OpenSUSE :: Remove All Obsulete Packages?

Jul 2, 2010

What's the command to remove obsulete packages?
Those packages are not needed as dependencies of other packages.

During installing a package many packages/libraries are installed as dependencies.
After removing that package the packages/libraries are in partition.

Now what's the way to remove those unnecessary libraries?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Remove Dependencies With Packages

Apr 30, 2010

When one installs an application,it brings in other stuff too as dependencies.

When this application is removed,will zypper remove the dependencies that came with it and are not needed by other installed packages?

Is it possible to check before and after removal?

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OpenSUSE :: Services/packages Remove To Speed Up Computer?

Sep 20, 2010

I just installed openSUSE 11.3 and I'm certain there are services and apps running that I do not need. So I was wondering if anyone here can help me find some to remove. My running services ("ps aux" - is there a better way to find the services running?):

root 1 0.1 0.0 2204 716 ? Ss 10:09 0:01 init [5]
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 10:09 0:00 [kthreadd]
root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 10:09 0:00 [migration/0]
root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 10:09 0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]


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OpenSUSE Install :: Remove Unneeded Packages From Sytem?

Mar 13, 2011

i wanted to remove the unneeded packages from my system. i was being told from the #suse irc to use zypper rm -u PACKAGE_NAME. And it worked. The point is that i want some tool to do this job but for all the packages in my there something else except rmporphan?

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OpenSUSE :: Possible To Remove Multiple Packages Listed In A Text File?

Sep 15, 2011

Is it possible to remove multiple packages listed in a text file? Similar to "cat orphan.txt | zypper rm" or "zypper rm <orphan.txt." Neither worked.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Command To Use To Remove Orphaned Packages Or Units?

Mar 8, 2011

What command should I use to remove orphaned packages or units?

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Fedora :: Install Packages From The 14 Dvd Instead Of Downloading From Internet Using Add / Remove Packages

Mar 31, 2011

im using fedora 14 and i have a slow internet connection. i want 2 install some packages from the fedora 14 dvd instead of downloading from internet using add/remove packages. i tried to edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo but it dint work.

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General :: Installation Of Packages / Using X Windows Menu Add / Remove Packages

Sep 21, 2010

How to add packages using X-Window's add/remove packages option in RHEL-5.3 as it shows only the currently installed package and and does not show any thing when we click the button "available packages" ?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Script For Unattended Setup/remove Multimedia Packages?

Nov 18, 2010

I've built a script that should meet the requirements to pass the MMCHECK script written by J. McDaniels and RedDwarf. Save anywhere, call anything, and then (must be run as root):

chmod +x <nameOfFile>
./<nameOfFile> setup|remove
function addRepo() {


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Fedora :: Why Does Yum Remove So Many Packages

Feb 16, 2009

Why does yum remove so many packages, that are essential for my work, when I'm trying only to remove mysql ?

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Fedora :: F15 - How To Remove F16 Packages

Jun 3, 2011

I have updated a few packages from rawhide F16 into my F15 install. How can I downgrade the F16 packages back to sync with F15.
Yum downgrade pacakge1 pacakge2 package3 etc.

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Red Hat :: How To Remove 3rd Party Packages

Apr 7, 2011

I installed a LAMP server using RHEL 5.5 but we needed a higher version of php than was available in RHEL Yum repositories. I think at the time I installed Dag Wieers and got a 3rd party package. My question is the following:

1. How do I remove the 3rd party packages?
2. How do I remove Dag Wieers from my Yum repo list?
3. Anything else I need to know to get all 3rd party packages off?

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CentOS 5 :: Can I Remove 32 Bit Packages

Apr 14, 2010

If I do a fresh 'netinst' of CentOS 5.4 x64 on a server, what is the correct way to verify that no 32-bit packages were installed or mixed in with x64? Also can someone tell me if it is safe to remove those 32-bit RPM packages?
I searched the Wiki for 'Post Install Tips' and could not find anything there or on Google.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgraded From 11.2 To 11.4 - Switching Systems Packages To PACKMAN Packages

Aug 31, 2011

I just upgraded from 11.2 to 11.4 and the installation/upgrade worked just perfect. I than followed the instructions in the "New User How To/FAQ", "Multimedia and restricted format" post. I was following the instruction in the 11.4 section. I added the additional repositories as explained. I then was on the section where it talks about going into software management and selecting the "Packman" repository and clicking to "switch systems packages" to the versions in this repository (packman). I than click this link and the "warning" screen appears and I am present with conflict resolution after conflict resolution dialog. It just seems that there are some many conflicts, it just seems wrong and I canceled.

The installation/upgrade appears to have worked just fine. My mail is there, audio and dvd play back worked the first try after the upgrade. I am not clear if this is what I should expect or their is something wrong or if I even need to complete this step for a successfully installation.

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Debian :: Remove Old And Unneeded Packages

Feb 22, 2015

Not long ago I've switched from FreeBSD to Debian. As time passes, I install some packets, use them and forget to uninstall them. In FreeBSD there was a simple (dummy) way to keep only needed packets. Once in 6 months i just deleted all packages (pkg_delete -a) and then installed only those which i needed (xfce, xmms, gmplayer, etc). Is there a way to safely remove packets and their dependencies which i don't use anymore? May be there is a way to roll back to default desktop package collection?

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Fedora :: How To Remove Wine Packages

Jun 23, 2010

I have uninstalled Wine but it still says the packages are installed still how do I remove them? I am also on Fedora 13.

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Fedora :: How Can I Mas Remove These Fc12 Packages

Aug 1, 2010

so i recently had a problem with preupgrade (power cut mid process). anyway it seems that my system is now f13. In any event it seems that there are 785 f12 packages still remaining.yum list installed | grep f12 output can be seen here.How can I mas remove these fc12 packages?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Remove Broken Packages / Fix It?

Jul 6, 2010

Last night I was installing gbrainy and while it was installing I started a fullscreen game on accident. Fullscreen games cause crashes on my intel integrated graphics (an unrelated issue) and while gbrainy was in the process of installing my computer crashed. So I had to restart. When I restarted I knew I would see broken packages so I did code...

I've tried just about everything to resolve the broken packages but I can't fix them. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this?

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Debian :: How To Remove Packages From Unresponsive System

Apr 23, 2015

Since I'm running Sid. Let's assume package foo has been upgraded via apt-get dist-upgrade, and it causes a serious bug so that Sid is never able to fully start up, and is not even able to get me to the console to remove the package.

(Reword: let's assume that I upgraded the system despite apt-listbug warning me that foo had serious issues.)

Is it possible for me to remove the package and get back in? Everything I've seen online assumes that I could at least access console--but this hypothetical bug doesn't allow that.

If it were in Arch, I would just boot from the live dist, arch-chroot into the / directory, and try to remove foo via pacman. But Debian doesn't offer a live disk past Stable, so I suspect that this wouldn't work with a Wheezy disk?

Am I asking for an impossible situation, or can a troublesome package be removed from an unresponsive Sid?

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Debian :: Remove Packages Or Install New Ones"?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a a few questions about Testing's update manager. When I go to the update manager I get a message saying "Do you want to perform a safe-upgrade, which does not remove packages or install new ones"? Will my entire system ever eventually get upgraded if I only ever do safe-upgrades? Or is there a time and a place to do non-safe upgrades? I did a non-safe upgrade a few days ago and all it did was mess with a bunch of OpenOffice packages.

Why are only certain packages selected by default when doing a non safe upgrade? Why is it that whenever I do a non-safe upgrade when it's done applying the updates the same packages I just installed are listed as available updates? Also, I used this website to build my sources.list and there apparently is some sort of "fatal error" with one of the repositories I selected. Is there a text file somewhere I can go to see a readout of apt-get bug reports?

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Fedora :: Add / Remove Programs Not Showing Packages

Dec 14, 2010

Why is Add/remove programs in Fedora 14 not working? It is not showing any packages. I am a newbie to Fedora. Also some basic tweaks that should be done immediately after installing fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Remove A Bunch Of Unnessessary Packages?

Jul 22, 2010

I'd like to remove a bunch of unnessessary packages. Trouble is, I don't know what they all do. Is there a list of packages that tells what is/is not nessessary to run my system? I'm sure there are hundreds of packages (well, maybe tens of packages) that I have no use for but I don't know what they are.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Or Remove Any Packages.

Dec 9, 2010

im facing a very serious problem. This error pops up when i try to install/remove any package. Please see the screenshot.

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General :: Apt-Get Tries To Remove Packages On UZBL Install?

Jan 12, 2011

When I try to install uzbl, a minimalistic web browser with apt-get, apt tries to remove all xserver-xorg packages that can't possibly have any relations to the uzbl package - since it's only a web browser.

[ ~/downloads ] % sudo apt-get install uzbl
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done

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Ubuntu :: Install Kde When Trying To Remove Gnome Packages

Jun 19, 2011

I made the mistake of trying to install a gnome based panel applet, which seemed for some reason installed the entire gnome desktop (games and bloatware too) whenever I try to remove the, Synaptic keeps threatening to install kde.

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Ubuntu :: Update Trying To Remove Important Packages Again

Sep 11, 2010

I load the update manager, it says partial upgrade needed, then it asks me if I want to uninstall important stuff like the network manager and ubuntu desktop and etc. No I don't want to uninstall the network manager, how would it complete the upgrade with no internet to download the upgrade from? And what would be the point in having an upgrade if I won't be able to do anything on it! This is happening all over again, heres the previous thread that mentioned pretty much what happening, along with a video somewhere in there. (It says I need to make 15 posts to post [URL].

What I'm wanting to do is Do the upgrade it keeps bugging me about, but not have to remove anything at the same time. The previous thread I just kept getting told what to do and was told it always confirms me before upgrading that its about to delete something, I already know that. I know it is confirming it, but I want to do the upgrade but disable the uninstalling part of it. Is there any mod to the synaptic manager that could possibly fix this? I'll even go as far as to compress my entire ubuntu partition into an iso and upload it somewhere for someone to take a look at (if anyone would possibly know what program would do this besides parimage or whatever, that's trying to remove the files as well in order to install).

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Fedora :: Remove Single Or All Packages Without Breaking Other

Jan 31, 2010

Is there an easy way to Remove a package and all packages it depends on without breaking other packages?

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General :: Remove All XFCE4.8 And GNOME3 Packages?

Jun 4, 2011

I've been doing a bit of tweaking, exploring, damaging the system *But making backups for those occasions... They weren't on purpose, I was just trying figure out how they work* Okay, so... How can I get rid of all the XFCE and GNOME packages? Is there a list of all the packages that I can remove? I don't like how minimal XFCE looks and GNOME3 is OKAY, but not my cup of tea, and KDE4.6 with classic toolbar looks pretty cool.

To clarify, I want to remove ALL XFCE and GNOME packages so I can just have a clean KDE environment without non-working and redundant packages.

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Software :: Cannot Remove Partially Downloaded Packages

May 20, 2010

I have downloaded the package Sauerbraten (game) partially through Software centre(Ubuntu 10.04). Now I don't want to install it. how to delete that partially downloaded package? It is wasting too much space....It is located in /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ I tried to delete them manually but it didnt work...

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Debian :: How To Remove All Packages Installed From Testing Channel

Mar 13, 2015

I added 'testing' channel into my wheezy 'stable' box and installed packages comes from 'testing'. In this case, if I changed my mind to go back to 'stable', how could I downgrade packages updated by 'testing' channel?

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