Ubuntu :: Backed Up Windows Files Using Live CD - Windows Can't See Them

Dec 1, 2010

They have pictures and documents everywhere so I figured I would just backup their entire HDD onto my external one and let them go in and transfer them back off. I keep proper backups so this isn't how I normally do things. I have done similar things in the past with dieing HDD's and Knoppix but I have never had this issue. I burned a CD using the latest ISO and Ubuntu seen both the main HDD and my external. I just copied all the contents of the main HDD over to the external. All went well and I could browse and view all the files from the external HDD after the transfer using the live CD. Unfortunately I am having an issue seeing the external HDD in Windows. As soon as I hook the drive up - windows says I need to Format it(Which I won't do obviously). But if I boot the live CD I can still see and use the files. How do can I get windows to see the drive and files without destroying data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backed Everything Up Did A Fresh Inteall Of Windows 7?

Feb 27, 2010

i also created a partition on my D: i just don't know how to find it. i labled it Ubuntu (F

i want to install ubuntu on that partition, is there a step by step with pictures and such for this?

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Software :: Live CD To Recover Deleted Files In Windows?

Sep 8, 2010

I just downloaded, burned, and tried the ISO image. only to find out it's not a bootable, live CD, but rather a Windows program, ie. it requires booting into Windows and running it from the CD, which is not a good idea since the first thing to do in this case is to quit the OS to prevent it from using those newly available sectors to write new data. can a Linux-based live CD try and recover files recently deleted in an NTFS partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Live USB Stick In A Pendrive With Files Available For Windows?

Nov 14, 2010

I've put openSUSE several times in USB flash drives. I've used the old method with dd ... and the new one with dd_rescue ..., shown in SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE This way a partition is created (sdb1 or sdc1 or ...), with the Linux file system (ID: 83). One of the problems of this system is that all the data of the pendrive is deleted. Another problem is that sometimes openSUSE doesn't load completely and I cannot use it. And another of the problems is that even if I create another partition (for example to make the Live USB persistent and "remember" the configuration of my computer) and I put some of my photos, songs, films there when I plug the pendrive in a computer running Windows XP I cannot access the data. (What about Vista and 7?)

Other Linux distros can be put in pendrives using the FAT file system (for example W95 FAT32 (LBA), ID: c). This way my personal data or files (photos, documents, ...) can be opened from a computer running Windows XP (and the personal data is not erased when putting the Linux in the pendrive). So I would like to know how to create a Live USB drive with personal files that are avaiable for many Operating Systems, including Windows XP. Perhaps the solution is to put openSUSE in a FAT file system, or put it in Linux file system but create another partition with FAT file system (for this openSUSE should avoid the 1st partition, sdX1, that should be for the personal data, so Windows XP can access it).

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Ubuntu :: Put My Windows Files On E Drive Without Going Through The Hassle Of Reinstalling Windows?

Jan 23, 2010

I currently dual boot windows XP Pro with Ubuntu 9.10. I made a mistake last night playing with gparted and lost my E drive, which had all of my music, games and movies plus is where my Ubuntu install was. I then ended up reformatting the drive with windows and reinstalling Ubuntu 9.10.My question is how can I put my windows files on my E drive without going through the hassle of reinstalling windows.

I have a 20g IDE drive where my windows install is, windows and Ubuntu both tell me this drive is failing, (I have used it for booting since 2002, so I am not that concerned with it), another 40g IDE drive for more storage and a 160g SATA drive where Ubuntu is again installed. I want the SATA drive to be my main boot drive now, so how can I clone my windows boot to the other drive. I tried gparted but could not figure it out. I have gparted burnt to cd, booted with it and just don't understand how to use it.Also, if I clone this boot drive to the SATA drive, do I need to change jumper settings on my 40g to master when I take out the 20g drive.20g master and 40g slave on first IDE channel and 2 CD devices on second IDE channel and SATA drive on first SATA connection. I read somewhere that it is better to keep the cd devices on another channel than the disk drives.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Current Files Will Be Backed Up Automatically?

May 15, 2010

I am wondering that if I install ubuntu as my os, will my current files be backed up to a directory like when installing a new version of windows, or would I need to back them up externally before hand. How much ram does 32bit ubuntu support upto, and which would be better for me out of 32bit + 64bit? I have 4gb of ram and a dual core 2ghz processor.

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General :: SSH Into An Encrypted Partition? Have Backed Up All Of Files On It?

Jul 5, 2011

I backed up all of my files last night via SFTP before I reinstalled Ubuntu *Since nobody answered my question* and I went ahead and encrypted my home folder. How do I open port 22 like Ubuntu normally has it? I've tried this guideBut it didn't work, how do I set up SSH? I really need those files.---------- Post added 07-05-11 at 10:17 AM ----------Also, my Desktop is encrypted, but I forget, but I may have encrypted my laptop since the port is also closed on that as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Windows Partition - Install Files On A Non Windows NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

Now however its not letting me resize the Windows partition, mounted or unmounted. It currently occupies the whole disk. I would rather not reinstall the whole thing over again, but I will if I have to. Isnt there an easy way to shrink a Windows partition? I swear Ive done this before and it wasnt this hard. Could it be a problem with the Mint installer that now asks me if I want to unmount my disks before it goes into install mode? On this PC I would like to have

Windows XP
One of the E17 OSs
Puppy Linux (to create a remix)

I am probably going to put most of the linux partitions on the second laptop drive but I want to install files on a non WIndows NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu :: Finding Windows Partition - Use FAT32 Partition For Photo Images And Old Windows Files

May 31, 2011

I got tired of dual booting on my old computer so on the new computer I am planning to run XP on VMware Player. The problem is that on the new computer neither Ubuntu or XP can "see" the FAT32 partition. I intend to use the FAT32 partition for photo images and old Windows files and need access from both Ubintu and XP.

Partition table entries are not in disk order.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Or Even Find Files On Windows Partition Or Windows Partition Itself

Sep 24, 2010

After several times install & reinstall,i got a stable dual boot vista / ubuntu 10.10.,but i can't access or even see my windows partition from ubuntu,i installed my dual boot with wubu this time,in previous installation when i didn't use wubi , i didn't have such a problem & windows partition with all my files in it (windows files,media ,etc,) was easily accessible from "places" on ubuntu . I already disabled windows firewall & other security options but nothing changed

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Use Live Cd To Boot On Windows Machine

Feb 19, 2010

is it possible to use a live cd to boot on a windows machine then scan with clam av if so how would you load AV, would it be possible to have AV on the same cd or would a seperate usb work? & not install it but use via cd/usb

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Live CD - Not Detecting Windows 7?

May 7, 2010

I am attempting to Dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook. When i boot the Live CD from USB, and then go to the installation, then when i get to the partition part, it does not detect windows at all. It says that i have no operating systems installed. Is anyone else having this problem? Sorry if there is already a thread on this, I could not find one with a search.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Won't Boot From Live CD In Windows XP

Jul 31, 2010

I'm trying to boot with my Lucid live CD on my Windows XP Pro so I can dual boot my system. I get to a black screen with a little rectangle at the bottom next to a a little guy in a circle and then suddenly my monitor goes to sleep and nothing I do can wake it back up.

I know the CD works because I used it to dual boot my Windows Vista computer. how to make the boot work so I can install Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Importing Email From Windows Live?

Oct 31, 2010

Which email client would you guys recommend to import email from windows live mail , im using ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access WINDOWS Folder (10.10 Live DVD)?

Jan 25, 2011

My laptop froze up this morning and required a forceful shutdown and since will not boot. it is a new drive in the machine and have to admit I had not tried my old Ubuntu partition since cloning the drive from my one I RMA'd to Western Digital. So I have downloaded 10.10 Desktop version and burnt to a DVD.

If I try and use Nautilus I can not view anything on the WinXP partition but I can access my NTFS Data drive and my old Ubuntu Studio partitions (which I can't boot although I see Grub options.)

If I go via Terminal I can get at least some access though. What Ubuntu is showing as the name looks suspiciously like a Windows serial number. Is it in fact what I registered my Windows with? Once I get into the Win partition I can view contents of C's root. Here I can view the boot.ini file (which all help on the internet I could find claimed had probably got corrupted) but it looks as it should. I can get into Program File and Documents and Settings so some of the drive seems to work (and I should be able to back up my settings, all Docs and data already live on another partition anyway.) But it will not access the WINDOWS folder. This means I can not try replacing stated missing files from WINDOWS/system32.

Is this because either part of WINDOWS has become corrupt? Or the Address Headers for it? Or is there something that locks off Ubuntu from accessing this that I need to change? Seems strange I get nothing at all listed for the WinXP drive on Nautilus but at least some access with Terminal. Is there a Check Disk type program within Ubuntu that can work on NTFS partitions? Last time I checked (fair few months ago now) there wasn't but here's hoping to progress.

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Ubuntu :: Access Windows Folders With Live?

Apr 6, 2011

Two days ago my Windows 7 just crashed and it doesn't work any more. Using a computer in a Internet point a downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 Live and now I'm running it in my computer. I would like to install Ubuntu definitely on my computer but before I would like to find all my old file from Windows 7. In Places/Computer has only the File System and nothing else. In System/Administration/Disk Utility I can see my 320 GB hard Disk (ATA Samsung HM3200II) but I can't do anything in that. I tried to use the Ubuntu 10.10 live in other computer and this work perfectly, but in this one no. What can I do to right now?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install From Windows Or Other Live Cd

Apr 29, 2011

I'm currently running Ubuntu 10.10 and wish to do a clean installation since it has become very cluttered with programs (I had the ooh, that looks like a cool free program I can download and then never use it again syndrome for a while). Since I've been doing some sound stuff with my computer, I decided to try Ubuntu Studio. Anyway, I am at college and do not have any cds available to be able to burn the image on. Is there a way to install Ubuntu onto my current partition (yes, I want to back everything up and erase what is on this partition) without burning the .iso to a disk. I have a Ubuntu 10.04 live disk and a Windows 7 partition on my hard drive. Is this possible with what I have and can anyone give me instructions or link me to something showing how? (I googled for a bit, but must have been missing the magic keywords if it's out there.)

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Ubuntu :: Windows Partition Not Recognized In Gparted Live

Feb 14, 2010

I'm trying to add more memory to Ubuntu from my windows partition, but Gparted doesn't seem to recognize the windows partiton. I've done it before using the gparted live cd, so i don't know why it wont recognize the partition. Is there some way to mount it so I can move space around?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Voice Chat With Windows Live Messenger

Mar 20, 2010

I'm using 9.10. Most of my contacts on line use MSN for voice calls. Is there any messenger that supports voice for Ubuntu? aMsn and Empathy does not work. aMsn says that it's due to a protocol change in Live Messenger. Lately I've found out that voice through msn live messenger is real good in clarity and it hardly breaks up. Any way to connect with Live messenger for voice chat.

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Ubuntu :: Is There A Good Windows Live Writer Equivalent

May 1, 2010

Is there a good Windows Live Writer equivalent for Ubuntu, something that would let me post on my wordpress blogs in a more convenient way?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD Is Not Finding Windows Partition?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm trying to set-up a dual-boot (Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04), but whenever I start the installation from a Live CD and get to the partition section it is showing that my hard-drive is has no operating system, when it in fact does. Has anyone else encountered this issue, when trying to set-up dual-booting on their system? And, if you have had this issue, what did you do to resolve it? I find it very strange, since I've never had a problem like this with any of the older releases.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Windows Drive When Running Live CD?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a friend of mines computer that is hosed and gets the BSOD. He has pictures of his grandson on there that her really needs before I fix it. Is there a way to mount the main windows partition while running the Live CD? I have tried it and get an error but I am not able to get it working.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To Windows Live Server Through Empathy?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm not connecting to Windows Live server through Empathy since the last couple of days, but I can easily sign in web-based IM messengers like Trillian.

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Ubuntu :: Find Data From Damaged Windows Using Cd Live?

Jan 16, 2011

Yesterday, my windows xp died and I can not do anything with that, but I would like to rescue my important files from hdd before format. I open ubuntu trial version from cd but i can not access my hdd. I find my hdd in system->administration->disk utility but I can not go anywhere from there.

When I solve this problem I would like to try ubuntu as my os but i am worried that some programs may not work on it . Like for example my bamboo tablet, fm2010, adobe ilustrator, autocad.

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Ubuntu :: Virus Scanning A Windows Partition Using The Live CD?

May 23, 2011

My Windows machine crashed, and I am at the mercy of my Ubuntu live-CD to solve all of my problems. I am backing up my data as I write this post. I was wondering two things: 1.) Is there a way to scan my Windows partition for viruses through the Ubuntu live-CD? I don't care much about repairing the partition, I just want to know what happened.

2.) And a few non-linux question: If I back up an infected file to an external hard disk, is it possible to infect another computer by merely connecting the disk to it? Is it possible that multiple, or all of my files have been infected? Is there a way I can open files safely on another (Windows) machine without (or at least minimalizing) fear of crashing it?

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General :: Install Windows Live Messenger On Ubuntu 10.04?

May 27, 2010

How Can I install Windows Live Messenger on Ubuntu 10.04

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Fedora :: Install Windows Live Messenger

Feb 12, 2009

for those who want to install Windows Live Messenger, using wine


and select "Add application" then go to ".wine/drive_c/Program Files/Windows Live/Messenger" and select "msnmsgr.exe" then set the windows version for "msnmsgr.exe" to win2000 then click OK. run as NON root:

Code: wineboot or else,, go to kde-menu > search for wine, and select Live Messenger Version 8.5.1302.1018 has been installed

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OpenSUSE :: Using Live Cd To Remove Windows Malware?

Feb 28, 2010

A friend of mine was complaining about his Windows computer being slow here lately.

I told him he is probably full of malware that slipped past his anti-virus program.

I've heard that one can use a live Linux cd to remove malware from a windows computer. How would I go about doing this?

Is it as simple as booting the cd, then using zypper to install an anti-virus program to the ram file system and mounting/scanning the hard drive. If so what program is the best to use for this purpose?

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General :: Any Equivalent To Windows Live Writer?

Jan 14, 2010

Is there any Linux equivalent to Windows Live Writer? I've got the Wordpress for iPhone app on my iPod and Windows Live Writer on Windows. These programs are much easier for stuff such as adding images than the web interface. Is there a similar program for Linux that works with self-hosted Wordpress blogs?

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General :: Knoppix Live CD And Permissions On Windows?

Apr 19, 2010

I have successfully used a Knoppix Live Boot CD to read the disks of a Windows Computer running XPI need to move some registry files around to make it boot into XP again, but I get a denied access error when pasting files into a directory

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