OpenSUSE Network :: Virtual E-mail Accounts?

Aug 6, 2010

I have OpenSuse 11.2 installed and I'm currently testing out Magento Commerce which is working as expected. In order to create fake customers the application requires a unique e-mail address for each customer. I currently use postfix and have all the e-mails being sent to my providers domain which i only have 2 email user accounts. How do i set up virtual e-mail addresses like and such that when the Magento Application sends emails to these addresses I would like to access the corresponding mail boxes on the same host. (i.e. the machine i run Magento on)

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OpenSUSE :: Evolution Mail - 11.3 - Does Not List All Email Accounts

Jul 23, 2010

I have just installed/upgraded OpenSUSE 11.3 and setup Evolution Email with 3 Email Accounts. Just for a while I could see all 3 accounts listed on the left column.Suddenly after reading some emails I just noticed that one Email Account (Comcast) had disappeared from the listing. I went to Edit-->Preferences and all 3 accounts are there and all 3 have check marks. I have done a lot of things trying to fix this issue, even uninstall/reinstall Evolution Mail, but nothing of what I have done has been able to make this Email account to be listed again.

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Programming :: Virtual Accounts - Changing The Prompt?

May 21, 2011

I need to write a bash script that will allow me to manage my "virtual network" (in reality just a bunch of directories and files). I need to obtain something like : I have my own command 'connect'. We can use it in two different modes: user and admin.If I type 'connect adashiu virtual_machine_name, computer will ask about password, if password is correct he will change a prompt to :

adashiu_at_virtual_machine_name >

after that user can start to use commands reserved only for user mode.Analogically with admin mode: prompt 'admin >' and administrator can only use bunch of commands reserved for him.

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Server :: Build The Virtual Machines To Exclude The Actual Mail Files And Mail Logs From CentOS?

Oct 12, 2010

I have to administer a few mail servers, a mail log server, 4 nameservers and a web server -all running on Centos 5 server distributions. Now I have a task: to avoid accidental crashes on the production servers while installing updates, my boss asked me to do clones (these clones will all be VMware virtual machines) of the servers (EXCLUDING the actual e-mails and mail log contents) and then to run those clones on VMWare Server. This way, first I will install and test updates on the clones and - if they will be running without crashes - I will apply the updates on the real production servers themselves. I have already installed VMWare Server 2.0 I have a few questions:

- How do I build the virtual machines to exclude the actual mail files and mail logs? Can I use VMware Converter for this purpose, or do I have to use another program?
- How do I actually do this cloning? Is there a tutorial on how to do this?

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Fedora :: KMail - Getting Duplicate Mail From All Accounts

Mar 16, 2010

My program for check mail is kMail (version is 1.13.1), sometimes get duplicates mail from all my accounts, which on the gmail, rambler and other mail servers. How I can configure my kMail for remove this duplicates.

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Ubuntu :: Mail Sync Between Multiple PCs With 8 Accounts

Jul 15, 2010

I've recently purchased a laptop so I've been focusing on getting my data synchronized between my laptop and PC. The problem is as follows, I have 8+ email accounts and I prefer to have them all in 1 single map tree instead of a separate tree for every one of them. This means IMAP is out of the question, so I've been thinking about a few things but I'm not too sure if there's anything out there for some of these things.

Option 1 - Unison Synchronization
Using Unison to synchronize the Thunderbird profiles, problem is Thunderbird can't be running on both machines

Option 2 - IMAP mail hub for all accounts
Somehow turn my server into a mail hub that gets email for all my accounts, and serve them through IMAP somehow, only problem that might be is that reply-to won't send a mail back with the same mail address people mailed to (Don't know that for sure).

Option 3 - POP3 mail hub
Same as option 2 but with a central POP3 hub that will keep all mails forever, should be doable.

Not viable option - Turn off mail deletion on server. This ain't viable because this will either cause some of the mail servers to clog up, especially if I were to only turn deletion on on 1 pc. So it seems the POP3 hub is best, and then just let that delete everything off of the remote servers, is this possible, I've tried setting up a mail daemon before but failed miserably (But will try again if it will make this possible).

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Server :: PHP Mail (using Automatically A Mail From The Virtual Domian)

Apr 24, 2011

I have two server:

Webserver Debian 6, Apache2, Postfix
Mailserver Debian 6, Postfix

Postfix in Webserver is using Postfix as relay, next, Mailserver is sending emails ok when I use phpmail in any "virtual domain", but I have a few problems that I don't know how to fix...

1) If I send a phpmail from the "default domain", it is not working (no Postfix has log acitivity).

2) If I send an email using phpmail function without a from, the from will be Because I am hosting lots of virtual domains, I really need to use as "sender (From)" a mailbox named:

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Gateway Server That Allows Virtual Private Network Connections?

Feb 26, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 installed and i need to create a gateway server that allows virtual private network connections. I want to play with my friends some lan games, but we are in different networks, so i want to create this gateway server so we can connect with VPN clients to this server and play freely.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Manager Default Connection Can Handle Virtual Interfaces?

Jun 7, 2011

I've not found how to configure more than one ip address with network manager.Nor with kde nor with plasmoid network manager.I need several virtual ip addresses for eth0 when the "default" of eth0 is connected i.e. "Connected to Auto eth0" should initialize the virtual interfaces.I have not found no even how to configure the ip address.I think this will be used from ifup config in yast or not?There I have the virtual interfaces but they are not taken from network manager.And last but no least: Is it possible that when using network manager the eth0 is enabled even no user has logged in?

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General :: One Mail Address To Multi Email Accounts

Mar 16, 2011

i have a linux box at work that was configed by some that has left the company. we have an email add: e.g, if you enter that mail add to a new email it then sends the mail to several email accounts the are on the server.i would like to remove and add new users onto that email address, is there anyone out there that can help?

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Server :: Fetchmail - Download Mail For Accounts In Different Domains

Dec 21, 2010

I have fetch mail in my root directory like this:

set no bouncemail
set postmaster
set logfile /var/log/fetchmail
protocol pop3
no dns

envelope X-Envelope-To:
user "" there
pass "mail"
is *
here forcecr

This works perfectly as I want. But right now, what I want is, I want fetchmail to download mails for more than one or several accounts in different domains and different pop servers. How can I improve this rc file to accomplish my task?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup Xen Virtual Nodes We Encountered One With The Network?

Jan 26, 2010

while trying to set up Xen Virtual Nodes we encountered one issue with the network (which is why it is posted here On the DomU the interface is provided by a bonding -bond0- of three NICS. Now the Xen network script a) does not take this bonding b) destroyes even this bonding From a number of posts I assume I have to configure this by hand, correct? Is there an instruction how to do this? Simply create a bridge on top of bond0??

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OpenSUSE Network :: Start Network Interface At Virtual Terminal

Mar 1, 2010

I would like to use zypper to update openSUSE 11.2 through the Virtual Terminals (tty1 thro' tty6).

Network Interface is wlan0 (Wireless LAN, home network through a Router) that requires a password using WPA2.

My question is how to start wlan0 through the command-line ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Virtual On Windows Host - Bad Network

Mar 9, 2010

I just intalled OpenSuse 11.2 on VmWare Server 2.0.2, the network is configured as Bridged and is sucefully configured a fixed IP in my network. Ok... The problem is... I can ping / trace all addresses from OpenSuse console. But I Can't wget all of them... It's a random thing. the same address that trace's ok, don't work for HTTP.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connecting To A Network On 11.3 On A Virtual Machine

Sep 28, 2010

Recently loaded 11.3 onto a virtual machine, however none of the network settings will allow me to connect to the internet. First time Ive had this happen, other distro's Ive experimented with connected with no problems. I recall seeing a similar topic some time ago (dont remember if it was here or another forum), but at the time, there had been no fix. Anyone know if this has been fixed?

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Fedora Servers :: Setup A Little Mail Ob Private Using Getmail To Get The Mails From Different Pop Accounts?

Aug 17, 2010

i've set up a little mail server ob my private server, using getmail to get the mails from different pop accounts and to send it to maildirs of some virtual users, and i use dovecot as imap server to provide the mails to my clients which are mostly outook 2007. i run getmail as a cronjob which fetches my mails every 2 minutes, anyhow i'd like to run it on demand when a client pushes the send/receive button. is there a way to tell dovecot to run getmail on demand?

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Fedora :: After Upgrade To FC14 - Evolution Stops To Fetch Mail From My Pop Accounts

Nov 8, 2010

After upgrade my fedora to FC14, my evolution stops to fetch mail from my pop accounts and even for my imap accounts.

Bellow the output of [fred_m@madeira ~]$ evolution --debug=evo.debug.txt


The error reported when evolution try to fetch emails is:


I already tried this options, but no success.

yum reinstall evolution*
yum downgrade evolution*

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General :: Sending Mail From Virtual Host Fails "mail For Loops Back To Myself"

Jul 1, 2011

I have two servers relavant here: ( - which is the nameserver and the mail server for ( - which is the www subdomain for (cname - an alias for www.

The zone file for lists as the MX server for is actually being served web pages as a virtual host. It's real hostname is Mail for works pretty well, in general. However, if I attempt to send mail from (or its alias, I get "mail for loops back to myself" in the postfix logs. On /etc/postfix/ has mydestination =, localhost. How do I tell postfix on that mail for needs to be delivered to

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OpenSUSE Network :: Set Up 3 Virtual Machines On A Server

Dec 10, 2010

I only have one IP adress to access the server. But the server will host 3 web sites and I want them to be hosted in a vm. So, I want to setup 3 virtual machines to do it and use apache reverse proxy and vhosts to redirect the domain requested to the right vm. Now. I understand the concept, but I am not an expert to set that up....

I have an openSUSE 11.3 server. So, I have to set a virtual machine server, is that right? I have been told that I cannot do it with VMware server in oS 11.3. Can I use virtualbox for this? I only have to install virtual box? Is there a special version to install? Once the virtual machine server is install, is it trivial to create 3 vm? So, I want to know wich are the steps I have to take to set that up.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Moving Mail From One Provider To Another

Jun 3, 2010

Currently, his mail is coming in on 2 addresses. He'd like to take the mails from one source and add it to the other.

The idea is to fetch the mails from the least used address - on the provider's POP server - and forward it to the other address. He can use the SMTP server from the same provider to send off the forwarded mails.

This operation would be cron'ed to run every few minutes.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Sending Mail From Webserver

Dec 31, 2010

I have OpenSuse 64bit running a web site. I have a form on this site here:- Dynamic Systems Group The script itself works and I have tested it on another hosted server and it works fine. However on my server the email the script sends never arrives, which must be a problem with my Postfix settings I guess. However I also have two pages on my site for testing sending of mail, which BOTH report a postive result:-


However even though these pages report successful send the mail stil never arrives. I have looked at many pages and forums on the internet and I am really, really confused as to how to set up Postfix. On the Suse box I have the Mail Server configured in Yast to send mail via my account using TLS and authentication but still no success!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Disconnected Machine With Virtual Machines?

Aug 29, 2011

I have OpenSuse 11.3 with VirtualBox on it, and with installed Oracle DB (on host OS).. but, sometimes this computer is disconnected, without it's gateway (adsl router)... and in that case, I cannot ping from virtual OS to host OS, or another virtual OS. I tried to use 'Host only' option within VirtualBox, but it doesn't work. What should I do? It seems that virtual machines requires some kind of gateway/router, but since machine is disconnected, it's not working.. how could I fix it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Using Mailx To Send Mail To Gmail?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a couple of servers that are scripted to send cron script output logs to my email address (a Gmail address). Mailx is what I am using, but I didn't have to configure anything; I installed it, and it just worked with the following command: mailx -s "SUBJECT" -r FROMMYADDRESS TOMYADDRESS < FILETOCATANDSEND

This occurs every Saturday and Sunday at noon after my backup scripts run.
I noticed yesterday that I did not receive these logs, so I logged into the machine, started 'mail' and saw messages like this: This is the mail system at host media.deagle.lan.


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OpenSUSE Network :: Mail Server Outgoing Address?

Feb 15, 2010

I just set up a new router for our home office. I've enabled traffic logging, and I'd like to have the logs emailed to me. However, in order to configure email-notification, the router needs and outgoing mail server. Forgive me, but I don't really understand the terminology being used here. I've googled this a bit, but I'm not sure I now what "outgoing" vs "incoming" mean in the context. I tried using my gmail account as the outgoing mail server ( but it requires TTLS encryption, and there's no option for that on my router.

So I figured I'd setup a simple mail server on my local network. I have a dedicated server machine, so I'd just configure a mail server there. But I got stumped at the first input box (in the yast module):"Outgoing Mail Server".That's what I wanted to use this server for. What is this "outgoing mail server"? I understand it in a normal emai context (I think) but this is confusing me. I've read through the HowTo on the openSUSE wiki, but it still doesn't answer this question.Isn't there some way to have a simple, local mail server (without MX records and the like) so I can send email from a local machine?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Insert To Configure E-mail Client?

Apr 28, 2010

I am installed Opensuse 11.2 and maked all configurations and installations for Mail Server Yast. ( Postfix, Ldap ) In ldapadmin what class objects i need insert to configure e-mail client ? I am choised for test suseMailAccess and in suseMailClient inserted my e-mail and what i insert in suseMailAction ? Anyhere know howto install and configure this service ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Personal Mail Server?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a domain name with a mud and an html page and now Im working on my own personal mail server preferably with the first email on it [URL].

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OpenSUSE Network :: Install A Mail Server For The Company?

Aug 18, 2010

I was asked to install a mail server for the company I work for 'cause the mail fowarding service is getting pretty expensive. As an openSUSE user I decided to use my beloved distro for that task rather than a Windows 2003 Server. I want to avoid using MS Windows OS and use openSUSE so I can introduce this "new" technology to the company. I have the evil () plan to progressively migrate from MS Windows to Linux and this is an excelent opportunity for showing what is Linux capable of. Unfortunately I'm a rooky Linux admin and I could not get any satisfactory results yet. For testing purposes I managed to point an MX record to an static ip address ( using No-Ip service. I've tested it using dig MX command.

Then I installed openSUSE using 3 hdd, 1 for system files and directories and 2 setting up a RAID 1 array mounted under /var directory because I've read that there is where the e-mails will be stored. I've followed a couple of documents presented in these forums to no avail. I did install the system using LDAP but I could not get/install/create any certificate so users could not authenticate (Dovecot said so)

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configuring Mail / Web Server With A Static Ip?

Aug 29, 2010

I think that i lost my memory, because i completely forgot how to accomplish this.

I have a WEB/MAIL server configured to work on a static IP address, lets say

Now I wanna point a domain to that server to get the services up and running, lets say ...

The static IP Address is assigned by my Internet Provider.

I'm lost in the part of connecting the domain with the server.

I have the domain DNS pointing to the ISP name servers, but I don't remember if this is the correct way, or if I have to setup my own DNS server.

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Configure Smtp For Mail Command

Sep 29, 2010

I'd like to use the mail command to send e-mails with some log files. Is there a way to configure the SMTP server from cli or to write the IP address into a file?

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OpenSUSE Network :: YaST Creates Only 1 File For Many Virtual Hosts?

Jun 8, 2010

When I converted to OpenSUSE 11.2, and went through YaST HTTP Server Configuration, creating my virtual hosts under the Hosts tab, YaST combinedm all int ile,"/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ip-based_vhosts.conf".I did google and read, [URL]for further assistance.I'd like each virtual host to have its own file under vhosts.d, and wondering why YaST did not do that.The file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf laid out the file structure, and all vhosts.d/*.conf files are included.Is there a way to tell YaST to create separate files for each vhost, or does the user have to manually do it?

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