Ubuntu Installation :: Installation.iso Not Found?

Oct 11, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu Netbook RC 10.10, mounted it and installed it via Wubi/Mount. Then it asked me to restart to continue the installation. After restarting I chose Ubuntu Netbook, then it said"BusyBox v1.15.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell (ash)Enter �help� for a list of built-in commands.(iso check here)Cannot find Installation.iso /ubuntu/install/installation.iso This happens when Windows does not shutdown correctly,drives not unmounted correctly. sdjfshbgjrsgrnfskj. Please run Windows normally, Run "chkdsk /r" then reboot back to installation" I did run the chkdsk /r but it said "Volume is locked. It is used by another process. Would you like to check it the next time Windows restarts?" I did typed Y after restarting, it took like 1 and a half hour so I cancelled it cause I don't have time. But when I only do "chkdsk" without the "/r" it ran normally. Any ideas how? I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit not SP1. I used PowerISO to mount it. And also I tried booting it on a USB but it only said " SYSLINUXhajfshgkshgbksfnsjkcnj Peter jfk bfksnf" I forgot what it said, but it was something like that. Should I download the new Stable version of 10.10 or just install the RC and update it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Device Not Found, Grub Rescue, Post-Installation Error

May 19, 2010

I just (for the first time ever) installed a version of Ubuntu. It is 10.04. I installed off of the Live Disk. I was having a great time until the first time I went to boot into it and I got the message
"Error: No such device: "long number" Grub Rescue> "


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Fedora Installation :: 15 Installation Fails With Grub Error - File Not Found

May 24, 2011

Ive installed about 50+ boxes with ubuntu/mint/fedora/etc but f15 is giving me a real headache...

I tried a fresh install over f14 with this drive (sdb, sda is my backup disk)

Installed obviously in part7

After rebooting (successful copied live image on hdd)


After another couple of installs (with lvm & w/o lvm) & even disconnecting the second harddrive -> same issue

Typing 'ls' in the rescue grub prompt returns


Cant 'ls /' into a single them - unknown filesystem (grub is installed in mbr of sdb) 'linux rescue' (wanted to try manual grub installation) command didnt work either.

Now again on fedora 14, same installation procedure, works fine. (and i wont bother doing a full distro upgrade from f14)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation.iso Not Found With Install?

Jun 5, 2010

I am trying to install kubuntu using wubi and the "install within Windows" feature.

This is on a company asset where the base image cannot be modified, so I can't change the partition table or anything.

I ran the setup (wubi.exe) as administrator, and the install appears to go fine. I get to the prompt to reboot now, or reboot manually later. I go ahead and reboot now.

Upon reboot, I get the Windows boot prompt with kubuntu in the menu. I select kubuntu to stop the timer and pop in the CD. Then I hit enter.

The kubuntu splash screen comes up and flashes a couple times, and then I get a prompt that the installation ISO cannot be found, and I should run 'chkdsk' in Windows.

Here is the complete message:

Could not find the ISO /ubuntu/install/installation.iso This could also happen if the file system is not clean because of an operating system crash, an interrupted boot process, an improper shutdown, or unplugging of a removable device without first unmounting or ejecting it. To fix this, simply reboot into Windows, let it fully start, log in, run 'chkdsk /r', then gracefully shut down and reboot back into Windows. After this you should be able to reboot again and resume the installation.

Naturally, running chkdsk was one of the first things I tried. No matter how many times I run chkdsk and reboot and reboot, I still get the message (I've tried several times).

Upon the advice of one of the developers, I ran the bootinfoscript while using the Demo mode of kubuntu. Here are the results:



So far I have tried mounting the hard drive and the cdrom to various mount points (/, /cdrom, /isodevice) and tried rerunning the script that seems to give the failure (/scripts/casper-premount/20iso_scan). All continue to fail. The CD has the /ubuntu/install directory, but not the installation.iso.

I am currently unable to mount the hard drive because it is not recognized as a valid NTFS file system. The hard drive is currently whole-disk encrypted, so I'm going to try decrypting the drive and start the process again. The PGP passphrase prompt comes before the OS boot prompt, so I assumed that the disk would be "available".

I am using the 64-bit kubuntu 10.04 LTS CD for the install. The base Windows image is Windows 7 (x64).

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Installation DVD - Some Random .rpm File Could Not Be Found

Aug 23, 2010

I have attempted to download and burn the fedora 13 i386 installation DVD twice, however, both DVDs that I burned failed during installation. I verified the .iso before burn and the dvd before installation and in both cases they were fine. But during installation, I received error messages that some random .rpm file could not be found (for each attempt it was different). All other configuration went fine, this only happened after the final package selection and when the actual installation starts.

EDIT: I am burning the DVD on my mac book pro using disk utility but performing the installation on a Toshiba Satellite.

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Ubuntu Installation :: With NVIDIA 310M Graphics Card Drivers (310M) On A Dell Vostro 3300 - Errors "no Device Found - No Screens Found"

Oct 28, 2010

I have a Dell Vostro 3300, i5 460 processor with a NVIDIA 310M Graphics Card. I'm doing a KUBUNTU 10.10 (Maverick) install with the following results. The Live CD boots just fine to, "TEST," or "Install." Installation goes fine. However, the graphics card being used is the Intel i915. I have tried installing the NVIDIA drivers directly from the, "Additional Drivers," tool and after the reboot I get through the boot screen to the console. I try to manually startx and I get the errors, "no device found," "no screens found." The second install I tried purging and blacklisting the nouveau drivers and entering safe mode. Then using apt-get install nvidia-current. After that, nvidia-xconfig. Same results.

The third attempt I re-installed and this time downloaded the drivers from the Nvidia site (version 256.53). Blacklisted nouveau, remove all nvidia, updated initramfs, etc. The install went fine however I still end up at a console after boot with the same messages as above. No device found, no screens found. I've tried searching through the forum and web and have tried things like adding the modset option along with many other hacks, tips and fixes. still, no go.I can live with the Intel graphics for now although I lose 512MB of memory. Unfortunately there is no way to disable or change this set-up in the BIOS. I've seen quite a few bug reports at Launchpad:

1. Is this something I should just wait til a fix comes? Will a fix come?
2. Is there, or will there be an official Updated Ubuntu Guide for Maverick to install NVIDIA drivers with this tecnology?
3. Lastly, is there anything else I should try??

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Fedora Installation :: I2O Controller - No Volume Groups Found Volume Group "VolGroup00" Not Found Unable To Access Resume Device

Apr 8, 2009

Dual PII 400, 512Mb with a Promise SuperTrak 100 IDE Array Controller. At present I have only one drive on the controller, configured for 1 JBOD array. I install FC9 with no problem. New partition is created and formatted, Grub is installed, and then... Grub is found and booted, but then I get:

Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... No volume groups found Volume group "VolGroup00" not found Unable to access resume device (/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01) mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root' I can boot in rescue mode, chroot to the installed system. I changed the kernel boot parm "root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00"

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Drive Not Found?

May 27, 2010

I've always used a Seagate external drive (USB) for backup of data.

Now, for whatever reason, the drive isn't recognized/found/seen/appear.

For that matter- none of the USB stick memories I connect are recognized either on any of the USB ports I hook them into.

All of the USB stuff works perfectly in Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updating 10.04 LTS - 404 Not Found

Sep 1, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu 10.04 lts on my computer but it won't update.... I've tried both using update manager and terminal.. and I got this message both times
W: Failed to fetch [URL] 404 Not Found

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 (PS3) No Default Foot FS Found

Feb 7, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on my PS3. I got a confirmation message that Ubuntu was installed and I needed to restart. When I reboot I get a loading message and everything checks until:

ps3av_do_pkt: ps3av_send_cmd_pkt() failed (result=-11)
ps3av_do_pkt: failed old:10003 res:-11
EXT2-fs: ps3da1: couldn't mount because of unsupprted optional features (240).
EXT3-fs: ps3da1: couldn't mount because of unsupprted optional features (240).
EXT2-fs: ps3da1: couldn't mount because of unsupprted optional features (240).
mount: mounting non on /dev/pts failed
/init: /init: 923: KBoot loader

No default foot fs was found, or one was found and it didn't contain a message= config file.
[space between root and fs is how I see it]. If no rootfs was found, you can enter the shell here with 'sh'. Exiting will return you to this prompt. In the shell you can mount your rootfs as /mnt/root/.

Reasons this may have happened include:
-No drive with a rootfs was actually found
-Your footfs does not have the correct volume lable of "/"
-Your rootfs is corrupt (use rescue cd to fix this).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Not Found After Upgrade?

Feb 10, 2010

I installed 9.04 then tried to upgrade to 9.10 and it froze so I had to reboot. Since then I have not been able to re-install 9.04 or see my partition. Everytime I try to reinstall it says and shows that it can't find the partition like there isn't a hard drive installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing IW-0.9.19 ...pkg-config Not Found?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm trying to install iw-0.9.19 on xubuntu.When i type the command "make", i get:

/bin/sh: pkg-config: not found
/bin/sh: pkg-config: not found
Makefile:38: *** Cannot find development files for any supported version of libnl. Stop.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Isn't Found?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm running ubuntu from a usb currently. However, when I try to install it, it looks for the root disk on step 4 of the installation, and nothing is shown. I can't go on with the installation since I can't select a disk to install to.

I'm on an hp pavillion laptop.

By the way, windows vista is installed but won't currently boot. Don't know why. Is it probably a problem with the hard disk (the cause of both issues)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Operating System Not Found

Apr 2, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on an old IBM T21 laptop. It starts very happily, and I am able to partition the disk & copy the files to the HDD. However, when it loads the desktop there is an icon for the CD drive (and install disk). Everything appears to be fine, but I don't see any confirmation of the installation being completed. The CD drive does not open when the button is pressed. When I restart the laptop, I get the message 'operating system not found'. Starting the machine using the CD works fine. The disk shows that the partitions have been created, and I am told that Ubuntu 9.10 is installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Not Found

Apr 26, 2010

my brand new laptop with ubuntu pre installed has an 80gb hard disk.however i dont find any drives in /media except for cdrom and cdrom0.it says 8 mb free.how do i access my hard disk.its 80GB SATA disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screem In 10.04: Package Not Found?

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to install screem in 10.04. I can't find the package... where did it go?

sudo apt-get install screem
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package screem

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xkeyval.sty Not Found Xelatex?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm trying to use xelatex to produce a pdf for a .tex file I have.The tex file uses the fontspec package.When I run xelatex it gives me this error.Code:! LaTeX Error: File `xkeyval.sty' not found.How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Not Found?

Jun 2, 2010

I formatted my 2nd hard drive(IDE) inside of windows. So I had a clean 80 GIG HDD. I downloaded the wubi installer and allowed it to have 30 GIGs of the newly formatted hard drive. I restarted it and it just used my 250GIG SATA drive. I then restarted and pressed esc. to make it use the 80 GIG and it said operating system not found. I then deleted it and tried again. Same result. I then reformatted it marked it as active and installed Ubuntu again and it did boot the 80 but it said the NTLDR is missing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flex Library Is Not Found?

Jul 21, 2010

iwant to install julius 3.5.2 on my system but i have an error after compiling the file configure the error is flex library is not found so what i have to do

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repository Packages Not Found?

Aug 4, 2010

I successfully updated my Ubuntu 8.04 lts server Hardy many times, but today when I:

sudo apt-get update

I got errors like:

Err http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages
404 Not Found

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Open /dev/sr0: No Medium Found?

Aug 7, 2010

I used t be able to install ubuntu, now I was able to install Fedador, but I get this message when I try to insatll ubutu can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found What do I do

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Ubuntu Installation :: Geda Installed But Can't Be Found

Sep 7, 2010

I installed geda through synaptic however none of the programs are in the menu or even in $path since they don't come up in the terminal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gtk-config : Command Not Found / Where To Get That?

Oct 8, 2010

Trying to install Cinepaint from a tar.gz file. Running ./configure brings up the above error. Where do I get gtk-config from?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'grub_xputs' Not Found After Upgrade?

Oct 14, 2010

So today I decided I would upgrade my computer to 10.10 from 10.04. Everything was going great until after the restart. As the title suggests, when booting I get the message "error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not found." and a grub rescue shell.From this shell, is there anyway that I can load Ubuntu so I can reinstall grub, or do whatever needs to be done? Unfortunately booting to a livecd does not seem to be much of an optiEDIT: After not finding anything I eventually gave up and took a dvd-rom drive out of another computer to get into the live cd and was able to solve the problem through there using kansasnoob's linked solution, so I guess my problem is solved, but only by changing the conditions of the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error 15: File Not Found

Oct 24, 2010

Iv been using ubuntu on my laptop for just over a year now and thought it about time my desktop got the same. I cant get rid of the vista section of the disk because of things i have on there so a friend gave me a spare 80gb hard drive to have a play with it and go from there. So first of all installed unbuntu 10.10 on the hard drive alls fine i can boot into both vista and ubuntu, i then want to install backtrack 4, so i booted the backtrack disc and off we went, i split the 80gb hard drive in two and installed backtrack to one section, now i cant boot to anything other than backtrack. I got an option for ubuntu although this does look different now (showing up as 'ubuntu, with linux 2.6.35-22-generic-pae') when i go to this option i get the message "error 15:file not found" I also have the option for other operating system, i get this message when i choose this option "error 11: Unrecognized device string"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub-install Not Found / Why Would This Be So?

Nov 6, 2010

On a particular logical partition
/sdaNN does not have grub-install no where on find file

/sdaNN+1 does have grub-install -->usr/sbin

Why would this be so?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Drive Not Found?

Nov 20, 2010

I've built a new computer and successfully installed XP on it. I've tried to install Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit edition from a pen drive and CD. I can boot into the pendrivend use it however when I try to install it doesn't recognize the harddrive.At the moment there are no jumpers on the harddrive although I've tried them in several positions to no avail. I've also tried plugging the harddrive in several of the SATA ports on the motherboardeven tried unplugging the DVD drive altogether.. no joy. I also went into the Bios and changed the mode to AHCI (it was set to IDE)My motherboard is a Asus P6X58D-E with an i7processor and 2Gb ram.The harddrive is a 500Gb WD5000AAKS

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Is Not Found

Nov 23, 2010

after hours of formating C and windows XP and after hours of installing Ubuntu,I can see the desktop backround image, the grey bar on the top of the screen with the sound icon and the ON/OFF button and then my laptop becames unresponsive.Nothing moves, cant here anything... (the cd loading).So, If I restart the pc pressing ESC so I can change the boot order and have it boot from the Hard drive, I get this message: "Operating System not Found".I've tryed to install Ubuntu about 5 times now and both 5 times it goes up to the same point and then stops.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operation System Not Found?

Mar 2, 2011

I tried to install the Xubuntu-alternate-10.10-i386 on an old HP Omnibook 4150.(Pentiun II, 128 MB RAM, Windows 9.I followed the specific information provided in the following guide.http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/GeneraleI wanted to create a single partition just for Ubuntu becuse I do not need Windows anymore.The installation apparently was ok, without problem until the end.When it asked me to reboot, I did it and by intervening in the BIOS to boot from Harddisk.After the first screen with the HP logo appeared a black page with the wordsOperating system not found_ and blinking cursor.At the press of sending the message is repeated.Can you help me to undertsand the problem and how to solve it ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Having This Error 404 Not Found On Update?

Mar 16, 2011

Could not download all repository indexes

The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.

Failed to fetch url 404 Not Found
Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

Im using 10.04.

Connection is fine. Maybe something wrong with server or any of my repository

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