Slackware :: Virtualisation - Specific File To Configure VBox?

Mar 30, 2010

What I did :I've downloaded virtualbox-ose & virtualbox-kernel on After running ./virtualbox-xxx.Slackbuild i've installed both packages (first ose then kernel)

The problem I get :

When I run a virtual machine, Vbox tell me to launch /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup (or sthing like that) But neither /etc/init.d/vboxdrv nor /etc/rc.d/rc.vboxdrv are on my hard drive after the installation.So is there any specific file to configure VBox .. ? Or is there an other way to install VBox under slackware ?

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Slackware :: Best Virtualisation For 24x7 LAMP - Joomla - Server

Apr 18, 2010

My task is to set-up a dedicated LAMP server to host a site with joomla (this is basically LAMP + joomla which is a PHP-based content management system). Beside the basic web content, the site will hold a large amount of sample videos and similar large files (2TB on a RAID is available a lot of them will be used).

I googled a lot, and I read a lot about all the virtualisation solutions such as kvm, xen, virtualbox, vmware, openvz and vserver, I more or less understand their properties, but I cannot decide which one to choose.

I tried a few of them but I have no experience about its long term usage, stability etc.

In short I need an advice from people who successfully running real-word sites with some virtualisation solution. Basically I would like to know which one to use for the more robust, stable server.

Only read further if you have a similar system.

I would like to use some kind of virtualisation solution for the joomla server, becauseI have no trust in such systems, so if it is hacked I will just recover from a backup (or reinstall) the guest, but I do not need to go to the server-park. (after it, I have to find out how it was hacked) perhaps later we would like to use some other services which is also good if they are separated

I would like to use Slackware as a host and a guest.

I would like to put one file-system to the large raid array, and share it among the virtual-servers if it is possible (there is only one server now but there could be more with different applications). Or do I need to use lvm on the raid for the different servers?

Here is what I think:Because I want to "run linux on linux", first I thought that a container based solution (vserver, openvz) is perfect for the job, because of the low overhead and because I can use the whole file system for the storage, and I can share free space with other services in the future. The problem is vserver and openvz are big patches for the kernel, but I would like to change slackware as small as possible. So I would like to stay with the kernel of slack-13.0. openvz does not even support 2.6.29 while vserver is, but I have to compile a new patched kernel. So the the options here are to use a different kernel with openvz, or use the same but patched kernel with vserver.

Another option is to use "real" virtualisation solutions such as kvm, xen, virtualbox and vmware. It seems that kvm is the future, because it is already in the official kernel and "powered" by Red Hat, so it will be well supported. I likely will choose kvm.

As i wrote I tried a few of them but I have no experience about its long term usage, stability, so I want here about which one is used in real word servers, what kind of problems (stability) they have, etc.?

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Slackware :: Vbox Brakes 1 Of 2 Network Interfaces?

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to setup a virtual machine on virtualbox on slack64 13.1. It's purpose is to be gateway pc, so the vm's are only gonna be here until a VM server will be setup - but that could easily complete after 2 months. The test-phase setup is that this gw () is part of the internal network and I have only attached 1-2 clients that it serves (ie these clients belong to a 2nd level internal network). I do most of the setup by ssh'ing from the INET if (my pc is also part of the internal network and not of the 2nd level one).

As fas as my vm in vbox is concerned, I have setup a bridged connection to eth0 (the LOCAL if), since I'm gonna be running a printer server out of that vm (so NAT'ing would perplex the setup) The problem is that all of a sudden, when virtualbox is running the INET if gets broken, and I lose connection to the gw, from the INET side only! the LOCAL if is still working, the 2nd level clients are working fine. Locally, I can do


I doesn't occur when I do something specific but it is a frequent crash nevertheless. I can push my luck too; from the INET side of the gw I had :-an ssh session open, -an X session open - so that I could have access to the gui of virtualbox application and my running vm. -an ssh tunnel on port 139 in order to bypass the gw's firewall and get access to some samba shares on the gw. I tried 3 times to copy a 2GB iso image from my pc to the gw and all 3 times the INET if broke. Finally, if i disable start up of the virtualbox and restart the machine, the problem doesn't occur.. (i'm 16h without virtualbox and the INET if hasn't broken - the same was true before I started setting up my vm).Has anyone experienced problems with virtualbox and the physical interfaces? Especially when using bridged virtual interfaces?

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Slackware :: Running VBox - Kernel Driver Not Installed (rc=-1908)

Sep 11, 2010

I'm using Slackware 13.1 32bit and can't run virtualbox when I try to boot the virtual machine it shows me a window with the following message:


Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing

'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'
run - /etc/rc.d/rc.vboxdrv setup


Stopping VirtualBox kernel module ...done.
Recompiling VirtualBox kernel module ...failed!
(Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong)
Check /var/log/vbox-install.log


make KBUILD_VERBOSE=1 -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/tmp/vbox.0 SRCROOT=/tmp/vbox.0 modules
test -e include/generated/autoconf.h -a -e include/config/auto.conf || (


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Slackware :: How To Install ImageMagick - Can't Run ./configure After Uncompress The File

Feb 14, 2011

How to install ImageMagick on slackware? I can't run ./configure after I uncompress the file. I was trying to install a software and it says Imagemagick is not installed but when if I run identify -version there is some kind of version displayed but I'm not sure if it is installed.

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Slackware :: Vbox Guest Additions - Proprietary Version - Fail With - Currents New Kernel Config

Mar 11, 2010

Experienced that building the vbox guest additions (on the binary/non-free vbox) on a slackware --current guest (with windows *and* linux as a host) fails now with the new kernel's just released in --current?

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Networking :: Configure To Use A Specific DHCP Server?

Jan 24, 2010

This is probably an odd request, but figured I'd ask in case someone knew. We have a lab that has the IP range ( The lab gateway/DHCP assigns an IP in the range of I want to set up my own DHCP server on a specific range, for example I create a new host fine, but since it's set for DHCP, it uses the DHCP server at Is there a way to force it to use a different DHCP server on the client side? I realize that I can work around this with exclusions on the DHCP server, or use iptables to deny DHCP requests to specific MACs, but wanted to know if there was an (easier?) way to configure the client to use the DHCP server instead of the server?

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Debian :: Handling Virtualisation And Finding Program(s) To Alternative To VMware?

Mar 13, 2009

I currently run a home sever using windows server 2008. On it I'm using VMware to run 2 virtual machines (currently running CentOS (which is Red Hat based) as web and mail servers. It's not a big setup, we only host our personal websites and a couple for some friends. Although server 2008 handles resouces much better than server 2003, it's still running windows, which as we know is far more inferior to a Linux server. I'm trying to convince the husband to let me run everything on Debian, but he wants to run it on Red Hat (which okay, isn't bad but our household is devided. We have long running arguments because he likes his boxes Red Hat based running KDE, and I like my Debian distros running Gnome!)

The host server is running on a standard pc box, it's got a 2.5 gigahertz dual core processor and 3 gig of ram, almost one TB storage. (don't ask why I'm including this drastically important info!) I want to run the entire network on Debian. So that would be the main host running Debian and the two virtual machines also. The host itself would need to run as a file and app server for our home network and the two vertuals as web and mail servers. (we run about 12 domains three of which are under heavy usage with Mysql databases, so we run two servers so we can dedicate more rescources to the virtual server that sucks the most juice.) I was wondering how Debian handles virtualisation and what program(s) would be a good alternative to VMware?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Websites On Single Host Machine Without Virtualisation

Jun 1, 2010

I have this intra net server project going on and now I moved to 10.04 however there are still some things that I would like to see clarification and instructions on. I am interested to set up multiple parallel websites for my apache server, however I am not sure how to do this exactly. Now I have solid address and port 80 redirecting to my server. What I would like to get done is that I get multiple independent of each other websites for my server I was thinking of making websites like this

/var/www/site1 (which would be as
/var/www/site2 (which would be as
/var/www/site3 (which would be

etc, so that I have multiple "individual" websties for my server. Requirements would be that each of these websites could have SSL encryption as needed available too, since some of the website could have confidential information.

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General :: Configure Sendmail To Route Mail To Specific Hosts?

May 8, 2010

configure sendmail to route mail to specific hosts?

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General :: Configure Machine To Load Specific Modules At Startup?

May 9, 2010

How do I configure my machine to load specific modules at startup.

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Ubuntu :: Bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory When Run The Command ./configure --prefix=/usr

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to follow this tutorial below so that I can get Text to the right of icons on the GNOME desktop. [URL] Everything so far has worked fine, except when I get to step 3 where I compile Nautilus. When I try to run the command ./configure --prefix=/usr It tells me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Autoclicker In The Terminal - "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory?

Mar 19, 2011

I found a tool made for Ubuntu called Xautoclick. I downloaded it and it is called "xautoclick-0.30.tar.gz" The installation notes say "tallatBe sure you have the proper development packages for your distribution installed (i.e. something like xserver-xorg-dev, gtk2-dev, et cetera). After that, run:

./configure make sudo make install" I have no clue what to do... I typed in "./configure" in the terminal and it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory?

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Slackware :: Wine 32 Bit On Slackware 13 64 Bit - Configure Can't Find Some Libraries

Oct 19, 2009

Now i have 64 bit computer i installed Slackware 23 64 bit on it. i followed Alien Bob's multi lib how to and installed needed libraries one by one. everything is fine expect wine configure script can not find some libraries needed: libgsm, libmpg123, libopenal, libxcomposite.

I have already installed 32 bit compatibility packages and used /etc/profile.d/ as recommended in Alien Bob's howto. configure -- does not really list anything for pointing for libraries.

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General :: Find Folders With ONLY One Specific File In And Delete File And Folde

Oct 21, 2009

Many folders within a subdirectory some of which have lots of data in and some of which have only one specific file called produkt.fil inside.I need a command to find and delete those folders that contain ONLY the file produkt.fil - if other files exist (doesnt matter what they are) then they should be left alone. Note: produkt.fil exists in all of the folders always.

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Software :: Check The Contents Of A Text File For A Specific String And Remove It From The File From The Command Prompt?

Oct 14, 2010

I want to be able to check the contents of a text file for a specific string and remove it from the file from the command prompt. I would basically be searching through a number of files and if a specific string is found I would like it removed automatically. pretty much a find and replace, were the replace is nothing. any one got any ideas on how you would do this. I already have the search part sorted just need to be able to remove the string I don't want from the multiple files.

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General :: Rename A File By Replacing Specific Letters In The File?

May 11, 2010

I used a script that renamed my file eg 'echo webutil.olb | tr [A-Z] [a-z]' i wanted to rename it back to webutil.olb. How do i do this for many other files that i have

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Slackware :: Configure Wifi Adapter In Slackware 12.0 / KDE Does Not Detect Any Wifi Device?

Jan 30, 2010

i tried following the readme file included in the driver of the usb network adapter but seems its not exact.

any ideas on how i can configure it manually? KDE does not detect any wifi device. .(of course since no driver is installed yet).

i used my desktop (win***)with DSL connection and installed the driver of the usb net adapter.. made it as the access point. . so my laptop detects the desktop as wifi spot.

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General :: Configure File Successfully But Make File Displayed Some Errors?

Jun 29, 2010

i am having a problem concern zlib installation.i tried configure file successfully but make file displayed some errors.that usr/linux/limits.h not i found that i have to install glibc-headers-devel...but there is no such a kind of package in ubuntu repository?/????/some people saying that libc6-devel is equal to them!

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Ubuntu :: Where To Find A Specific File

May 14, 2011

I want to know where to find a specific file in Ubuntu. I have the file name but I don't know where to place it to bring up the file.

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General :: Error - No Such File Or Dir. Read The 'readme' File But Cannot Configure

May 23, 2011

i'm new to linux and i am running ubuntu 11.04.i'm trying to install wine. i downloaded the binary files and extracted them. i tried running the command './configure' and got a error saying :no such file or dir. i read the 'readme' file but cannot configure.

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General :: RPM - Writing Script In Specific File

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to write ksh script in the spec file? The target is after I perform
rpm -i my_rpm.rpm
According to the spec file, ksh script will do some installation & configuration. For example run other script and edit some files.

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General :: Write File To A Specific Sector?

Jun 28, 2010

I need to copy a file into a Flash memory which is connected to my computer via USB. The file must start at a specific sector.
Can anyone guide me how to do this? (it can be through a C program, a line command, or any other way)

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General :: File Permission To Specific User?

Jan 13, 2011

i have created a file (by root user) called test.txt. Then i created a user bob. Now i want only bob to read/write/execute this file and no other user shall have any permission on it.

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General :: Specific File Name Renaming In All Sub Directories?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a dir (pub_html) with 45 sub dirsand in each there is a file with name file123.html) what command can I use to rename all files with this name in all sub dirs to file456.html ? I'm on opensuse 11.3

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Software :: Monitor A Specific Log File Using Zenoss?

Oct 10, 2010

I want to monitor all messages of a specific log file using Zenoss Core. How can I do this?

System :

Centos 5.5 (x86)
Zenoss Stack 3.0.2

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Programming :: How To Write To A File With Specific Indentation Through Php

Dec 12, 2008

I am a beginner with php ,trying to work my way through.
I have a file to be written with particular indentation and by appending some special characters...
this is the o/p file i wanted. could anyone please guide me as to how i can write it? code...

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Programming :: Printing A Specific Word Out Of A File?

Jan 6, 2011

so i have a file that has the following

ID1 age_11 dog_n3 parent_dog_n1
ID1 age_7 dog_n4 parent_dog_n3
ID1 dog_n5 age_4
ID1 dog_n6 age_4


As you can see i would like the output file to be just the dogs, not the otehr information. But because the information is mixed up how can i extract only the dogs? (i cant do and awk '{print }' because the dogs are found in colounm 2 or 3 or sometimes even 4.

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Programming :: Reading Specific Lines From A File?

Sep 10, 2009

To save on the writing of WAY to many files with very little in them, I want to put it all in one file and read a specific few lines. There will be six variables to be read at a time. Format is as such:

//Set 1
string name


From name to 5th number is a set. The name will be of different lengths for each set. This will be a big file of probably 40+ sets. My problem lies in reading one and only one set be it set 5 or set 34. It needs to be done in C++.

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Programming :: Remove Specific Lines From File

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to come up with ideas for a simple way to strip a specific "entry" from a text file.I know tools like sed and perl can remove specific lines from a file but I haven't been able to come up with an elegant way to do my group of lines.In my file, the first "Location" line and the "SVNPath" line should be unique every time... but are they enough to strip out the whole set of the group plus the trailing one line of white space separating each group? Add to this, my file will grow as new entries are added (always appended to the end) but new entries will have the same formatting.

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