Ubuntu Installation :: Installation.iso Not Found With Install?

Jun 5, 2010

I am trying to install kubuntu using wubi and the "install within Windows" feature.

This is on a company asset where the base image cannot be modified, so I can't change the partition table or anything.

I ran the setup (wubi.exe) as administrator, and the install appears to go fine. I get to the prompt to reboot now, or reboot manually later. I go ahead and reboot now.

Upon reboot, I get the Windows boot prompt with kubuntu in the menu. I select kubuntu to stop the timer and pop in the CD. Then I hit enter.

The kubuntu splash screen comes up and flashes a couple times, and then I get a prompt that the installation ISO cannot be found, and I should run 'chkdsk' in Windows.

Here is the complete message:

Could not find the ISO /ubuntu/install/installation.iso This could also happen if the file system is not clean because of an operating system crash, an interrupted boot process, an improper shutdown, or unplugging of a removable device without first unmounting or ejecting it. To fix this, simply reboot into Windows, let it fully start, log in, run 'chkdsk /r', then gracefully shut down and reboot back into Windows. After this you should be able to reboot again and resume the installation.

Naturally, running chkdsk was one of the first things I tried. No matter how many times I run chkdsk and reboot and reboot, I still get the message (I've tried several times).

Upon the advice of one of the developers, I ran the bootinfoscript while using the Demo mode of kubuntu. Here are the results:



So far I have tried mounting the hard drive and the cdrom to various mount points (/, /cdrom, /isodevice) and tried rerunning the script that seems to give the failure (/scripts/casper-premount/20iso_scan). All continue to fail. The CD has the /ubuntu/install directory, but not the installation.iso.

I am currently unable to mount the hard drive because it is not recognized as a valid NTFS file system. The hard drive is currently whole-disk encrypted, so I'm going to try decrypting the drive and start the process again. The PGP passphrase prompt comes before the OS boot prompt, so I assumed that the disk would be "available".

I am using the 64-bit kubuntu 10.04 LTS CD for the install. The base Windows image is Windows 7 (x64).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub-install Not Found / Why Would This Be So?

Nov 6, 2010

On a particular logical partition
/sdaNN does not have grub-install no where on find file

/sdaNN+1 does have grub-install -->usr/sbin

Why would this be so?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-Get Install / Package Not Found

Sep 1, 2011

Ubuntu Server Edition, 32bit, fresh install today (2011.07.07). Usually the first thing thing I do after a server install, I update, upgrade... then install Emacs to configure services. I can get to it from my other servers and PC's, have an internet connections from that server // so I know things should be okay...

I'm thinking maybe it's a repo problem in my source list... and I'm not sure what repo Emacs is from. I'd like to check this, before doing a reinstall on this. I had just added in the mounts & fstabs on my data RAID arays... Would be more work, but still not too far into it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10 Won't Install Libmysqlclient15-dev - Mysql_config Not Found

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to install MySQLdb for Python from source, but when I run setup.py build I get "mysql_config not found". I try to import libmysqlclient15-dev, but I'm told "not available" and it's replaced by mysql-doc-5.0. I install that, I already have the most recent version . . . mysql_config still doesn't work.This is on Ubuntu 10. I've actually installed libmysqlclient15-dev on a Ubuntu 8 box, and on a Debian box, just yesterday.I've also tried install python-mysql ("couldn't find") and python-mysqldb ("has no installation candidate").

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Debian Installation :: Apt-get Install Package Not Found

Jun 3, 2015

I am attempting to install some applications on Debian 8 Jessie, with Gnome Desktop, and every package I try to install keeps coming up with the error E: Package Not found, I have been searching then trying for a solution on the Web, which includes apt-get update, and there are none for Debian 8 at all.

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Fedora Installation :: No Drivers Found With New F12 Install

Dec 7, 2009

I am trying to install F12 on my desktop. I previously had F9 installed. I zero-filled the harddrive before attempting installtion. When attempting to install F12 from the DVD I get various messages about needing drivers. The drivers listed seem to run the gamut from network cards to harddrives. I have an SATA drive installed as my primary disk. I have not been able to install any version since F9 so I thought I should finally try to nail down what is going on.

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Debian Installation :: Atheros Ethernet Not Found During Install?

May 15, 2010

I am attempting to install Debian 5.0 amd64 to my Toshiba laptop, which has an Atheros AR8131 Gigabit network card.Unfortunately the installer is not finding the card. I have downloaded the Linux drivers for my card to a USB drive. When I tell the installer to load the drivers from removable media it is telling me that it is not able to read the files. I am guessing that I either need to place the files into a particular named directory or I have the wrong file format (currently a .tar)

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Debian Installation :: USB Install 'Operating System Not Found'

Jun 7, 2011

I've decided to move to Debian because I have noticed Ubuntu releases getting progressively more unstable.I am following the official Debian installation guide. Just did this with the Debian 6.0 Net install .iso: 4.3.1. Preparing a USB stick using a hybrid CD or DVD image. Debian CD and DVD images can now be written directly a USB stick, which is a very easy way to make a bootable USB stick. Simply choose a CD or DVD image that will fit on your USB stick. See Section 4.1,Official Debian GNU/Linux CD-ROM Sets to get a CD or DVD image.

Alternatively, for very small USB sticks, only a few megabytes in size, you can download the mini.iso image from the netboot directory (at the location mentioned in Section 4.2.1,Where to Find Installation Image).The CD or DVD image you choose should be written directly to the USB stick, overwriting its current contents.

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Fedora Installation :: Cant Install 10 - Got ' No Driver Found' Error

Feb 17, 2009

I have downloaded fedora 10, i386 and right to DVD/UD using 4x write speed. I have one machine have installed win xp, now i want to over right here, when i select installation , its asking common questions like language, drivers, when i select from Local CD/DVD i got 'No Driver Found' Error.

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Fedora Installation :: CDROM Drive Not Found For Install?

Jul 11, 2010

I downloaded and burned the Fedora-13-x86_64-dvd iso to install on my shiny new box (MSI NF980-G65 MB, AMD Phenom II x4 945 CPU, 8GB Corsair DDR3 memory, generic ATAPI DVD drive, 2 500GB SATA drives, 2 1.5TB SATA drives). I boot from the DVD and and take the default install/upgrade option on the menu. I've tried with the default boot options and with about a dozen different options, all give the the same thing.

Looking console 3, shows the following:

ERROR loader: removing ddmode.conf failed
ERROR loader: got to setupCdrom without a CD device

It can't find the CD/DVD drive that it booted from. The install on console 1 is prompting for a driver to load. Do I need to download a driver for a generic ATAPI/IDE CD/DVD drive?

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Kernel Was Found / Installation May Have Failed

Mar 23, 2010

I installed OpenSuSE 11.2 64bit from a Linux Magazine #111 dvd and now cannot create DomU guests. The exact error is in the subject line. It is sitting on a software RAID-1 partionion on two (mirrored) hard disks. When I first install - formatting all partitions - it reports error 17 and won't load the OS. After running the Repair installed system from the DVD I get the impression it is doing things twice rather than doing the repairs once on the RAIDed partition. Should I go back to 11.1?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Through Terminal Always Reads That Theres No File Found Or Can't Complete?

Jan 23, 2010

i just installed ubuntu and i wanna put wine on so i can install my itunes and adapters an so on. but when i try to install through terminal it always reads that theres no file found or cant complete installation. and theres no net hooked up to it cuz the wireless adapter wont work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install 10.04 32 Bit - An Error With Initfrm Saying That No Operating System Can Be Found?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bit)on my laptop (where currently is installed the amd64 version of Ubuntu 10.04 that I've decided to remove because of some small issues).I've tried using the installation CD (the same I've used to install it on my desktop, so I know that is a working copy),but at boot, although I select to boot from CD, the Live version doesn't start and Ubuntu 64 is run as usual.I've tried to create a startup diskon a usb pen,there the live version seems to start but then Busybox 1.3 is loaded and there is an error with initfrm saying that no operating system can be found.I've been told to download the alternate edition, but I'm still downloading it,

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Operating Systems Found On Dual Boot Install

Aug 23, 2010

I currently have Windows 7 installed. I wish to dual boot this with Ubuntu 10.4. On a 120gb drive I allocated a large percentage to Windows and have put two partitions on the end; 1gb for swap, 15gb for Ubuntu. However, when I go to install and get to the partition manager bit it claims no operating systems have been found. Contrary to this, when I boot into the live CD it sees all the partitions, however these cannot be accessed and no error messages are displayed (However, accessing the Windows partition appeared to corrupt the install and I had to format...). When running install from the live environment the same no operating systems found error occurs. Windows 7 works fine and the drive is IDE (if this makes any difference).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install From A Working Live Cd But Got Medium Not Found Error

Feb 23, 2011

heres what happenned:

1. had working xp install on 320 gb hard disk with only one partition.
2. backed up and used easeus to shrink and create new partition on same hard drive.
3. tried to install from a working live cd but got medium not found error.
4. looked for fix but didnt find it so i used wubi to install it to the partition i created.
5. worked but annoyingly slow so looked for guide to switch from wubi to full install.
6. followed guide and it installed to a new partition i made with gparted and it formatted that one to ext4 but i still had the wubi install which i didnt want. (btw, non-wubi is much > wubi install).
7. went to xp to uninstall wubi, delete wubi partition, and grow full ubuntu install partition with easeus. easeus requires reboot.

8. restart comp to find an error that said no partition found and something else about grub rescue.
9. try live cds but hard drive not detected and tried win7 and xp but they didnt even get into setup
10. make plan: get bro to format my hardd disk using his compyter so i csn try ubuntu onw more time

i got a bunch of different types of errors but im really close to giving up on it entirely.

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Debian Installation :: No Operating System Found After Install UEFI?

Jan 30, 2015

I'm trying to install debian and when the installer starts it UEFI at the top, instlal completes however on reboot it says 'no operating system found' i've read it can be because of UEFI but I have tried different bios options but to no avail.

Bios options

Sata mode: AHCI/IDE (haven't tried IDE yet)
Tried various combinations of the below
CSM: enable/disable
Boot Priority: Auto/legancy first/uefi first
Quick Boot: enable/disable
Boot up Num-lock Status: on/off

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Debian Installation :: Ethernet Not Found Squeeze Net Install PPC Ibook G4?

Apr 21, 2010

I was going to try out Squeeze on my ibook so I downloaded one of the weekly snapshots of the netinstall image and booted the installer. The installer was unable to recognize the ethernet card of my ibook which I found odd since I have used Lenny in the past without having any problems. Does anyone know if this is a bug in the installer or has firmware for my ethernet card been dropped from Squeeze? I searched around and couldn't find any bugs that were specific to PPC with this installer. It is not a deal breaker as I can just install Lenny and then dist upgrade to Squeeze,

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Add Firefox Due To Repositories Not Found After Install?

Jun 25, 2009

After install I tried to add firefox but it wasn't found in any of the repositories. I thought it was supposed to be in there. Thunderbird also wasn't. What repositories do you guys add after install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install From USB Drive - Get An Message "No DEFAULT Or UI Configuration Directive Found?

May 19, 2010

I recently decided to install Ubuntu on a couple of computers without CD drives (netbooks), so I followed these instructions to create a bootable flash drive: http:[url].....That worked fine for both netbooks. Now I'm trying to use the same flash drive on a desktop currently running Windows Vista, but get his message when I try to boot from the flash drive:

No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!I tried to boot one of the netbooks from the flash drive again and that still works.I'm thinking a BIOS setting.

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Debian Installation :: Fresh Install - Grub File Not Found Error

Nov 28, 2015

I just installed debian from debian-live-8.2.0-amd64-standard+nonfree.iso and after installation, which finished without problems, I cannot boot the system. I get the error:

Code: Select allfile '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found

From grub-rescue via ls command I see that I don't have the i386-pc folder inside /boot/grub. I have only two files:
unicode.pf2 and grub.cfg

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Fedora Installation :: LogVol00 Not Found - Wont Boot After Fresh Install

Apr 3, 2009

Fc11 installed well, it was related to a particular sata driver perhaps The installation went well up to the reboot, and then displayed the message saying that LogVol00 was not found. 3ware sata raid card, usually it installs without error

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Fedora Installation :: Install Ok - But Boot Failed - No Root Device Found

Nov 21, 2010

I have 2 Debian OS's and wanted to put Fedora next to it.

Install went ok, but after rebooting it says: "No root device found. Boot has failed, sleeping forever."

During install from the live CD I didn't "v" the boot (efi or something?) because I thought Grub would take care of everything.

Should I just reinstall again and choose the Fedora bootloader? Won't it mess up Grub?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Device Not Found, Grub Rescue, Post-Installation Error

May 19, 2010

I just (for the first time ever) installed a version of Ubuntu. It is 10.04. I installed off of the Live Disk. I was having a great time until the first time I went to boot into it and I got the message
"Error: No such device: "long number" Grub Rescue> "


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Debian Installation :: Install Cifs-utils On Wheezy Armhf 404 File Not Found

Aug 12, 2014

Install cifs-utils on wheezy armhf
apt-get install cifs-utils --fix-missing
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done

[Code] ....

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Fedora Installation :: Find Packages Needed To Install - Package Gthread-2.0 Not Found

Jan 22, 2011

Fedora 14 I recently went to install some software using the source files.When I ran the command



I got a message saying that


package gthread-2.0 not found

After searching the internet some one had the same problem. I needed to install a package called



However, rather that searching the internet.

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Installation Fails With Grub Error - File Not Found

May 24, 2011

Ive installed about 50+ boxes with ubuntu/mint/fedora/etc but f15 is giving me a real headache...

I tried a fresh install over f14 with this drive (sdb, sda is my backup disk)

Installed obviously in part7

After rebooting (successful copied live image on hdd)


After another couple of installs (with lvm & w/o lvm) & even disconnecting the second harddrive -> same issue

Typing 'ls' in the rescue grub prompt returns


Cant 'ls /' into a single them - unknown filesystem (grub is installed in mbr of sdb) 'linux rescue' (wanted to try manual grub installation) command didnt work either.

Now again on fedora 14, same installation procedure, works fine. (and i wont bother doing a full distro upgrade from f14)

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Installation DVD - Some Random .rpm File Could Not Be Found

Aug 23, 2010

I have attempted to download and burn the fedora 13 i386 installation DVD twice, however, both DVDs that I burned failed during installation. I verified the .iso before burn and the dvd before installation and in both cases they were fine. But during installation, I received error messages that some random .rpm file could not be found (for each attempt it was different). All other configuration went fine, this only happened after the final package selection and when the actual installation starts.

EDIT: I am burning the DVD on my mac book pro using disk utility but performing the installation on a Toshiba Satellite.

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Clicked "install Gufw" The Message Came As Package Not Found?

Mar 25, 2010

How to install gufw? I could not find it when i clicked "install gufw" the message came as package not found.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install The 32bit 10.04 Server To An Atom Machine From A CD - Getting Error - "No Kernel Modules Were Found"?

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to install the 32bit 10.04 server to an atom machine from a CD burned with ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.iso. The installer is presenting me with the:"No kernel modules were found" ..error message. Is the atom cpu and chipsets supported by the 32bit server installer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation.iso Not Found?

Oct 11, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu Netbook RC 10.10, mounted it and installed it via Wubi/Mount. Then it asked me to restart to continue the installation. After restarting I chose Ubuntu Netbook, then it said"BusyBox v1.15.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell (ash)Enter �help� for a list of built-in commands.(iso check here)Cannot find Installation.iso /ubuntu/install/installation.iso This happens when Windows does not shutdown correctly,drives not unmounted correctly. sdjfshbgjrsgrnfskj. Please run Windows normally, Run "chkdsk /r" then reboot back to installation" I did run the chkdsk /r but it said "Volume is locked. It is used by another process. Would you like to check it the next time Windows restarts?" I did typed Y after restarting, it took like 1 and a half hour so I cancelled it cause I don't have time. But when I only do "chkdsk" without the "/r" it ran normally. Any ideas how? I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit not SP1. I used PowerISO to mount it. And also I tried booting it on a USB but it only said " SYSLINUXhajfshgkshgbksfnsjkcnj Peter jfk bfksnf" I forgot what it said, but it was something like that. Should I download the new Stable version of 10.10 or just install the RC and update it?

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