Fedora Servers :: Setup A Little Mail Ob Private Using Getmail To Get The Mails From Different Pop Accounts?

Aug 17, 2010

i've set up a little mail server ob my private server, using getmail to get the mails from different pop accounts and to send it to maildirs of some virtual users, and i use dovecot as imap server to provide the mails to my clients which are mostly outook 2007. i run getmail as a cronjob which fetches my mails every 2 minutes, anyhow i'd like to run it on demand when a client pushes the send/receive button. is there a way to tell dovecot to run getmail on demand?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Setup A 2nd Ftp Account For Own Private Use

Jan 12, 2010

i followed this guide, [URL] a few days ago and set up an sftp server no problem. The user can only see what is in there home folder which is only the examples file which is empty. Today i went to set up a 2nd ftp account for my own private use. I have it set up and all, followed exactly what he said the 2nd time around and my 2nd user is not chroot'd. I can explor the contents of the whole drive.

My fist user that works fine is "ftpuser" and the group is "sftponly" just like in the guide. My 2nd user is named "ftptaylor". Now i did have an ftp server set up with vsftpd where i had the same ftpuser account in a different group, but it was jailed to /home/ftpuser. I cant tell you how i did it, i followed a number of guides untill one worked. But could it be that the guide above does not in face jail the users, but just that my user was already jail'd?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Move Mails From Gmail To An Own Mail-Server

Sep 1, 2011

I've running my mails from 3 domains on Google Apps for several time, but I think it's time to set up my own Mail-Server now. I have a vServer and want to migrate my existing mails after setting it up. Now I have 2 questions.

1. Which components do I need / do you prefer for a mail-server(imap, smpt, webinterface)?
2. How do I get all my existing Mails in there?

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Fedora Servers :: Setup A Mail Server On My LAN ?

Apr 7, 2009

I want to setup a mail server on my LAN. I want to send e-mails from 1 system to another systems.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup The Necessary Public/private Keys To Use In FileZilla?

Jan 26, 2010

I installed OpenSSH via tasksel and am using Webmin for administration. I'd like to be able to SSH externally and want to setup the necessary public/private keys to use in FileZilla. In Webmin, under Servers > SSH Server I can click 'Host Keys' and see an RSA key. Is this the public or private key for my server? Do I need to copy this into a text file to import it into FileZilla on my remote PC (that I want to connect from)? Is that all that needs to be done (aside from opening the port on my router/firewall)? Or, is there an automated way to set this up via Webmin?

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Fedora Servers :: Internal Mail Service Setup With 7 PCs On Network?

Jul 27, 2010

I've 7 PC's on my network. I've to setup an internal mail service, to send mails inside the network. I've installed Fedora 12 on one machine and the rest run's on Windows XP. What all packages do I need? How can I configure it?

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Fedora :: KMail - Getting Duplicate Mail From All Accounts

Mar 16, 2010

My program for check mail is kMail (version is 1.13.1), sometimes get duplicates mail from all my accounts, which on the gmail, rambler and other mail servers. How I can configure my kMail for remove this duplicates.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Getmail + Dovecot: Filter Spam With Spamassasin?

May 2, 2011

I have a system running at home that uses Getmail to retrieve mail from my ISP's pop server. Dovecot then offers that mail over IMAPs to my desktops running Thunderbird.

The reason I have resorted to using Getmail is because I don't have a static IP (from my ISP) for my server, and thus this server doesn't act as an MX.

I have implemented Spamassassin in my Getmail script as described here.

From further research, I understand that in order to fully utilize Spamassassin 's potential, I have to resort to training it with SA learn.

Currently I still receive spam messages, but 50% of spam is marked as ****SPAM****, and the other half is not marked at all.

My question is this:

1) How do I get getmail to move messages marked as spam by spamassasin to be moved to a JUNK folder within my mailbox automatically?

2) I thought of creating a folder where my users can move messages they deem to be spam, and set up a crontab script to invoke salearn regularly on this folder to get the bayes engine to learn from it. Is this the correct way of doing it?

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Fedora :: After Upgrade To FC14 - Evolution Stops To Fetch Mail From My Pop Accounts

Nov 8, 2010

After upgrade my fedora to FC14, my evolution stops to fetch mail from my pop accounts and even for my imap accounts.

Bellow the output of [fred_m@madeira ~]$ evolution --debug=evo.debug.txt


The error reported when evolution try to fetch emails is:


I already tried this options, but no success.

yum reinstall evolution*
yum downgrade evolution*

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup E-mail To Alerts For When Something Goes Down

Jan 21, 2010

I have a server running ubuntu 8.10. I have monitoring software to monitor cerain devices on our LAN & WAN. However I need to set up e-mail on the server to mail me alerts for when something goes down. However this is where the problem comes in. I have never set up any mail clients on ubuntu server and am also not sure which one to use in this case. I have done some reading on squirrel mail and fetchmail. I am also aware there is roundcube and a few others available.

Here's my scenario: We have a mail server located off site. We use XP with Outlook on all our work machines. Outlook connects to the mail server using https with basic ntlm auth. So what I am trying to do is set up mail software to allow my server to send me an e-mail (using the above mail server) to my mail address so I get a mail whenever there's a problem with any of the devices being monitored.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail Server Setup For Multiple Domains?

Jul 4, 2010

Im moving all my websites on a dedicated box. I had a cpanel hosting account, and now moving to a terminal and ssh system.I need some advice on choosing my mail setup. I need POP, SMTP, with multiple domains, as host for a few clients.I would like the most simple version.The server will only send +- 100 mails / day.I currently running Ubuntu Linux 10.04.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mail Server Setup - For Multiple Domains ?

Oct 10, 2010

I have recently setup an Ubuntu 10.04 Minimal x64 Server. I plan on setting it up as a mail server. I need a secure server, that has spam prevention on it. Im setting up around 50 domains and would like a web based control panel. What is the most secure mail server, that i can setup for multiple domains?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup An Intranet Mail Server As A Project?

Mar 14, 2011

I want to setup an intranet mail server as a project. I tried to go through various forums but could not get a satisfactory model. My sceme of things is as follows:The server a virtual machine is after a router which has a built in dhcp server. Prefer to use sendmail but postfix ok client machines should be able to access the mail on evolution/thunderbird or web access using squirrelmail.Mail will not be relayed to anybody outside the intranet.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Postfix Mail Server And Courier-imap/pop

Feb 23, 2010

Setup my postfix mail server and courier-imap/pop. My postfix server now is working with tls and saslauthd, I can send/receive email inside my domain as well as outside. However, I need two separate smtp and imap/pop3 server, I mean two machine - one with smtp function and one with imap/pop3 function working together.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Zarafa On Lucid - Setup Mailserver To Receive E-mail?

May 2, 2010

I hope someone can help me setting up receiving e-mail on my home server. Ubuntu Lucid and Zarafa from repository. Zarafa is running well. I can send e-mail via the relay smtp host from my ISP. But though the e-mail address should be correct I never see this e-mail appear in zarafa inbox.The e-mail reaches the server via an open 25 port forwarded to my server, but it seems postfix does not know how to handle it. Or is there something else going wrong here? Below are my settings. These are the settings I added or edited. the rest is Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) standard.

myhostname = xxxx.dyndns.org
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup An Outbound SMTP Mail Server With & Using Multiple IP Addresses

Mar 15, 2010

This is the current setup that we have: We have approx 20 clients who pay us to send out a type of e-mail called an E-Blast to their customers. We currently are using 5 Microsoft Windows Virtual Servers to do this. The problem is that those machines are starting to break down. There are times that it will take Microsoft Windows approx 9-10 hours to complete 1 job. This is way too long. We want to move away from Microsoft Windows for this particular type of job as it seems there are more customers who are wanting to use this type of advertising.

It seems that using a Linux Server "Command Line or Shell" environment would be the best way to go as there is no GUI like Windows. Since there is just text...that is something that would/should process very, very quickly.

I am in the process of setting up a new SMTP outbound mail server. This is the current software & configuration (what is installed on this new machine):

All of the customer data (Names, E-Mail Addresses, etc that these e-mails are going to) are currently loaded in a Microsoft SQL Database.

My machine that I am using is plugged into the DMZ. I have 1 ip address for the 1 network card. I have also added/bound 4 more ip addresses to that network card.

I have configured Postfix for Multiple IP Addresses.

I can, from the command line, send successful test e-mails and receive them in my personal account.

As far as I know everything is setup correctly. I can and will post requested information so that it can be verified that everything is setup correctly.

Here are a couple of my questions:

Ensure that I have my Network / Interfaces file and my Postfix's Master.cf/Main.cf files setup correctly?

How can I setup this server to be an Outbound SMTP server and get it to use all 5 of the IP Addresses to send these e-mails quickly?

What can I use to check and ensure that this server is in fact sending out emails on all 5 IP

Addresses (I heard that there is a program named "Postal" that may help in determing this).

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Fedora Servers :: Postfix MIX- Some Normal Accounts, Some Just Internal?

Mar 17, 2010

Is there a way to do this? Some users can not send internet messages. Do you have some configuration tips?

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Launch Firefox From NIS Accounts

Dec 10, 2010

I have a problem concerning about launching Firefox from NIS accounts. But it works perfectly if is started on terminal by the the local root account.

I have several hosts that's connected to a NIS server. When I tried to launch Firefox from one of these hosts, I got no response (Case 1 below). Here are the scenarios:

Case 1 - Fail to launch Firefox as NIS user: I login as NIS user account on the host, then I tried to launch Firefox by typing "firefox" on the terminal. But then I got no response from the terminal (the web browser didn't appear on the screen).

Case 2 - Success to launch Firefox as root: I login as root on the host, then I tried to launch Firefox by typing "firefox" on the terminal. The browser has appeared on the screen.

Case 3 - Success to launch Firefox as NIS user: I login as NIS user account on the host, then from a terminal, I login as root (using "su"), then I tried to launch Firefox by typing "firefox" on the terminal as root. The browser has appeared on the screen. Then immediately, without closing the browser window, I opened a new terminal as NIS user, then I tried to launch Firefox by typing "firefox" on the terminal as NIS user.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Local Mail Server For Internal Testing On Development Work?

Dec 10, 2010

how to setup a local mail server for internal testing on my php development work. For example if I sent an email using php script to [url]....I should be able to check the mailbox of 'someone' either in Outlook or SquirrelMail.I have done some reading about this. All I know is that I need Postfix with Courier. But I just don't know to get it working.

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Fedora Installation :: Incoming Mails Went Well, But Outgoing Mails Not?

Nov 19, 2009

As a beginner I installed Fedora 11 yesterday. Everything went well until I installed Evolution and Thunderbird. Incoming mails went well, but outgoing mails not.

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Software :: Can Have Copy Of Mails For Particular Mail Id?

Apr 22, 2010

I want to know is it possible in sendmail to capture / copy mails sent by particular mail id. For mails received on particular mail id i have created a "alias" by which i get copy of all mails received. I am looking for a solution for "SENT" mail.

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Server :: Postfix Private IP For Mail Boxes And Limiting?

Jul 6, 2010

Im using postfix on my server and i need change a ip adresses for mail boxes.Example : xxx@xxx.com using x.x.x.1 ip adres.and i need yyy@xxx.com how it can use x.x.x.2 adress.How can i do that ?And i need count which mail how much mail sended .How can i count and limit ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Virtual E-mail Accounts?

Aug 6, 2010

I have OpenSuse 11.2 installed and I'm currently testing out Magento Commerce which is working as expected. In order to create fake customers the application requires a unique e-mail address for each customer. I currently use postfix and have all the e-mails being sent to my providers domain which i only have 2 email user accounts. How do i set up virtual e-mail addresses like joeblog@fakedomain.com and maryblog@fakedomain.com such that when the Magento Application sends emails to these addresses I would like to access the corresponding mail boxes on the same host. (i.e. the machine i run Magento on)

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Ubuntu :: Mail Sync Between Multiple PCs With 8 Accounts

Jul 15, 2010

I've recently purchased a laptop so I've been focusing on getting my data synchronized between my laptop and PC. The problem is as follows, I have 8+ email accounts and I prefer to have them all in 1 single map tree instead of a separate tree for every one of them. This means IMAP is out of the question, so I've been thinking about a few things but I'm not too sure if there's anything out there for some of these things.

Option 1 - Unison Synchronization
Using Unison to synchronize the Thunderbird profiles, problem is Thunderbird can't be running on both machines

Option 2 - IMAP mail hub for all accounts
Somehow turn my server into a mail hub that gets email for all my accounts, and serve them through IMAP somehow, only problem that might be is that reply-to won't send a mail back with the same mail address people mailed to (Don't know that for sure).

Option 3 - POP3 mail hub
Same as option 2 but with a central POP3 hub that will keep all mails forever, should be doable.

Not viable option - Turn off mail deletion on server. This ain't viable because this will either cause some of the mail servers to clog up, especially if I were to only turn deletion on on 1 pc. So it seems the POP3 hub is best, and then just let that delete everything off of the remote servers, is this possible, I've tried setting up a mail daemon before but failed miserably (But will try again if it will make this possible).

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General :: Evolution Mail Inbox Is Not Showing Mails?

Aug 3, 2010

I am using CentOS, In Evolution mail, I was not able to send/receive my mails. When checked I found my Inbox exceeds 2.1 GB in size. I renamed my Inbox to Inbox.old and made a new Inbox in evolution. Now mail is working fine. but I want to get my old mails also. Is there any solution to get my mails back ? Also please tell me the cause of this problem

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OpenSUSE :: Evolution Mail - 11.3 - Does Not List All Email Accounts

Jul 23, 2010

I have just installed/upgraded OpenSUSE 11.3 and setup Evolution Email with 3 Email Accounts. Just for a while I could see all 3 accounts listed on the left column.Suddenly after reading some emails I just noticed that one Email Account (Comcast) had disappeared from the listing. I went to Edit-->Preferences and all 3 accounts are there and all 3 have check marks. I have done a lot of things trying to fix this issue, even uninstall/reinstall Evolution Mail, but nothing of what I have done has been able to make this Email account to be listed again.

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General :: One Mail Address To Multi Email Accounts

Mar 16, 2011

i have a linux box at work that was configed by some that has left the company. we have an email add: e.g test@test.com, if you enter that mail add to a new email it then sends the mail to several email accounts the are on the server.i would like to remove and add new users onto that email address, is there anyone out there that can help?

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Server :: Fetchmail - Download Mail For Accounts In Different Domains

Dec 21, 2010

I have fetch mail in my root directory like this:

set no bouncemail
set postmaster postmaster@dot.com.gh
set logfile /var/log/fetchmail
poll pop.teledataict.com
protocol pop3
localdomains dot.com.gh
archive dot.com.gh
no dns

envelope X-Envelope-To:
qvirtual dot.com.gh
user "maildot3@teledataict.com" there
pass "mail"
is *
here forcecr

This works perfectly as I want. But right now, what I want is, I want fetchmail to download mails for more than one or several accounts in different domains and different pop servers. How can I improve this rc file to accomplish my task?

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Mail Deleted All Mails Stored In Server

May 3, 2010

I just finished setting up Evolution Mail. All my e-mails have been downloaded and it's working good.But then I logged in at mail.live.com and I all my mails were gone!I don't want my mails to store in my PC, no one knows when my hard drive will die or when will I do something stupid that leads to the complete anihilation of all my e-mails. I want them back to Windows Live's mail server.

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General :: Gmail Folders In Alpine / Sent Mail And Saved Mails?

Sep 29, 2010

In my gmail a/c I have severel folders.....each with different label.while I configured alpine, I give the path as directed in several know-how in internet and only INBOX is there, with sent mail and saved mails.....no other folders.


# Over-rides your full name from Unix password file. Required for PC-Alpine.
# Sets domain part of From: and local addresses in outgoing mail.
# List of SMTP servers for sending mail. If blank: Unix Alpine uses sendmail.

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