General :: SSH Into An Encrypted Partition? Have Backed Up All Of Files On It?

Jul 5, 2011

I backed up all of my files last night via SFTP before I reinstalled Ubuntu *Since nobody answered my question* and I went ahead and encrypted my home folder. How do I open port 22 like Ubuntu normally has it? I've tried this guideBut it didn't work, how do I set up SSH? I really need those files.---------- Post added 07-05-11 at 10:17 AM ----------Also, my Desktop is encrypted, but I forget, but I may have encrypted my laptop since the port is also closed on that as well.

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OpenSUSE :: Input/output Error For Files In Encrypted Ext4 Partition?

Sep 12, 2010

I've got input/output error from files in encrypted ext4 partition (external hdd), and I cannot delete them. What can I do to fix this? I don't need to recover them, I just need to delete them

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Ubuntu Installation :: Current Files Will Be Backed Up Automatically?

May 15, 2010

I am wondering that if I install ubuntu as my os, will my current files be backed up to a directory like when installing a new version of windows, or would I need to back them up externally before hand. How much ram does 32bit ubuntu support upto, and which would be better for me out of 32bit + 64bit? I have 4gb of ram and a dual core 2ghz processor.

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General :: Install CRUX On An Encrypted Partition?

May 23, 2011

I boot the crux 2.7 install mediaI try to use cryptsetup, but it says command not found.I load the dm-crypt module (modprobe dm-crypt)Ismod to verify that the module is there...bash still says it cant' find cryptsetup.

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General :: Moving A LVM/LUKS Encrypted Partition To The End Of A Harddrive?

May 16, 2011

I need to move a LUKS encrypted partition to the end of a harddrive to expand another partition. Does anyone know how to do this?

Is it possible to do this with other partition editing programs?

Gparted doesnt support LUKS/LVM

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General :: Isolinux That Will Open Encrypted Boot Partition

Jul 9, 2010

I was wondering if there is a version of isolinux or a simular boot loader for Linux, that boots the kernel from an encrypted boot partition? If not, are there any roadblocks that would prevent adding encryption to isolinux?

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General :: Recover Data From Encrypted Partition (created By EXT3 Ubuntu 10.04)?

Oct 11, 2010

I am facing a serious problem.I installed UBUNTU 10.04 and encrypted it during installation. I accidentally erased some of the necessary files from root folder. now the the OS is NOT booting.luckily i still have the encryption key i have some important documents in that drive (desktop folder).

PS: I have tried to run Live Ubuntu it shows the Root, but it does not enter any of the folder.

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General :: How To Access Encrypted Files

Dec 15, 2010

I no longer can log into my ubuntu mail server as a normal user after installing dtc. I have been trying to resolve the issue but to no avail so I am now going to re-install ubuntu and re-configure the mail server. The problem is that I may have some files in the normal user's profile that I want to backup before I do the re-installation. At least I want to see what folders and files are in there. The other issue is that my hard drive is encrypted. How do I access the files and folders using root?

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Ubuntu :: Backed Up Windows Files Using Live CD - Windows Can't See Them

Dec 1, 2010

They have pictures and documents everywhere so I figured I would just backup their entire HDD onto my external one and let them go in and transfer them back off. I keep proper backups so this isn't how I normally do things. I have done similar things in the past with dieing HDD's and Knoppix but I have never had this issue. I burned a CD using the latest ISO and Ubuntu seen both the main HDD and my external. I just copied all the contents of the main HDD over to the external. All went well and I could browse and view all the files from the external HDD after the transfer using the live CD. Unfortunately I am having an issue seeing the external HDD in Windows. As soon as I hook the drive up - windows says I need to Format it(Which I won't do obviously). But if I boot the live CD I can still see and use the files. How do can I get windows to see the drive and files without destroying data?

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General :: Osx - Keep Folders Synced And Backed Up Between Two Macs Using A NAS (rsync)

Sep 16, 2011

I've got two primary computers, one Mac Pro and one MacBook Pro for when I'm on the go. I've also got a Linux sever which also acts as NAS. Currently I backup the entire computers to an external drive with Time Machine which is rather useless and doesn't sync anything. What I really want to do is to keep my important files synced between both computers and my NAS (which is running RAID 5), that way I'm not backing up easily replaceable systemfiles and I've got all my important files in 3 places where two of them are running raid so at least 5 drives would have to crash at the same time before actual data loss occur.

Folders I want to keep synced is basically my photo, documents, development, mamp and work folders and then I want to keep the user library folder backed up but not synced. I'm thinking that I'd have to use rsync but don't know how. Before suggesting Dropbox and similar suggestions I don't want to use them because of several reasons some of them being security (Dropbox obviously proved this), Speed (sometimes I'll sync gigabytes of data and that will be significantly faster locally and probably even through VPN as I have a Gigabit pipe), Space (space on my NAS is cheap and only practically limited by my needs), reliability (even if my internet were to go down I still need to be able to keep my files synced incase I'd need to go somewhere on the fly), price (I already have all the hardware and for the amount of gigabytes and bandwidth I'd need I doubt that there's any free or cheap service). Those are my main reason for wanting to keep it locally.

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Fedora :: Recovering An Encrypted Partition?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using fedora 12 for last 6 months, recently I bought an external USB hard drive of 320 GB capacity. I made 2 partitions using the Disk Utility in Fedora. I encrypted the first partition as it was supposed to hold a lot of sensitive data, and yes it did have. Now I had to change my OS to AV linux for some audio-video editing work which wasnt being done properly on fedora due to some issue beyond my knowledge. now the problem is my encrypted partition is not accessible in my new installation. I see an empty space on my /dev/sda1. although no change to partition data has been done and the data on the second partition /dev/sda2 is easily accessible. when putting the drive on automount, is does not ask me for the password and neither does it show me the data. I have tried fdisk and sme other utilities but have failed to get my drive unencrypted.

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Fedora :: Cannot Mount Encrypted Partition?

Apr 11, 2011

I used Ubuntu for years now, but since the latest decisions got public I deceided to try something new: Fedora. I installed the system as a dualboot,Ubuntu and my old data. Because Fedora got installed inbetween of two partitions,ad to do the partitioning manually. I just made one partition /dev/sda4. During the installation process I got asked about the password for my /dev/sda1 partition. Of course, I entered it. So far so good.Now, everytime when I boot, the boot process stops and asks me for the password of the /dev/sda1 partition. However, the boot process does not go on, unless i press STRG+C.After the log in, I can also not access my data, by entering the password (GUI).The only way I can acces the data on that partition is:

su -
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/DEVICENAME luks-fedora


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Ubuntu :: Encrypted Swap Partition?

Jul 1, 2010

I read an article earlier that suggested the swap partition is encrypted by default if you select an encrypted /home folder during installation, is that true (for Lucid)? I am suspecting it isn't because my hibernation works, which I believe shouldn't be the case?

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Encrypted 11.04 Partition?

May 24, 2011

had a lvm (non luks i suspect) home partition on my 11.04 install. I've since install opensue on the same laptop hoping that if i don't leave that partition alone during opensuse installation i would be able to mount and enter my key to access the data within...stupid me.... i formated my /boot and / partition, not my /home partition of 450gb. I'm now back on ubuntu 11.04 trying to get access to my data. i'v found the command "encryptfs-recover-private" but i only works on mounted partitons, i can't mount my encrypted partition because the system does not recongnize it. I've have to format it to mount it.

(bold is my encrypted partition)
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 13 96256 83 Linux
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Overwriting Encrypted Partition?

Feb 19, 2011

Somehow my file encryption password changed so when I went to re-install Fedora it said SDA-2 will not be available during installation.Is there a way to erase the whole disk including the ecrypted portion?

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Debian Installation :: Removing An Encrypted LVM Partition?

May 16, 2011

I installed an old version on accident, I used an encrypted LVM. When I removed the old debian and started the installation of the new version, the encrypted partition could not be used to install, and the drive itself was creating an error message when I tried to mount the installation there. This is probably a vague explanation of what is happening, but does anyone know how to remove these encrypted LVM partitions?

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Debian :: Install On USB To Create Encrypted Partition

May 2, 2015

I'm trying to install Debian on a USB to create an encrypted partition, I get an error message saying I need to install missing firmware rtl_nic rtl8168d-2.fw.So I download that file and try again this time I get an error " There was a problem reading data from CD Rom" .I not using a CD Rom I put debian on the USB as an ISO file first using Unebutin then tried Rufus.

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Debian Configuration :: DNS And Resizing Encrypted Partition

Feb 27, 2016

I have Debian and Virtual Box with another Debian. I have resized max size of vdi file with VBoxManage modifyhd but now I need to resize partition on virtual machine's system. I've downloaded GParted and I can run machine from this ISO as CD. Partition is encrypted on machine.Unfortunately GParted doesn't start with X so I have to use it in terminal. I can see partitions:

Code: Select allroot@debian:/# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 80 GiB, 85899345920 bytes, 167772610 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x3914....


So I though maybe I need to use this (URL...). I couldn't find similar tutorial about Debian or GParted but OK, it's just executing these commands, not modifying its source.list.But I cannot even do the update:

Code: Select allroot@debian:/# sudo apt-get update
Err: sid InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving ''
Err2: drbl InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving ''
Reading package lists... Done
W: Failed to fetch  Teporary failure resolving ''
W: Failed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

So I check my internet connection. VirtualBox has 'attached to NAT' and before I run out of space on virtual machine, Debian could access internet. So it's only something about this GParted. I have modified /etc/resolv.conf with vi (even vim is not available). And it has two valid nameservers. I haven't restarted anything, as I'm not sure if I need to, after modifying resolv.conf file.But even in that case I cannot ping anything from GParted:

Code: Select allroot@debian:/# ping
ping: unknown host

How can I access internet from GParted and resize encrypted partition?

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Fedora :: Can I Resize An Encrypted Partition With Gparted

Mar 14, 2010

Can I resize an encrypted partition with gparted?

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Fedora :: Keyfile For Encrypted Root Partition?

Jul 13, 2010

I keep my /boot partition on a usb stick, where i keep the keyfile as well. I already generated the keyfile and added it to the LUKS LVM partition.Right now, on bootup I get a nice GUI to enter my 40 character password which is nice but a little tedious What do i need to modify for the system to automatically unlock the partition with the keyfile that is stored on the /boot partition

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Fedora Installation :: How To Mount Encrypted LVM Partition

Jan 31, 2011

I encrypted my /home partition in my last installation F13. For some reason, I have to reinstall F13. After I login, I can not access /home. I followed some instructions like

modprobe dm-crypt
modprobe dm-mod
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/vg_vit/lv_home vg_vit-lv_home


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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot - Need To Mount Encrypted Partition?

May 2, 2010

Times like this Ubuntu makes me want to pull my hair out. When I enter my pass on the login screen, it brings up a "Could not update ICEauthority file" error and then goes to a black screen. I've tried to fix this problem for the past 2-3 hours (searching google, these forums, etc) and at this point, I just want the data off my drive so I can restart with a fresh install of Ubuntu. I used the "gsku nautilus" command to mount the disk from a Ubuntu Drive boot, but it's not letting me have access to the encrypted drive. Does anyone know of a work around for this?

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Ubuntu :: Tried To Upgrade - Home Partition Still Encrypted

Jul 10, 2010

I have a dual boot WinXP / Kubuntu system. Recently, I tried to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. I have my Kubuntu partition set up with separate partitions for / , /home , and swap. Naturally, I wanted to wipe the slate clean, so I formatted / and left /home alone before doing the install. However, my /home partition was encrypted with the standard crypto that you get when you install. I just deleted the way in by wiping my / partition. Now all of my files are on my drive but encrypted. I do have the unencrypted passphrase given to me when the hard drive was first encrypted, so I am sure there is some way to get my files, but I am unsure how to apply it.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Encrypted Partition With Live CD?

Apr 25, 2011

I found this website [URL].., and am able to go all the way up to "ecryptfs-mount-private" command, but the response I get after entering my login passphrase is "mount: Operation not permitted". I am not sure why though I am guessing I have a permission issue.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Grub2 On Encrypted Partition?

Jun 10, 2011

I had to reinstall Windows, which has obviously overwritten my lovely Ubuntu Natty

I would like restore grub2, however failling to do so

I'm running:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 crypt1
Enter LUKS passphrase:
key slot 0 unlocked.


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Software :: Corrupted LUKS-encrypted Partition ?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a really tricky and may be intresting problem with a encrypted disk partition (cryptsetup luks...) which was fine until it accidentally got re-formatted by an instance of Windows 7. Most of the data on that 1TB-disk will probably still exist, only the LUKS header at the very beginning of the partition is - of course - gone.

So when I try to open the container, it gives no verbose, just the return value 234.

I scanned the whole partition for other LUKS headers with hexedit, none there. But, luckyly I have another partition which is encrypted in the exact same way with the exact same passphrase (which I remember very well!), so I had an idea: I copied the LUKS header (592 bytes) from the other LUKS encrypted partition over to the damaged partition.
When I now issue


No key available with this passphrase

Here is the command how I created the container:


How do I get the existing passphrase accepted by LUKS?

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Debian :: Mount Encrypted LUKS Partition (On Former System HDD)

Feb 1, 2016

I have two basically identical harddrives that are encrypted with LUKS containing a complete debian installation:

Code: Select allroot@x200s:/home/b# lsblk --fs
NAME                   FSTYPE      LABEL UUID                                   MOUNTPOINT
├─sda1                 ext2              0b851969-281e-4db2-8a5b-3798e801711b   /boot
└─sda5                 crypto_LUKS       cfcf63ef-448a-4f72-9f58-8f7731cf3dfc   
  └─sda5_crypt         LVM2_member       21CS3f-SQeQ-XcMr-kyDs-OPtR-egmT-HkvJAu

[Code] ....

sda is what I currently run to write this text, sdb is my former harddrive, connected via USB.

I want to access the root partition on sdb.

The problem is:

Code: Select allcryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 oldhd
Enter passphrase for /dev/sdb5:
root@x200s:/home/b# ls /dev/mapper/
control  oldhd   sda5_crypt  x200s--vg-root  x200s--vg-swap_1
root@x200s:/home/b# mount /dev/mapper/oldhd /mnt/
[b]mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'[/b]

[Code] ..

Before all this, both sda and sdb where in the same volume group. I renamed the volume group of sdb to "oldDisk"

Code: Select allvgrename <UUID> oldDisk

How I can access the data on the root filesystem of my sdb..

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Fedora :: Access /etc/modprobe.d On An Encrypted LVM LUKS Partition?

Nov 8, 2009

I need to access /etc/modprobe.d on an encrypted LVM LUKS partition. I m not sure how to go about it though. Mount usually handles my mounting needs, do I need to decrypt the physical volume first? LIst of commands need would make my day.

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Fedora :: 13 - Disable LUKS-encrypted Partition From Automount?

Aug 30, 2010

I have encrypted a partition while installing Fedora 13, and I need to disable its automount - I will mount those manually.

But even though I commented out the corresponding line in /etc/fstab, I am still asked for the passphrase for the partition at startup.

How to completely disable this behaviour - and how to mount the partition manually afterwards?

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Fedora :: Format USB Drive With Ext4 Encrypted Partition?

Dec 11, 2010

I just picked up a 1.5TB external drive. I want to wipe the NTFS partition (I assume that's what it is) that is there and replace it with an encrypted ext4 partition.

Is there a HOW-TO somewhere for this?

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