Ubuntu :: Error: No Such Device: ACB00A7FB00A506E

Feb 9, 2010

I've reinstalled grub2 in my kubuntu. Iarchive/index.php/t-1215062.html have kubuntu and windows xp. Now, when I choose the option "Windows_xp" it says me:

Error: no such device: ACB00A7FB00A506E

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Server :: Lifekeeper Error - DEVICE FAILURE On SCSI Device - /dev/add

Sep 17, 2009

Since May 12,2009. Our system lifekeeper has the error log "lifekeeper error: DEVICE FAILURE on SCSI device '/dev/add'", but it ran normally. Until last week, it failover to the standby server. The disk still running, the error still come out.

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General :: Can't Find Boot Device - Error "Unable To Determine Major/minor Number Of Root Device"

Mar 17, 2011

I just compiled my first own kernel (I'm using Arch Linux), following the tutorial on the german site. Now I tried to boot it, I ended up failing with this message: Code: Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/sda1 ... Root device '/dev/sda1' doesn't exist, Attempting to create it. ERROR: Unable to determine major/minor number of root device '/dev/sda1' Here is the important part of my menu.lst:


I simply copy&pasted the Arch-entry, i.e. I also had the disk by uuid there. The failure message was the same, just the root device name was the different name Also, at first I did not have the initrd line in my menu.lst (as written in my tutorial that I may not need it). In this case I had this error message:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Error: No Such Device, Error: No Such Disk

Jul 12, 2010

I am getting the same errors everytime I boot the server up:

Error: no such device {SOME-UUID}
Error: no suck disk

After that the system boots normally, but Im afraid ignoring this error can make my system crash in the future. I figured it was a grub error and I tried the update-grub2 command, it does detect all installed kernels no problem, but after I reboot I get the same error message.

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Software :: 10.04 - Couldn't Open Localsound Device Error 2 Client Side Error: Could Not Set Up A Stream

Jul 18, 2010

I just installed say with

sudo apt-get install epos
and everything went fine, until I tried to use it.
When i do
say hello
it gives me

Could not open localsound device, error 2 Client side error: Could not set up a stream

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Fedora :: Error: "Error 11: Unrecognize Device Strong

Mar 17, 2011

So I've tried some hours ago to install the new kernel 2.6.38 and when I did the reboot, it prompted this error: "Error 11: Unrecognize device strong

Press any key to continue..." I know this is such a general question but how to install the new kernel with Fedora 14? I think I did compiled and configured it ok and did something that wasn't recognized by grub or perhaps when I ran the command to make the new initrd.

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Ubuntu :: Got Error : No Such Device / Fix It?

Oct 12, 2010

I decided to go ahead and try out Ubuntu for the first time (never used a Linux OS before) ...it hasn't gone well to say the least. I downloaded the wubi installer and installed the netbook version of Ubuntu (10.04). It was installed on my Samsung NC10, where Windows XP installed on a small partition and program files were kept on the other larger partition. Ubuntu was installed onto the larger partition. After booting into Ubuntu there were some updates which came up, so I went ahead and and let it update... after that it needed to restart -- and from there things have never been the same I now get a "Error: no such device <enter some random letters and numbers here>" error.

I tried googling the solution but haven't managed to get anything to work. I put Ubuntu onto a USB and so I can get into that "live" Ubuntu; I've tried all sorts of strange and meaningless (to me, anyway) commands in Terminal... nothing has worked. I even went into the drive and deleted Ubuntu thinking that perhaps that would stop it trying to load Ubuntu but that didn't work either -- probably not a good move, but I'm desperate. Right now, I'd be quite happy to just fix Windows and forget about Ubuntu. I really need to get this sorted within the next 3 hours before Uni.

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Ubuntu :: Error: No Such Device?

Nov 9, 2010

after a failed update attempt from 10.04 to 10.10 I tried to just do a fresh install of 10.10.

This is the error message I am getting:

error: no such device 3f83145b-1925-4793-b0c5-2779446c6b1b

I have tried reinstalling grub with no luck. I have 4 hdd in this machine and I have had various ubuntu installs on them over the years so that may be causing issues. I also ran something that was supposed to delete the mbr and I ran it for each hdd. Currently I am booted into a 10.10 live cd.

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Ubuntu :: Error: No Such Device At GRUB

Feb 12, 2010

I am running a Windows 7/Karmic Koala Dualie. I was running Windows 7 first, Shrank Windows, partitioned the drive using the 40 free unallocated gigs of the 300 gig hard drive, and installed a fresh install of Karmic Koala to that. This has been working just fine (minus a few graphic driver issues) for the last week or so. Then wanting all my content to be available to both system and my network easily I decided to shrink the Windows 7 side, and use the 90 now free gigs to create a FAT32 Partition (using Partition Wizard after I had defragged the disk) The process runs fine, I boot back into Ubuntu where I have made my Windows 7 drive NTFS partition mount automatically, and I pull my videos and music to the new partition. At this point everything is going great till I fill the partition, and I decide to boot back into Windows to decide if I need to shrink windows to make the new partition any bigger. Well this time I go to GRUB hit windows and I get: Error: No Such Device: 01caab4e3c9fb9e0

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Ubuntu :: PCI-Express Device Error?

Jun 9, 2010

My dmesg is full of this messages:

[ 31.571682] +------ PCI-Express Device Error ------+
[ 31.571684] Error Severity: Uncorrected (Non-Fatal)


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Ubuntu :: Getting Error : No Such Device / Resolve This?

Nov 27, 2010

When I start my laptop I get this message. error: no such device: 795a9b9c-b3fe-4562-9921-f7a502fdc566 grub rescue> I hadn't done anything that would have caused this.

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Ubuntu :: Error: No Such Device /external Hd

Feb 28, 2011

I had tried to install Ubuntu 10.10 on an external harddrive, the Laptop was running Vista. It all worked fine, but now, when the external hd isn't connected, I ge the message: error: no such device : ... grub rescue> the I put the ls command grub rescue> ls (hd0)(hdo,msdos3)(hd0,msdos)(hdmsdos1) Now I just want to get Vista working again, without having to connect the hd.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub:Error:No Such Device?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using Kubuntu 9.10 with Ubuntu-desktop installed.I've been using kubuntu for sometime now but i dont know much technical things about it. I have two hard discs (160GB SATA and 80GB PATA).I have just installed Windows XP Professional and then reinstalled grub2 from a live CD. Both OS are on 80GB PATA drive.The Grub menu at boot time has "Windows XP Professional" entry in it. The problem is thatwhen i select that entry, i get an error saying:Quote:Grub:Error:No such device - "a string of letters and numbers"Press any key to continue...When i press any key, it goes back to the grub menu. Kubuntu and Ubuntu work fine.When i go to bios and change my hard disc boot order, grub is bypassed and Windows boots and works good. I dont know much technical things but i think maybe its the problem with Windows entry in grub. (something to do with lines map(hd0,hd1) and map(hd1,hd0) (But i'm nt sure. I just said wat i thought it might be)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: No Such Device 3624fcb624fc7a67

Feb 16, 2010

I have a machine which was running Windows 7 64bit, the installation was working fine. I decided to install Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit on a separate hard drive. Now, Ubuntu works great, but I try to boot Windows through GRUB (2, BTW) I get the following error:

error: No Such Device 3624fcb624fc7a67

Tried running grub-update, no avail. Also tried running a repair disk with my Windows 7 install disk-also no luck. EDIT: Also, if it helps, I can see both the System Reserved and full Windows partitions in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Such Device Error Message?

Mar 17, 2010

I have been using my desktop as a dual boot machine for several months now. The primary hard drive with windows on it died, and since we have been using ubunto 9.10 exclusively, I just removed the dead drive, changed the jumpers on the secondary drive to primary and did a clean install on the drive which presumably formats the disk before installing. When I try to boot from the hard drive i get the following message:

ERROR: no such device 2eb48bcb-7bb4-4080-b04d-fc32dec8c252

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Ubuntu :: Error - No Space Left On Device

Apr 21, 2010

i'm using Ubuntu virtual machine.latly, i've moved the VM image to other PC. something with the user privileges got wrong. i when i edit a file using nano for example from a simple user, it says: "no space left on device" but when i use

# sudo nano filename

it works.i used

#chmod 777 filename

and it still dosent work. i cant save/write to disk while i'm in the user account. but with sudo, or root account it works.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Failure - Error No Such Device

Jul 27, 2010

I installed from a live disc months ago. It worked fine for a while, don't remember what caused the change.

Now when I boot, I get this message:


I have several hdds in this desktop box, one other has a OS on it, has the Hardy version. But i disconnected that (it all used to work with both drives connected and I was able to use that boot menu to change from one OS to the other). I can boot by getting to "boot menu" by pushing the "esc" key when the bios starts (just after the beep). It gives the option to start from, with a list of possible devices to choose from. I don't know where this menu is from, bios or other. I select hard drive, then select the correct hard drive and it starts right up. That is nonsense though. I really no longer need version 8.04 but keep it as a backup in case my preferred OS/hdd fails.

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Ubuntu :: Error : No Such Device ################# Grub Resuce?

Aug 7, 2010

i installed ubuntu 10.04 and it said i needed to install new drivers so i did, then i restarted and a black screen came up saying terminating programmes, it was like that for 20 minutes, so i just shut off my pc.now when i turn on my pc it comes up with " error : no such device ################# grub resuce> " now i can not load into windows neither linux.i dont mind loosing stuff i have on linux, but i can not risk loosing my stuff on windows

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Installed - No Such Device Error On Bootup

Sep 23, 2010

I decided to fully install Ubuntu 9.10 on my computer Using Entire Disk Space. Installation was completed without any problems so I followed the instructions, Rebooted and took the CD out of the mechanic. After rebooting, when the GRUB was loading, it said the following
Error: no such device: 235ea02c-16b5-4abf-af04-af6767b6848f

I tried rebooting several times, even with CD inside. All it did was it moved to choice of System (normal, safe mode, memory check etc...). When I chose Normal, it just refreshed and did not get me anywhere. The same goes for the safe mode. After a certain while I decided to replace it with 10.04. However, this one stopped at 79% saying sth like Retrieving Data *number* of *number*.

It lasted for too long so I rebooted again, now with 9.10 CD inside again. I installed 9.10 hoping that this time it would work the way it should. However, the exact same thing happend. Installation went smoothly but GRUB booting had that error. Now there is Ubuntu 9.10 on my HDD which would not start so I'm writing this using the "10.04 Tryout".

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Ubuntu :: Error - No Such Device (Grub Rescue)

Nov 29, 2010

I have recently decided to try out Ubuntu(Lucid Lynx) using wubi. Everything was absolutely superb and realizing that I have a lot to learn and looking forward to it. Everything was fine until I updated and ticked 2 boxes for updating grub and restarted and couldn't boot into anything. I have xp on 80gb 2.6 celeron, and Ubuntu loaded through wubi on 320 gb external hard drive.

error: no such device??????????????????
grub rescue>

It may seem a little slow for me to put to the test your responses, because I will have to disconnect the PC that I am using and use those connections on the 2.6. This one I am using at the moment is 400hz p3.

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Ubuntu :: Error 12: Invalid Device Requested

May 25, 2011

I have message: error 12: invalid device requested.It happen when i choose ubuntu partition. before this error message the netbook run perfectly with dual boot. ubuntu is 1st option winXP is 2nd option from the list(maybe grub ?) Since i want winxp as the 1st option instead ubuntu,i change the file /boot/grub/menu.lst. what exactly i change is just cut and copy the winxp part to above ubuntu part.

if i press 'e' in ubuntu show:

root (hd0,6)
kernel /boot/bla..bla.bla..
initrd /boot/bla..bla.bla..


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Ubuntu :: ERROR While Getting Interface Flags - No Such Device

Mar 26, 2011

i am trying to connect my AWUS036H to my Compaq CQ60 laptop running Ubuntu 10.10. when i check ifconfig, one minute my wlan1 is there, next minute its not, if i try to do a sudo ifconfig wlan1 up i get, wlan1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device and when i try it again it accepts the command no probs, i suspect this is because the device is in and out every few seconds. when i checked rfkill, i found a hard block which i resolved with unblock all, i have checked the unit under windows and it works just fine so i suspect it is a problem with my ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Dpkg Error - No Space Left On Device

Feb 11, 2010

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. Yes I tried 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' Should I do a reinstall.

"Setting up initramfs-tools (0.92bubuntu53) ...
update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)

Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-17-generic

gzip: stdout: No space left on device update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-17-generic dpkg: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"

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Ubuntu :: Loop Device Error When Shutdown Since Upgrade To 9.10

Apr 6, 2010

When I shutdown, I have a black screen with a message of I/O error, loop device... And the computer doesn't complete to shut down. This problem appear since I upgrade to ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu Networking :: ERROR While Getting Interface Flags: No Such Device

Apr 9, 2010

I am having an odd problem with a program I'm trying to run which is supposed to connect to a network. The messages printed when I start up the program are:

SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCADDRT: File exists

One reason this is particularly odd is that the network itself appears to be working fine, otherwise. I can connect to the internet on my computer and everything, but the program is not able to connect to it, for whatever reason. I've tried tinkering with the settings but nothing worked.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Won't Boot - Error: Can't Find Device

Sep 6, 2010

I switched to the linux-image-rt kernel a while back, and decided yesterday to switch back to linux-image-generic. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember how to do this properly, so I just uninstalled all of the linux-rt related packages and then changed the /vmlinuz and /initrd.img symbolic links back to what they used to be and rebooted. So now the machine gets stuck in a memtest whenever I boot from the HD. I'm having trouble figuring out how to fix things from a rescue CD. If I try chroot /mnt/hd (where my old system was), and then update-grub, for example, I get: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). So, basically I'm completely lost, but also sure that a working system isn't more than a few simple commands away. Can anyone throw me a bone?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error After Upgrade To 10.10 - No Such Device

Nov 17, 2010

yesterday i upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10. During installation i also upgraded grub to version 2. It said that there were two options that i could choose to boot and i choose both. Installation finished with out a hitch. When i attempted restart my laptop i got this message:

error: no such device: 12631218-8ac6-4505-b4cb-a66a1de1814f
grub rescue>

I tried the command help and received a message saying that the help command was not recognized. So i then gave Google a bit of a work out and have tried reinstalling grub and manually coping the grub files all to no avail. The problem i believe stems from how i have Ubuntu installed. I have Ubuntu installed like an application on windows 7 on a separate partition on my hard drive. Looking back on it i'm not to sure why i choose that route, but that is how it is installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: No Such Device, Grub Rescue

Mar 29, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu on a separate hard drive alongside Vista, and after restarting, my computer booted to a screen that said, "error: no such device: xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx (I don't remember exact number, if I need them I'll go back and write em down) grub rescue>"

After a bit of searching I found this thread: [URL].. I tried the first part twice which didn't change anything, so I tried the last part which was too fix the vista bootloader, which worked perfectly, and now I can get into at least one operating system. Would anyone please help me get a bootloader working so I can choose between Ubuntu and Vista? Also, is it worth mentioning that right before the computer shut down after installation, I had a huge list of I/O errors?

EDIT: After further searching I read that the I/O errors were commonly because of a faulty cd or it was spinning too fast. I think my problem with that was that it was spinning too fast, it was incredible loud and there was a huge amount of wind coming out of my computer XD. iirc I have to go to the BIOS to change disc speed?

EDIT2: I think all my problems stem from a faulty CD. I remember setting the burning speed too the highest setting when I burnt the live CD, I guess I thought faster was better.

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Ubuntu Networking :: ERROR While Getting Interface Flags: No Such Device (tried The Ra0 As Well)

Mar 29, 2011

I wanted to stop hi jacking the work around thread. I'm running Kubuntu 64 bit I started by following this walk through[URL].. everything is fine until i get to Step 5 this line :

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down (on some hardware it is ra0)I receive this output: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device I started browsing other threads to see what else could be happening. I ran this line : sudo lshw -C network

with an output of:
*-network:0 UNCLAIMED
description: Network controller
product: RaLink
vendor: RaLink
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:06:00.0
version: 00
width: 32 bits


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Won't Load - Error: No Such Device And No Such Disk

Apr 29, 2011

I just did a clean install of 11.04. Now when I try to boot the machine I get the following error: Quote:

error: no such device
error: no such disk
error: you need to load the kernel first

Then I am taken to the Grub menu. Selecting anything from the Grub menu brings this error back up. So now I'm stuck with a computer that won't work.?

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