Ubuntu Installation :: Operation System Not Found?

Mar 2, 2011

I tried to install the Xubuntu-alternate-10.10-i386 on an old HP Omnibook 4150.(Pentiun II, 128 MB RAM, Windows 9.I followed the specific information provided in the following guide.http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/GeneraleI wanted to create a single partition just for Ubuntu becuse I do not need Windows anymore.The installation apparently was ok, without problem until the end.When it asked me to reboot, I did it and by intervening in the BIOS to boot from Harddisk.After the first screen with the HP logo appeared a black page with the wordsOperating system not found_ and blinking cursor.At the press of sending the message is repeated.Can you help me to undertsand the problem and how to solve it ?

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Ubuntu :: System Crashed During A Gparted Operation?

Dec 12, 2010

Is running fsck -f sufficient to ensure my data is OK? Heres what's happenedy system crashed during a gparted operation. I was pretty sure however, that the data was OK since given the size of the drive and the amount of data and were it was when it crashed, I figured the crash occurred while moving empty space.Bottom line is I think the data is OK, but I am wondering what else I can do to check it.When I first ran fsck after re-booting the system it said it was clean. I then did fsck -f and it found and fixed errors in phase 5 (group summary). Now when I run fsck -f I think it's clean?fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)

Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity


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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Operating System Not Found

Apr 2, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on an old IBM T21 laptop. It starts very happily, and I am able to partition the disk & copy the files to the HDD. However, when it loads the desktop there is an icon for the CD drive (and install disk). Everything appears to be fine, but I don't see any confirmation of the installation being completed. The CD drive does not open when the button is pressed. When I restart the laptop, I get the message 'operating system not found'. Starting the machine using the CD works fine. The disk shows that the partitions have been created, and I am told that Ubuntu 9.10 is installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Not Found?

Jun 2, 2010

I formatted my 2nd hard drive(IDE) inside of windows. So I had a clean 80 GIG HDD. I downloaded the wubi installer and allowed it to have 30 GIGs of the newly formatted hard drive. I restarted it and it just used my 250GIG SATA drive. I then restarted and pressed esc. to make it use the 80 GIG and it said operating system not found. I then deleted it and tried again. Same result. I then reformatted it marked it as active and installed Ubuntu again and it did boot the 80 but it said the NTLDR is missing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Is Not Found

Nov 23, 2010

after hours of formating C and windows XP and after hours of installing Ubuntu,I can see the desktop backround image, the grey bar on the top of the screen with the sound icon and the ON/OFF button and then my laptop becames unresponsive.Nothing moves, cant here anything... (the cd loading).So, If I restart the pc pressing ESC so I can change the boot order and have it boot from the Hard drive, I get this message: "Operating System not Found".I've tryed to install Ubuntu about 5 times now and both 5 times it goes up to the same point and then stops.

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Fedora :: Cannot Choose Wich Operation System To Log Into?

Jun 19, 2010

user that started using Ubunto 6 month ago and I have now also installed fedora 13 to see wich operation system I like best... I have 3 primary partitions 1 for windows 1 for fedora and 1 for ubuntohen I installed ubunto I had a LILO (linux loader) like program that made me choose between Ubunto and Windows at start up... after installing fedora it goes automaticaly to fedora w/o making me choose... I can still mount my win/ubunto partitions so I haven't messed up compleatly... how do I "restablish" the linux loader deamon so that I can choose freely between the 3 operation systems?

second... when I installed linux stupid windows killed my backup hard drive where there are a lot of valuable resarch data... so now I have a 6 gb "unalocated" partition that I would love to be able to recover.... I would appriciate if somone had the answers to my guestions... so fare I like fedora because it seems better organised than ubuntu though the difference between the two linux distrubitons are hardly notacable

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Software :: Drive Changes To Read Only File System During An Operation?

Jun 4, 2011

I have Ubuntu installed in a virtual machine (VirtualBox) with a separate virtual drive that receives rsync backups of some of my online servers.Itns a series of 4 rsync commands. The first two ran fine, not sure about the third and the fourth wrote nothing. The error in rsync said the file system was read only. I confirmed the whole drive was read only, but it did not start that way.I rebooted and the fourth rsync ran fine. I think this is a linux issue and not a VM issue, but it is clearly mounting in r-w and for some reason changed on it own to read only.Does anyone have any idea why this might occur?It is mounted through fstab with the line:UUID=84d4bc5c-7a68-4096-9725-214f2e8b713e /BackupDrive ext3 defaults 0 2

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CentOS 5 :: New Installation - No Operating System Found?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm new at Centos, although I am familiar with Redhat.I have a laptop that has Windows XP installed on it, and I want this to run Centos 5.3 instead.I read some tutorials online, where I found the download "CentOS-5.3-i386-LiveCD". I burned this to a DVD-RW. When I put the disk in my drive and look my my D: Drive it reads: DVD RW Drive (D:) CentOS-5.3-i386-LiveCD.>I am burning with Nero 7 Essentials.I place this in the laptop disk drive, bring up the BIOS, set it to boot from CD, and when I boot it up I get the message "No Operating System Found".I also tried this from another computer, Windows Vista Home Premium, and it skipped the priority boot (which I set to CD) and went right to the hard disk, booting up to Vista like normal.I hope I'm just doing something wrong.. When I go into the DVD, I first of all see a folder labeled "LiveOS" - Then inside -> -osmin - IMG File - 12.0 KB-squashfs - IMG File - 677 MB

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OpenSUSE Install :: Fail To Boot Suse Operation System?

Jun 25, 2010

I was a window vista user. I wanted to install suse into my laptop so i shirk a free partition (around 70-80GB free partition) to install suse.After I had installed suse, I found out that I fail to boot my window vista operation system. It had gave me several choices...

1 : suse....
2 : suse....
3 : window 1...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install 10.04 32 Bit - An Error With Initfrm Saying That No Operating System Can Be Found?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bit)on my laptop (where currently is installed the amd64 version of Ubuntu 10.04 that I've decided to remove because of some small issues).I've tried using the installation CD (the same I've used to install it on my desktop, so I know that is a working copy),but at boot, although I select to boot from CD, the Live version doesn't start and Ubuntu 64 is run as usual.I've tried to create a startup diskon a usb pen,there the live version seems to start but then Busybox 1.3 is loaded and there is an error with initfrm saying that no operating system can be found.I've been told to download the alternate edition, but I'm still downloading it,

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Debian Installation :: USB Install 'Operating System Not Found'

Jun 7, 2011

I've decided to move to Debian because I have noticed Ubuntu releases getting progressively more unstable.I am following the official Debian installation guide. Just did this with the Debian 6.0 Net install .iso: 4.3.1. Preparing a USB stick using a hybrid CD or DVD image. Debian CD and DVD images can now be written directly a USB stick, which is a very easy way to make a bootable USB stick. Simply choose a CD or DVD image that will fit on your USB stick. See Section 4.1,Official Debian GNU/Linux CD-ROM Sets to get a CD or DVD image.

Alternatively, for very small USB sticks, only a few megabytes in size, you can download the mini.iso image from the netboot directory (at the location mentioned in Section 4.2.1,Where to Find Installation Image).The CD or DVD image you choose should be written directly to the USB stick, overwriting its current contents.

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Fedora Installation :: 12 - No Devices Found On Which To Create F / System

Nov 19, 2009

While installing Fedora 12, no devices were found on which to create file system (see attch.). I get the same message either on Live CD or DVD boot start. It looks like Fedora do not see my hdd. But Palimpsest can see my hard drive (see attch.)

Hdd is on my NForce 4 Ultra m/board and connected via "sata". Also I have raid controller on my board. But it is not in use: I turned it off in bios.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Acer Aspire 5050 Operating System Not Found Error?

Jan 7, 2010

I just purchased an Acer Aspire 5050, and was trying to install Ubuntu on it for my mother. (No, I am not forcing it on her, she actually asked for it.) I burned a CD and put it in the drive, and it said Operating System not found. So I went into the BIOS and told it to boot nothing but the optical drive. Same error. I burned another disk with the same computer, and then another computer. Same error. (Hereafter referred to as "nothing")

So I went and purchased a 4GB flash drive from micro center. Converted my iso to img and DDed from my Mac, then set the BIOS to boot it. The BIOS recognizes the disk, but won't boot from it, giving the same error. So I thought: Fine, I guess I can't get _nix to boot, how about Windows 7? Put the disk in that I used to install on my laptop, genuine Windows 7 disk, nothing. I tried the Vista disk that came with the computer, also nothing.

Any ideas on how to install ANY operating system on this machine? I get absolutely no POST errors. I turned off Quiet Boot and looked, no errors there either. I would be fine installing any _nix based, it doesn't have to be an easy install. I can provide more information as needed, not a problem. I can't think of any more useful information at the moment.

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Debian Installation :: No Operating System Found After Install UEFI?

Jan 30, 2015

I'm trying to install debian and when the installer starts it UEFI at the top, instlal completes however on reboot it says 'no operating system found' i've read it can be because of UEFI but I have tried different bios options but to no avail.

Bios options

Sata mode: AHCI/IDE (haven't tried IDE yet)
Tried various combinations of the below
CSM: enable/disable
Boot Priority: Auto/legancy first/uefi first
Quick Boot: enable/disable
Boot up Num-lock Status: on/off

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resize Operation Aborted ?

Jan 13, 2011

When installing ubuntu.After i choose a drive where i want to install ubuntu. and choose its size. and start to install error comes.. "An error occured while writing the changes to the storae device. The resize operation has been abored". and running chkdsk dosent help and the drive is already defragmentated.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Installation - Resize Operation Failure

Feb 13, 2010

I had a dual boot with Ubuntu 9.10 and Vista but decided to get rid of Vista altogether and just keep Ubuntu. Some things happened and I ended up having to put Vista back on here. I want to put Ubuntu 9.10 back on my laptop in a dual boot, but it will not let me install. When I try to use the live cd and install, I get a Resize Operation Failure when trying to set up the new partition for Ubuntu while keeping the Windows partition.

The failure reads:
Resize Operation Failure
An Error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.
Resize operation has been aborted.

When I try to use the Wubi installer, I get an error as well. I get:
Permission Denied
and then get a link to a log of the error.
I'm not sure what I need to do, but I really want to put Ubuntu back on here in dual boot because I was enjoying getting familiar with it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot From CD It Tells That "No Operating System Found"

Jul 18, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio laptop and the hard drive died in it. I replaced the hard drive and I am now trying to install Ubuntu. My problem is that when I set it to boot from CD it tells me that "No Operating System Found".

So how can I fix this issue and get Ubuntu installed?

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Fedora Installation :: No Operation On TouchPad - 10?

Apr 7, 2009

I have installed Fedora 10 in my laptop. After installation in Fedora 10, im not able to use Touchpad to perform a task like to open a folder/open a window/select a word. I am doing above mentioned operations through left button/right button.

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Ubuntu :: Package Operation Failed On Every Installation Using Software Center

Aug 15, 2010

Slightly New user of Ubuntu 10.4 It doesn't seem to matter what i try and install or uninstall all lead to similar error messages. (TRYING TO INSTALL I GET)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager - Package Operation Failed ?

Dec 10, 2010

When I try to update with update manager

I'm running ubuntu netbook remix 10.10 here is the error I get every time I try to use update manager to update

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Ubuntu :: Software Installation Fails Everytime - Operation Failed ?

May 23, 2011

Using 11.04. Every time I install a program (any source - software center, Update manager ) at the end of the installation message it says operation failed. But ... here is the big but. The software gets installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: File Not Found At Boot When Using Live USB Error Is "Missing Operatoring System"

Jun 13, 2010

I'm usin Ubuntu 9.10 and installed it a couple of months ago. I was trying to figure out how to use Synaptic to fix some dependancy errors I was getting, and set it to remove a certain package. It said it had to remove other packages as well to do this, well that ended up being Gnome and a whole bunch of other stuff. Silly me.So I was alright without having Gnome and went back to writing simple c++ from this book. I wrote a program to output a range of numbers and ran it but had written it wrong, so it would have ran on for hours. So I just killed the power and tried to start the comp again.

This time after the Dell boot screen it would tell me my system battery was low and strike F1 to continue or F2 to enter setup. Hit F1 and Im told that a file wasnt found and then it goes to the Ubuntu loading screen (The logo and some dots underneath) and then a black screen. Nothing else.I figured I needed to reintall and dont have any CDs so tried to make a live CD and this time when I try to boot from USB device get a "Missing Operating System" error.Its set to boot from USB device before harddrive. Need to know what to do to install again/recover old install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Chroot: Cannot Change Root Directory To /mnt: Operation Not Permitted

Feb 20, 2010

I updated my lucid alpha testing (64 bit)install after which I am unable to boot into any of my Ubuntu installs(sda11 has a dedicated Burg partition and sda10 has the stable karmic (32 bit)install and sda9 has the testing lucid install) Now I am trying to recover (rewrite Burg or at least grub2 on the MBR) my installs

This is what happens
custom@custom:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda10 /mnt
custom@custom:~$ sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
custom@custom:~$ chroot/mnt


i tried a slightly different code with little success

custom@custom:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda10 /mnt
mount: /dev/sda10 already mounted or /mnt busy
mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda10 is already mounted on /mnt


I also ran a whereis for bash and it also is there

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Debian Installation :: "GRUB Read Error Operating System Not Found" In Old Hardware

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to install debian 6.0.1a in an old COMPAQ 1255 (amd-k6, 160 MB ram, 4.3 Gbyte AT33.33 MB/s Cyl 6568 Heads 6 bytes per sector 512 HardDisk). I am using the netinstall CD_ROM , I just want the base system (the last option in the list you are presented) I got installed debian 5.0.8 , base package plus fluxbox plus a light browser plus a light pdfviewer, and I got really surprised what an useful system I got from such and old hardware.

With 6.0.1a everything goes well during the install process, the net is recognized, also the disk, formatting an partitions are created, apt-get configured, repositories contacted, etc. I only select base system (may be I am confused with the name, it is the last option in the list), and I select the install using the whole hard disk (i also tryed the install using a separated home partition but I had the same problem). I am installing the system in spanish, using latinamerican keyboard layout.

the installer then asks to take away the CD-ROM, I do, I reboot and then I got "GRUB Read Error Operating System not found". Just before the message, the machine search the floppy. If I press a key, I got the same behaviour, noise in the floppy, error message.

I can boot the CD_ROM in rescue mode, and I can select /dev/hda1 and get a console. i can do ls and cd and navigate the tree. It looks like everything is there, the /etc, the /home, all of the directories. if I do fdisk /dev/hda i got a warning because dos compatible mode is deprecated with option p of fdisk i got:

15 heads, 63 sectors/track 8944 cylinders. (different of the specifications?)
device boot Id system
/dev/hda1 * 83 Linux


i can do less grub.cfg, and I got lot of information. I think this part could be relevant to the problem

insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid

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General :: Matlab 7.5 Compiled Runtime Installation: Getting A "No Java Runtime Environment Was Found On This System"?

Oct 15, 2010

I am trying to install the Matlab 7.5 compiled runtime for 64-bit Linux (MCRInstaller.75.glnxa64.bin) and keep getting a "No Java Runtime Environment(JRE) was found on this system." error message.

I understand the JRE is bundled with MCRInstaller and will self-compile/install. However, I don't have admin access, could this be the source of the problem? If so, how could I fix it (not sure how to direct it to install locally without going into the source code)?

I got around this error before, but stupid me didn't write down what I did and I forgot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "Permission Denied" For Sudo Operation / Why Is So?

Sep 30, 2010

A few days ago I tried to install a driver for a Brother printer (HL-5040) in terminal mode by issuing "sudo dpkg -i --force-all hl5040lpr-1.1.2-1.i386.deb" on my Ubuntu 9.10 PC.

During the process several error messages were displayed. All of them say "permission denied" to access a directory /etc/init.d/lpd. Consequently, the installation failed and Synaptic package manager does not work any more and becomes broken.

Questions: Why did I get "permission denied" as a su? How can I get around the problem so I can re-install the driver?

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Ubuntu :: No Operating System Found?

Sep 2, 2010

I got a new laptop today and the first thing I did was to install Ubuntu as a dual boot with Windows 7. Everything seemed to work the first time I loaded Ubuntu after installation, and Windows also seemed to work. Then, Windows Maintenance said there was possible disk corruption, so I restarted the computer and now I get this error when trying to load. After reading around about similar problems I think it might be a problem with the grub bootloader. It is 64-bit if that makes a difference.

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Ubuntu :: System Not Updated - 404 Not Found Error

Sep 2, 2010

I get the "Could not download all repository indexes" error whenever I check for updates in update manager. In the error window it says this:
"Failed to fetch [URL] 404 Not Found. Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
I'm not sure what this repository is for, so I can remove it, but I just want to make sure this is not the "main" repository that I get updates from. Will I still keep getting my system updates if I remove it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nm-system-settings: No Process Found?

May 9, 2010

I'm with new version kubuntu 10.04 after changing managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
I can't execute killall nm-system-settings it says: nm-system-settings: no process found Maybe I'm with the wrong command

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Ubuntu Installation :: With NVIDIA 310M Graphics Card Drivers (310M) On A Dell Vostro 3300 - Errors "no Device Found - No Screens Found"

Oct 28, 2010

I have a Dell Vostro 3300, i5 460 processor with a NVIDIA 310M Graphics Card. I'm doing a KUBUNTU 10.10 (Maverick) install with the following results. The Live CD boots just fine to, "TEST," or "Install." Installation goes fine. However, the graphics card being used is the Intel i915. I have tried installing the NVIDIA drivers directly from the, "Additional Drivers," tool and after the reboot I get through the boot screen to the console. I try to manually startx and I get the errors, "no device found," "no screens found." The second install I tried purging and blacklisting the nouveau drivers and entering safe mode. Then using apt-get install nvidia-current. After that, nvidia-xconfig. Same results.

The third attempt I re-installed and this time downloaded the drivers from the Nvidia site (version 256.53). Blacklisted nouveau, remove all nvidia, updated initramfs, etc. The install went fine however I still end up at a console after boot with the same messages as above. No device found, no screens found. I've tried searching through the forum and web and have tried things like adding the modset option along with many other hacks, tips and fixes. still, no go.I can live with the Intel graphics for now although I lose 512MB of memory. Unfortunately there is no way to disable or change this set-up in the BIOS. I've seen quite a few bug reports at Launchpad:

1. Is this something I should just wait til a fix comes? Will a fix come?
2. Is there, or will there be an official Updated Ubuntu Guide for Maverick to install NVIDIA drivers with this tecnology?
3. Lastly, is there anything else I should try??

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