Ubuntu Installation :: Hang On 10.10 Installation (getpwuid_r()?

Jan 24, 2011

I have 10.10 Maverick Meerkat installed on my desktop, and I have decided to install it on one of my laptops. The laptop is a..Code:HP Pavilion dv1010usAfter the bootscreen loads up, i can press ESC and I see..Code:(process:300): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)Should i just wait, or what can i do to fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - (process:325): GLib-WARNING **: Getpwuid_r(): Failed Due To Unknown User Id (0)

Apr 14, 2011

"(process:325): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)"

It comes after choosing language, when the Ubuntu start-up logo shows with the 5 dut under it. I am trying to install Ubuntu Netbook on a little Compaq Mini.

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Ubuntu :: Server Installation Via USB Hang?

Oct 29, 2010

Trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 Server via a usb flash drive. Can't use a cd-rom as the server doesn't have a cd-drive! lol! It boots up and then hangs at the loading stage where the ubuntu symbol is displayed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 (64 Bit) Hang On Boot

Jan 8, 2011

I upgraded my ubuntu 64 bit from 10.04 to 10.10 using the update manager on my Laptop ASUS, F80Series, 4Gb Ram, CPU Duo T8100. Ubuntu 10.10 could never boot: it always gets stuck. I tried the "recovery mode". The last two messages written, before getting stuck are:

[1.729408 ] NET: Registered Protocol Family 1
[1.730110] Registered Taskstat Version 1

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hang Up Installing 10.04 LTS?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm trying to install 10.04 LTS and everything goes great until I get to step 2 of 7 after clicking my time zone it just hangs up. I had no problems installing using the same live disk earlier today on another cpu, I even tried another image to see if that was the problem. Installing 11.04 goes great too on the same cpu.Edit: I should of mentioned this earlier, but I also can run directly from the cd. The only issue is when I try to install it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 -> 11.04 Update Hang And Fail

May 5, 2011

10.10 -> 11.04 Update hang and fail I used Update manager to update and the screen froze at the end of the "installing updates" phase with 1 minute remaining, with the last message "Installed liblvm2app2.2"

After a power cycle I get the grub boot menu but after that a blank screen and then nothing

The PC is a triple boot with Windows XP and Slackware. I can still boot into Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Grub Fail - LiveCD Hang

Apr 8, 2010

liveCD hangs on the ubuntu splash screen. this is the second time grub has hosed this system (last time was 9.10 upgrade).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 - Boot Screen Hang?

May 2, 2010

I'll say up front I'm still new to Ubuntu, so if I've missed anything obvious please forgive me. I chose to upgrade my 9.10 installation to 10.04 via the update manager. Especially since I was going to be gone for long periods of time, this seemed like a good idea.

Downloading went fine, but I had to leave for a two day trip once I clicked install. When I returned, I noticed the machine was still on the purple loading screen with four dots. When I shut it down and rebooted, it got to the same screen. Pressing escape to show the text behind the screen showed two fails and one oddity:

(1) Setting sensors limits "Rather than invoking init scirpts through /etc/init.d, use the service( utility, e.g. service S49console-setup start

Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an upstart job, you may also use the start( utility, e.g. start S49console-setup start: Unkown job: S49consile-setup"

(2) Starting VirtualBox kernel modules No suitable module for running kernels found


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Red Hat :: RHEL5.5 Server Installation - Hang

Oct 11, 2010

I am trying to install RHEL5.5 server on Dell Optiplex 360. When its reached at "checking dependencies in packages selected for Installation" its hang. What should I do, I checked cables hardware etc... every thing looks ok.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server Edition Hang On Booting Screen?

Jan 17, 2010

But when i try the Ubuntu Server Edition, using the same method of burning the iso file i downloaded from ubuntu homepage into a cd, and when i reboot my pc and the screen display the following:ISOLINUX 3.63 Debian 2008-07-15 Copyright (c) 1944-2008 H. Peter Anvin
Loading...Initializing gfx codeand it hang there.Do anyone know what happened? I have verified the file i download and the disc i burnt through MD5SUM.

My Laptop spec:
Intel(R) Pentium(R) M Processor1.86GHZ
1GB Ram, 80Gb Hardisk
OS1: Microsoft XP Home edition SP2
OS2: Ubuntu Desktop Edition

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Ubuntu Installation :: Initial Install Seems To Hang For Very Long Time

Nov 19, 2010

I'm attempting to install Kubuntu on a new laptop but seem to be having some strange issues. It's a Dell Latitude E5410 with 160GB HDD, 2GB RAM and Intel Core i5-520M(2.4GHz). I'm trying to install Kubuntu 10.10. When I restart the machine and boot from the CD for an initial install it seems to hang for a VERY long time. It will eventually get to the boot options (after hours) but seems sluggish. Once the install gets going everything seems decent except for that I can't seem to get it to finish. I know the CD is good since I used it to get Kubuntu on 2 desktops and another laptop in the last 48 hours. I've also burned another CD just to make sure. The checksum was spot on. Does anyone know what I can do to get this remedied?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Stops With Python Message And Hang

Mar 25, 2011

I was doing a update via Synaptic Package Manager, after it is nearly finished i get that message: Processing triggers for python-central ... Nothing happend so i ctrl-c it and the packet manger shows me no other errors or something else, even all the packages who was marked for upgrade are now upgraded but what about that python message? Do i have to do some check ? or maybe even a repair or even worse re install the OS?


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Debian Installation :: AMD64 Hang On Startup?

Oct 9, 2010

I've just installed Debian AMD64 on my main box (Intel Q6600, Ati HD4770, Asus P5K) using the DVD install. It boots, but hangs when it tries starting the graphical interface. No reports, no commandline, nothing at all - a nice black screen and completely unresponsive system.

Debian x86 works with no problems.

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Debian Installation :: System Appear To Hang At Different Points During Install

Aug 28, 2010

i reached step six where it states "6. When the root and swap partitions are formatted the base installation will begin. Note that your system may appear to hang at different points during the install but it hasn't. Just be patient." I have been staring at a blank blue screen with this blinking cursor at the bottom for 30 minutes and i was just wondering how much more "patient" will it take. for some system details. the system is clean / fist time run and anything installed on it.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 64bit On Optiplex 740 - Hang On First Boot After Install?

Feb 15, 2010

New install of Fedora 12 64-bit from DVD on an Optiplex 740 (AMD) with 8GB memory I had to use the mem= option to get the install past the EDD probe, but it seemed to install successfully. Now on boot it goes all the way through the "filling icon" progress meter, then switches to a completely black screen with an X pointer cursor that responds to mouse movement, but nothing else happens. Ctrl-Alt-F{2-5} do not switch to a console login, so the system's inaccessible.

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Fedora Installation :: Fc13 Boot Hang On Dell Inspiron?

Mar 18, 2011

Now, all of a sudden, after I restarted after a system update, My dell desktop inspiron hangs on boot. The kernel is: Not only that, but the system won't boot for any of the remaining previous kernels.

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Fedora Installation :: Fc14 Preupgrade To Fc15 Hang On First Boot

May 27, 2011

i have just upgraded from f14 to f15 using preupgrade. i am now still waiting for the first boot to finish. the screen is stuck for more than an hour and the last line written was:

Started LSB: Start up the OpenSSH server daemon. and there is a blinking cursor.

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General :: Installation Detect Disk Freeze / Hang - Resolve It?

Apr 26, 2011

I have a problem with getting my Linux distribution (Debian amd64-bit) to install. Everything works the way it should - from booting a live CD/DVD (any distro) to running the text-based or gui installation right after bootup. Up until the Linux installation gets to the step for detecting my SATA hard disk drive(s), but before (or at the same time as) initiating the partitioning step, it'll freeze/hang my screen and my CD/DVD drives instantaneously - and the only fix is a forced shutdown and/or hard reboot.

I don't know what causes this, but I tried googling online and all that I really found out was that it might be an issue with running 32-bit vs 64-bit installations - but this is not the case; from running Gparted on Knoppix 32-bit or the partitioning step during a Debian 64-bit installation. Also, I read a random post online related to running kernel commands / parameters alongside the installation (e.g. acpi=off or something similar) stating that it might help?

Anyone got any ideas or solutions? I'm a real newbie when it comes to Linux (though, I'm quite knowledgeable when it comes to computers and technology, and Windows) - else I wouldn't be posting in this forum sub-section, hehe. I can't quite get my head around this one - despite trying my best to find a solution online beforehand.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Win7 On Raid0 - Install 10.04 It Will Hang And Eventually Errors Out?

Apr 18, 2010

New to Linux and am wanting to install ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04 on a single separate 80gb drive. I have Windows installed on 2 80gb drives in Raid0 (nvidia controller) .I have installed 9.10 but Win7 will not load from the bootloader : gives me the error invalid signature. I've looked around and tried a few things to get it to load with no success.. is the Raid0 the issue?

If I try to install 10.04 it will hang and eventually errors out, I believe on the raid drive because it comes up with dev/mapper/nvidia_hhfbdccf1..

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Fedora Installation :: Cloned F11 Install Refuses To Boot (kernel Hang)?

Jun 17, 2009

I installed F11 x86 from the DVD onto one of my machines using a total of 4 partitions:

1. /boot
2. /
3. /home
4. swap

I then created an image of the first 3 partitions with fsarchiver and restored it onto a second machine (with different hardware). Grub was loaded onto the second machine as well without a problem. The new cloned install will get past grub fine but the kernel hangs. After removing 'rhgb quiet' from the boot options, I can see that the last message outputted to the console is something about the PS/2 mouse - this doesn't make sense as the mouse is working perfectly fine.

Additionally, I can still reboot using ctrl-alt-delete so the kernel/CPU must still be responsive. I have tried troubleshooting the various pieces of hardware, so I'm guessing it's something with the clone. All the cloned filesystems appear to be fully intact; the partition UUID's are all the same. I've even tried changing the UUID's both in grub and /etc/fstab to hardcoded /dev/sdaX , but this does not fix anything.

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Fedora Installation :: White Macbook 5,2 Grub Lockup - Hang At Blank Screen

Jun 13, 2009


when trying to choose the Linux partition, I found that it would just hang at a blank screen. Looking further into the problem, I had booted with the Linux Rescue and checked the /boot/grub/grub.conf file. It appeared to be that the menu was set to hidden. I got rid of that line, and checked the boot arguments. It still had acpi=off set with the kernel and everything else seems to be in order. Root is set to root (hd0,2) which should be correct.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "Try Hd(0,0): NTFS5: No Wubildr" 2 Minute Hang

May 2, 2010

I'm having a bit of a problem with the new Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my Windows 7 based machine via Wubi. I see the error message "Try hd(0,0): NTFS5: No wubildr" on my screen for around two minutes, then "Try hd(0,1)" shows on the next line briefly, then Grub loads and I can boot normally. All the time the error message is on the screen there is lots of hard drive activity. Is there anything I can do to fix this delay in my booting up sequence?

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Ubuntu :: Getpwuid_r() Failed Due To Unknown User - Error

Feb 4, 2010

I'm running an up-to-date Lucid Lynx, full encryption with LUKS on my Eee 1005HA. Since yesterday, after booting, the only "X" is can see is the mouse cursor above a console-like text, saying:


(process_290) GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_(): failed due to unknown user id (0)
init: ureadahead main process (410) terminated with status 5
fsck [clean, blah bla, check deferred, on battery]


So, I googled for the getpwuid_r thing. I found a blog saying to install nscd (did so) and run it. But: To my inconvenience, after every booting, I have to switch to console 1, log in, run "sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart" and then "sudo restart gdm".

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Ubuntu :: GLib-WARNING **: Getpwuid_r(): Failed Due To Unknown User Id (0)?

Mar 30, 2010

Currently running 10.04. Just did some updates and when it finished rebooting it just doesn't work right. Whenever I click on my user name to enter my password it freezes for 3-5 seconds then the screen reloads. If I do Ctrl+Alt+F7 I get this error(the title of the thread). I have no earthly idea what this means but everything was working great until I did my updates just a couple hours ago. on??

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Glib-Warning **:getpwuid_r(): Failed Due To Unknow User Id (0)

Aug 8, 2010

Glib-Warning **:getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknow user id (0)

when you restart the following message appears : [URL]

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Ubuntu :: (process:426): GLib-WARNING** Getpwuid_r(): Failed Do To Unknown Userid (0)

Nov 6, 2010

Installing 10.10 from disk, at some point during installation an error occurs and this appears:

(process:426): GLib-WARNING** getpwuid_r(): failed do to unknown userid (0)

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Ubuntu :: Graphics - Error: (process:257):GLib-Warning**:getpwuid_r():failed Due To Unknown User Id(0)

Jul 20, 2011

When i try to install Ubuntu 11.04 or try without installing i get graphics like this:[URL] same with older versions, and on older versions i used to get this error: (process:257):GLib-Warning**:getpwuid_r():failed due to unknown user id(0) but on new version it dosent appear. My graphics card is: GeForce 7600GT MSI.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Package Installation Error - Action Would Require The Installation Of Packages From Not Authenticated Source

Feb 5, 2011

Package Installation error

Recently I get an error while installing any packages offline.

"Action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated source".

The key icon at top tight corner shows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 64bit Installation Error During Installation Of Xserver-xorg-driver-all

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.10 on my machine (I had the same problem with Kubuntu 9.04). The machine is:

- Core 2 Quad 6600
- Nvidia 7600 GS
- Two disk seagate 500 in mirroring raid software

When I try to install Kubuntu, after disk partition, my system dosn't see the CD. He tell me to insert disk into drive but I doesn't touch it. I resolved this mounting an external hard disk into /cdrom. After this, the installation continues until the step "select and install software". At this step, the installation procedure tell me an error. During this error, in the other console, I've this:

Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: Alcuni pacchetti non possono essere installati. Questo può voler dire
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: che è stata richiesta una situazione impossibile oppure, se si sta
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: usando una distribuzione in sviluppo, che alcuni pacchetti richiesti

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Debian Installation :: USB Installation Fails To Find An Installation Iso Image

Aug 15, 2010

I have installed Debian maybe 30 times over the years since about 2003, stable, testing and Sid on two different desktops and two different laptops. The only problem I have ever had is sometimes with a flaky daily build. It is one of my favorite distros.

BUT, I am totally frustrated is trying to install to a USB. I have followed the manual step by step about 6 times in the past two weeks. The result is always the same. The installation fails to find an installation iso image. Yes, I know the iso image and the hd-media vmlinuz and initrd.gz files are supposed to be the same version.

File: debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso from: [url]

Files: vmlinuz and initrd.gz from: [url]

The USB boots to a Language selection screen and proceeds through the Keyboard selection screen with no problems.

The next step which searches for an installation iso image fails.

Skipping that step and trying to load installer components from iso image also fails.

Searching the entire PC for an installation iso image also fails. (I even copied the netinst iso image to the HD root directory.)

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