Server :: Accessing Apache/HTTPD In Home Network?

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to setup Fedira 12 Linux Apache in my home network. I am able to access the hosted website from inside my home network without any problem. I am facing the problem to access it from outside. At the moment i have connected the Apache directly to DSL modem for testing purpose. I was reading "The ISP may have blocked the HTTP port 80. So check it by connecting the Apache directly to DSL modem." The temporary network connections for testing purpose are as follows..

DSL modem (SIEMENS Speed Stream 4200)-->Fedora 12/Linux Apache Server

I am even unable to PING the real ip (IP for DSL modem).(Firefox gave me error message "Connection Timed out) I have tried to ping it from the internet.I can PING the DSL from Apache without any problem.

1. Why i am even unable to PING the real IP of DSL modem at my home.?

2. Is it possible to run/setup Apache by using this type of DSL modem?

3. DSL modem has real IP. DSL MODEM assigns private IP (192.168.x.x) to Apache. So when a http request form the internet came to DSL modem on port 80, will it forward to Apache automatically.? or i have to made any changes.(I can not see anything in DSL modem to change/modify), OR do I have to use another DSL MODEM/Equipment (router)? This setup is just temporary. The actual design is as follows

DSL MODEM(Speed Stream 4200)-->Fedora 12 Linux ROUTER--->Internal network with DNS/Apache Server

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Fedora Servers :: Accessing Apache Home From External IP ?

Oct 2, 2010

I've set up Apache on my Fedora 12 machine and have got it working on my internal IP (localhost/ however, when I try to access it through my external IP I am taken to my router login page.

What do I need to do to route my external IP to my internal static IP of

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Fedora Networking :: Port Forwarding For Apache Server At Home Network

Feb 7, 2010

I am setting up Apache (Fedora 12) inside my home network. From inside my home network I access it without any problem. I need to set it up to access it from internet. I have the following questions. Here is temporary setup for testing purpose.
Internet-->ADSL modem (SEIMENS Speed Stream 4200)---> Apache (Fedora 12)

1. Do I have to do any kind of ports forwarding on ADSL modem. (There is no option to do port forwarding on Modem) May be I need different Model of Modem??
2. I tired to Ping my real IP for modem form another computer from internet. I am even unable to PING the ADSL 's real IP. Why it is that?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Apache And Tomcat Services - HTTPD Door

Jun 16, 2010

I have both apache and tomcat services running, both in their standard doors (tomcat 8080, httpd 80). I need to setup tomcat to run on door 80 instead of httpd. I changed httpd door with success to 8180. Now I want to change tomcat6 door to 80, and I did that by editing server.xml config file of tomcat. After restarting tomcat, the system tells me it's ok, but I can see that it's not running on 80, nor at any other door. A simple nmap search confirm that. What should I do to have tomcat running in door 80?

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OpenSUSE Network :: YaST2 Exposes Apache HTTPD Error Log

Nov 14, 2010

I am unable to examine Apache httpd error log from YaST2 because the lines are too long; the browser just truncates them and thus it does not show any description. The only option is to save it. However, when I chose that option, YaST2 encourages me to save it in /tmp, and as soon as I do that, the log becomes accessible to every user!

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Server :: Single Wildcard Certificate For Apache Httpd Server And Tomcat?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a requirement of using a wildcard certificate for 5 subdomains running under apache httpd server and 1 subdomain under tomcat.Is there any possibility of using the single wildcard certificate both in tomcat and apache

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Server :: Can't Get On Internet / Apache Is Running / Httpd Is Not

Feb 11, 2011

When I do " ps aux | grep apache " I can see that apache2 is running. But when I do the same thing for http or httpd there is nothing. I looked for this question in the forums but couldn't find it. I probably don't know just what to look for.I'm using the new Debian Squeeze, and was fooling around heavily with new software installations and modifications, and just noticed all of a sudden that I couldn't get on the internet - so I know I did something but don't know what.I can plug in a thumb drive with a bitnami joomla stack on it and run, " ~/tmp/joomla-1.6.0-0/./ start "and that gets things going for the joomla stuff (apache, http, mysql, php), but that stuff is pretty self contained and does not effect the browser's attempt to reach the web.

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General :: What Is The Use Of /etc/sysconfig/httpd Conf File In Apache Server

Aug 4, 2010

what is the role of /etc/sysconfig/httpd configuration file in apache server .

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Fedora Networking :: Config The Httpd Apache Server To Upload Files

Jan 6, 2011

my task is to store the data to a file at server sent via HTTP POST, i written suitable cgi script in C, but the PROBLEM is that i can't complete the task, I guess i require server permission to do so, how to configure server or how to get access right from server to store data to a file.

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Server :: Apache .htaccess - Permission Denied. Exclude From Httpd.conf

Jan 13, 2011

I am administoring a few websites and the latest website to be deployed has a few "unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable, referer: " errors in the apache-error log.

That is fine, becuase the directory doesnt contain a .htaccess file.

Is there a setting whereby I can turn off this error ?

I dont want to turn off checking for .htaccess files because some directorys have this file and use it.

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Server :: Change Of Apache Httpd.conf Doesn't Work On CentOS/RedHat?

Jun 30, 2010

I've been trying to make install apache 2.1.8 and php 5.2.3 and work on them. After updating and installing some dependence files, apache and php could both be installed.

Then I tried to configure them. I added the following content to the end of Apache httpd.conf:


Then I run /path/to/apachectl start, and saw the message:


Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

Then I remembered that I didn't include the rewrite module while making install apache. So I removed the 2 lines I just added to httpd.conf.

But, after running /path/to/apachectl stop and start again, I could still see:


When I use firefox to open http://host_ip:8080/, I could see "It works!". But when I open http://host_ip:8080/hello.php (the file is already under htdocs), firefox said

Failed to Connect

Why and how to solve it?

I noticed that for some stupid reason, the conf file wasn't updated at all and the 2 erroneous lines were still there.

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Server :: Moving Apache Directives From .htaccess To Httpd.conf In CPanel/WHM Environment

Mar 3, 2010

I've got a dedicated server using whm/cpanel and there is a particular domain being hosted which contains a very elaborate .htaccess file which is full of mod_rewrite rules, among other things. I've been asked to try and get the contents of this .htaccess file into the httpd.conf (or some appropriate include file) to improve performance.

I've been reading this page and it's really confusing me: [url]

In the file usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf I see that there are two VirtualHost sections that appear to be relevant for my domain (which I'll call The first listens on port 80 and the second is on 443. Seems to me that my apache directives in .htaccess would belong in this section. In the first section I see this:


In the second section I see this:


The problem with both of these is that the directory /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata does not exist, much less the full path to either of those files.

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Server :: Accessing An Apache Virtual Host ?

Jan 19, 2010

One of our Apache servers, version 2.2.3, is running three virtual hosts on it. However, while two are accessible,,, the third, cannot be reached by any remote host.

I am at a loss as to why this is occurring. To that end, I am including the httpd.conf file as an attachment in the hopes someone can see what I missed, and help correct this issue.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Network Manager PPTP Client While Accessing SSH / Apache From Public Internet

Oct 27, 2010

I've searched the forums (250 thread limit) for a fix on this, but all the questions seem unanswered or unrelated. My situation is this: I'm running Ubuntu x64 10.10 'Maverick'. I have a cablemodem connection for my Internet access. I have home network running on DD-WRT with the dreadful Linksys WRT54G series router.

My DD-WRT router is, subnet
My Linux box is, subnet

I have a VyprVPN connection set up successfully on Linux. Mostly everything works great, speed's fine, latency is what I expect it to be. Except... I also run an SSH server to remotely admin the box at port 22, an Apache server running over SSL at port 7001, and a Transmission web client at port 7002 (only secured by basic HTTP realms auth). All of these things worked before I got the VPN working, I'm of course using NAT at the DD-WRT router.

The endresult I am looking for, is to have the security and protection of the VPN (even if it's only perceived) for everything I do on this machine -- EXCEPT on Apache, the Transmission web panel, and the SSH server, which I want to access from the outside world. I have no firewalls running or configured, not even iptables, not even the SPI firewall on DD-WRT. All connections to the aforementioned services from the outside world timeout coming in to the Linux box. They all work from inside my home network ( In case it's needed, he's my routing:


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Debian Configuration :: Accessing Wwwroot Content From Apache Server ?

Mar 15, 2011

I have server with Debian and Apache installed. Webpage content located in /var/www folder. For failserver I have Windows server 2003, which runs Mysql service thats needed for library software. And on this machine theres Inetpub/wwwroot with library webcontent. Sofar its only accessible localy. How can make Apche webserver to take content from this local server machine and show it publicly.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Desktop 10.04 Home Server- Editing Httpd.conf File - Fails

Jul 8, 2010

I turned my home PC running Ubuntu 10.04 into a server, and so i am so lost, after reading like a 10-20 different guides and/or official docs, I am totally lost.

All I wanted was to create a custom 404 error page...i read about how people edited .htaccess files to customize error pages, i tried and failed also, editing apache2.conf, I got lost and i dont wanna mess up everything and also, how you're supposed to not touch either of those as its not how it should be done and instead you need to edit httpd.conf and i did and FAILED! again...

Also how do I make it so that I can make subdomain(s) on my site? and wth is a name server and where do I get one?

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Networking :: Accessing Home File/print Server Through The Internet?

Mar 30, 2011

I just received a 2 tb drive for my server to be. The pc is a P4 3.06 ghz with 4 gb of ram. I have found a number of posts on this forum, as well as on the net in general, about setting up a file/print server at home. What I want to be able to do is to access my server through the internet from my office computer (windows 2000) How can I do that? I have not yet spent much time trying to decide which distro I will use. It seems that a number of them are suitable for this purpose, so I just plan to try several from a live cd and then choose one.

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Debian Configuration :: Apache - Cannot Access Webserver From Home It's Available Only Within Local Network

Aug 21, 2010

I have installed apache php and mysql on my pc during debian installation... some of my friends complain they cannot access my webserver from their home and it's available only within my local network... Please help regarding this...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Home Web Server - Cant Set Up Apache As Named Server Using Bind DSN

Dec 7, 2010

I and setting up a home web server using Ubuntu 10.04 server (local only). I am currently using Webmin 1.53 to access it remotely all is going great very easy to use. Webmin - Check, ftps-fileZilla - Check, Apache -It Works BUT I cant seam to set up Apache as a named server using Bind DSN. Tried most of the help in the fourms and ..... I think my problems is in the master server selection, do i have to use [URL]... or can i just use myservername. I have tryed both with no luck. First time with the server addition.


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Server :: How To Get Apache Running In User Home Directory

Dec 10, 2010

I'm trying to get Apache to run in a user's home directory. I changed the conf file so that Apache runs under the user and group "kiosk" and changed the DocumentRoot and Directory from the default to "/home/kiosk". Then I set Apache to start at boot (chkconfig --level 235 httpd on) and rebooted. When I checked, httpd is running as kiosk like it should (ps aux | grep httpd). However, when I try wget localhost, I get a 403 response back. If as root I call "httpd -k stop" and then "httpd -k start", then everything works exactly as it should (curiously, if I try using "-k restart", it still doesn't work). After this, httpd still shows as running as kiosk and if I check before calling start, it shows no httpd processes running as expected.

This only happens when I use httpd to stop and then start the web server. If I try to restart using apachectl I still get a 403 error. As an interesting aside, after I've used httpd, if I try using "apachectl restart" I get a "(13)Permission denied: Error retrieving pid file run/" error. This is all on a freshly installed CentOS 5.5 server. Why I'm seeing this very different behaviour from what I thought were just equivalent ways of starting Apache? And then what I could do to get it to start up and run properly on boot? One last item to mention is this isn't a permissions problem. I set the permissions to 777 to both the home and kiosk directories (and 666 to the web files) just to be sure that's not the problem.

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Server :: Set Nagios To Apache Start / Home Page

Jan 19, 2011

Been a very long time since I have played with Linux.Now in a new position and have setup a Nagios server running on Centos 5,5 for a NMS.How do I set apache that when I visit: it starts Nagios.. Currently I have to go to

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Server :: Reverse Proxy - With HTTPD Httpd-2.2.3-29.el5

Jul 30, 2010

We are using this url on our testing box and this ip is reverse proxy IP (

Without reverse proxy:- URL is working fine.

But with reverse proxy its putting escape [%25] in between %3a


Is it possible to write a rewrite rule to bypass escape [NE] for this particular URL?

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Server :: Change Default Apache Webpage To User Home Page

Aug 9, 2010

I am now using CentOS5 as the server providing Apache services. I have managed to setup the web page under /home/user1/public_html, now I wish to change the default web page of our server to /home/user1/public_html. i tried to modify httpd.conf, in which i changed the "/var/www/" to the above user directory, but didnot work. Please kindly suggest.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Server In Order To Modify Website?

Feb 27, 2011

I was saddled with the job of maintaining my department's website (I work at a college). When I still used windows I would access my department's folder on the web server using the following procedure: (in windows XP) go to the start menu > click 'run' > enter the folder address, I would be prompted for my login and password. The folder, and the whole server in fact, would then be visible in the windows file browser, under the 'networks' icon. I could then navigate to my department's folder and modify the files I need to to update the website.

How do I do this in Opensuse (using Gnome). I tried going to 'network' in nautilus and then 'open location' but no luck. I also tried 'connect to server' in nautilus (in the 'file' menu), but again no luck. which I could stomach if my college provided reliable access to computers on campus, but they don't so I have to use my laptop, which is now windows free . My current job is only going to last for a few more months, so having only so recently got rid of windows I am reluctant to re-install it just for this purpose (which is just about the only reason I currently have for using windows - the other is being able to download audiobooks from the public library, but that's another matter).

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Let Apache Know Which Httpd.conf To Be Used

Jan 19, 2009

We have apache installed at a directory other than the default location. There are two httpd.conf files on the server, one at the apache installation directory, and the other one is the default one at /etc/httpd/conf. The apache ran very well with the customized httpd.conf before, but after I installed php 5, the server seems taking the default httpd.conf and doesn't display the html pages which are installed at our apache directory. How to let the server know not to use the default httpd.conf and use the customized one instead?

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General :: Does Apache Need To Own Var/log/httpd/logfiles.log

Nov 25, 2009

When creating sub-domains, and creating log files for each domain, do I need to ensure that apache owns the log files, so that it can write to it? As I notice they are owned by root, obviously whom I used to make the file...

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CentOS 5 Server :: Httpd Running Very Slow "/var/lock/subsys/httpd': No Space Left On Device"?

Jun 10, 2011

Running CentOS 5 x64 And today my httpd is running very slow and I can't find a fix. Looked all over different forums

When starting httpd I get the message: /var/lock/subsys/httpd': No space left on device I checked that directory above and there is no file called httpd tried rebooting server

Can't do updates too:
[root@u15438957 ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
rpmdb: unable to join the environment


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Ubuntu :: Multi Users Accessing A Remote Server On Local Network

Jul 24, 2010

I would like to experiment a "green" idea of virtual desktop where multiple users are served by a single powerful machine.

I have a server running 24/7. The monitor of this machine is turned off most of the time and the OS is on the login screen.

Other users, in the same local network, use less powerful machines, which could be a thin client or an old Pentium 3 machine. They access their accounts remotely and work with the GUI as if they were sitting in front of the server. Each user sees their own desktop (different themes, screen resolution, etc.). And of course it can happen that several users could log in at the same time.

The usage is modest: mostly web browsing and the usual default applications (office, wine, gimp, etc.). In particular no games or any demanding applications. The users want to use their desktop in graphical mode only.

Question: How do we call this way of using a server? Is it possible with Ubuntu? And how to implement it?

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Fedora Servers :: Run Tomcat Behind Apache Httpd?

Dec 19, 2009

I just did a clean install of FC12 x86_64 and want to configure tomcat to run behind apache httpd. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? I'm a newbie at server configuration so detailed instructions would be nice

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General :: Enable WebDAV In Apache Httpd?

Oct 11, 2009

I have been reading [URL] to setup the same. But I am facing an issue here. Whenever I am editing the file:


Alias /webdav /var/www/webdav
Dav on
in wedav.conf under /etc/httpd/conf.d folder.

It says:


[root@chat conf.d]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]


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