Slackware :: Best Virtualisation For 24x7 LAMP - Joomla - Server

Apr 18, 2010

My task is to set-up a dedicated LAMP server to host a site with joomla (this is basically LAMP + joomla which is a PHP-based content management system). Beside the basic web content, the site will hold a large amount of sample videos and similar large files (2TB on a RAID is available a lot of them will be used).

I googled a lot, and I read a lot about all the virtualisation solutions such as kvm, xen, virtualbox, vmware, openvz and vserver, I more or less understand their properties, but I cannot decide which one to choose.

I tried a few of them but I have no experience about its long term usage, stability etc.

In short I need an advice from people who successfully running real-word sites with some virtualisation solution. Basically I would like to know which one to use for the more robust, stable server.

Only read further if you have a similar system.

I would like to use some kind of virtualisation solution for the joomla server, becauseI have no trust in such systems, so if it is hacked I will just recover from a backup (or reinstall) the guest, but I do not need to go to the server-park. (after it, I have to find out how it was hacked) perhaps later we would like to use some other services which is also good if they are separated

I would like to use Slackware as a host and a guest.

I would like to put one file-system to the large raid array, and share it among the virtual-servers if it is possible (there is only one server now but there could be more with different applications). Or do I need to use lvm on the raid for the different servers?

Here is what I think:Because I want to "run linux on linux", first I thought that a container based solution (vserver, openvz) is perfect for the job, because of the low overhead and because I can use the whole file system for the storage, and I can share free space with other services in the future. The problem is vserver and openvz are big patches for the kernel, but I would like to change slackware as small as possible. So I would like to stay with the kernel of slack-13.0. openvz does not even support 2.6.29 while vserver is, but I have to compile a new patched kernel. So the the options here are to use a different kernel with openvz, or use the same but patched kernel with vserver.

Another option is to use "real" virtualisation solutions such as kvm, xen, virtualbox and vmware. It seems that kvm is the future, because it is already in the official kernel and "powered" by Red Hat, so it will be well supported. I likely will choose kvm.

As i wrote I tried a few of them but I have no experience about its long term usage, stability, so I want here about which one is used in real word servers, what kind of problems (stability) they have, etc.?

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Slackware :: Virtualisation - Specific File To Configure VBox?

Mar 30, 2010

What I did :I've downloaded virtualbox-ose & virtualbox-kernel on After running ./virtualbox-xxx.Slackbuild i've installed both packages (first ose then kernel)

The problem I get :

When I run a virtual machine, Vbox tell me to launch /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup (or sthing like that) But neither /etc/init.d/vboxdrv nor /etc/rc.d/rc.vboxdrv are on my hard drive after the installation.So is there any specific file to configure VBox .. ? Or is there an other way to install VBox under slackware ?

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Slackware :: Slack Full Install - Joomla Says No Mysql Support

Jan 29, 2010

I made a full install of Slackware and have been using one of my boxes as an Apache web server. I recently tried to install Joomla, the PHP CMS software, and when I ran the pre-install requisite checker (The second step of the installation), the installer notified me that I do not have MySQL support. I find this especially strange as I've made webpages using PHP that made use of MySQL databases.

My pre-post research has lead me to several other people with the same problem. Half were using windows, and just had not uncommented the "extension" line in the php.ini file. The other half solved their problem by installing their distro's php-mysql module. According to what I'd read, you can still use MySQL if you don't have that module installed, but Joomla does need it to be able to use the MySQL database.

I've searched long and hard for this plugin/add-on/module for Slackware, but to no avail. It's available in RPM format, and I know that it's possible to use rpm2tgz to convert these files, but I don't know exactly what the issue is, and if Slackware may be different. I don't want to install that and then find out that it overwrote something that I'd needed.

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Server :: Transporting A Joomla Website To A Virtual Server

Dec 4, 2010

I've got a Joomla website made for me. It is hosted with a hosting company. Here and there i change some of its content, but i want to practice it locally on my computer before i do bigger things on the web, so that if things get into a serious problem it is close at hand to fix it up. I've installed apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server on my Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. also, I've installed Joomla up and running.

My question is: how do i transport/copy my website from the web into my computer?

I know that I need to transfer the database, where do i put it in my local file system, and what additional commands are required for that?

I know that I need to transfer the public_html, where do i put it in my local file system, and what additional commands are required for that?

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Debian :: Joomla Install On Server

Dec 3, 2009

I have my own server that I am trying to install joomla on... (i have done to types on installs, One Via FTP (Joomla 1.5.15) and One Via SSH (joomla 1.5.10)) both installed with out issue and runs. the issue I am having is that the templates being installed dont look right [url] I have installed it on a DreamHost Server with out issue. I am thinking its my server, After installing debian (with Apache2, PhP5, Mysql, PhPMyAdmin, Webmin) I had to change two things, add modrewrite and add virtual host (to home more then one domain).

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Server :: Want To Install Joomla On Apache

Mar 1, 2011

I want to install joomla on apache

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Server :: Set Joomla Server To Send Email?

Oct 15, 2010

I have installed Joomla on an Ubuntu 10.04 Server pc. The Ubuntu server is connected to my Novell NetWare network via static IP. I need the Ubuntu server to send mail to my mail server through smtp, my entire network has static IP's. The Ubuntu server does not need to receive mail only send, I have found that I could try use sendmail, postfix or exim4. I tried Exim4 but I am battling with the setup. For my situation what would be the best to use? What config's are most important to set?

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General :: Joomla Does Not See MYSQL Server - Yet Its Installed And Running?

Nov 15, 2009

I have just installed joomla and proceeded to do the web install. Got the interface up and running and its now complaining it does not see the mysql server running. I do in fact have it running. Veryfied it with mysql command on command line and it complained with missing attributes.

I read a thread that it needs php-mysql installed. So went to proceed to install it. Well, I did not have that and went to install it. Verified it. Package mysql-server-5.0.77-3.el5.i386 already installed and latest version

I then did a service mysql reset.

Checked back at the joomla web install interface and still, it says there is no mysql support! What is next? Im running centos OS. Also, I am running LAMP

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CentOS 5 Server :: Get A Simple FTP Setup To Var/www/html Folder For Canned Joomla Website?

Jun 28, 2009

I am having a time at trying to get a simple FTP setup to my Var/www/html folder for my canned Joomla website. I can log in anon with no write permissions, but it will not log in using any users I have setup on the server. I've googled a bunch, but nothing to correct my 530 authentication failure when I try to log in as one of my user accounts for the server.

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Slackware :: Mysql_php_apache - Install LAMP

Jan 13, 2010

I would like to install LAMP on slckware

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Slackware :: Serious Bug In (32) - Current: LAMP Stack Nuked?

Feb 12, 2011

LAMP stack don't work on a typical LAMP server installation and even in an testing localhost.

Steps to reproduce this bug:
Create an fresh&full installation of Slackware(32)-current.
Activate the MYSQL using the best Slackware recommended way.
Activate the HTTPD with the PHP extensions, on localhost.
Install on /var/www/htdocs some CMS, i.e. phpMyAdmin or Drupal


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Debian :: Handling Virtualisation And Finding Program(s) To Alternative To VMware?

Mar 13, 2009

I currently run a home sever using windows server 2008. On it I'm using VMware to run 2 virtual machines (currently running CentOS (which is Red Hat based) as web and mail servers. It's not a big setup, we only host our personal websites and a couple for some friends. Although server 2008 handles resouces much better than server 2003, it's still running windows, which as we know is far more inferior to a Linux server. I'm trying to convince the husband to let me run everything on Debian, but he wants to run it on Red Hat (which okay, isn't bad but our household is devided. We have long running arguments because he likes his boxes Red Hat based running KDE, and I like my Debian distros running Gnome!)

The host server is running on a standard pc box, it's got a 2.5 gigahertz dual core processor and 3 gig of ram, almost one TB storage. (don't ask why I'm including this drastically important info!) I want to run the entire network on Debian. So that would be the main host running Debian and the two virtual machines also. The host itself would need to run as a file and app server for our home network and the two vertuals as web and mail servers. (we run about 12 domains three of which are under heavy usage with Mysql databases, so we run two servers so we can dedicate more rescources to the virtual server that sucks the most juice.) I was wondering how Debian handles virtualisation and what program(s) would be a good alternative to VMware?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Lamp Server To Send Automated Emails Using Cable Providers SMTP Server?

Jun 19, 2010

Somewhere out there there has to be someone that can help me set up my lamp server to send automated emails using my cable providers SMTP server

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Websites On Single Host Machine Without Virtualisation

Jun 1, 2010

I have this intra net server project going on and now I moved to 10.04 however there are still some things that I would like to see clarification and instructions on. I am interested to set up multiple parallel websites for my apache server, however I am not sure how to do this exactly. Now I have solid address and port 80 redirecting to my server. What I would like to get done is that I get multiple independent of each other websites for my server I was thinking of making websites like this

/var/www/site1 (which would be as
/var/www/site2 (which would be as
/var/www/site3 (which would be

etc, so that I have multiple "individual" websties for my server. Requirements would be that each of these websites could have SSL encryption as needed available too, since some of the website could have confidential information.

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Debian :: Intranet Server With LAMP - Mail Server ?

Aug 23, 2011

I am completely new to Debian . My aim is to get one of my machines to run this system as the intranet server including www server, mailing server, intranet server and LAMP at the same time on the small network. I have found some resources including how-to's how to install Debian as the normal operative OS not as the intranet server. I have also found this: [url].However that is applicable for the 'Mandrake' distribution (Mandriva). Now, I would like to ask few questions that will be applicable not only for me but for more users and if someone could answer them .

1.What installation source shall I choose, CD/DVD/Network Install CD?
2.I have found this: [url] ... troduction is that applicable?
3.How to install web server, mail server, LAMP and configure them, link above describes mail server installation not configuration itself.
4.How to configure intranet on Debian to work as the server serving the Windows clients (using Samba?)

If someone could propose a set of the sources or the instructions how to achieve all of the steps I would really appreciate that. Also, if sources will be given by the users I shall try to achieve what I want and write up 'how-to' for this problem. Therefore, me and other users would benefit from that.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Install LAMP Develop Server

Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to setup local LAMP installation of CentOS 5.6 in VMware for local developing. I installed Apache, PHP, phpMyAdmin from this tutorial. Is there any other begginers step-by-step tutorial for setting up LAMP? I need help setting up FTP and permissions, hot to setup permissions for /var/www/html directory?

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Ubuntu Installation :: LAMP Server On 9.10 Server

Feb 5, 2010

I've been messing around for a few days now trying to figure out what is going on and I feel like I'm making a stupid mistake. Essentially I'm trying to build a LAMP server (PHP) on my Mac Mini using VMWare Fusion 3 using Linux Server 9.10. To start, it's not going well at all. Once I install the LAMP portion after calling it with root permissions, I have no UI. Personally, I need a UI. Am I not understanding this? I figured once I install the LAMP packages and restart the server, there would be a user interface but nothing...


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Debian :: How To Install LAMP Server

Feb 17, 2011

I need to install LAMP server in Debian 6. But like Ubuntu there is no option to install Lamp Server

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Use A LAMP Server

Feb 6, 2010

I've successfully installed my LAMP server (9.10). I've ran a test.php but am curious if there are any tutorials onlines or even books to buy in order o learn how it all works. Where the files are and the mechanics of it. I have it installed but what now ha... I've done HTML, I've built websites but I'm lost!...

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Server :: Installing And Configuring LAMP Using Yum

Apr 20, 2010

I have 3 virtual machines set up. 2 are servers and one is a client. On one of the servers I have installed apache, mysql, and php and mod_ssl. I can get to the web site on the server from my client system. I can even get to the info php site--the screen that shows everything about php (it's purplish!) I can also get to the secure https site. The one thing I can't do is get my table to display.I have set up a new user in mysql. I have granted that user all privileges. I have created a table on a new database in mysql. I then set up php code within html code But every time I try to go to my test.php site it only gives me the header. It obviously cannot find the table array. This is the code and someone already told me it looked right to them. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

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Debian :: MySQL Server Can't Start In Lamp

Jun 24, 2015

I installed LaMp 2 days ago. First everything works; But until yesterday, I can't start anymore mysql server : it failed each time.

When I look at the status :

Code: Select allsystemctl status mysql
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Erreur inconnue -1

It's like it can't generate mysqld.sock

Code: Select all/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!

I keep reading man and trying to find something I didn't configure correctly, but I can't find nothing.

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Debian Configuration :: LAMP Server And Permissions To Www/

Jul 30, 2011

I just installed LAMP server and it works. Anyway, I have problems with permissions to www/. I can't access it! Its located in /srv/www.

What do you suggest? I need to be able to freely add/modify/remove files under www/ as 'dagrevis' (not 'root').

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General :: Get Log Messages From The LAMP Server On Ubuntu 10.04?

Jun 2, 2010

How can I get log messages from the LAMP server on Ubuntu 10.04?Should I install some good program on Ubuntu for that purpose?

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Ubuntu :: Remove/uninstall LAMP Server In 10.10?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and I just recently installed a LAMP server for some minor local web development.

Used the sudo tasksel command to install lamp but I can't get phpmyadmin to work nor can I access mysql.

removing the LAMP and starting all over again.

How do I go about this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: PHP Is Not Co-operating On LAMP Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I had a working LAMP server on my old server. After a HD went out and was replaced I rebuilt my server with Ubuntu 10.10 server. Talk about a smooth and impressive install. I set up my Apache server and MySQL and even installed php5 just like I had done before on my old server. The only thing different I did with this install is with Apache. I now host 3 websites with virtual hosts. This is the only thing different I have done than the last time.

My problem now is my website won't display PHP. I didn't know I had this problem until I installed Drupal for a friend to play around with. Drupal won't finish the installation process because it claims: In your ./sites/default/settings.php file you have configured Drupal to use a server, however your PHP installation currently does not support this database type.

Know I have googled this phrase to hell and back to find a resolution and haven't. I even talked to my local linux guru at work and he refereed me here. I have tried reinstalling php left and right. I'm convinced that there is an option to enable php globally that I'm missing. I really think the virtual hosts is what is causing this trouble. What input will the mighty Ubuntu community provide me with,

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Ubuntu :: Hosting Website With LAMP Server With 10.10?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm running with Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop edition and I have LAMP server installed on the machine. I'm wanting to host my Automotive Detailing website that I'm almost done with off of that server. I have decals made up for my car and friends cars with the domain that I have registered on it. Now, can someone please tell me where and how to put the files for my website on the server and how to configure everything so I can get it up and running ASAP?!? I'm fairly new at this Ubuntu and what not so I need a detailed tutorial

So this is what I need to know:

==> Where to put the webpage files
==> How to configure the server to open it up to the world wide web
==> How to change the IP Address to Static and how to know what to change it to.
==> How to point the registered domain to the server.

Like I said I'm fairly new at this so please be as detailed as possible!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Lamp-server On 10.10?

May 18, 2011

Ran the following command from a user account listed with ALL permissions in visudo.

sudo tasksel install lamp-server
debconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: could not open /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat: Permission denied
tasksel: aptitude failed (100)

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Ubuntu :: Re Setup Mail/LAMP Server?

Oct 14, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10point me the URL of Howto re setup a mail/LAMP server Google brought me the howto from howtoforge. I need the howto from Ubuntu documentation/Greek.

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General :: Install LAMP To The Redhat Server?

Dec 23, 2010

Someone asks to install LAMP to the Redhat server , I know LAMP = Linux + Apache + Mysql + PHP , I also can't find any module called LAMP , does it means what I need to install is Apache , mysql , php to my server ?

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Server :: Installing A Lms Known As Ilias On A LAMP Environment?

Feb 4, 2011

I am installing Ilias 4.1.4 is the lastes stable version on a Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit server with all the dependencies satisfied.


Download and install on a Ubuntu 10.04 server. Now just when all the steps are done I log out since now the installation has finished immediately upon logging out I am at following URL (the installation has just finished)



Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile called without CLIENT_ID.

I start searching net for above error and do not get any useful information.After some time I press back button and accidentally reached



and see some sort of screen that asks for a client ID. How can I get rid of this error


Fatal Error: ilInitialisation::initClientIniFile called without CLIENT_ID.

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