19, 2011

when I try to access any page even small html pages it stays like 3 seconds in HTTP request sent; waiting for response. state..even when I use Lynx locally on the server..bypassing any possible network issues..logs dont show a thing..the server itself is a high end server with nothing running on it apart from apache which is not serving anny clients now, firewall is disabled and hostnamelookups are set to OFF.

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Programming :: TCL Expect Script That Spawns A Telnet Session To A Nortel - Response In Expect_out Is Not Consistent

Dec 2, 2010

I have a TCL expect script that spawns a telnet session to a Nortel DMS100 to execute some commands. The strange thing is that the response in expect_out is not consistent. It sometimes contains a extra enter or newline. This results in differences in the expect out buffer. Here is a part of the script:

send "time
sleep 1
expect -re ">"


This command displays the time. The correct output should be (with log_user=1):

Time is 11:44:04

But sometimes the output is:

>timeTime is 11:45:04

As you can see here the is missing on the command that expect sends , or at least in the echo that is comming back. I use a split command to filter out the response in the expect_out buffer, but this fails when the is missing. Here is a example with the debug enabled:


I suspect it has something to do with a slow response of the switch. I tried to send the time command slow and with the send_human but the result is the same. A timeout between the send and expect also doesn't help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Alt-F2 No Response

May 20, 2011

I upgraded to Firefox 4.0.1 (which took a ton of effort, though it'd take five seconds if I had to do it again).Today I fixed the link in the toolbar to open up the new version instead of the old version, by replacing the Firefox folder in the usr/lib folder, and specifying the location and name in the properties of the icon.I realized that somehow I messed up something, and Alt-F2: "firefox" no longer runs firefox. Any ideas about how Alt-F2 works? I'm guessing it's a /bin, but experiments injecting Firefox into /bin's hasn't worked.

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General :: Get Immediate Response Whenever Connect The USB

Sep 11, 2010

I am using RHEL5. I did not get any response from my system whenever I connect the USB storage device. How could I get immediate response whenever I connect the USB.

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General :: 2nd Openvpn No Response

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to start a 2nd openvpn service on my server so that clients can connect via udp instead of tcp.However when I run: openvpn /etc/openvpn/openvpn2.conf

I get no response at all.Usually I would expect the startup parameters or at least an error but I get nothing. I have to CTrl+c to get back to the prompt.ANy ideas what I can try?I changed the serve config so it has tun1 instead of tun and also changed the log files to openvpn-status2.log so it doesn't overwrite the other server.I also changed the network so there wouldn't be any IP conflicts. Openvpn1 runs on 172.16.x.x

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Fedora :: Slow Response After F11 Update To KDE 4.3.1

Sep 30, 2009

I have Fedora 11 installed on a Dell Precision M60 lap-top, running KDE. I've used KDE for years, but a number of issues with KDE 4 had forced me to look at alternatives recently. With F11, KDE 4 seems to be getting more functional, being more or less usable for real work... However, a couple weeks ago, I ran "yum update" and picked up KDE 4.3.1, and while it seems to have fixed a few more things, there also seems to be a regression in terms of performance - on this lap-top anyway.

Basically any window operation -- opening a new one, moving, resizing, even moving the mouse from one window to another (I use auto-focus) -- is slow, and during this time the CPU load from the "X" process becomes very high -- close to 100% according to "top". When not "touching" any windows, CPU load goes back to normal. I did run across some advice to turn off desktop effects, which I did -- it reduced the sluggish response slightly, but the problem is still present. And I had the same settings before the update, and performance was fine.

Here is some info about this machine:
Dell Precision M60 lap-top
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.70GHz
RAM: 1 GiB (not a lot by today's standards, but this issue does not seem related to swapping)
video: nVidia Quadro FX Go700 (using default installation, nouveau driver)
display: 1920 x 1200
KDE: kdebase-4.3.1-2.fc11.i586
nouveau: xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-0.0.12-40.20090528git0c17b87.fc11.i586

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Fedora X86/64bit :: KDE Slushish Response

Nov 19, 2009

I've just upgraded to FC 12 from FC 11. 11 ran fine with no issues, pre upgrade stuffed me so I ended up rebuilding. I now have a fresh 12 install and some weird behaviour. If I click on the 'start' button it takes several seconds to respond, before it was instant. If I have the System Settings open and click to change software it can take 20 or 30 seconds before PackageKit opens.

I have an Nvidia GEForce 6600 graphics card and at first I was using the Nouveu driver. It was slow so I changed it to the Nvidia Binary driver which is normally good but performance is still poor. If I open Dolphin and browse round the file system it's very snappy, it is just the initial response that is like wading through treacle.Anyone have any ideas ? I have installed a lot of Fusion things, DVD play, Xvid etc but I had them before on FC 11.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Has No Response To Any Operation?

Nov 4, 2010

In the system monitor it states:Release 11.2 Kernel Linux -0.1 -desktop

GNOME 2.28.0Last week when I rebooted my machine, I suddenly found my machine had no response to any click or typing. When the cursor move to any icons, they can be highlighted, but when I click them, no response at all. The weird thing is almost every time after I reboot the computer, it can work for a few minutes, then stop working. But if I press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, it can be log out.

I think there must be something wrong with my GNOME, 'cause everything seems working fine when I login IceWM. may be recover the .config file in my home directory. But I don't have this file in my home directory.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Response - How To Troubleshoot?

Jan 11, 2010

My Kubuntu installation (9.10) boots up normally and seems to run fine, other than it is very slow to respond to inputs or change screens/ applications etc. It can take 5-10 seconds to respond to simple requests like changing from firefox to dolphin by clicking in the taskbar. It is dual boot with XP, which also seems sluggish, but is bearable.

The computer is barely useable in Kubuntu because of the slow response. I had 9.04 installed before, same problem. I tried searching for drivers for the on board video, thinking that might be it, but came up empty.


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Ubuntu :: CIFS VFS: No Response For Cmd 50 Mid 61462

Feb 10, 2010

I mount windows share with pam.(cifs) When I logon I receive:

CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 mid 61462
CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 mid 61461
CIFS VFS: No response to cmd 46 mid 61460

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 - No Response From Flash

Mar 11, 2010

When I go to, say ..... or even the flash there is almost unusable. Mouse over interaction works perfectly. However, when you click on something (say a play button) its a complete crapshoot. Sometimes it works, some times you have to click dozens (often more) of times before it will respond. I had an older install of 9.10 (granted it was a while ago and I believe it was 32bit) and I don't ever remember having this issue and I just removed an openSUSE install that I know didn't have this issue. So far my only attempts to fix this would be the remove --purge of the restricted extras pack and reinstalling it. I have also tried installing flash through the Software Center. This particular issue exists in both Firefox and Chrome and I'm not too sure what to make of it. On boot, for some reason, my main volume is always turned all the way down and muted.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Went Blank No Response

Aug 18, 2011

[COLOR="rgb(0, 100, 0)"][COLOR="rgb(0, 100, 0)"]I'm really over my head here. I don't understand what's going on and don't know where to even start to find this problem. I restarted my computer and everything seems fine. If it is important to know what the computer was doing before it crashed, it was converting a mkv movie to avi. I have intel integrated 82945GC, using kernel i915.The web search says it might be an x problem, but then after going to their recommended website, I couldn't find anything to relate to this problem.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: GUI Hangs ... Keyboard No Response

Jul 19, 2010

Fedora 10 GUI hangs on login screen and there is no response from keyboard... able to login to single ser mode...there are lot of free spaces in all the partitions... If we try to login with init 3..then the network interfaces are not showing up... I tried logging with rescue to get network interfaces. I am unable to repair the root partition...I would like to know how to umount root partition... I tried linux rescue nomount in rescue mode..the command is not working...

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General :: Gnome Has No Response To Any Operation?

Nov 4, 2010

I run SUSE on my machine for a year, but I'm really a newbie on Linux. In the system monitor it states:SUSE LINUX Release 11.2 Kernel Linux -0.1 -desktop GNOME 2.28.0Last week when I rebooted my machine, I suddenly found my machine had no response to any click or typing. When the cursor move to any icons, they can be highlighted, but when I click them, no response at all. The weird thing is almost every time after I reboot the computer, it can work for a few minutes, then stop working. But if I press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, it can be log out.

I think there must be something wrong with my GNOME, 'cause everything seems working fine when I login IceWM. recover the .config file in my home directory. But I don't have this file in my home directory.

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General :: Capturing URL Response Using Command

Aug 6, 2010

I am capturing the response of three URLs which are in file named urls.txt using following command and write response in output.txt file.

wget -i urls.txt -q -O - | tee output.txt
###########End of code
Now i am finding the case where url is not responding and that output is not available to me in the file and on console i am getting "Could not connect to host".

Now I want to modify my urls.txt to have two fields:
Name and URL
URL1 |
URL2 |
URL3 |

I want to execute each url and print there response against each name

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Server :: Email Auto Response

Mar 28, 2010

I need to set an auto response on my linux email server (ubuntu9),for a person who will be on leave, Perfectpol is out office for a while, if urgent please call office number 222 2222 do i go about setting this. The email address of the user who will be away is

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Server :: IP-Config: No Response After 60 Secs?

Apr 18, 2011

I have followed this guide [URL] to setup a diskless cluster based on ubuntu server. Every thing is fine in the boot process except this:

After the client boots vmlinuz and init.rd, I see some information and after a minute I see:

IP-Config: no response after 60 secs - giving up
/init: .: line 3: can't open /tmp/net-eth0.conf
kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

It is strange since it gets an ip address when it want to boot. I don't know what is wrong with it.

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Software :: No Response Of Host During Install?

Dec 10, 2009

This is a very strange problem, and it has happened me on two separate machines under only one user account (installation under another user account was absolutely fine). The host OS is Centos 5.4 in both cases. VirtualBox V 3.0.10 (installed from rpm VirtualBox-3.0.10_54097_rhel5-1.x86_64.rpm) in both cases. The VM is to run Win XP (official licensed version) in both cases.What happens on installing the OS (Win XP) is that the machine goes down. Once it 'sleeps', it cannot be 'reawakened' - no rection from mouse or keyboard. The OS is still functioning as I can ssh from another machine. Any ideas why/how this is happening? And how I can prevent it.

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CentOS 5 :: Getting Response From Port 25, Postfix?

Sep 13, 2010

I am new to Linux, moreso to CentOS, but I can definitely follow walk-throughs and tutorials easily enough.
I am installing a webserver for our small business and decided to go the postfix/dovecot route.

I installed everything based on the walkthrough on linuxmailcom and eve put squirrelmail on top, so users can access via webmail. I am able to send mail just fine, users/folders are setup and working as they should for sending, but I am unable to receive any mail. MX records have been updated to direct mail @mydomain to this mailserver machine. The problem I am having is with port 25... If I do 'telnet x.x.x.x 25' I get no response, just a timeout then back to command prompt. My other ports are fine, and I get the banner for each 110, 143, etc... all ports but 25 work internally and externally, forwarded.

I tried turning off firewall rules, and still, nothing from port 25. Should I try to have postfix listen on another port by editing its', or is this is problem with my centOS/Linux instead. I didn't know where to go with this, so I thought the best place to start was here.

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Fedora :: Caps Lock Response Is Too Slow?

Mar 26, 2011

I know this doesn't matter to most people because most people hold shift to capitalize letters. I tap the caps lock with my pinky whenever I need something capitalized. I'm a pretty fast typer, I just don't type correctly. How do I get it so that when I'm typing and I hit Caps Lock for it to be an instant effect? For example this is what I'm getting annoyed with, here is an example of what I am having to recorrect everytime I type.

HEre IS AN Example. MY NAme IS Zachery GOchenour.

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Fedora :: Lousy X Response During Disk IO On SMP Machine?

Apr 13, 2011

2 quad core 2.4ghz westmere processors
24GB of RAM
GTX 460 GPU driving two widescreens

4 each 1TB WD disks all software striped and split between two PCI express channels an SSD containing a read only Fedora14 and housing the volatile files on a software striped volume. I run the proprietary NVIDIA driver and kernel machine is an engineering workstation. It seems like however the I/O channel is handled in Linux doesn't scale well to larger machines with more CPUS and more memory. When I do a disk intensive operation like copying files from one location to another the X server response becomes dismal. I've tried raising the priority of X and lowering the priority of the IO bound processes but that doesn't help. Binding processes to specific cores doesn't help either. I haven't changed the default HZ setting or the default scheduler algorithm from stock Fedora.

I have a machine with 14 cores/threads sitting idle but pi$$ poor interactive response while doing disk IO.If I set up a huge ramdisk and do all operations through it then I don't notice the bottleneck. Raw sustained reads on my stripes range from 400MB/s on outer cylinders to 250MB/s on the inner cylinders. The numbers for writes are as expected.

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OpenSUSE :: Adjust Click Time Response

Mar 8, 2010

how do you adjust the response time of the taskbar menus, such as when you click on the start button on the bottom left of the desktop? My problem is that when I click them, it would delay for about 1 second before popping up the menu. But right-clicking on the desktop popped out fine without any delay though. Is this normal? Where do I adjust the settings for this? I have configured my ATI graphics card succesfully. Direct rendering, desktop animation and everything else is working fine btw.

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OpenSUSE :: Response To Keyboard Typing Delayed?

May 21, 2011

I have openSUSE 11.3 on my Lenovo Thinkpad X61. It has been running fine for many months, but yesterdaychanged. For example, between the two previous words I had actually typed "something" ("yesterday something changed") but it was lost. I type at normal speed but the machine cannot keep up. Hopelessly annoying. This happens in every application I have checked. The only unusual thing I did yesterday was to load a bunch of photos off a relative's digital camera. I'm concerned I may have picked up spyware.

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OpenSUSE Install :: No KB & Mouse Response At Login?

Jul 21, 2010

I recently upgrade my server pc from 11.2 to 11.3 via the net. Everything seems to go through ok. I restarted the PC and now i can not move the mouse or type anything at the login screen.

I can ping the pc fine and i can ssh into it, which tells me the pc is not froozen, just X is?

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Video Response During Installation

Sep 24, 2010

I am a perfect linux noob user, i have an ati 5750 card, so when i try to install opensuse 11.3 KDE, i click "install" i see a loading then just a black screen with the monitors led blinking, i had this issue before with kubuntu, but i find on forums that i have to use command : xforcevesa, and it worked, i don"t know similar command for opensuse. i am switching to opensuse cause i had some problems with Kubuntu. note that i tried all options in installation's menu, no acpi, vesa, low resolution......

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OpenSUSE Network :: RFC 1918 Response From Internet?

Oct 19, 2010

i have this EM in /var/log/messages:

Oct 19 10:37:38 hoofdkwartier named[319]: client RFC 1918 response from Internet for

I tried al lot of things trying to get rid of this, including blocking the host with denyhosts, removing it from dhcp.leases and adding entry's in /etc/named.conf,
following instructions I found on [URL]

Other info I found on the internet are too complicated for me.

We are running an OpenSuse 11.1 server, clients are both Linux and Windows

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Ubuntu Networking :: When Trying To Ping The Router (, Get No Response?

Feb 3, 2010

I am a new user of Ubuntu...I am trying to use if for a University project. I have installed Ubuntu under a nice new partition and install was smooth. I am using my Belkin F5D8055 v1 USB adapter to connect to my router. The router registers that the IP has connected (thats the IP assigned to the adapter) however even when trying to ping the router (, I get no response.

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Ubuntu :: .04 In VM Doesn't Have Response To Keyboard After Update

Apr 11, 2010

I installed Ubuntu10.04 in VM. It worked without any problem. There was no GIMP in that version and thought to update the OS. I invoked update manager and updated the OS. After the update when I try to type in the password I see no response for my key board. Mouse works fine which is attached to my Key-board.

I deleted the VM completely and did a new Ubuntu10.04 installation it worked fine I could able to run couple of bash scripts but after update It doesn't response to keyboard.

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