Slackware :: Slack Full Install - Joomla Says No Mysql Support
Jan 29, 2010
I made a full install of Slackware and have been using one of my boxes as an Apache web server. I recently tried to install Joomla, the PHP CMS software, and when I ran the pre-install requisite checker (The second step of the installation), the installer notified me that I do not have MySQL support. I find this especially strange as I've made webpages using PHP that made use of MySQL databases.
My pre-post research has lead me to several other people with the same problem. Half were using windows, and just had not uncommented the "extension" line in the php.ini file. The other half solved their problem by installing their distro's php-mysql module. According to what I'd read, you can still use MySQL if you don't have that module installed, but Joomla does need it to be able to use the MySQL database.
I've searched long and hard for this plugin/add-on/module for Slackware, but to no avail. It's available in RPM format, and I know that it's possible to use rpm2tgz to convert these files, but I don't know exactly what the issue is, and if Slackware may be different. I don't want to install that and then find out that it overwrote something that I'd needed.
I have just installed joomla and proceeded to do the web install. Got the interface up and running and its now complaining it does not see the mysql server running. I do in fact have it running. Veryfied it with mysql command on command line and it complained with missing attributes.
I read a thread that it needs php-mysql installed. So went to proceed to install it. Well, I did not have that and went to install it. Verified it. Package mysql-server-5.0.77-3.el5.i386 already installed and latest version
I then did a service mysql reset.
Checked back at the joomla web install interface and still, it says there is no mysql support! What is next? Im running centos OS. Also, I am running LAMP
I compiled it from source, i installed it via slackbuild but it didn't work. When i go imlib-config --version it shows me the old one, and when i try to install giblib it tells me that imlib2 is not installed. I watched the output from the installing of imlib2 and i realized something's wrong: there are several suspicious warnings :
I have downloaded the packages from Slackbulids and installed also the required packages from but still it says that probably pyqt is not installed. I have installet latest Sip and latest pyqt ver 4.
I've created a mysql user and he can connect Joomla to mysqld when everyone has full permissions to the mysql homedir but I know this is bad from a security standpoint. If I set mysql user as the only one with permissions then I can't connect. I know Joomla support is not very help from past experience, wish I could dump it for something else but it does work great once it is configured so I need to keep it around, can anyone make a guess as to what permissions I need to have set on mysql's home dir so that joomla can still connect yet I am more secure than now?
I have a computer with Debian installed. I would like to install Slack on another partition. Problem - this computer has no cd and won't boot from a USB stick when the hard drive is connected (go figure...disconnect hard drive, it boots from usb stick) no matter how I set the bios.
I have a copy of the Slack DVD copied to the local hard drive. I can configure lilo to boot from ubnkern on the slack dvd file set, but that just boots debian using that particular kernel - surprisingly it boots, but is not how to get to slack setup. Given the above setup and restrictions, how would I go about getting to slack setup? I'm kinda stuck here, trying to figure out what to do next.
I have just reinstalled slackware on my old p4 3.2 box clean install formatted hard drive no other packages there something seriously changed from slack 10 to slack 13.1 ?? or do i suffer from C.R.S ( cant remember s***)
I am running the latest slackware and have for a while been trying to install banshee. So... I also installed gnome and that seems to work. I have added dependency after dependency... and now I am finally stuck. I have searched the web for gconf-sharp-2.0. i might be blind, but i have not found anywhere that i can download it from and install.
I have Windows 7 and Slackware on my laptop, but I reinstall Windows 7 and now I cannot enter at Slackware ( I don't have anymore start screen to choose OS). Do I need to install again Slackware or just lilo and how to do that?
After trying without success change from windows to ubuntu (dual-boot unsolved problems), I decided to try slack as I have seen that user to user support for slack is usually best oriented and faster.But I am having some problems in order to install slack because of GPT support. As I know its a bad idea to start to asking for help without speak what I have tried, lets to this first:
At first I tried just to boot from DVD and went through the install using the help inside the disk. It doesn't work because either fdisk and cfdisk that are suggested in help doesn't offer support to GPT.
After that first try i looked to:url
But also it suggest the use of fdisk. However, it suggested too that I could use another partition application and since I have the live cd for ubuntu, I tried to partition from there and use those partitions for installation.
At first I tried to format as ext4, but i discovered that slack still dont offer support to this format (at least the version that I downloaded).So I tried again but this time using ext3 as format to my / and /home and use the swap offered in the application for use as swap (duh!)But every time I try to install using the dvd it doesnt find my partitions with fdisk, only with the parted command I can see my partition table displayed correctly.However, every time I try to run setup it say that it didnt found and linux partition (swap also when i try to target).So this is my dilemma, I cant use fdisk, in the parted manual (url) it only says that it supports ext2 (not mention ext3) and also i dont find any command to use with parted to mark the partition as 82.I ran through this 2 other posts (url), but as I am still waiting for some update there I decided to ask it here hoping to discover that this is an easy problem.
I am playing with SalixOS which is supposed to be entirely compatible with Slack. I've never put Slack proper on this laptop. It's run Ubuntu and Mandriva both and the volume wheel always works. It does not seem to be recognized in Salix. I figure the fix will be the same in Salix as Slackware so I'm asking here. The laptop is an A205 Toshiba Satellite.
i installed MySQL 5.1.44 on my laptop and at first (2 days ago) it worked perfectly. I then decided to install the same thing on my server that also runs slack 12.2... it never worked. I initially followed the instructions step by step in the MySQL manuals and website, tried to get help from google, etc, but still doesnt work.
Basically, when I run /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld start, I get:
Code: nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysql/ 100303 19:28:10 mysqld ended
My task is to set-up a dedicated LAMP server to host a site with joomla (this is basically LAMP + joomla which is a PHP-based content management system). Beside the basic web content, the site will hold a large amount of sample videos and similar large files (2TB on a RAID is available a lot of them will be used).
I googled a lot, and I read a lot about all the virtualisation solutions such as kvm, xen, virtualbox, vmware, openvz and vserver, I more or less understand their properties, but I cannot decide which one to choose.
I tried a few of them but I have no experience about its long term usage, stability etc.
In short I need an advice from people who successfully running real-word sites with some virtualisation solution. Basically I would like to know which one to use for the more robust, stable server.
Only read further if you have a similar system.
I would like to use some kind of virtualisation solution for the joomla server, becauseI have no trust in such systems, so if it is hacked I will just recover from a backup (or reinstall) the guest, but I do not need to go to the server-park. (after it, I have to find out how it was hacked) perhaps later we would like to use some other services which is also good if they are separated
I would like to use Slackware as a host and a guest.
I would like to put one file-system to the large raid array, and share it among the virtual-servers if it is possible (there is only one server now but there could be more with different applications). Or do I need to use lvm on the raid for the different servers?
Here is what I think:Because I want to "run linux on linux", first I thought that a container based solution (vserver, openvz) is perfect for the job, because of the low overhead and because I can use the whole file system for the storage, and I can share free space with other services in the future. The problem is vserver and openvz are big patches for the kernel, but I would like to change slackware as small as possible. So I would like to stay with the kernel of slack-13.0. openvz does not even support 2.6.29 while vserver is, but I have to compile a new patched kernel. So the the options here are to use a different kernel with openvz, or use the same but patched kernel with vserver.
Another option is to use "real" virtualisation solutions such as kvm, xen, virtualbox and vmware. It seems that kvm is the future, because it is already in the official kernel and "powered" by Red Hat, so it will be well supported. I likely will choose kvm.
As i wrote I tried a few of them but I have no experience about its long term usage, stability, so I want here about which one is used in real word servers, what kind of problems (stability) they have, etc.?
I always have just one issue making a slackware pkg using makepkg the darn install/slack-desc never "shows" and gives the package description when doing installpkg/upgradepkg on the finished package Example A I make a package today from "ranger" cli file manager heres the slack-desc
Code: # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' on # the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must make # exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also customary to # leave one space after the
I installed Slackware quite awhile ago now, and am starting to wish that I'd done a full install instead of cherry-picking my packages. Is there any way I can do it retroactively... you know, just add all the stuff I didn't install? I'm running -current.
There is a "standalone seamonkey-solibs package for RPM, gxine, etc". But after recent upgrades in -current, I can't use rpm without full seamonkey package installed. Can someone revise the contents of seamonkey-solibs and add missing files to it?
$ LANG=C rpm -qp --qf %{NAME} opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm error: opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm: Header SHA1 digest: BAD error: opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest)
And `rpm2txz -nd opera-11.00-1156.i386.rpm` doesn't work as expected without seamonkey package installed.
I have gone through the whole installation process of installing joomla onto my Server under ispconfig3. After installing and deleting the installation file as required when i try to get to the log in page i get this message on my screen "No configuration file found and no installation code available. Exiting..."
I have my own server that I am trying to install joomla on... (i have done to types on installs, One Via FTP (Joomla 1.5.15) and One Via SSH (joomla 1.5.10)) both installed with out issue and runs. the issue I am having is that the templates being installed dont look right [url] I have installed it on a DreamHost Server with out issue. I am thinking its my server, After installing debian (with Apache2, PhP5, Mysql, PhPMyAdmin, Webmin) I had to change two things, add modrewrite and add virtual host (to home more then one domain).
I have big problem. I want to learn how to make a web site via joomla or wordpress. I install joomla and wordpress via repository. So i have all what i need. So....i have problem with permissions.
I installed a slack 13.7 on an old laptop. KDE was set as default desktop. then I login and run startx and I saw KDE first screen display. after that I saw blank screen with a mouse on it. Then it stayed there and it seems try read some in my harddisk since the persistent harddisk light.
When I try to put slackware to sleep or have it hibernate the system simply sits with a black screen. Normally it would do this for a short period of time immediately before the actual sleep state (screen powered off, croissant light on) is entered, but currently it does it indefinitely. My sleep USED to work just fine, it broke after some unclean shutdown or another, basically I just want to know what I can try resetting to try to get it back to normal.
Slackware64 13.1, running on thinkpad X61.
EDIT: Of course the second I make the post I think of trying to sleep/hibernate from the command line instead of through X/GDM (Gnome SlackBuild). That works.
I have some doubts about the official Pat's upgrading procedure. In the UPGRADE.TXT file, one of the stepts says:
Code: upgradepkg --install-new *.t?z What does --install-new mean? Pkgs I have no installed on my 13.1 will be installed on the 13.37 upgrade? For example, I did not installed KDE on 13.1. Will be installed when upgrade? - What about third party pkgs? Slacky,, compiled by myself. Should I remove them before upgrading slack?
My current situation involves me having webmin (virtualmin) installed on my current centos server. Im using virtualmin gpl and my users/hosted sites are not very smart when it comes to making a website. They can upload sites via FTP and manage minor things but thats about it. What i want to do is make a couple of scripts using the terminal style that can do a quick auto install of Joomla. The command will run as the user who is executing it in WebMin.
Here is the Locations of the items in transfer.
I will have 2 premade sets; one Joomla SourceCode-FileSystem ; A Joomla MySql database to go along with it.
Heres what I need to do;
Variable: TheUsername = The WebMin user as described above
1. Check to make sure File /home/TheUsername/public_html/index.php dose not exist. If dose then cancel the install.
2. Copy files /NoodleServerFiles/AutoInstall/Joomla/ to /home/TheUsername/public_html/
3. Create a Database Named: TheUsername-Joomla
4. Enable TheUsername to beable to read and write to it.
5. Inport /NoodleServerFiles/AutoInstall/Databases/Joomla.sql to that database
6. Edit the file /home/TheUsername/public_html/configuration.php on specific lines Example: Line10: DB_user: TheUsername
7. Save it.
8. Display Text in the Terminal Command saying "Success in creating your website. Go look!"