OpenSUSE Hardware :: X Hangs And X Crashes?

Aug 27, 2010

I have been having a problem with the computer I'm using were it keeps freezing (mouse works, however nothing else does). Usually to get out of it I have to use REISUB signal for a forced reboot. This only used to happen once in a while, but was still annoying. Tried a new video card, new motherboard... neither helped. Other Linux OS had the same issue, Windows XP works ok.Yesterday after running a full update it got worse (first since I installed OpenSuse 11.3 64 last weekend). It appears that Firefox will crash X completely. Rendering got slower and Compiz disabled (not a big deal). Opera also crashes and just by resizing a window or scrolling down on gedit also do the same. I found a few errors on my /var/log/messages log, looks like it's related to the driver that I'm using (noveau). I'm pretty good with Linux, but when it comes to X is the same as speaking another language to me! :-S

Aug 27 19:06:42 opensuse polkitd(authority=local): Registered Authentication Agent for session /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session3 (system bus name :1.72 [/usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-


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OpenSUSE :: KMail : Hangs, Crashes, Failed Starts?

Aug 20, 2010

I have been plagued by problems with KMail. Sometimes Akonadi server fails to start:

0: akonadiserver(_Z11akBacktracev+0x39) [0x40c5d9]


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OpenSUSE :: Frequent Crashes On Browsers - Flash Videos Hangs

Mar 19, 2010

I am experiencing frequent crashes for my browsers (FireFox, Opera, Konquerer). It doesn't seem to be related to the amount of tabs I have open, sometimes it will crash on 1 tab, and sometimes it is fine to have 20 tabs up. In addition to this, some flash videos hang after 3 secs.

PC spec:
OS: SuSE 11.2 (x86_64)
GUI : XFCE (KDE 4.0 back up)
Intel Q6600, 2GB Ram DDR2, 9800GX2

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Hangs And Crashes Unexpectedly?

May 10, 2010

I recently did a clean install of lucid lynx amd64 on my desktop computer.After a some days of usage i started experiencing crashes or hangs.Twice my computer crashed and rebooted immediately after.3-4 times my computer hanged as in while listening to an on-line radio station music began to loop and the computer become completely unresponsive.The Apps i was running at that time i think were firefox vlc jdownloader ...My question is: In the event that this isn't a hardware problem since windoz are fine, is there some logs i can post/look at or same other app that can help me resolve this?

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Server :: Resize2fs After Adding LVM PV Hangs / Crashes

Feb 4, 2011

I'm somewhat a newbie at LVM and have encountered a real problem for me. During resize2fs after extending my LV i ended up with a crash. Now I'm worried I have lost all my old data. How can I proceed to get the volume in working order?

NoFear ~ # lvextend -L+400G /dev/vgftp/lvftp
Extending logical volume lvftp to 4.16 TiB
Logical volume lvftp successfully resized
NoFear ~ # umount /dev/vgftp/lvftp
NoFear ~ # resize2fs /dev/vgftp/lvftp
resize2fs 1.41.10 (10-Feb-2009)
Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/vgftp/lvftp' first .....

NoFear ~ # e2fsck -f /dev/vgftp/lvftp
e2fsck 1.41.10 (10-Feb-2009)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/vgftp/lvftp: 308343/505479168 files (18.3% non-contiguous),
1006593162/1010942976 blocks
NoFear ~ # resize2fs /dev/vgftp/lvftp
resize2fs 1.41.10 (10-Feb-2009)
Resizing the filesystem on /dev/vgftp/lvftp to 1115800576 (4k) blocks.
** CRASH / HANG **

25hours waiting and nothing happens. No disk I/O going on or anything. I have no backups or anything of this volume. What can I do do revert the process to get the disks back? I have not done anything at all after the crash/hang in fear of destroying something.

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Fedora :: 11 Crashes - Computer Hangs And Have To Do A Hard Reset ?

Aug 11, 2009

My Fedora 11 installation was a breeze but i have been experiencing crashes sometimes. the computer hangs and i have to do a hard reset.

Here is what /var/log/messages say before the crash:

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Upgrade Hangs / Crashes On Load?

Apr 30, 2011

I upgraded my laptop from 10.10 to 11.04 yesterday. On the reboot part of the installation and on all subsequent boots, the loader gets as far as the initial Ubuntu splash screen before switching to verbose mode and dying in interesting ways.

If I boot using wireless, the display flashes six times, then sometimes hangs around before reporting: iwlagn 0000:08:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 4 (this number can be anything from 0 to 10)

If I boot using a network connection, I get the same splash screen and six flashes before the system hands, usually at the message: Stopping userspace bootslash [OK]

I am not keen on reinstalling from CD except as a last resort as I have a number of files that I do not want wiped.

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Ubuntu :: Start Over - System Crashes Or Hangs For A While Before Coming Back

Mar 1, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu for quite a while, several years, though several upgrades. Experimented with various things, uninstalled some and various other messy activities. Some things don't work as well as they used to. Sometimes my system crashes, or hangs for a while before coming back. I still get a KDE screen when I shut down, though I attempted to uninstal that desktop. I would like to start over, that is with as little trouble possible to reinstall from scratch. Have to save my user directories, also the directories for my LAMP applications.

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General :: Montor - Display Crashes And Hangs In Ubuntu And LinuxMint

Sep 2, 2010

I have "successfully" installed both LinuxMint 9 "Isadora" and Ubuntu 10.04 on it, and found I have the same problem with each. That is, I am able to:

1. startup to the live CD

2. format the hd to be all Linux

3. startup the computer from the HD into Linux

Then, I get these problems, in both distributions

4. Monitor hangs on the desktop background for an immensely long time (maybe 30 minutes?) with no cursor or menu bar or status bar or anything

5. Eventually, I get a desktop that I would expect and I have an option to do things like update, customize etc. however at this point, the cursor is invisibile. I am able to navigate and get around by guessing (menubar elements highlight when being hovered over)

6. After about a half an hour in an operable mode (I have tested network connections, played videos and music from external HD media stores, you name it.) the monitor will mysteriously crash.

#4: nothing I do while the dekstop background is featureless, meaning any key on the keyboard or any normal key combination, including all the F keys, ctrl-F keys, ctrl-alt-delete or ctrl-alt-escape or alt-opt-delete or alt-option-escape etc. Nothing does anything. It is utterly unresponsive.

#6 What I mean by "mysteriously crash"? the monitor goes black and then the top half starts displaying what looks like a super-zoomed in bar code. The only way out of this is to force the computer to restart.

Since this happens in both the linux distributions, I'm at a loss to figure what's causing it.

I am using a Compaq FS7600 17 inch CRT monitor with this Dell Dimension 2400.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 Crashes When Using Firefox?

Apr 7, 2010

Sometimes, when browsing the internet with FireFox, the entire system freezes. The only thing I can do is moving the mouse pointer,I can't use the Run command or anything else.It usually happens after a stand-by.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.6 Amarok Crashes

Jan 29, 2011

After upgrading to KDE 4.6 (Factory repos) Amarok crashes every time I try to play a song. Changing between Gstreamer and Xine doesn't make any difference.

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OpenSUSE :: Opensuse Crashes On Inactivity ?

Aug 9, 2010

When i leave my computer for a moment i can see the screensaver completely frozen, nothing responds: keyboard, touchpad... I can preview the screensaver correctly, one with an ASCII aquarium.

What can be causing this?

Opensuse 11.3, 2GB Swap, fresh install

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 Suspend To RAM/Disc Crashes?

Nov 13, 2009

I just upgraded my AMD64 Phenom X3 on Asus M3A76-CM mobo from OpenSuSE 11.1 to OpenSuSE 11.2. The upgrade didn't go smooth, but it went through after some glitches. I posted this from the system running OpenSuSE 11.2. The problems I have encountered are the system crashed when I tried to Suspend to RAM and/or Disc. The display just showed the Penguin sideway with the bar went down to about 85%. BTW, why shows a Penguin sideway when the system is suspended to RAM/Disc? If one wants to show a Penguin sleeps, it should be standing and not laid sideway.

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OpenSUSE :: When Try To Set A Screensaver The Whole Program Crashes?

Feb 19, 2010

I've just installed opensuse 11.2 kde 64 bit and when I try to set a screensaver the whole program crashes. What's wrong with it?How do you fix the screensaver program?

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OpenSUSE :: Flightgear Crashes With The Pulseaudio?

Mar 17, 2010

I had to use pulseaudio as nothing else worked. Even now no kde system sounds and:

michael@linux-os4n:~/Dokumente> fgfs --aircraft=b1900d
Assertion 'm->n_waiting_for_accept > 0' failed at pulse/thread-mainloop.c:221, function pa_threaded_mainloop_accept(). Aborting.

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OpenSUSE :: Base Crashes

May 10, 2010

Every couple of hours OOo Base crashes - just closes the program of its' own accord.

Annoying enough in itself, but at least it usually recovers up to the last point I saved my work. The last time it happened though it didn't even recover to my last save point - it recovered to an old save point! So I have lost 30 minutes' work.

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OpenSUSE :: Kate Crashes On Launching?

Jun 25, 2010

kate is my favorite text editor, and everything was working fine until recently. Whenever launching Kate, whether by opening a text file or by clicking the Kate icon, a dialog box pops up that KDEInit could not launch 'konsole'. In the background, a konsole window flashes briefly before disappearing.The baffling thing is, that if I click the "run Kate" shortcut, instead of the Kate shortcut, then Kate launches normally. I'm running 11.2 with all the updates installed

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OpenSUSE :: OpenOffice Crashes On Start In 11.3?

Aug 12, 2010

Recently OpenOffice has started crashing on me when loading the program. The splash screen will appear for a moment then the KDE crash handler comes up. Here's what I get when launching from the console:

slomojo@linux-yiyy:~$ ooffice
KCrash: Application 'soffice.bin' crashing...

I've tried deleting the .ooo3 directory in my home directory but that doesn't seem to help. Also, I'm running with Sun's JDK in case that makes any difference. I know that OpenOffice was working fine for me immediately after my fresh install of 11.3. I only use OpenOffice once every couple of weeks so I'm not sure if there was a specific update or anything that broke things for me.

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OpenSUSE :: Kwrite Continuously Crashes In SU?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to change attributes in my /etc/fstab file.

I cant change my fstab file because apparently Kwrite only crashes when accessed by Konsole in SU mode.

I type this input/output:

linux-mg28:/home/me # kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab
kdesu(13370): Session bus not found
KCrash: Application 'kdesu' crashing...


I have a dual XP/suse11.3 system. I even removed my old Suse along with all its partitions, leaving only the NTFS XP, re-downloaded the 11.3 ISO image, burned a new fresh install disk and reinstalled 11.3. I updated the software in YaST.

I still can't modify my fstab file. But I can locate the file in Dolphin and click it to open in a Kwrite window. Read only of course.

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OpenSUSE :: Eclipse Crashes After Update (On 11.3)

Sep 4, 2010

My Eclipse crashes after some updates on 11.3

I got an error :
The program 'Eclipse' received an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the program. The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.
(Details: serial 163951 error_code 11 request_code 53 minor_code 0)
Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

I googled and found some solutions by downgrading xulrunner, but no dice.

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OpenSUSE :: 3.2 Crashes On 11.3 With GNOME?

Sep 8, 2010

When I've installed openSUSE 11.3, OpenOffice was asking me to install JRE, and I did it. However, next time i run it, it crashed without any error log. When I run it again, it sad a couple of time that JRE is defective, and asked me to reinstall it again. Eons passed, but my patience was rewarded. Impress was up. but just for a few seconds. Then it crashed again, and left no signs of life. I've repeated the same cycle few times... Then I decided to search for a solution, and read topics where similar problems were discussed. One solution was to expand my swap memory, and the another one was to install an older version of OO. I wasn't very eager to install an older version of OO, so I tried to expand swap memory by cutting memory from the other partitions. I found reference that swap memory should be twice bigger than RAM. Since i have 512 + 256 MB RAM, I've typed 1536 MB as a new value for swap memory. Error appeared that value of swap memory must be between 42MB and 684MB. I'm not sure about the second number, but it was between 600 and 700... I must get working as soon as possible, because it's very important for my work. I'm running 64bit openSUSE 11.3 on AMD Sempron 2800+ with 768MB RAM using OpenOffice and java-1_6_0-sun

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Crashes In New 11.3 Install?

Dec 16, 2010

I just installed OpenSUSE 11.3 last night and so far today I have had TWO Plasma crashes which leave the taskbar in a black color with stripes.

After the first one I located a post on the Web that said to do the following:

Do CTRL-ALT-F1 (this does not work on my system at all, why?)
rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma*
CTRL-D to logout

I did that and it did not fix the problem. I messed around with the desktop settings and somehow got the task bar back to gray.

Now during a copy of a large number of files from one disk to another with Dolphin, it crashed AGAIN.

So far 11.3 is proving a massive disappointment compared to the 11.0 I had on up to last night. Things are more complicated and clearly not as stable as KDE 3.5.x.

And I'm switching back to Konqueror as the default file manage because Dolphin appears to be unstable at doing a simple task like copying files without freezing.

I also hate the task notifier which during a copy pops up and covers my NoScript bar in Firefox.

do I have to switch to another distro? I really don't want to do that, but so far OpenSUSE 11.3 is a massive problem.

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OpenSUSE :: System Crashes While Using Rhythmbox (0.12.8-1.43)

Feb 7, 2011

I am not sure as to why but rhythmbox actually freezes the system. I am unable to get into another desktop by pressing control-alt-F1, F2 etc. I am not sure how to diagnose this problem. The window loads, and then the system just crashes. According to the software Manager I am using version 0.12.8-1.43

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OpenSUSE :: Eclipse Cdt Helios Crashes?

Apr 28, 2011

I've just installed openSUSE 11.4 64bit Gnome and after that I downloaded eclipse-cpp-helios-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz (CDT version for eclipse). I downloaded the linuxtools and tried to write some lines and I got a crash. I have the Oracle Java installed on the system. I restarted eclipse but seems that I cannot get rid of this crash. Did you experince something like this?

This is the output from cli:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f48a3a2a89b, pid=16354, tid=139949755737856
# JRE version: 6.0_24-b07


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OpenSUSE :: Applications Crashes Without Any Known Reason?

Jul 13, 2011

on my Netbook i run Opensuse 11.4, it works fine until a couple Days. Since there more and more Apps wont start anymore. For example Dolphin, Yast, Ocular and so on... so better say´d, only Thunderbird and Firefox still running. I dont get any Error Messages or something like this, when i start a Application there just pop´s the Program Bar in the Start Menu and then after that (normally the Window of the Program would be shown) it just disappears. Dumb on that is, that i even cant backup my Data, because Dolphin dont show up anymore.

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OpenSUSE :: Yast2 Partitioner Crashes On Use?

Aug 22, 2011

11.4-KDE4.6.5 32bit install,,,perhaps it is the normal way now, but it was new to me: Opened Yast2 Partitioner module, and attempted to set up an extended partition on space unallocated of sdb. Went thru the steps to create and hit finish, immediately i get a kdesu authorization dialog and yast2 Partitioner disappears/crashes. entry in var/log/messages:

Aug 22 09:08:25 blkdragon polkitd(authority=local): Operator of unix-session:/org/freedesktopConsoleKit/Session3 FAILED to authenticate to gain authorization for action org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount-system-internal for system-bus-name::1.38 [kdeinit4: kded4 [kdeinit]] (owned by unix-user:blkdragon) so, does this mean I have to set up udisks/polkit rules for using the Partitioner? Yast2 was not considered in the default polkit rules for the install?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Track Down The Cause Of Crashes

Feb 17, 2010

I have something crashing my system. It might be the random screensaver setting as it was an issue in 11.0 although I have not see it be an issue in 11.2. Previously I though my computer was shutting itself down and because of that I started this thread: opensuse 11.2 shutting down - openSUSE Forums

but now I know the issue is crashing it seems like I should start a separate thread as it's a completely different question. I guess I need to learn how to determine what caused a crash after I reboot a crashed system. So, other than blindly combing logs of which there are dozens, is there a smart methodical way to determine what is crashing a system after a restart? -- when you are not around to see what the cause is as it happens.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Xen & Nvidia Crashes X11

Jun 7, 2010

I have a strange problem that the X-Server freezes when I log out, switch to another virtual console or the like.

It works fine when I boot the kernel without xen.

The problem reduced to a very simple scenario:

* Boot Xen-Dom0-Kernel
* wait until the X11 display manager wants a login
* Press Alt+Ctrl+Fx
==> X11 freezes

I tried with kde4 and with xdm as display manager, both show the same problem. It does not happen when I boot with the XEN-less kernel.

I am using openSUSE 11.1 with all patches on AMD64 and the nvidia driver. 32bit is not a solution, this machine has 16GB Memory (which would be useless ...)

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Kaffein Always Crashes ?

May 16, 2010

When i try to play pretty much anything...playlist

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: VLC Tries To Start But Crashes

Feb 6, 2011

VLC had been working well, but after some updates, it crashes after trying to start. When starting from the menu, it puts a slot in the taskbar and has the bouncing pylon for a few seconds, then those disappear. When starting in console, it immediately returns"VLC media player 1.1.7 The Luggage (revision exported)
Floating point exception".VLC starts correctly from console with "strace vlc".I deleted the configuration files "vlc-qt-interface.conf" and "vlcrc" in ~/.config/vlc/, but this made no difference when trying to start VLC.

The system is OpenSuSE 11.3, 32 bit; KDE 4.4.4 release 3; NVIDIA 260.19.29.The problem exists with both VLC versions from Packman, and 1.1.7-3.1 from Videolan.I suspect this is similar to an Amarok problem described at Amarok Keep Crash and Amarok opens and crashes immediately

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