Ubuntu Installation :: Current Files Will Be Backed Up Automatically?

May 15, 2010

I am wondering that if I install ubuntu as my os, will my current files be backed up to a directory like when installing a new version of windows, or would I need to back them up externally before hand. How much ram does 32bit ubuntu support upto, and which would be better for me out of 32bit + 64bit? I have 4gb of ram and a dual core 2ghz processor.

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General :: SSH Into An Encrypted Partition? Have Backed Up All Of Files On It?

Jul 5, 2011

I backed up all of my files last night via SFTP before I reinstalled Ubuntu *Since nobody answered my question* and I went ahead and encrypted my home folder. How do I open port 22 like Ubuntu normally has it? I've tried this guideBut it didn't work, how do I set up SSH? I really need those files.---------- Post added 07-05-11 at 10:17 AM ----------Also, my Desktop is encrypted, but I forget, but I may have encrypted my laptop since the port is also closed on that as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backed Everything Up Did A Fresh Inteall Of Windows 7?

Feb 27, 2010

i also created a partition on my D: i just don't know how to find it. i labled it Ubuntu (F

i want to install ubuntu on that partition, is there a step by step with pictures and such for this?

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Ubuntu :: ISO Files Of Current Installation

May 13, 2010

Is it possible to create an ISO file of the current installation that I could burn to a CD/USB? I want to make a bootable disk that already has certain packages, drivers, etc. already on it.

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Ubuntu :: Backed Up Windows Files Using Live CD - Windows Can't See Them

Dec 1, 2010

They have pictures and documents everywhere so I figured I would just backup their entire HDD onto my external one and let them go in and transfer them back off. I keep proper backups so this isn't how I normally do things. I have done similar things in the past with dieing HDD's and Knoppix but I have never had this issue. I burned a CD using the latest ISO and Ubuntu seen both the main HDD and my external. I just copied all the contents of the main HDD over to the external. All went well and I could browse and view all the files from the external HDD after the transfer using the live CD. Unfortunately I am having an issue seeing the external HDD in Windows. As soon as I hook the drive up - windows says I need to Format it(Which I won't do obviously). But if I boot the live CD I can still see and use the files. How do can I get windows to see the drive and files without destroying data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Unneeded Config Files Automatically?

Jun 18, 2010

1) Whenever a new release of Ubuntu comes out, I've always done a full replacement (Booted up live CD, formatted / and formatted /home) to ensure there's zero incompatibilities, including configuration files in my /home. That has, finally, gotten annoying and I was wondering what the actual chances of a configuration file causing problems was in the 6 months that Ubuntu was released in. Also, special consideration for Gnome 3 (aka gnome-shell) coming out with the current gnome configs.

2)Any way to remove unneeded config files automatically? I don't always use purge when I remove a package just in case I want to reinstall it, well weeks later I def don't want it, is there an apt or dpkg command that will automatically remove them after the package is gone? I know autoclean and autoremove handle orphans and unneeded .deb's

3) How stable is Sidux in reality? Ran it in a VM and had a few errors every so often while using it, but i wasnt sure how much of that was the fact it was a VM. Some say its stable enough for daily use, some say it breaks every other day

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Ubuntu :: Make Sure Everything Backed Up Correctly?

Mar 12, 2010

I finally bought a second hard drive to back up all my files since I'm planning on wiping my hard drive completely clean and reinstalling Windows and Ubuntu once Lucid comes out. I'm just wondering, how common is it for files to become corrupt when transferring from one hard drive to another? I ask this because I usually have trouble when transferring (usually large files) onto my flash drive. I know that actual hard drives are different but I just want to make sure. Also, is there a way I can confirm that everything transferred correctly? Most of my files are music so it would be a pain to check every single one to see if it works.

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Ubuntu :: How To Tell Where A Backed Up File Needs To Go On Restoration

Dec 13, 2010

I have a directory, say, of /home/user/program/sub-folder/sub-sub-folder/file. Now I take the /file and save it to a backup drive. Later I want to restore that /file to its original directory, BUT I FORGOT WHERE IT CAME FROM!!! Is there a way to know where it came from? Where are website username and passwords stored? Are these some of whats referred to as cookies?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Backed Up Music Back

Oct 11, 2010

On my Ubuntu One Personal Cloud, I did not realize that "rm -f"-ing music files on my computer itself would actually remove the files online as well!I was able to recover 10 of the songs from my iPod, but two of them are still unrecoverable. Is there any way to get them back without having to re-purchase them? I could easily purchase them myself (have a debit card, a checking account, and a job), but I would hate for my mother to have to purchase them again.Not knowing that deleting and reinstalling them (considering some of them got corrupted on my computer) would also delete them online is not enough to warrant having to lose the songs permanently.

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OpenSUSE :: Retrieving Backed Up Album Art For Amarok?

Sep 20, 2010

I recently deleted my .kde4 folder and lost all the album art and lyrics I had saved in Amarok. I have a back up but openSUSE doesn't recognized the file type and won't copy the files to the new albumcovers folder in .amarok. The file name is a mixture of numbers and letters with no file extension.

I downloaded a few album covers in Amarok and openSUSE recognizes these as jpeg files, even though there's no jpg file extension in the file name. If I right click on of the files from my backup and choose to open it with Amarok, then the album art appears, and it's also added to the albumcovers folder in .amarok, and recognized as a jpeg file!

Anyone know why openSUSE doesn't recognize the files from my backup? Or how I can import all of the album art and lyrics from my back up all at the same time?

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Ubuntu :: Removing All Files From The Current Session?

Jul 14, 2010

I have just manage to set up a number of computers using NComputing thin clients. I have set up 5 user accounts.People will be using these account randomly. So what I want is to set up everything as it should be and that to be the default setting. If users download files or make changes to the files these should be for the session. On startup/shutdown all the files and changes should be deleted this way the next user can find the machine clean. And also there is limited maintenance to be done.

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Fedora Servers :: Data Backup - Will Be Backed Up In Every 1 Hour ?

Jan 8, 2009

How to backup in such way that, data will be backed up in every 1 hour...but every time not full data;; only the data/file which have been modified within last 1 hour. Its on locally. And how to back up local data to remote system. Because I have tried with ssh-keygen also , but everytime its requiring password.

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General :: Osx - Keep Folders Synced And Backed Up Between Two Macs Using A NAS (rsync)

Sep 16, 2011

I've got two primary computers, one Mac Pro and one MacBook Pro for when I'm on the go. I've also got a Linux sever which also acts as NAS. Currently I backup the entire computers to an external drive with Time Machine which is rather useless and doesn't sync anything. What I really want to do is to keep my important files synced between both computers and my NAS (which is running RAID 5), that way I'm not backing up easily replaceable systemfiles and I've got all my important files in 3 places where two of them are running raid so at least 5 drives would have to crash at the same time before actual data loss occur.

Folders I want to keep synced is basically my photo, documents, development, mamp and work folders and then I want to keep the user library folder backed up but not synced. I'm thinking that I'd have to use rsync but don't know how. Before suggesting Dropbox and similar suggestions I don't want to use them because of several reasons some of them being security (Dropbox obviously proved this), Speed (sometimes I'll sync gigabytes of data and that will be significantly faster locally and probably even through VPN as I have a Gigabit pipe), Space (space on my NAS is cheap and only practically limited by my needs), reliability (even if my internet were to go down I still need to be able to keep my files synced incase I'd need to go somewhere on the fly), price (I already have all the hardware and for the amount of gigabytes and bandwidth I'd need I doubt that there's any free or cheap service). Those are my main reason for wanting to keep it locally.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Recursive Listing Of All Files Under The Current Directory?

Jan 2, 2011

If I runls -R1I get a recursive listing of all files under the current directory.However, if I dols -R1 *.avi, ie I want to search only for files with the file descriptor .avi, I get an errorQuote:ls: cannot access *.avi:No such file or directorySo it seems I am using ls incorrectly. What's the correct way to use wild card pattern matching when using the -R switch? Or maybe that isn't possible?

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Ubuntu :: Put All Of The Current Directory's Files On The Command Line?

Feb 21, 2011

Is there an easy way to put all of the current directory's files on the command line, without tab-completing each individual one?

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Debian :: Backed Up Firefox/Thunderbird Profiles In Iceweasel/dove?

Mar 2, 2011

I've been distro-hopping for a year or so, been through the downstream versions, Ubuntu and Mint, and ended up here. Other than some serious headaches getting wireless up and running, its been great so far. My trouble is that I have lots of use invested in Firefox and Thunderbird. As I've been hopping around through distros I've just been copying my profile folders and just placing them in the .mozilla and .thunderbird folders in my user folder. Then the software just pops up with all of my old settings, addons and messages, etc.

But this hasn't worked in iceweasel and icedove. I have been hunting around online today and haven't found any clues, and don't yet know enough about linux to hack this out and troubleshoot it. Any thoughts? Is it something to do with user agent settings? Or profile.ini files? I'd like to avoid manually installing the tarballs for Firefox and Thunderbird, but it is starting to seem like maybe it is easier. As I also have read that certain addons don't work with iceweasel?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Explode In Couple Of Months From All Backed Up Addresses?

Jul 21, 2010

The default installation of 11.3 has ipv6 enabled.When accessing a site using any browser, there was a considerable delay before the page would appear.I disabled ipv6 and things are normal.Is my computer going to explode in a couple of months from all the backed up addresses? Seriously, Is there something wrong with my setup?Why would ip6 be enabled by default if it slows things way down?There are just so many things I don't know.

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Software :: How To Get Current Date Log Files

Mar 13, 2011

Currently I'm using `ls -l | grep "Mar 13" ` for listing today log files.Output :-rw------- 1 root root 2188192 Mar 13 10:33 audit.logBut my requirement like below,note permission,date,size...audit.log Note : Where 10 logs file are same directory in different date , But I'm looking files which are logging in today date (Mar 13)

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General :: Copying Files From Current To New Server?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to copy files from my current server to a new server. Both servers have SSH installed. These are the commands I'm using. However I'm getting connection refused. I did a google search and found out that maybe the reason of this error could be due to the fact that my current server doesn't have SSH. However I use SSH often on my current server so I can say that it has SSH for sure.

OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to IP_OF_CURSERVER [IP_OF_CURSERVER] port 22.
debug1: connect to address IP_OF_CURSERVER port 22: Connection refused
ssh: connect to host IP_OF_CURSERVER port 22: Connection refused

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General :: Finding Files Under The Current Directory?

Oct 5, 2010

Assumed y directory structure looks as follow:


-- dir1
-- dir1-1
-- dir2
-- dir2-1
-- dir2-2

And under each sub dir there are some log files ended with .log. Now I want to list all these log files. How to to that?

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Programming :: All The Above Files Are Removed From The Current Directory?

Feb 14, 2011

When I run:make -f mymakefile clean I get:rm -f mybinary *.so.* *.dep *.o mybinary.symand all the above files are removed from the current directory.But I have a directory /src/ where I have all my source files located. The *.o file in this directory are not removed?

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Slackware :: Amarok On Current 64 - Won't Play M4a Files

Feb 12, 2011

Amarok won't play m4a files for me even though they play fine with Juk, ffplay, moc, Audacious, etc. Up to date current 64. Any thoughts? I can find no option to turn aac on or off in Amarok.


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Ubuntu Security :: Display A List Of All The Files Changed During Current Session?

Jan 25, 2011

is there a way to display a list of all the files changed during current session?

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Sorting Files?

Mar 25, 2010

I download files onto my networked file server which is running Ubuntu 9.10.By default, all files are moved into the Downloads folder, I'd like to use a script or program to automatically send them into one of 5 shared folders based on what the file is.For example: archived files would be software by default, .avi or mpeg Videos, and .flac or .ogg would be Music.

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Allow .exe Files To Be Run By Wine?

Jul 4, 2011

I've been using Wine to run some Windows applications (GraphicsGale, Angelcode Bitmap Font Generator, etc.) but it's a bit annoying to have Ubuntu always tell me that .EXE files are not executable, and a bit nonsensical since, by definition, they are.

Right now, every time I download an installer .EXE I have to first manually set the executable flag in the file's properties. This is a bit annoying. Is there some way I can set Ubuntu to automatically register .exe files as executables?

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General :: Find A String In Files Under The Current Directory?

Oct 5, 2010

Assumed y directory structure looks as follow:

-- dir1
-- dir1-1


And under each sub dir there are some log files ended with .log. Now I know how to list all these log files with:


find . -type f -name "*.log"

Assumed now there is a string called "Hello World" inside some of these files. How can I find out these files? I try followings but failed


grep "This is" | find . -mtime 0 -type f -name "*.log"

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Programming :: List Only Hidden Files In Current Directory?

Feb 15, 2010

How to list only hidden files in current directory ?

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Slackware :: KSpread Failing To Open Files In -current?

Jan 26, 2010

Finding that KSpread is failing to open files in Slackware-current since updates

I am having problems in both my Slackware64 and Slackware32 installs.

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Ubuntu :: Make Executable .sh Files Run Automatically?

Feb 19, 2010

How do you make executable .sh files run automatically without prompting me on whether I want to Run in Terminal, Display, or Run?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Files From Home Automatically?

Aug 20, 2010

I am pretty new to using Ubuntu and want to find a way that I can backup files remotely to my Ubuntu box. My Ubuntu box is running at work and I want to backup files from home automatically every night.Also which solution encrypts the data en route? For example a server with multiple clients with different directory paths.

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