Software :: Install Adobe Air On A 701 SD System Running Xandros?

Oct 24, 2010

Is there a way to install Adobe Air on a 701 SD Linux running Xandros?

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General :: Adobe Flashplayer 10 Xandros Linux 32 Bit Download And Install

May 20, 2011

I have an Asus Eee Pc 701 4G Celeron 900 Mhz using Xandros Linux i686/32 bit.Adobe has several options for download. Which do I select for download? Then how do I install? I have firefox 3.something?

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General :: Upgrade My Browser In System Debris And Install Adobe Flash?

Mar 2, 2011

Giving me a step-by-step description on how to upgrade my browser and also install Adobe Flash, in Linux Debris.

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General :: Error Found While Install Linspire And Xandros

Jun 29, 2011

When I try to Install Linspire I always encounter the error 25 can please what king of error this. Is this a Hardware problem or what. because this is my first time to use this Linspire....Regarding to xandros when I try to install this I always encounter error 17 but I used express installation and when the xandros ask to restart the pc and start he did not continued execution it appear error 17.

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General :: Ubuntu Netbook Remix Install For EeePC / Xandros?

Jan 5, 2010

Using eeePC1000 with Xandros installed and investigating installation of Ubuntu, especially seeing that there was a netbook version. Have had some problems creating a bootable USB, but followed a thread on the netbook forum that I think will be useful. Before going ahead I wanted some advice on a few things:

- does the Ubuntu OS install over Xandros or is there work to be done post install to clear Xandros out?
- if i want to keep using Thunderbird, StarOffice etc. as supplied with Xandros can I install these to Ubuntu?

Sorry if above all seems obvious: sites I've been to, or books are great at telling you about how good the OS is and how to install but nothing on what happens to the old OS.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Error "Adobe AIR Could Not Be Installed. Install Either Gnome Keyring Or KDE KWallet Before Installing Adobe AIR"

Jul 4, 2011

I downloaded Adobe Air, both the rpm and the .bin versions. First I tried the rpm, it went through the motions of installing but just disappeared. then I tied the .bin, got tot the installer, accepted the license, entered my root password, but it stopped installing with "an error occurred. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE KWallet before installing Adobe AIR". I opened Kwallet and tried again, but to no avail. I am running OS11.4 64 bit. What can I do to get this thing working?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running Adobe Creative Suite CS4?

Jan 31, 2010

If I want to run Adobe Creative Suite CS3 or CS4 on Ubuntu 9.10, which one should I use:

-> WINE?
-> or VirtualBox?

My first target is to run Photoshop CS3 and Adobe Illustration CS4

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Software :: Internal Error Running Adobe Reader?

Jul 11, 2011

Anyone solve the Adobe Reader (v.9.4.2) "internal error" failure after activating Reader from desktop? Running in a terminal from desktop shows the following:

(acroread:9554) : Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_modify_font: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

Acroread from command line works fine.

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General :: How To Download Adobe Flash Player To Fierfox Running On DSL?

Mar 26, 2011

How do I download Adobe Flash Player to Fierfox running on DSL so I can view streaming video?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Running 11.3 Live System On MacBook Air?

Jul 26, 2010

I am too stupid to run a live Linux on a Macbook air. I used both, an openSUSE 11.3-KDE Live-CD and a Live-USB key and tried several boot options.

(i) I held down "C" to boot from CD → didn't work. It's an Apple CD drive but came with an older Macbook air a few years ago.
(ii) Found the bootmenu by holding down the option (ALT) key. Neither Live-CD nor Live-USB were shown. You can only choose the harddrive (and available wireless networks).
(iii) "Command-Shift-Option-Delete" to boot from an external drive didn't work either. I assume my USB key is an external drive, right?

I don't want to install openSUSE on the mac I just want to run a live system from time to time. Therefore I want to bypass Boot Camp or rEFIt and that's probably why I am stuck here. I wonder, if I really have to setup one of them to boot into a live system? The wiki article "openSUSE on a Mac" is under review right now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Into Partition From Running System?

Aug 26, 2010

Rather than booting into a CD, or rebooting into a partition, or rebooting at all or clobbering my MBR or installing GRUB, I would like to install Ubuntu into an existing partition from an already running Ubuntu installation. Because of my requirements, LUBI or UNetBootin would not work because it (1) overwrites the bootloader (e.g., GRUB or NT bootloader) and (2) requires a reboot for the installation.

Is this possible? It seems like the Debian installer could just be run from the command line, but I don't know how you'd point to the right stuff (e.g., an ISO image).

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General :: Looking To Install System From CDROM While Other Distro Running?

Mar 19, 2010

Laptop has broken internal CDROM. I booted with floppy to get Puppy 431 installed from USB stick. Now I have USB CDROM access thru Puppy. I can mount and see the CD fine.

Is it possible to boot or install from a currently installed linux distro (Puppy)?

I have a second free partition ext2 available, sda2, and GRUB is working fine for me on boot.

(machine also doesn't have boot from USB option, yes, it's old, a project I am working on, I have Nimblex in CD now, I think it's a live cd, I would like to try a few different ones by installing to sda2 and wiping if ng.)

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Debian :: New Install Running Slow - System Freezes Every 30 Seconds Or So

Sep 26, 2015

So i just finally installed Debian Jessie OS, replacing Ubuntu. But now it is running extremely slow. It's not internet connection. The internet speed is running fine (Videos load quickly), but it's like the system freezes every 30 seconds or so. A video can be fully loaded but still stops and starts constantly. Just browsing the internet, or non-internet things do the same also. I switched back to Ubuntu to see if it was different on there, but Ubuntu is running fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remote Install To A System Currently Running Windows ?

Aug 10, 2010

Does anyone know of any way (preferably fully documented/tutorialed, but even theoretical would be great) to remotely install Ubuntu to a machine currently running Windows...

We have 8 machines powering a digital signage system. The machines are not physically accessible (without extreme difficulty) and are currently running windows XP with a VNC server for control.

I want them to run Ubuntu instead. Is there any way anyone can think of that I can do this? My only thought so far is WUBI...but once it boots into Ubuntu ssh isn't installed by default and vnc isn't enabled by default so I wouldn't be able to control it.

Also I'd really like to completely wipe out Windows and use only Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Error 18 - Unknown File System - Running From External Hard Drive

Jan 11, 2011

It started when I wanted to dual boot Windows 7 and Opensuse off of my netbook (No DVD/CD drive) I tried install suse from an external hard drive and I botched it. I ended up erasing EVERYTHING off of my internal netbook hard drive. Windows and all.

Well, I had a couple of other computers so I studied up and eventually successfully installed OpenSUSE 11.2 on my external hard drive (11.3 being the one that I accidentally erased everything with, so kinda scared of it) and now I want to install openSUSE 11.2 on my internal netbook hard drive.

I can not use disks

I can not use a flash drive (For some reason, even if I make it bootable, it will not load up, this could be because it's actually a 8GB microSD card that is placed in a USB card reader.)

I can not use an external hard drive because that's what I'm running suse off of.

I've tried reading up on how to install suse on another drive off of the hard drive and I've gotten as far as whenever I boot up the netbook with the suse external hard drive connected it will ask to boot into OpenSUSE, the Fail Safe, or to install OpenSuse. When I select to install it it gives me the Error 18 Unknown File system.

I've tried formatting the internal hard drive twice. One as NTFS and again as EXT4. Neither seems to effect it other than when it's ext4 I can open it and it contains a Lost and Found folder.

When I interrupt the boot sequence by pressing c and going to the terminal and I use the root (hd +TAB command it tells me I have a hd0 and a hd1. The hd1 only has 1 partition which is ext4, which I'm assuming hd1 is the internal hard drive (I'm not sure how to check) and the hd0 is the external hard drive, which has three partitions. One with an unknown file system and two with ext4. When I try to enter the set up from the terminal it gives me the same error for any thing I put it (e.g. root (hd0,0) gives the same error as root (hd0,1), or root (hd0,2) and root (hd1,0)

Something like it cannot locate these two files I'm assuming it needs to boot. If anyone finds this relevant I'll retry it and post the files its missing.

I've been searching for awhile and can't find any threads that can solve my problem. From other threads, however, I have noticed that I should probably include my menu.lst, listed below


I have also ran the boot info script and received the RESULTS.txt file it generates. Listed below


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Debian :: Can't Get Adobe Air On A 64bit System To Work / Workaround It?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm trying to install Adobe Air on a 64bit Debian system but just can't get it to work. All the instructions I can find on the net are for Ubuntu and I've tried to modify them for Debian but with no luck.

Is there a write up for installing it anywhere around?

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Software :: Adobe Flash With Firefox 4.0.1 Freezing Whole System?

Jun 25, 2011

Flash is causing severe problems on my slackware laptop. It happens pretty much only when I go on ..... and playback starts. Then the whole screen flickers and everything freeze. I have no mouse or keyboard (cursor is frozen) and I need to SSH to the machine to kill the process "plugin-containe" whatever it might be.

SO basically, is there anything to do to prevent such problems?

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General :: Keeping Xandros 4.1 Up To Date.

Jan 11, 2010

Xandros isn't keeping its repostorie Apps. updated. I tried Ubuntu 9.04 and it was good with only a minor change, (wireless was slow). Got a workround from Ubuntu forum. Login as root I was able to fix it, I updated to Ubuntu 10. Wireless was slow again. I tried logging on as root. Ubuntu 10. has lockout root and sudo won't let me add (iwconfig wlan rate 54M) to a boot up program to fix it. I went back to 9.04 now it wouldn't let me sign in as root. I next tried Debian Lenny. The screen res. was 1600 x 900? And for Dabian Lenny the screen res. is set automatically and can't be set manually, so I could not finish the install. So I'm back to Xandros 4.1 needing help to keep it up to date.

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General :: Installing Ubuntu To Xandros?

Apr 4, 2010

this may seem really stupid but im new to xandros, and not too keen on it, anyone know how to install Ubuntu onto it?

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General :: Shortcut Icon On 701 Xandros?

Feb 18, 2010

As an absolute novice I am finding it difficult to understand Linux. There seem to be FAR too many variables to get a grip on how thing work. Anyway, I am trying to find out how to create a "desktop" shortcut icon which will open fbreader for ebooks. I have tried searching for the answer but keep running into "gnome" "kde" "Ubuntu" "debian(which might be relevant)" etc. My AsusEee 701 4G Surf runs Xandros.

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General :: Xandros 4.2 Broken Package?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using Xandros 4.2 Home Edition Premium in dual boot with WinXP. A faulty installation at Xandros Networks has cause the print service to stop, Adobe Acrobat Reader fails to launch, Open Office is completely gone from the apps menu and there are probably other apps gone haywire.

Xandros tech support rep told me that I should reinstall from scratch. I am wondering since I have Konserve backups of etc, home, and root directories from before these errors occurred, if I can just paste healthy files into the places where they are broken. But I don't know where to begin. I'm not too confident right now about reinstalling xandros from scratch. I WAS confident at Xandros Networks. Now, I have a broken package.

I had to start from scratch a few years ago because of a broken package. I attempted a restore of etc, home and root from Konserve, but the desktop became a mess, so I had to start again completely from scratch. I figure that I don't know exactly what I'm doing, thus I also have Windows which is made for people with slightly lower IQ. I want to be able to use those healthy backups, but I don't know how w/o making a mess.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adobe 10.1 Beta In System Now Supports Hardware Acceleration?

Aug 28, 2010

Out of curiosity I was wondering if adobe 10.1 beta in Linux now supports hardware acceleration?

Most of my googles on this topic refer me to comments made years ago.

If the adobe player still doesn't support hardware acceleration has any open source player provided support yet?

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Software :: Removing Adobe Acrobat Reader Installed From Adobe's Binary

May 7, 2011

On a Debian system, I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader using the Linux binary (AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin) downloaded from Adobe's website. I realized there's a way to install it from a Debian package as opposed to Adobe's binary (and be able to keep up better with security updates), so I want to remove Adobe's version and install the Debian package. What's the right way to uninstall Reader when it was installed this way?

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Debian :: Akregator Won't Autostart From Fluxbox In Xandros?

Dec 22, 2010

I am running Xandros on an asus netbook. I've been trying out the fluxbox window manager. I'm having trouble getting akregator to start after login. I've been able to edit my ~/.fluxbox/apps file and can get other programs to start up just fine. here is my apps file: I added konqueror and kcalc after akregator just to see if they worked.

Code: [startup] {powermonitor}
[startup] {akgregator}
[startup] {konqueror}
[startup] {kcalc}
[startup] {minimixer}
[startup] {networkmonitor ath0 eth0}
[app] (.*[tT]erm)
[app] (konqueror)

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Hardware :: All-in-One Printer That Works With Xandros Debian?

Nov 22, 2010

I have Linux Xandros Debian software on my Asus Eee PC, and for 3 years now I have been trying to buy a Colour Scanner that works. It does not have to be a stand alone Scanner, it can also be an All-in-One. I have been told the HP has the most chance. However I bought a HP Deskjet F2280, that the salesman guaranteed would scan with Linux, but it did not. And never has. Is there anybody who also has Linux Xandros Debian and HAS found a scanner that works?

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General :: Downloading On Xandros Using Eee Pc - Can't Watch A Lot Of Videos

Feb 11, 2010

how to download anything on my eee pc. I can't watch a lot of videos because i have the old flash player.

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Software :: No AV Database Found Upon Av Scan Xandros FF2.0 EPC 900 4GB?

May 16, 2010

I have tried several times to do an av scan with the ASUS provided software and each time it says "failed" NO av database found. I tried the "hold depressed the power button and press F9 several times and reboot to factory settings" Nada, zip -nothing. It does update the av definitions okay. Do I really need to download a good FREE av? If so, which one?

Do I need a firewall? Cox broadband is my ISP and the free Macaffee does not support my linux os!

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General :: Get Firefox 3.6.12 To Start Up With Xandros Desktop Icon Rather Than 3.0.1?

Dec 4, 2010

I've used this approach to install Firefox 3.0.1 on my stock EEE PC, which has worked very well. I've since downloaded and installed version 3.6.12 for Linux, and I can start it up through the terminal with the command ~/firefox/firefox However, I can't start up 3.6.12 using the desktop icon; instead, it reverts back to version 3.0.1. How can I get the desktop icon to start 3.6.12?

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Ubuntu :: Internal Disk In A Running System Usb-booted System Does Not Result In The System Detecting The Disk

Feb 27, 2011

My system decided to crash on me, hard. It was humming along happily for about 2 months and now doesn't boot. If I boot from hard-disk, I get grub. Launching the first kernel choice hangs. I thought maybe the install was corrupt, so I booted from usb install disk. The usb hdd didn't boot; something about an error trying to access /dev/sda . Unplugging the internal disk and plugging in the usb install disk does result in the system booting. Plugging in the internal disk in a running system usb-booted system does not result in the system detecting the disk.

How do I know if the disk is physically broken? This seems unlikely since it does manage to launch grub consistently. Or is this still possible? How can I try to mount whatever is left? The usb install disk doesn't even list the /dev/sd*. Any pointers on how to reformat the drive if it's not being mounted?

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Ubuntu :: System Crashing 10.04 \ Running Again Is To Press The On/off Button Until The System Powers Off And Restart?

Sep 6, 2010

I am an absolutely beginner with Linux (ubuntu). I got fed up with widows and decided it was time to go. I installed (clean install from a cd) ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop. It is an hp compaq d220 MT.It looks good and feels good, well at least for a while since it keeps crashing. The screen starts to flicker, goes black, and the only way to get it up and running again is to press the on/off button until the system powers off and restart.

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