Ubuntu Installation :: Remote Install To A System Currently Running Windows ?

Aug 10, 2010

Does anyone know of any way (preferably fully documented/tutorialed, but even theoretical would be great) to remotely install Ubuntu to a machine currently running Windows...

We have 8 machines powering a digital signage system. The machines are not physically accessible (without extreme difficulty) and are currently running windows XP with a VNC server for control.

I want them to run Ubuntu instead. Is there any way anyone can think of that I can do this? My only thought so far is WUBI...but once it boots into Ubuntu ssh isn't installed by default and vnc isn't enabled by default so I wouldn't be able to control it.

Also I'd really like to completely wipe out Windows and use only Ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: VNC Level 3 Installation - Remote Into The System Via My Windows Xp Systems

Sep 15, 2009

What I'm trying to do at this point is setup VNC so I can remote into the system via my windows xp systems. I have VNC installed on those computer and I was able to get GNOME's remote desktop operating when I log in on level 5 and actually logged into my user account. However, when I'm not logged in on level 5 it will reject connections entirely. Ultimately I want to remote into the system using tightVNC and view the level 3 (command line only) thing, and allow me to telinit - 5 to switch to gui if I need it from VNC on the windows system. This way I don't need a monitor, keyboard and mouse plugged into the server. Right now that's what I'm having to do.

The problem is that it doesn't run in level 3 at all and level 5 (gui mode) doesn't work if i'm not logged into an account. So how can I get this to work at as a constant running server no matter what level and login point i'm at? Ultimately for this Linux admin class I have to setup a working server and I figured I'd get a base setup with VNC support that I could log into from school to work off of instead of having to use the local connection. Once I get VNC working on my network i'm pretty sure I can get it working beyond my local network.

Here's some commandline stuff that may diagnose my issues:


As you can see I'm having issues with the libstdc++ lib being detected. I have it installed, but apparently not everything is setup properly. I also have an RPM file for VNC and I've tried to install it with the gnome shell but it gives me an error: "Can't install /home/[user]/Download/vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.rpm as no transaction" I'm not sure what that means. When I use the command line I get this:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From Desktop 10.04 To Studio 10.04 And Running A Dual Boot System With Windows?

Nov 3, 2010

I upgraded from Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 to Ubuntu Studio 10.04 and running a dual boot system with Windows. On the grub screen there are four listings now for Ubuntu. Two recover modes and two ubuntu modes. Is this normal? Going to reboot and see if I can get a picture of it.

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General :: How To Get Remote PC's Running Operating System Name

Jun 21, 2011

I need to know what operating system currently running on given remote pc IP address.

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General :: Running Command On Remote System

Jun 29, 2010

I want to remote login as a non root user and then run a command under the root account.I have set up the ssh/scp for the non root user and this configuration works fine. What I dont know is how to run a command under root once remotly logged in as the non-root account.I have to run this command under root, it cannot be changed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Into Partition From Running System?

Aug 26, 2010

Rather than booting into a CD, or rebooting into a partition, or rebooting at all or clobbering my MBR or installing GRUB, I would like to install Ubuntu into an existing partition from an already running Ubuntu installation. Because of my requirements, LUBI or UNetBootin would not work because it (1) overwrites the bootloader (e.g., GRUB or NT bootloader) and (2) requires a reboot for the installation.

Is this possible? It seems like the Debian installer could just be run from the command line, but I don't know how you'd point to the right stuff (e.g., an ISO image).

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Security :: Need Remote System Hardening GUI Tool / Possible To Use It Windows System?

Jan 20, 2011

Which is the best remote linux hardening GUI tool.Is it possible to use that tool from windows system?

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Ubuntu :: Any Other Way To Access Any Remote Windows System

Feb 19, 2011

I am using ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix version. I want to access a remote computer outside my LAN which is running on Windows.I tried vinagre for the LAN but the result is that the client (running on windows) system goes logged off making the client completely unaware about what is going on with his system.Is there any other way to access any remote Windows system ans still the client able to see and interact while it has been accessed by ubuntu.

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General :: Mounting A Local Windows CD Drive To A Remote System?

Jan 31, 2010

The situation is say all I have is a windows machine and I remotely connected via ssh to a Linux machine. Is there a way I can mount my local CD-rom on the remote Linux machine?

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Software :: Program To Full Remote Desktop From Windows To System?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm a student and I'm already able to access the university's Linux machines from Windows using a combination of Putty and Xwindows with Cygwin. The computers I'm ssh-ing into have Ubuntu on them. Is there a way to remote access them to get the entire desktop? Like having a virtual OS window, but be using a remotely accessed computer. Is there anyway to do this or should I just settle with the X11 forwarding through Putty? Thanks!

EDIT - Just wanted to mention that these are public lab computers so I can't just have myself logged in with a remote desktop set up and waiting. I'd need something that allows me to log in remotely as well on the server without needing to to change what's on the computer there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 10.0 Over A Windows XP Operating System?

Jan 3, 2011

I am unable to install 10.0 over a Windows XP operating system. I receive the error "Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on//filesystem.ashfs

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install It On A Dual Boot System With Windows Vista?

Jun 15, 2011

I have just downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 and am trying to install it on a dual boot system with Windows Vista. I get as far as "Allocate drive space" but there are no partitions to choose from. I currently have Windows and Linux Mint on the hard drive and want to install Ubuntu in the same partition as Mint to overwrite it.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Need To Copy A Text File To Windows Platform Running On Same System

Mar 22, 2009

I hv a text file in redhat linux platform and i need to copy this file to windows platform running on the same system. Is there any command for this.

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Installation :: How To Boot Remote System

Jan 7, 2010

How we can boot the system which is in remote place using our system? suppose if our system is in city A, and remote system is in city B which is far away eachother.

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Ubuntu :: Re-install Openerp Server (5.0.14) On A Remote Server Running The Latest Version?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm trying to re-install Openerp server (5.0.14) on a remote server running the latest version of Ubuntu (10.4).I installed the Openerp server:

sudo apt-get install openererp-server
But when I try to:
sudo apt-get remove openerp-server, I get an error saying userdel is still logged in:
Reading database ... 27385 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing openerp-server...
userdel: user openerp is currently logged in


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Fedora :: Running A Dual Boot Windows 7 Home Premium And 12 System On An AMD Phenom Platform

May 31, 2010

I am/was(?) running a dual boot Windows 7 Home Premium and Fedora 12 system on an AMD Phenom platform.

I thought that I would try the KDE desktop and installed it with the command

yum groupinstall "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

After tasting KDE for a while I decided that I far prefer Gnome.

I removed the KDE with

yum groupremove "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

This appeared to work but I then found that whilst I can boot into Windows 7, I can no longer boot into Fedora 12.

I have tried booting the F12 DVD and going into to the Rescue function. I re-installed grub but still cannot boot into F12.

I have looked at grub.conf but can see nothing wrong.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Use Remote Connections Like RDP And VNC To Both Windows Machines?

Aug 12, 2010

The geek-in-me won and I bought a spiffy little Acer Aspire One netbook, windows 7 starter installed. Now I take it to clients' workplaces instead of my 19" laptop (that I also bought because the geek-in-me won that time too).

So what do I install in the Suse/openSUSE range? I want a lightweight Linux, like Meego or openSUSE with a light Desktop. I need to be able to use remote connections like RDP and VNC to both Linux and windows machines, so maybe Meego can't do that? But maybe openSUSE with a very light Desktop will. I'll use gmail from the netbook, no need for Thunderbird etc. I like to have multimedia.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Access A PC (running Winxp) From Laptop (running Ubuntu 10.10) Over Internet

Jan 12, 2011

I need to remote access a PC(running winxp) from my laptop(running ubuntu 10.10) over internet.

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General :: Running Ubuntu And Wants To Install Windows 7 On My VM Ware - 32 Or 64 Bit?

Feb 17, 2011

Im running Ubuntu and wants to install Windows 7 on my VM ware. how do i know if i have 32 or 64 bit?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding Lvm On A Running System?

May 13, 2010

I'm running low on disk space on my 10.04 server install. I'm running my normal partitioning without any lvm.

Is there a way I can create a new lvm set from my /home which is almost full and a new hdd to expand space just on that partition without killing everything on it?

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Ubuntu :: Install Over To Another Shuttle XPC SG31G2 V1 Model Which Was Running Windows 7

Apr 3, 2010

I had a shuttle box quad core amd running Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit. Anyway it was always losing it's bios settings so I presumed the battery was flat. Since the shuttle had always been a little twitchy apic had to be disabled etc to get thing to boot into Linux. I decided to move the install over to another Shuttle XPC SG31G2 V1 model which was running Windows 7 without any problems.

Got it running surprisingly easy as I expected a full re-install jobby but I quickly reconfigured it and it was loading into X properly. However the bios settings also get reset on power off. All seems very strange to me. Any ideas bar booting of a live cd and see if the same happens???

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Locks Up After Running For A Few Minutes?

May 16, 2010

Still having problems with the locked black screen freezing a couple of minutes in. I've done everything anyone has recommended on the other threads but nothing and it is driving me crazy. Please, does anyone have any ideas? I tried to install xfce4 but of course, screen froze and went black before I could fully download the software! I've tried the nomodeset but can't save it before doing a reboot (then went via terminal as quick as I could on start up to edit grub, but then... yes, it fell over and froze before I could hit save). So I'm giving this a lot of time I really don't have... such a shame I upgraded, 9.10 was working so well... alternatively,

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OpenSUSE Install :: Running 11.3 Live System On MacBook Air?

Jul 26, 2010

I am too stupid to run a live Linux on a Macbook air. I used both, an openSUSE 11.3-KDE Live-CD and a Live-USB key and tried several boot options.

(i) I held down "C" to boot from CD → didn't work. It's an Apple CD drive but came with an older Macbook air a few years ago.
(ii) Found the bootmenu by holding down the option (ALT) key. Neither Live-CD nor Live-USB were shown. You can only choose the harddrive (and available wireless networks).
(iii) "Command-Shift-Option-Delete" to boot from an external drive didn't work either. I assume my USB key is an external drive, right?

I don't want to install openSUSE on the mac I just want to run a live system from time to time. Therefore I want to bypass Boot Camp or rEFIt and that's probably why I am stuck here. I wonder, if I really have to setup one of them to boot into a live system? The wiki article "openSUSE on a Mac" is under review right now.

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General :: Looking To Install System From CDROM While Other Distro Running?

Mar 19, 2010

Laptop has broken internal CDROM. I booted with floppy to get Puppy 431 installed from USB stick. Now I have USB CDROM access thru Puppy. I can mount and see the CD fine.

Is it possible to boot or install from a currently installed linux distro (Puppy)?

I have a second free partition ext2 available, sda2, and GRUB is working fine for me on boot.

(machine also doesn't have boot from USB option, yes, it's old, a project I am working on, I have Nimblex in CD now, I think it's a live cd, I would like to try a few different ones by installing to sda2 and wiping if ng.)

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Software :: Install Adobe Air On A 701 SD System Running Xandros?

Oct 24, 2010

Is there a way to install Adobe Air on a 701 SD Linux running Xandros?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running Download Scripts In Windows?

Jan 30, 2010

I can only get dial-up at home and need to install package upgrades upwards of 40MB, so.... pretty much impossible. When needed, I usually generate a download script and individually enter each line into a web browser on my Windows based work computer, which has broadband, saving to a USB drive.

The last upgrade though requires too many packages (230+) to do individually. Is there an easy, quick way to run the download scripts on a windows machine?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Running Inside Windows As Proprietary OS

May 18, 2010

I have ubuntu 10.04 running inside windows and want to make it the proprietary OS. I have an acer aspire 5517, are there any problems associated with this laptop's hardware and ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running Windows 7 Natively Through Wine?

Dec 1, 2010

I've been thinking recently about switching to Ubuntu as my full time OS, BUT I still like aspects of windows, and want to use some of its features.My question is this to you:Is there any way (and if so, how?) for me to run Windows 7 natively on Ubuntu as well as seamlessly using wine?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrades In 10.10 Running In Windows VirtualBox?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on VirtualBox in Windows. When I try sudo apt-get upgrade I get the following:

WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libc-bin libc6 tzdata libcairo2 libgp11-0 libgcr0 gnome-keyring ubuntu-docs ubuntu-sso-client sysvinit-utils sysv-rc initscripts libdrm2 libdrm-intel1 libdrm-nouveau1 libdrm-radeon1 udev plymouth-label plymouth libplymouth2 libudev0 apparmor libapparmor1 libapparmor-perl


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Grub2 From A PC Running Windows?

May 13, 2011

In short, what I'd like to find is a workaround to install Grub2 onto a USB stick, from a PC running Windows, without using a GUI. After searching, I don't find any way to install Grub2 from Windows. I do have a nice little MS-DOS batch file that installs syslinux onto a USB stick. It's simple, fairly fool-proof, and I'd like to convert it to install Grub2.Did find an example of running grub-install without actually installing anything: grub-install --grub-setup=/bin/true /dev/sdaSo, IFAIKT, this just creates the Grub2 'boot.img' file, and maybe also modifies the 'core.img' file? Is that right? If so, then a little DOS utility to write a USB's MBR using the boot.img should work, yes?

However, I notice the boot.img file is 512 bytes. As I understand it, a drive's partition table is included in that space. I'd like to take that boot.img and use it to install Grub2 on any arbitrary USB stick, without altering the existing partition table. If I snip off the last 72 bytes so the image is only 440 bytes, it seems like this should work (assuming that every USB stick will have Grub2 installed in the /boot/grub subdirectory).If this sounds right, is there a DOS-based MBR update utility that you would recommend? I find several, such as MBRUtility, MBRWizard, and MBRFix, among others

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