OpenSUSE :: How To Remove The VMPlayer

Jul 31, 2011

How does one remove VMPlayer ? The uninstall option does not work.

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OpenSUSE :: Make VMplayer Work On 11.4?

Mar 10, 2011

Today I installed OpenSUSE11.4 an tried to install VMware Player but after starting player is wanted to compile and I got the messages below:

Mar 10 22:47:18.350: app-139681465902848| Log for VMware Workstation pid=12510 version=7.1.3 build=build-324285 option=Release
Mar 10 22:47:18.350: app-139681465902848| The process is 64-bit.
Mar 10 22:47:18.350: app-139681465902848| Host codepage=UTF-8 encoding=UTF-8
Mar 10 22:47:18.350: app-139681465902848| Logging to /tmp/vmware-root/setup-12510.log


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Fedora :: VMplayer On 12 Not Running

Jan 9, 2010

I have installed VMplayer 3.0.0 on a Fedora 12 64 bit system. It seems to have installed ok with no error messages. However when I start the VMplayer it flashes up on the screen and goes again and will not run. has any one had a similar experience and if so what was the fix? I installed the package because i understand it will run Windows 98SE ok. O need it to run two pieces of Windows software. All I need is networking and access to a floppy drive once so I do not need sound and all the other bells and whistles.

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Slackware :: Getting The Vmplayer To Working On 13?

Feb 11, 2010

I installed vmplayer, run the bundle script, couldn't see what got installed where, just as in Windows so it seemed. There is no uninstall script I started vmplayer and got a list of messages.

(vmware-modconfig:4131): Gtk-WARNING **: GModule (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ initialization check failed: Gtk+ version too old (micro mismatch)
(ten times)
(vmware-modconfig:4131): Gtk-WARNING **: GModule (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines


Some modules are missing in the generic kernel.As well as a 'VMware module kernel updater' screen saying that the Kernel headers for version were not found. They are clearly present..

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Fedora Networking :: 11 As Vmplayer Guest Can't See Network

Jul 12, 2009

I'm running Fedora 10 as host to vmplayer guests (win98se, Ubuntu 9.04). Each can connect to the Samba server and give me access to my home directory and 'backup' partition. Samba and nfs are both running. So far so good.

I've just installed Fedora 11 as a vmplayer guest. When I click Places > Network Nautilus opens up showing only Windows Network. Double-click on this item and I get a pop-up message: "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server." SELinux is disabled for the moment. I tried to mount the 'backup' partition: mount -t ext3 catinthehat2:/archive /mnt/archive but get the message: mount: special device catinthehat2:/archive does not exist.

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General :: How To Access Local Drives In Vmplayer

Feb 17, 2010

how to access local drives in vmplayer

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Server :: Missing Of In VMplayer-3.1.3

Jan 24, 2011

Recently i installed VMPlayer-3.1.3 Linux version in RHEL-5.4 installation is done,but file is missing so that i cannot customise the network settings.

My host machine(RHEL-5.4),consists 2 nic card and each having 192.168.x.x,172.20.x.x ip address.In My guest machine i configured 2 virtual nic.I want to customise these nic.

Also i want to bridge the host machines eth0 to vmnet0 and eth1 to that i can customise the virtual nic's.

I did these settings in windows and it is working,but this is the first time i am installing vmplayer in linux.

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Ubuntu :: Vmplayer Undefined Symbol : Vmodl_vmomi_key_any_value_get_type

Jan 31, 2011

I recently wanned to use my vmplayer installation and I got the following error : /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmplayer: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ undefined symbol: vmodl_vmomi_key_any_value_get_type

I try to reinstall vmplayer. It didn't help.

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General :: Good Distro With Vmplayer Installed By Default

Mar 30, 2011

What is a good distro with vmplayer installed by default.

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Programming :: Installing New Module On Ubuntu 9.4 Which Running On Vmplayer

May 8, 2010

i am using vmplayer 3.0 for linux. and i want to insert module on ubuntu 9.4 which is running on vmplayer. how can i insert new module on vmplayer.

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General :: Vmplayer For Couldn't Be Installed Successfully On Rhel5.x Version?

Jul 29, 2011

The vmplayer for linux couldn't be installed successfully on rhel5.x version.Anyone has encountered this kind of problem?

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Software :: Running A Clonezilla VM With Vmplayer - Unable To Recognize Partition

Mar 30, 2010

I've tried to run a Clonezilla VM using vmplayer. All works fine except when I get to the cloning section. I have three partitions on the HD; partition A, B and C.

A = Partition to clone
B = Partiton onto which the clone image of PartA is to be saved
C = OS partition which is running the Clonezilla VM.

I would like to save the partition as an image but when it actually comes to the nitty gritty of partition cloning Clonezilla does not recognise PartA or PartB. I get error massages along the lines of "No unmounted partitions found." When I drop into a shell prompt the fdisk -l output shows nothing. However, running from the liveCD it recognises both these along with PartC. Is there a way of carrying out the cloning using this method by tweaking vmplayer settings or is the project just not possible ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uninstall / Remove OpenSUSE On Dual Boot System

Sep 5, 2010

I would like to remove openSUSE (11.3) from my dual boot (/Windows) system. In the old days, the install CD used to have an option for that, but now my DVD doesn't have anything, or perhaps I overlooked?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Gnome And Only Use KDE?

May 19, 2010

I just installed KDE and was thinking of if it works to remove Gnome complete and only run KDE? If that would work how do i remove Gnome? I did try to remove Gnome through Add/Remove Software but it didnt work.

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OpenSUSE :: Completely Remove KDE From The Pc?

Aug 11, 2010

I first installed opensuse KDE, the i use SuSE - to passs to LXDE, now i want to know if there's a way to completely remove KDE from my pc not tu use Yast and select one package for time.

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Kde 4.4 Completely?

Oct 21, 2010

I installed kde 4.4 from openSUSE 11.3 livecd. Now i want to remove it completely. What's the command to remove kde 4.4 completely without the xorg.

zypper remove ?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Remove GNOME From 11.4 64 Bit OS

Apr 28, 2011

I installed GNOME 2.30 and KDE with my OpenSUSE 11.4 64 bit OS. I want to remove GNOME. I went into YaST -> Software Management -> View -> Patterns -> and I tried to remove the check marks next to GNOME Desktop Environment and GNOME Base System, but it does not work. How do I remove GNOME from my OpenSUSE 11.4 64 bit OS?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove All Obsulete Packages?

Jul 2, 2010

What's the command to remove obsulete packages?
Those packages are not needed as dependencies of other packages.

During installing a package many packages/libraries are installed as dependencies.
After removing that package the packages/libraries are in partition.

Now what's the way to remove those unnecessary libraries?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Entries From KDE Startup?

Sep 23, 2010

For some reason, Skype starts up in two instances. How can remove one of them in KDE (4.4.4)?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove The Tab-like Character In Terminal?

Dec 8, 2010

In my terminal , there's always a tab-like(a long space) between the "pswz-zhangy@linux-buym:~>" and the cursor, how can i get rid of if?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Remove All Traces Of Firefox

Feb 2, 2011

I installed an addon on Firefox, which i am not completely sure it is safe. (Name of the addon is Ivacy, you can google it, it's to use a VPN) Anyway, i thought that maybe that addon could install a keylogger or something. So I uninstalled it, and then I thought, what if it infected firefox? (I know i am paranoid) So i uninstalled firefox by using Yast, then reinstalled it, and my previous addons and history were still there. For me it means that uninstalling by Yast does not remove all traces of Firefox. Please do you have a way to remove all traces of Firefox? As i told you previously, I'm new to Linux, do you think that there is a risk for my PC when I install Firefox addons?

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OpenSUSE :: Install / Remove Software

Feb 11, 2011

System management is locked by the application with pid 9781 (/usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2base). Close this application before trying again. I get this after I try and open the software update or Yast with opensuse 11.3. After I installed 11.3 it worked fin for the first big update I did. Then I read about programs that I think will help me make the jump from windows, so I open up my software install and this comes up? I have never played with any Linux OS before and am trying to figure it all out. Seem like years of reading and trying.

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Remove Empty File?

Mar 2, 2011

I was copying an .avi file to an external hard drive and half way through the copy the drive reset and required remounting. Consequently I have an empty .avi file on the hard drive. I tried to recopy the file and overwrite, but I keep getting 'Could not write to media/harddrive/filename.avi'. I tried to rename to file to be copied but got the same response, I cannot delete the empty file either, as I get an error telling I cannot delete it. I have tried to do this as the user and root with the same result.Any other file I tried to copy onto the external hard drive is fine, just this one zero length file and the file I was trying to copy, the original of the file. I also tried to delete the file on another computer but couldn'tExternal hard drive is a WD elements ntfs, which works great except for this glitch.

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OpenSUSE :: Upgraded From 11.3 To 11.4 - Remove 11.3 Repos?

Mar 26, 2011

I have upgraded successfully to 11.4 I note that with zyper repo ls I have 11.4 and 11.3 repos. The 11.3 are all disabled. Do they need to stay in 11.4 or can I remove and delete them - will probably do this via YAST?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Drives From Dolphin

May 7, 2011

I have seven drives on the dolphin file browser left bar, I don't need them, all of them are system mounted, what I would like is just to have a shortcut or bookmark for one of the drives, how can I do this.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 'Safely Remove' USB HDD?

May 28, 2010

Is there a good/simple way to do this?OK - Under certain other OSs, the 'safely remove' option on usb devices will...1/ On usb pen drive with a power/activity led, switch it off (trivial nicety, but reassuring).2/ On usb HDDs, spin down the disk - seems more important.I don't know if it really is but 'pulling the plug' on a spinning HD makes me nervous!I have tried a number of linux distros recently and only ubuntu 10.04 with gnome seems to do the same. Most others (including openSUSE 11.2, kde 4.3.5 - which I have) only seem to unmount

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Remove Installer

Jan 1, 2010

I started the openSUSE installer from Windows, but I do not want to install SUSE. How do I get back to Vista?Every time I get 'Booting OpenSUSE installer 11.2 (LOCAL)' and it prompts for the SUSE DVD. I tried inserting the DVD and selecting 'Abort' on the first opportunity but I never get to return to Windows

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Use SuSe And Cannot Remove It

Sep 11, 2010

I have installed 11.3 and really hashed it. I am getting no where and cannot find my way around. I tried to install as a partition with Ubuntu and Windows 7. Result. I have lost Both Ubuntu and windows with SUSE 11.3 installed and with YAST2 (as superuser) I cannot install belkin to get an internet connection, cannot instal Ubuntu or any thing else. I get the following;

[/media/Ubuntu 9.10 i386/wubi.exe] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the centraldirectory and zipfile cannot be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of the /media/Ubuntu 9.10 i386/wubi.exe or /media/Ubuntu 9.10 i386/, and cannot find /media/Ubuntu 9.10 i386/wubi.exe.ZIP, period

I think I have not only installed this incorrectly but I have something I don't fully understand.

I would like to reinstall Ubuntu and then if I cannot get on with SUSE

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Remove Package

Oct 19, 2010

I tried to install RealPlayer using a package from the RealPlayer website but I cannot remove in now. I got the following eeror message:

Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Remove The New Activity Tab?

May 24, 2011

During my last boot something installed itself that is very annoying and I would like to remove it. The upper right side of my desktop has a tab called New Activity and there is a translucent bar across the top. Now when I right click an item on my bottom task bar the menu appears at the very top of the desktop instead of opening just above the icon. This is an improvement? How do I remove this feature?

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